Love vs Lust // Single, Ready to Mingle (Part 3)

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some of you have seen we have a single ready to mingle book that's out we are really excited for that amen and it's actually number one released on Amazon right now in the youth and the teenager in the Christian section and I'm really believing it's gonna touch a lot of people's lives amen I met a family this morning and I really do not like to embarrass people publicly I used to enjoy the a lot more but if you if it's your first time if it's the first time today at hungry generation wanna let you know we welcome you let's give them a round of applause every person who's coming for the first time so this family is all the way from Missouri and they're actually on the vacation in Seattle area and they decided to drive all the way from Seattle off of their vacation to be with us this morning and the young man shared with me his like man here how he stumbled upon one of the videos and they really helped him in a very difficult season of a spiritual life and so he brought his whole family could it could I embarrass you guys and ask you to stand we just want to honor you and Ivan would you be able to give him the book give it to the young man over there maybe we love you guys thank you so much for coming all the way and I just want to bless you with the book thank you guys so much for making all the way from Seattle and if anybody else drove from other places here today we welcome you as well if you're watching us a live stream we welcome you as well get the book ready to mingle single person and it's gonna bless your life if it's gonna be available in the lobby today and stuff so without further ado I want you to rise to your feet open up your Bible or open your phone and we're gonna read the scripture together in 1st Samuel chapter ii samuel chapter 13 verse 1 and 2 as you go in there if you're there already say i'm there if you are going there say wait for me getting there Bible app is loading especially if you got the new beta your phone is probably malfunctioning right now may God deliver your phone in Jesus name if you didn't have a phone or you don't believe in reading the Bible from the phone and you forgot your Bible we have a verse right behind you will read it together on account of three one two three after this Absalom the son of David had a lovely sister whose name was Tamar and Amnon the son of David loved her Amnon was also so distressed over his sister Tamar that he became sick for she was a virgin and it was improper for a man to do anything to her but Amnon had a friend may God deliver you from those kind of friends that Amnon had while you're standing for just just few more moments I want to remind you that relationships is something that we have certain expectations of but sometimes we walk into a relationship and find out they're not what we expected we sometimes walk in not realizing the person we thought we knew we don't know a young boy came to his father said father is it true that in China a man does not know his wife until he marries her the father says son it's everywhere like that not only in China the scripture says Jacob went to sleep with Rachel and in the morning behold it was Leah how many marriages are just like that you go into sleep thinking its your dream and six months later wake up realize it's a nightmare they said marriage is a sentence they didn't tell it's a life sentence it's a prison sentence for some yes it has a lot of rings it has an engagement ring a wedding ring they didn't tell you also has a suffering and endure ring one of the biggest problems people have is they come into relationships with high expectation and low preparation that expectation is on a hundred preparation is on twenty do the math that's how much frustration they experienced in their life for us to experience satisfaction in the relationship we have to walk in with the with the sober understanding of what relationships are of the spiritual reality and also to understand what love is see you have to understand the culture has redefined love for us the culture says fall in love God says walk in love how many of you know everything that falls breaks but everything that grows becomes stronger see the culture says love is the feeling God's Word says love is a choice it's a willing the culture says marry the person that you love God says love the person that you marry the culture says if you find the right person you will be happy God's Word says if you're gonna be the right person you will be happier and so today I want to let you know that God wants to redefine understanding of what love is making love doesn't make it love love is not sex love is the value you place on somebody making love doesn't make it love love is not what happens in the backseat of the car love is not a feeling it's not a sexual intercourse it's a value you place as somebody else and this morning this afternoon we're gonna just briefly touch on the third part of single ready to mingle the rest of you guys can go on YouTube and find the first part which was on Wednesday and the second part which was on the first service we're gonna touch on love versus lust you may take your seat in the presence of God some of you are afraid that you're gonna end up standing up the whole service like it happened last Sunday huh for those of you who watch the service Isaiah thank you for teaching us that it's possible to stand with the whole service amen we're gonna take notes write this down the first thing is lust is pleasure focused love is person focused amnon the Bible says he loved Tamar but that's not real love because real love focuses on the person lust focuses on the pleasure the person gives you that's why people who say I fell in love quickly say I fell out of love why because the moment the person stops