Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: 4-Player - #1 - Butt Disaster

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lovers in a dangerous space-time hi everybody welcome to stumped is a Chandra requesting jasmine oh we're playing some lovers lovers in a dangerous space-time thank you can you make it cuter just cute it up a little bit like 10% lose in a dangerous space-time so me and Jasmine are I did a full playthrough of this game of almost a year ago at this point ya know back when I first came out but it's originally it was only a two-player game they just like a month ago or so a few weeks ago released a four player free update to this game um and I'm interested to see how that changes it is it was really built for two players so I'm interested to see maybe there's bigger ships that makes it more complex right maybe it's just super easy or yeah or maybe there's more monsters yeah maybe it's just some odd so we're gonna start a whole new game um okay or I mean technically we have a safe but mostly because we but does not Anand according issues some technical difficulties all right so who wants to be yellow I guess so your press be ash okay okay so you have to be I have to be playable with this controller that's why them all right so I'm yellow Ash's green hello yo calm down I see you screaming in the comments calm down it's fine oh hi my baby Epsilon my nose is all get you - it's your nose bro house alright let's do this on story time so cute mmm-hmm who has to read it I'll read it you read it I want to do Boyce's long ago in a faraway future super-smart scientists built a machine to harness the most awesome force in the universe love so cute look at that with the power of the ardor reactor explorers took to the Stars uniting all the peoples of the galaxy come on Jess he's the resident dancer looks like a but it's that's hard it all were pretty never seen a Harvey's work of very empathetic rescue space knots the lovers who guarded the reactor got into the gut read the but react er what disaster what is a slight disaster oh they're too cute adorable I know that those are bunny rabbits but they look like lights on air in the xoxo matrix allow the dark force of Auntie love to seep into our reality auntie love auntie love the love of auntie's your auntie is love yes the explosion ripped a hole in space-time itself and the ardour reactor was blasted to pieces it ripped a hole in the door everybody come here they don't find it funny look at him let's kiss good let's Oh No oh poor little bunny oh she's gonna be trapped there for eternity now yep don't sit with love man now with anti love spreading across the galaxy the fate of our space-time seems decidedly unlovely ah lovely that's that's my new head cannon now replace the word love with but that's the whole game now I'm Butler look at that guy he's so cute oh there's little spectacles do they have voices yeah oh yeah any sports I was gonna say split one runu get some feeling means thank God prototype chip he might still have power I'm talking to it huh the prototype ships cut off from the west ventricle if I can just get a signal through oh it's a perfect little voice for him all right all right lovers HQ letter attack okay okay now we're angry jump okay uh I guess I'll go in this one I'm gonna do okay you go to that one I'll go to this one that seems like it's very easy everything's like already there shoot your targets so red you shoot that one up there up to the cookie booth go but now that we have to have somebody who will steer steer no yeah there's us in a second right so we can't have people on like every but we can't happen we can have people on three oh I forgot to talk for him damn it alright little bunny guy rag do your job oh we have to shoot the button oh buddies okay got a table I got oh a flask oh oh now we have a shield see so there's multiple things there's lots of things lots of things I just saying it's a little easier come on with four yeah but death does a lot but that does a lot shields alright let's say there is a navigation wants to be the helmsman where is them it's it's coming in right now it you're gonna be the helmsman hold X okay all right uh where do you want us jazz um I got the shield okay I guess Rick and I are on gun duty well it looks like the tunnel to your right is sealed but some cosmic space bunnies could bust through it if you weren't all captured I'm gonna go on the Left gun Rick I'll take guns left in bottom you want to take right on top okay there you go buddy oh he's healing it with the power of his love yes very reminiscent of Katamari Deborah Lynch yeah all right let's go all right bottom gun to Sun shield jazz is on shields okay that's good uh cuz you guys you guys have experience I figure you guys start and then you know if we're feeling frisky maybe Rick and I last to frisky take over frisky at some point risky frisky risky frisky frisky frisky put Irish Kingdom what's this yamato cannon prototype but it's actually approved for ritual yet but uh but all right so that's like a notion to mechanic yeah that's totally your I could be on ultimate duty oh gosh I'll get on the left hand side guns show you better what you said ultimate duty ultimate duty duty does a lot especially uh since this is a but ship now exactly why should okay we got good lolly but good ship lollipop good shop proud little pop what the Emoto can is very powerful but you have to time it just right alright cuz it circles around and it just it fires a bunch right now watch a little bit you guys playing dude yeah yeah buy that I think I mean I watch the pool oh we need five robots there's the escape or Oh looks like you'll need more space bunnies doping it though okay I love your voice Rick Thanks here we go space I okay we got one we need ten those