giving you the pleasure you say you fell out of love in reality you never loved the person you're addicted to pleasure I think it was Rabbi Abraham explained the best about love and he coined this phrase fish love I used it in the book in the first chapter and it really changed my understanding of what love is I stopped saying to people that I love fish I used to people asked me you know they do love fish and I would say yes meaning I love eating fish but i stopped saying that because if you would love fish you wouldn't let the fish be deceived pulled out of the water gutted out fried it froze and fry and then eat and and then still wipe your mouth and said I love fish well I hope you don't do this to everything and everyone you love a lot of people's love is the same way they deceive people they got people out it freeze people they fry people they eat people and then they wipe and say I love this person well I hope you don't love them like that because you don't love the fish you just love how fish makes you feel after it enters into your stomach and your digestive system see we must understand is that love is not what I experience it's what somebody else's experiences because of my actions somebody say Amen number two love and lust love gifts love grasps the scripture says in John chapter three verse 16 for God so loved the world that he what that he what he gave I want you to see amnon he was in love but he took the girl's virginity he took the girls purity she said no he overpowered that because he didn't think she meant no lust always grasps love gifts it's love if it takes something from someone it's lust if it takes something from someone and it's love if it gives something to someone a Bible says in here is that he was distressed over his sister that he became sick I want you to know one thing about love sick people don't have it I don't mean physically sick lust makes people sick love makes people whole person cannot give love if they are sick meaning if they're not whole if they are broken if a person is devastated wounded broken insecure they have no love to give they only have lust the only people who have love to give our people who are whole don't be attracted to someone who is in need yes it will stimulate your Messiah Complex of fixing somebody but you will quickly understand within a short period of time that there is Jesus and you're not him and people who are sick need a doctor not a date Amnon did not need a date he needed a doctor if love makes you sick you don't need a date you need a therapist you need inner healing you need a counselor you need deliverance but not a date the scripture says he was distressed because of that love that's not real love real love doesn't make you sick and sick people don't have love to give broken people don't have love to give many times they're the ones in need of love and that love is found in Jesus Christ that love is found in relationship with God intimacy romance is not where you find love it's where you share love you find love at the feet of Jesus you find love and intimacy with God you find love and someone who never leaves you and never abandons you and when you find love in him next thing that happens my friend you are free to share that love you're not going into relationship so they can fix you you're not going into a relationship to get a rehab out of romance you're not going into a relationship to look for a messiah you're looking for someone to love and in return you get love as well many people walk into a relationship needy I need you to love me if you're needy you need a doctor not a relationship because you quickly will discover that the person you attracted is as needy as you are and both of you are needy realize you begin to drive everybody crazy if you have the need go to the Holy Spirit get your life fixed get your life filled so when you go into a relationship you don't give someone a power to make you whole anytime you look to someone to make you whole you're giving them too much power and this power this person has will not make you whole temporarily they will cover your holes but then you will quickly realize they're not able to make you whole only God can make you whole and that person that made you feel so secure like Thanos with a snap of fingers they make you feel so miserable that person who was so perfect six months later realized such a pervert that person you realize all she so fine six months later you realize she's so controlling so manipulative and her weapon is her tears and her words but you would know that if you would be secure and whole in God every relationship that starts in lust starts in lust because like Amnon there's a need that's not fulfilled sometimes that need is created with the absence of the father sometimes that need created with the fact that you just got dumped by a boyfriend or you you have that need created because you maybe just the demons are just sending you this these lustful thoughts and that need is there a date cannot fix that deliverance can a doctor Jesus can and when you're whole you're going into a relationship not so that something can fix you you don't go into marriage so you can get delivered from pornography you go into marriage so you can love on someone you don't get defined by the spouse because you already know who you are and usually you end up attracting someone who is as whole as you are amen number three love versus lust lust feels like love to those who don't know love lust will feel like love to those who don't know love Eric would you come up Eric one of these is alcohol one of them is water love and lust a lot of times have the same label they actually look to say to people who don't know the difference on the outside you know it's just strong feelings a sense of thrill palms sweating heart racing sleepless nights you are so excited to see that person like your heart skips a beat when they enter the room it's just it's exciting it's infatuation how do you know if it's just an infatuation or if it's real love Eric how would you know if one is water and first of all which which one you think is alcohol this one why do you think this one is alcohol so one is faded and one is clear so he's saying this one is a lot more clear than than this one I don't know what he sees it I just don't see the difference between the clarity of it any other reasons I mean except the gifts of the holy spirit that's guiding it right now so what Eric is saying is you can't really tell which one if you can hold it which one is water and which one is alcohol well there's only one way to tell is to smell it so Eric would you do us the favor which one is that which that's what I tried she's gonna drink it it's water okay praise God you never know okay could you could you maybe both of them are water cuz this one also looks like water that's alcohol and how would you know that the smell the smell I want you to tell you something no no no no no no need to taste it see see some people think that I need to test a relationship to know if it's love or lust and as a Christian you have another sense it's called your spirit well you can sense things see the world relies on the taste you rely on the smell you rely on your spirit man sometimes you just have this tension in your spirit but God removes the piece and everything looks fine about that person they raise hands during worship they carry their Bible there in church but your spirit says something is not right there trust your smell trust your senses don't rely as well I'm gonna date them for six months and then find out and then I find out that they're abusive and I find out they're broke and then I find out that they cheat they lie the exaggerate then I find out they're not right for me you don't need to taste you can smell trust your Holy Spirit your spirit is connected to God's love and your spirit will guide you and lead you that's one thing we have that the world does not have the world has to test drive a car before they buy it you can trust the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will guide you can somebody say Amen let's give Erica round of applause thank you so much Eric go uh dump the alcohol yeah do not drink it that's drinking out of lust makes you a little bit intoxicated and crazy number four lust is passion outside of principles love is passion within principles how do I know that Amnon did not have love is because he desired something that was forbidden what he desired the scripture says God's Word said it was improper for Amnon to have Tamar the girl was 15 years of age come on bro dude really she's your half-sister dude that's not right and God said in Leviticus that bros should not date their sisters have sisters God's Word was very clear do not be with someone who is part of your biological family but see God's Word also says don't be unequally yoked with those who have not your faith God's Word also says that a man should be with the woman and the woman should be with the man God's Word also says these things but the problem a lot of times is that we have a passion that's raging and this is how you know that that passion is not love if that passion violates God's principles as a Christian for us it's sin now if you are here today and you're not a follower of Jesus Christ I want to tell you something you actually have a free pass you actually can follow your passions it's not wise but you can do that why because you are the lord of your life you are the god of your life you are your own supreme ruler like north korea has their supreme ruler you got your own it's you you are in charge of you you are the savior of you so you can do whatever you want as Christians we have surrendered that right when we gave our life to Jesus we accepted him as our Savior and accepted him as our Lord can somebody say Amen his word becomes the regulation for a passion we submit our passions to him we don't go in and try to change God's Word to fulfill our passions we let God's Word control our passions sometimes you're 15 years of age and you're sexually got awakened you realize girls exist and they're cute but it's not right time for you so what do you do you don't go dating around like the world does you go in and you put your feelings into God's feet and say Lord it's not my time and you submit it why because you're not ready to date with you're not ready for marriage did you just say that I did but what about high school half of people who are cool in high school become fools they're 20 years down the road divorced and children from every continent that's not your destiny that's not your calling don't follow the crowd don't follow the world God never called you to fit in he called you to stand down you have a lord his name is Jesus God wants you to spend your high school years finishing school get the best grades God wants you to finish your high school years getting into some college God wants you to finish your high school years picking up a hobby learn how to do things in life learn how to have friends learn how to have hobbies instead of smoochie smoochie smoochie stuff at the end of the football games and then when it's your time to get married so you pass on to your growth and that sexual transmitted disease and children from different people whose contacts you've lost already but you pass on something that is valuable something that's precious I'm not trying to step on anybody's toes but I think what culture does is stupid they made they make fun of oh you guys are talking about these values like values in the 80s and they're old-school that stuff works and what culture does doesn't we as Christians we submit our passion to the principles of God we don't try to mix the principles