pronouncing I'm or beef bunny oh I gotta get on the left-hand side okay try to get to the top if they do stop there we go alright good shoe jazz mm-hmm what ash you use our alt it comes back like every 30 second alright man play the game I get it all right there we go okay that's a navigate horror so if we ever get a little lost because if it tells you where bunnies are that's your battle station all the magic to map map is right behind the webcam um hey yeah okay so there's buddy over there up over to the left and then we can go down probably get the rest yep do I see a thing down there oh well that's more map data gotcha oh cool - she'll kind of bumps you off the edge yeah you don't want to run into anything will again damage damage oh okay okay how do we open this guy literally something in here yeah I imagine this like a how this bunny up to the left there we go oh oh no oh did he just get sucked into it oh he's coming out there I think this oh it's like a challenge right yeah we have to kill all these things first I'll go to the left Ricky go to the top up Jess yeah thank you oh yeah I got it I guess it's got it she's cat oh my god okay say is that bunny bunny say honey everybody whoo all right let's go go down right pedal to the down there's nothing down there now is this thing open now that we saved that bunny see you've got a question marks road ahead what is it I look it's this thing oh that's a bunny radar so if I go up here now mewed are we we know where do the next bunny is ah some AppData now he doesn't end point a space buddy bird baby bunny Bonnie's in space sighs hey do you have one pair of I remember have you have one freaky-deaky space suit bunny or do you have several changes what trust abuse scraper this is Bonnie it's a buddy what to do without that bad the security systems gonna be wire remember your chips and block bullets cool cool lockdown bullets can we not blow up those guns like you know now we can't boo there's a heart careful shield down down oh okay so now you got shield down straight below us yep all right what's up here okay alright yeah good I reckon I'm gonna get in the left gun cuz okay we're heading this way if you want to do lower go ahead we just got it we got to be in Subotica brother simpatico we got high that's a restaurant he reportedly whoo yay - bunny bunnies we did it nobody's all the way now we owe now we can go up into the left oh the power of friendship Oh everybody's buddy okay and then up here - oh gosh something just spawned like on top of us your motto cannon we can easily matter if you want go for it that was a ways to be a motto no no no it's gonna get those guys yeah I take it all back I take it back you oh I got it did that fit fit fit it bigger you know isten mutt it looks like we got two guys down there okay I don't know that's right back that's right so let's make sure where's the other bun yet oh my god damn oh we gotta fight we got them all scary's go through the heart awesome cool man pass-through I did this it's it's kind of like regular human basketball and in space and buddy's boys in bunny spots regular human basketball only this time basket drama has to love hmm this is the story of back to try learning to love yeah yeah Ricky do you just crack the cup I cracked it congratulations basket Ron here just got a heart you just got space basket Ron's heart through three sizes there yeah he's not there yeah he still has to save all the love in the basket Ron oh you made it thank goodness the universe has become unstable the fabric of space-time is shifting oh I love that I really hope is to recover the for air door door brood are here but door autoreactive pieces I'm sorry I got flustered I couldn't read I think one of them is somewhere in the Ursa Major region I like that we sort of like you ask someone else to take that voice Rick did that guy I think it's the only guy that the average speed I never speak enjoy Rick all right okay gotta keep that one up all right uh major time or some major let's do it gum all zero so that was just the tutorial stage is that right yeah basically yeah so now we can unlock better ships over time start with the gumball zero okay okay it's phone calls this you don't just go straight and so now you can like to get high like perfect scores on levels right yes so let's try and like really go for that because we got four people I think that we can just be easier because the ships don't necessarily seem more competing signal throughout this sector it must be space bunnies and need rescuing alright let's see we got that so right here there's no bunnies right above and to the right yep bunnies to the right Amin oh you're gonna take over the oh rick saan the shield down wait am i you have your on the shield red shield so Rick Rick are you gonna do it I'll do this she'll but there's the buddy do you know the strats you got to keep it still if you want it to actually be yeah you can't be moving it if you want to work oh all right those want to shoot fire that's a lot of them well we got him though alright so I'm just going to explore what is that this away oh you're good okay yeah which guns do you want the most jazz it doesn't matter to me I'll take the right in the top oh God alright wanna the top right so oh nice are we just running or what's going on yeah we're exploring to this point okay I thought we're getting buddies well I mean we don't have any more bunny data doing we have one we have one bunny data that's fine I'll just keep going I can I can check the map here in a second yeah ready yeah whoo oh we went really far yeah so we're exploring this whole side now I'm gonna go keep going laughter then down you shoot those you can uh you go yes oof that was clutch that does hurt us you can't shoot it it takes a while for it to um but death doesn't