to regulate our passions You have to understand that sex within marriage is beautiful outside of marriage it's dirty naw it's not it is very simple you see this plant that the soil within this within this pot is the soil the cultivates the plant the very same soil just became dirt this is dirt within the pot its soil how could the same thing within the pot becomes something the cultivates outside of the pot something that stains take passion outside of God's principles it stains your consciousness it stains your physical life and brings guilt sexual transmitted disease unwanted pregnancies a heartbreak and you might say but it's just sex if I destroy it harder you can try all you want this is dirt why because God intended it for sexuality and for passion to be within the context of marriage pot that's why the same sex that you can have with the spouse the moment it's outside of the context it becomes you feel guilty human like boys because I grew up in the Judaeo Christian community and that's why I feel guilty no it's because you're a human and God set some boundaries and when you violate them your consciousness triggers you feel dirty why because you just took the soil out of a pot and you put it on the top of a podium it stains you you know you can be naked within the moment you get married and you watch naked people you feel dirty why because you're taking that soil that cultivates into the podium and it stains you and you can you can tell yourself all you want all day long this stains because if I put this right now on your hands if I put this on your Bible if I put it on your dashboard in your car if I put it on your phone and I say isn't that cute all of you here today who are living in sexual immorality you know deep in your heart its wrong it hurts it stains your consciousness you know this dis pleases God and it's not helping your future and sexual sins aren't the worst things you can ever commit do you know why it's not because God has a hard time forgiving them it's because you will have a hard time recovering from them a lot of other sins never involved the depth of your soul they involved they will involve your body sexual sin involves your soul and involves your spirit goes to the depth of who you are that's where most of the witchcraft and most of the occult always involves sexual intercourses why so that a person could go deep into their Satanist and can go so that even if they get forgiven they don't recover that's why sexual sins are so dangerous they sustain you it's dirt you may say it's some of you will get married and you and it will be hard for you to have a sexual relationship because you're like how can this be now Holy See this when it goes into a pot cultivates the plant outside of the pot it stains whatever it touches passion outside of principles of God they stain you no matter how much you justify it no matter what you call it no matter how much you dumb it with alcohol and pills and drugs and partying at the end of the day when you left one on one your heart will be stained your consciousness will be stained and if it doesn't matter why it becomes a heartache and a headache it is so many relationships when people walk in with these sexual promiscuity number five lust needs bad friends love needs good Mentors lust feeds on bad friends amnon not only he took his passion outside of the principles of God but amnon he also he had his friends we read but amnon had a friend this friend advised him to pretend to his father that he was sick to get tamar into a room alone and this friend he pretty much destroyed his life if you want to walk in love you have to be surrounded by godly people by people who are like God I didn't say church goers because some churchgoers might not be godly surround yourself with people who follow Jesus if you want to live in lust I'm gonna tell you one already you don't have to surround yourself those people will find you they will find you and they will be insistent and being with you they will feel comfortable in your presence and you will be in theirs and one of the reasons why people who battle with lust will have a hard time connecting with good people is because they will say I just feel awkward you don't feel awkward you'll lust us but but he's my mentor and I feel like if I tell him what I struggle with he will torment me no the lust will be tormented you will be delivered you will be freed you need good people around you especially if you're battling especially if you're struggling when I was younger like like a teenage 15 and 16 I remember this particular girl that I liked and we never went on a date or anything just went on the mountain to pray one time didn't hold hands nothing I was pure holy and I and I remember that my pastor detected that no sixteen and you know I didn't tell me but but he detected that he said it's a lot easier getting too close you shouldn't shouldn't be doing that and I'm thinking I'm like man I have a crush but this crush was crushing me and my pastor because he he was my mentor he is my mentor he was saying listen you gotta cut that off but I'm like man but I'm gonna keep this little feeling on the side for next six to six years and kind of nurture it and not do anything with it and then after six years I'm gonna marry pastor says listen in six years he said you gonna meet six thousand people he says don't promise anything he says live your life for God you know he wasn't trying to kill those feelings he was simply protecting me and because of that I was protected from making that decision at six years of age sixteen six years old I would have been I would have needed a doctor for that sixteen years of age five into early sixteen years of age I want to tell you something today if you're battling with lust surround yourself with homegroup surround yourself with godly people you might say why is this important because your friends provide something that your parents or authority figures don't what do they provide influence everybody say influence have you noticed that when you start influence in the word influence there is this few letter word called flu in flu you know how flu works it spreads automatically your immune system is down somebody else has a flu they walk into the room they don't have to come in and lay their hands and you say I impart and in the mighty name of flu i impart flu into you you may spread it in your body no they have a flu they touch what you touched and the immune system is down and you quickly picked up a flu influence spreads exactly the same thing your friends don't have to teach you to smoke if they smoke somehow some way it influences you and you begin to think it's okay to smoke and then you try to smoke and then you become a smoker same thing with drinking they they're around a first second on the I don't drink I don't want to drink and drive another and then next thing happens you see that it's cool you be just just the one sip but I'm not gonna drive home and next thing you know he's driving you're drinking and then you become an alcoholic you lose your license you go to jail and your whole life is wrecked why because of in flu your friends are like flu but you can have a good flu too where do they walk with purity the Bible says to pursue purity with those who trust who call upon the name of the Lord God wants you to pursue purity not in a vacuum but in the community because somebody say man verse 0.6 last six isolation love seeks community Amnon not only he had bad friends who told him that he should do things like pretend but amnon I want you to see where lust really takes off Amnon meets together with Tamar and they don't go like to Dairy Queen or you know Red Robin they didn't go to Olive Garden they don't even go to Starbucks but it's a public place I want you to see how lust operates it goes somewhere very secret kick everybody out of the room and now they have alone time I understand what I'm gonna say is gonna be old-fashioned but I believe isolation leads to fornication nobody fell into sexual sin in a community and if you did you really messed up you see a psychiatrist nobody lost their virginity in the home group mmm-hmm that never happened there you know where that happened when you were alone and usually after 9 p.m. let's face it you want to walk in purity don't spend time alone so what do you mean if you're not engaged you have no business being on the plus this whole idea will me and her a spending time alone and you're not even dating next thing that happens is the feelings are flying it doesn't help you to get to know the other person because the moment the person knows you like them they're no longer themselves they're the best version of themselves that they hope to be one day and that version you might never see only in your fourth dimension image during dating let's face it we work alone perfume we dress the best our car looks clean we drive according to speed limit during the dating our brother and sister is an angel of heaven if the other person is watching because we are the best version of ourselves and that's why do not spend time in isolation and then these people do this they get married and they spend six seven months in isolation away from other people they get married six months into and they say nobody wants to hang out with us duh you threw everybody off of your life for six months people moved on and now you just want people to come in because you're bored and miserable and the only thing you had going is fornication and you're tired of each other my friends God's Way is better and God's Way is if we can show the latter God's way has just few steps bring the ladder please okay let's just gonna show you could you be kind to help me to this side wait could you come yeah so four steps of the ladder the first one or both of you you see the distance Bible distance the first step is called your spirituality somebody says spirituality so this is where both of you meet sir baby I know you didn't dress properly we were not ready for this this was kind of on the spot spirituality now most people they have a problem they're like huh you know what if you meet in the club unfortunately you can start with spirituality have to start with being secular already there's no word like that so God wants you to meet on the spiritual level first meaning that you have spiritual things in common spirituality is the first step will you talk about things that are spiritual I know some people's like well I don't want to I don't want him to be super spiritual I didn't say super spiritual I said spiritual where they love God and they love you if you don't start there and you're afraid of some super spiritual people therefore you start hating people who are spiritual listen to this if you're young lady listen to me very carefully Amnon did not care what God had to say not short after he did not care what Tamar had to feel Tamar said no he didn't care about that either if a man says no to God he will not respect you either if he doesn't respect the God who died on a cross for him mark my word you will never have his respect either and people who walk around say I don't want a super spiritual I understand that but you don't want somebody who doesn't honor God coz it's a matter of time he will have no honor for you the first one is spiritual somebody's is spiritual now the second one this is what you got to take off your shoes and you just is social somebody say social social is where you share activities not feelings a lot of people they jump right away when they start with spiritual and they start sharing their feelings today I love you heart emojis I can't live without you sell precious you still cute no no no no no you need to become