look do you yeah it does all right whoo Galaga uh miss so I feel like something's gotta be in there probably all right these guys are respawn they do oh that's right yeah okay shields you got to be on major shield duty in here holy crap yeah holy crap back up oh my god calm down you were way too cavalier with all of our line yeah we should not have gone through there that was crazy it doesn't have it anything through the oh wait there's buddies oh no this gift gift but we could have gone around okay well so now we go I got a gift right here connects power doing that should be upgrade uh sure what's the power jump to again I think it just doubles I feel more powerful oh yay higher shields okay I figured that would be good idea it's good to fly in power gyms everywhere yeah so I can check the map again yeah yeah we're on the outside of the level we go there all cut through the middle yeah and then see there's a question mark there and then there's bunny way out that way how many bunnies are there total there's five five but there's five more but there's more bunnies than that and we'll want to explore the whole other something down below us right here I think I saw some on the surface whoop don't think so fire spitters due to the do good job y'all yeah oh yeah this is easier over here here oh yeah yeah there's definitely some you Oh God careful why am i steering this way yeah ash why are you doing that way say captain my captain hey bunnies yeah challenge zone all right I'm gonna get all the gun yeah that's fine right below us yep nice got a heart good nice yeah sure left left left I got the OP that's fine Oh God got below us you got him okay cool let's just stay on the Left Rick here come those Rockets good job everybody hey buddies got three bunnies Oh God and those give us health back to ya because of the power of love alright so is there anything else inside the space that we should look around yeah let's keep going forward a little bit to the left the power tikka rubia again okay that's just down a I think this is just another entrance if you hear lovely yeah cool nice dum-dums on the right side dum-dums to the route of me good dum-dum dead what's that big red blob down there there's a big red blob on the radar downwards I'm just I think it's getting rid of all the fog of war right yeah vicious an asteroid - - right yeah yes Troy you're right just better you're right you're right then you buy meals you're always right what you're right and when you're right you're right and you you're always right alright is he what's it's busy its perilous don't worry about it it's fine okay all right to the right Rick we're fine Oh buddies look close buddies let's close all righty another challenge I'm in the right guy there's two bunnies in here yeah up good you're gonna top gun okay all right you know I'm gonna boom there you go all right cool we got it no props little okay so we can get the party now upper left of us there we go oh yeah pie baby health okay but we want to explore the whole level and look for power-ups yep one look for all the bunnies cuz there's 15 bunnies is that what it looks like or is that just across the whole zone no I see is there a cuz I think that there is such a so we don't want your heart yet there are more bunnies they're kind of space yeah I think it said we were like 15 bunnies on the level I go down we're just gonna clear all the fog war yeah yeah cuz if you clear the fog then if a Bunny's there it shows you right yep okay do you do - dude you can't stop firing those guns fire your lasers always fire fire photon torpedo never know when you're just gonna like accidentally kill something Oh some up here is that right hey president oh it's data that's fine bunny data buddy data bunny look out oh good Mike extract all right I'm gonna check the the map cut right okay okay Eddie let's go I'm gonna go around this Red Rock Red Rock rocks oh what's up there at the health plan is health planet so if we ever get in trouble we'll go over there Oh gravity we're gravity okay oh wait she's like a queasy planet yeah it is a prison planet like a person planet Todd or gain don't go there it's like it's like a UH you guys ever see alien 3 it's like alien 3 oh god is it yeah that planet was a prison planet oh yeah I thought you were gonna say it's a failure of a movie yeah oh that's a good movie I do like the ending though we're at a stick move Ripley jumps into the lava and then the alien is not for chess at the last minute I like alien 3 I think it's probably the worst of the oh gee sure and I think the original well I think the amount of production problems that movie had just made it impossible to a quality great yeah I said because my thing is like I really like it I agree it's probably I like the word or the trilogy but it's like when your trilogy is all perfect so why you're not including Alien Resurrection in the Canon no it is canon it's canon you have to deal with that and it's definitely the worst yeah I was gonna say but it's also not as bad as I remembered it being I've watched it again recently and it's like it's bad but it's not as bad as I remember it I like the dark ending of alien 3 that's probably the only part of it that I like them um so to the right is where we got yeah I think we just have to shoot our way through yeah all right Josh there's guys coming from below they're coming up from below from behind from below ah yeah there we go we took him home all right all right there we go more buddies at a present yeah brothers now we can power up one of the other things right yeah we get our yeah gun if you want to French rescued you can also power up the Yamata the motto you power up the her up the engine as well engine Mary's niyama Auto Oh God oh boy oh boy oh boy yeah it was totally in the wrong direction