friends you need to find out who you actually have shared common activities that you enjoyed because after the feelings fade away six months into marriage and you get a stare into your Netflix and fight over the fact that Netflix doesn't have new TV shows what are you gonna do you gotta have shared activities do you have things that are in common that you enjoy and after social is where comes let's try this is emotional this is where it gets slippery emotional is when you see you this is where the emotional emotional has to be after engagement why a lot of people get emotional before there is any commitment a guy says if we get emotional I'll commit and the girl says I will give you my emotions because you promise to commit that's a bunch of baloney mm-hmm you gotta be emotional because there was a commitment to spiritual things there was a commitment to shared activities and emotional is sharing your feelings not your nudes people today in our generation I'm just gonna say the way it is people in our generation today get to this stage and Christians non-christians are uncool they can do whatever they want but Christians snapchatting their nudes to a guy I'm like are you completely brain-dead first of all you know that stuff stays online all the time and next thing that happens the guy's screenshots that did this happen already many times and then he sends it to me he sends it to other leaders in the church and says this is person who goes to your church that person who just requested them becomes your biggest enemy look how that could never happen to me amnon who raped Tamar and then got rid of her that's exactly what happens God doesn't want us the reason why God wants to live pure so he can protect you share your feelings when engagement happens don't go around sharing your feelings and then next thing that happened is that there's no engagement there's no commitment there but you already expressed your feelings always give in the relationship what you're willing to lose and only after this comes the marriage which we're not going to demonstrate here because what happens in marriage stays in marriage come on somebody you did it you did it great awesome awesome so what is the first step what is the first step what is the second one thank you babe what is the third one what is the fourth one physical amen number seven lust forces sex love initiates marriage lust gets the Tamar in the room and says I want you but love gets her in front of the church and says I do lust buys a condom love buys a ring condoms are cheap rings are not all of you boys any fool can buy a condom they sell them right there at the gas station and they're very cheap a homeless man can buy a condom be a man buy a ring Oh get a job first by the way it doesn't make you a man with the fact that you can have sex having a penis doesn't make you a man having principles make you a man having purity makes you a man having integrity makes you a man the real men stand up give God some praise right now lust lust will take you to the backseat of Honda but love will take you to the front of the alter lust cannot wait but love True Love Waits can somebody say Amen number 8 love lust hurts love heals lust always hurts the person that you're engaged with love heals the person yes lust has certain adrenaline it has certain thrill it has certain excitement don't get me wrong and infatuation is good that the thrill is good there's nothing wrong with heart racing palms sweating and you know you're excited that's that's awesome my only problem is that when all of that is gone which will be how are you gonna land I don't do skydiving my sister the skydiving right there and when you go skydiving you experience a lot of thrill a lot of excitement adrenaline racing through your body but you know that you have a parachute so that after all of that adrenaline is gone you can land on your feet not break them all of that excitement and the infatuation and all of that stuff make sure that you have a parachute cut love so when all of that is gone you don't end up with a broken heart but you end up with a good heart a healed heart lust is jumping out of the airplane without a parachute oh you will have fun a lot of fun until you break your legs until your heart is broken and then the very person you had fun with that was so exciting you realize it takes you 5 6 7 years to recover from that great fun God wants you to have fun without breaking your legs God wants you to have a thrill God wants you to have an adrenaline God wants you to have infatuation God wants you to have you chemistry racing through your body all of that but within the boundaries of his principles not so he can control you it's so when the thrill is gone and you're landing to the earth you nicely lust is when you hold the hand of a person and heart is beating really fast love is when you hold the hand of a person and you feel safe and you feel secure and biceps and triceps don't make you safe and secure there's something within that person that they have and it's more than their looks it's more than eyelashes or beautiful hair it's more than their figure it's something within them and that my friend is your parachute so when the thrill is over the drill of life is not broken almost done number 9 lust does not last love grows with time Amnon rapes the woman and you think wow great the law of Israel said that if a man would take advantage of a young virgin in those days he need to marry her and that's why tamar looks back at him and he says well that's not how I expected to spend my first night but you know you're the king sucks but hey and he says get out she says what I mean get out you wanted me so bad that you got sick you wanted me so bad you lied to your dad you wanted me so bad you listened to your crazy cousin Jonadab you wanted me so bad you took advantage of me against my own will and now she says you're casting me out it's worse than you taken advantage of me why did he not want to marry her because that's exactly what lust is lust does not last you go from obsession to rage that's exactly what lasts this lust doesn't grow with time lust spikes like a rocket and then falls down right away and that's why if you settle for those thrills you're gonna have to deal with the down times of it where you hate it where you beaten where you're abused and when you cast out and you're broken don't settle for lust my friends settle for love it might be slow in the beginning but it's gonna pick up with time it's gonna grow with time because it's God's Way and lastly lust will get punished love will get rewarded God will punish lust if person who commits it does not repent and God will reward people who walk in love who place value on the other person who treasures the other person the saddest part of this story is not the date rape even though that is really bad it's not the fact that a young woman lost her virginity at 15 years of age against her own consent that's not the saddest part the saddest part is the man who was the abuser never apologized never repented his dad never punished him maybe he felt bad because David himself committed some sins and never once you see a letter and email of repentance you don't see a song written by Amnon where he breaks his heart like David did the psalm 51 he went on as though was nobody's business few years later he thought he got away with it but God settles the score and God will punish every person who takes advantage of one of his sons or daughters the scripture says if you cause one of these little ones to commit sin and this is said by the one who is known for love Jesus Christ he said it's better for you they they tie a semi-truck around your neck and throw you into Columbia River he says what's coming for you will be so much worse then it will be better to drown by a semi shop literally choking your neck in the Columbia River that's what Jesus said who died for your sin that tells me every abuser that takes advantage of girls or women will be punished either in this life or next there is no escape there's only one way to avoid it it's deep repentance if you were here today and you took advantage of girls as a man maybe you cheated you broke their heart and you willfully consciously raised your hand and you hit them God's wrath is hanging over your life and you will not escape it I don't care if you're more degrees than a thermometer you will be punished you will pay for it there is a God in heaven if you will do that to my daughters you would be sorry but if you do that to God's daughters you will be sorry Jesus said that God did it to Amnon and he will do exactly same thing to you unless you deeply deeply repent just because the law didn't catch you just because there was not enough evidence to put you in jail just because there was not enough evidence and you talked your way out and went on to do that to other people and pretend like nothing happened there is a God in heaven he settled scores and you break somebody's heart God will break you therefore you didn't expect to hear that in church today huh the reason why I speak so strongly about this is because I once was guilty of this as well because 10 years ago in fact 33 years ago 13 years 13 years ago I dated one person from our church and I broke her heart twice my pastor met with me and he said what you did was wrong he said you had no right to do that you publicly you know I didn't do anything physical didn't abuse the person but I knew that I broke the person's heart one of my uncle's in fact Met with me afterwards and he says if this would have been in Ukraine he said we would have broken your neck I said praise God we emigrated from Ukraine and praise God my uncle he do not have that power to break my neck now look I knew what he meant he was very angry with me he says you have he says you just broke somebody's heart and your your twenty-something years of age and I was like I didn't do anything I you know didn't publicly embarrass the person and but one thing the pastor told me this is Vlad he says what you did he says it can actually bring big devastation in your life unless you repent and you redeem yourself and what am i redeem myself he says that in your heart you always wish the best for that person and that in your prayers you pray for the best to that person and you do everything on your end make sure that person if they are within the radius of your influence has the best around you and when he said that I prayed for 12 years for that person to be married with the best person of their life and in fact last year I was honored to facilitate their wedding on the wedding after the wedding Holy Spirit spoke something on my heart and I felt that God said I lifted that judgment I'm not saying God was judging me I'm not saying that God didn't forgive me for what I did but I knew in my heart God wasn't pleased because when you intentionally break somebody's heart it's God's daughter I know you might not see it as a big deal because you break up with people like this but there is a God in heaven and everybody's heart matters to him and it's time for men to rise up and stop treating people's hearts as garbage and see people's hearts with dignity and integrity I know you cannot undo the past I know some things cannot be undone what happen in the past but you can at least be repented and you can at least in your heart and in your attitude do everything you can manipulating the person stalking that person hurting the person gossiping about that person treating you like nothing happened or not even saying sorry and keep doing it to other people it's not what's going to bless you in your future Men I challenge you today to rise up a man of love be a man of