was oh well it happens so we've saved everybody though yeah was that was that all the dissidents add you all friends saying yeah something like oh look out yeah oh oh okay tried to get out of here okay there we go there go up up up okay okay doing all right all right so then the question is do we want to keep clearing stuff and look for power-ups or looking for power-ups is great so let's just quickly clear all the fog war and then get the heck out of here heck out of Dodge how much more fog is there all I'll check the map real quick oh it's good matter something way down there's actually something the bottom that we didn't know what he may as well just go to the bottom and clear that out first okay since grab this power up on the way okay oh is it a powerup do we know we don't know it might just be map data which would be useless to us now but it could be it could also be a present so what are we power of already one of the guns yeah okay you're gonna power it up pedal Jim medow Joe do you want that on the shields we want that on what do you want that on uh shield is pretty good what's about wraps I think if you put on steering wheel uh well if you put on the gun oh yeah put it on the steering wheel hey guys what does that do and shoot the heart Oh someone shoot these hearts okay pop pop then we actually get Cal traps yeah yeah we're leaving a little trail of kalchalker move Rodell do I'll just I shoot more hearts here we go go hearts dude oh good okay so we need to go all the way around to the lower right of the asteroid field basically yep sweets go go yeah count drop thing that's kind of lotion we're good we're good burgers got the shield going we've got shields have we been in I got you she is okay man we haven't been over down here nope Rick's got us he's got shield right is there anything over here I think the best for them revealed no no no they're still far we're still goes we are uh blowing everything up yeah you're all I'll check the map again real quick just so you can see okay just a little thing that's gonna be there probably nothing there but just go ahead and clear it might as well well okay so now we probably own ahead all the way up yep yep okay did you do more in the map here and killing the things doing you study and making dreams things and dreams don't rhyme Kanye I know hey dare because Kanye would go even lazier and he would arrive things with things yeah all right these are lyrical genius come on guys if by genius you mean repeats himself technically I think things rinds are things closer than dreams like I'm gonna get technical I if we're really gonna split those hairs and act like either of those things is a good thing to do I think you already reserved it yeah I'm just saying there's a reason why kanya is a millionaire he's doing something right I mean is it he's he's selling white t-shirts for $120 money from Facebook yeah he did you know Zuckerberg hit me up we need to go up more what was with that there's no way that guy was broke what was he talking about was he seriously just trying to get free money I see a couple of things over there so I'm pretty sure you don't get rich by spending your own money so I guess that's a great point you make that's what I've been doing wrong my turn I'm just spending my own money it's very true all right careful careful oh dang it how do you hit it is up with those called colab don't I want nothing to do with all right kids toys what I want you to do take all of your money put it into the bag send it to Kanye West oh don't he need your money do not send Kanye West anyone he doesn't deserve your money doesn't deserve anything oh gosh see all right that's not true he probably deserves whatever Fame he got from that first half because I was really good all right yeah that was good through the wire right whatever it was call it all job where'd that other power up guy I put it I use you you're just using them without even consulting the crap put it in a have we explored the web yes I think we have I put on your left no I see guys it see that's look at this man oh there's a little bit just to the left get out of here get out of here we're lovers and don't you eventually get to two slots yes yes and you can mix and match the powers which is really cool another gift yeah a nifty gifties all right this one is right next to you Howard yeah which I just power up another gun sure go for it I mean you had nowhere else to put it so triple okay uh where are we you got it yep I think there's one place left to explore I think we've done it all yeah just the just the center of the universe with the heart right four stars horseshoes movers n moons pots of gold and rainbows and there at balloon red balloons oh damn you love these little guys that just pop right pop up pop pop you know they're laughing at you right in the butt toucher it's not clear in the air she met unlocked butt toucher we did it took us 13 minutes to do it yes buh-buh-buh-buh-buh next upgrade is 15 goggle alright well I think that's probably we're going to end it on episode 1 everybody long episode long episode but let us know what you're thinking of it I think we're gonna do a couple more and want to see the whole thing yeah let us know we want to know if you guys want to see us do the whole campaign or don't like with your views get a feel for what for players like anyway else we've been some I'm a natural murmur progestin catch y'all next time you
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 380,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Lovers, Dangerous, Spacetime, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Gameplay, Co-op, Multiplayer, 2 player, coop, Intro, Funny
Id: Nhtc6fhw1YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2016
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