integrity don't be a man who goes and break somebody's heart and acts like nothing happened there is a God in heaven and he will execute you I'm not saying you're gonna go to hell you might live in one though while youre here if you broke somebody's heart and God's bringing you to your mind right now you might need to write a letter maybe send an email or maybe just in your heart just release it you don't have a contact with that person just release them so God can release His grace in your life but in the conclusion I want to speak to people who've been abused I'm gonna speak to the Tamar's in the room or watching us in life right now because anon see what I said about this story the reason why the story was so bad it's not because that anon didn't repent it's a Tamar never recovered one of the reasons she never recovered she went to her brother Absalom and she said I just got raped you know what I'm so upset hush don't talk about it in our family we don't talk about this stuff put it under the carpet or just your brother he didn't mean it excuse me what do you mean hush what do you mean it's just the brother what do you mean it's just my uncle I everything was taken from you I don't know if I could ever and he pretty much put it under the carpet and pretend that nothing happened never took her to the doctor never took her to a pastor never took her to a prophet never took her for prayer and the scripture says that she never married she never recovered from the incident that happened at the age of 15 because you can't just put that stuff under the carpet and I want to speak to every Tamar today who's been taken advantage of on a date who's been taken advantage with maybe by somebody who is supposed to trust you somebody that you went into the room to make pancakes but next thing that happened to you you will never be able to undo I want to tell you something that whatever happened there you cannot you could have not prevented that it's not your fault but your life is not defined by that encounter in that room you still have a future and you still have a hope the scripture says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he anointed me to heal the brokenhearted that is the first mission of Jesus on this earth he knows that what happened there is not your fault but he knows that there is a power to heal neglecting your wound will get him only infected it doesn't get him healed but if you bring your wounds to God and you see God I'm hurting God I've been thinking advantage of God my heart has been broken God I feel like it's my fault god I feel like you know what I feel like it's because I'm ugly or because I'm not good enough and the person moved on like it was nobody's business god it hurts God will show his love to you God will love on you God will heal you and God will restore you and you're not gonna need to go to the next boyfriend to just do a revenge on your ex you're not gonna need to go to the next relationship to put a band-aid because you will go into a relationship with God and you will take time to heal yourself because Tamar your life doesn't end at fifteen God still has a hope and the plan in the future he says in Jeremiah he came to give life and more abundantly he came to heal the brokenhearted to restore but your restoration today will begin you have to forgive anon you have to forgive that uncle you have to forgive that ex you have to forgive that person and I know they don't deserve it they definitely didn't earn it it doesn't make it right when you forgive but when you don't forgive you setting yourself on fire hoping that they will burn from it when you don't forgive this is what happens a snake rolled into somebody's shop and an accident cut itself and this edge and a snake really thought that saw was trying to attack this snake so it went back biting the saw as he was biting the side decided to suffocate the saw to kill the saw because the saw caused the pain and as the snake started to wrap around the saw to to cause the saw to die the snake killed herself whatever happened to you as a saw it's unfortunate we live in a broken world whether the person meant it or not whether they moved on or not you must understand you cannot punish that person by hurting yourself you're only gonna destroy your future the bite the hurt that you got God can restore and heal that wound God can turn into a scar within a few years and that scar God will use as your star and as your testimony and you will move forward and you will move on do not go back and wrap your life around that incident because it will only cut you that person will move on now every statistics and how many people are taking advantage of especially girls it's it's staggering it's shocking which has had a freedom weekend and hearing how many girls and guys as well but mainly girls go through this stuff that Tamar went through is mind-blowing it's it's just almost unbelievable but what I'm excited about is there is the power of God to heal and there is a power of God to deliver and there is a power of God to restore i prophesy to every tamar that you will forgive you will recover and you will be healed i prophesy to every tamar that there is still future inside of you i prophesy to every Amnon that god will deliver you God will heal you and God will forgive you but you must repent God extends mercy to the repentant in Jesus name thank you for watching this content I hope this was a blessing to you if you're like me and you like to click on things click on this subscribe to our Channel and the content will come to you every time we post it and remember the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 70,330
Rating: 4.9491582 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances
Id: Bn9haqspT6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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