LOVE THE TOAST! - The Lost World Arcade | Jurassic Month

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[Music] hello one and welcome to a game I have been wanting to play for so long it's been ridiculous but finally I got it it's drastic mom who's one game was gonna play when we reap we doing this month basically it was gonna be this one now I just need to learn how to is that it oh no oh my god yes I can give myself so many credits play one start yes okay which one do you wanna do guys who's a shuffle ability will do forget it okay Oh like I used to play this game so much and at a bowling alley it was like XS bowling near where I lived it was so much fun oh this I'm looking forward to this it's gonna be awesome okay oh Lord I could do this I could do this bad Raptor also yeah it's like widescreen because in the arcades itself oh oh this is gonna be interesting playing this with a mouse oh there we go oh maybe I should have done like intermediate or some things I'm doing amazing oh god no did I save him they went to the laboratory you can find them with this detector okay now like who is really calm oh oh you can find it with this detector what's airing in people are dying good job Oh Cheers oh I got a candy power yeah ready for it oh okay I was kind of wanting to click that or hit that explosive barrel life is awesome yeah they're all dead okay fell on his face hey over here hello I said Dilophosaurus as I'm using a song it was that okay there we go kill them all Oh God oh yes I would like to continue please I'd like to continue yeah there you go then I took one credit why have to do that die okay nevermind if they weren't really fazed by that explosive barrel oh oh it's a tunnel oh no this isn't good isn't good isn't good isn't good Who am I just pretend it's Alan Grant and Ellie's Arlo again oh I like I can't remember actually completing this game that's all I remember like spending loads of time on it but it was always like after we play after we bowled so like people were like can I go home yet go away wrap ties no no god I went for the wrong one there please give me a candy bar yeah thank you all I ask for return of my services is a candy bar give me chocolate Cadbury's chocolate none of that hair see her hair she rubbish thank you oh oh hello oh I did it what oh we thought that like ultimate rafter they'll do good yeah I love this I'm also gonna see the Carnotaurus looks like a sores I'm trying to have time to like drink a cup of tea please it's Jurassic month I need a cup of tea Otto killed by recopies yeah there's always like these rail shooters there's always an obligatory like oh this birds like a house of the dead or something oh my god it's like I've got to admit I've never done precision shooting with my mouse before oh there it is you're like a Jurassic Park Raptor oh that's cool you realise this game had both Raptors like that the tiger striped and the Jurassic Park one or these Deinonychus is that it oh sorry I've been flashing Oh a candy bar no I missed it oh hello oopsies this is still up there I want to get the candy bar no this thought this is my guys mission is a candy bar oh okay oh we should we be worried Oh Trent Owens Oh t-rex oh we got a raise Oh is he dead yeah he's dead Oh Lord oh this looks awesome shirt over the face oh my god come on we got this we got this okay Oh God there we go I did it I did it I'm impressed if I don't like gun I might have been able to do this oh well I got hit by one it's okay yeah I went to visit a guy who had a like an arcade system like this one but and I was really tempted to buy it I like I pulled the pinball I was like oh yeah I'm gonna play the the light gun shooter this one are we are we gonna do anything can I shoot please oh god oh god oh god this is not going well no no I did not go well okay we're doing it again yeah there we go but then I was like for a start it was it was basically had the cabinet but oh come on reload oh look at this t-rex it's being very kind to me like one thing to get oh oh it's restrained come on if I don't like it I think I'd be way better but that is the excuse isn't it yeah it's eyes roved back oh we did it yeah awesome oh my god or lakeside why is it called lob oh we're going to the lap oh oh this is it with miniature source as well as the amazing liquor that's my favorite color parasol so there's the MIDI which asaurus moves from the game trail Geor decided hunting of the game trail or a thingy Mr Ludlow I've spent enough time in the company of death they're gonna kill me oh he's called me yeah he's gonna stand me oh I think these are like instant death so may these one I seem to remember one of these like pooping on you is it this bit oh no that it's not this bit I don't think it's gonna shoot it okay I got it I got it I got it I got this yes oh okay I had that oh yeah there we go so there's no poop is not I don't know we're stuck in mud obligatory shoot the rap de scene back up the cyclist oh yeah I got it in English as well like it wasn't too hard to set this up actually and the chances of me actually finding a lost world cabinet or even owning it yeah there is why it didn't get the cabinet was because it was basically like an emulator in a cabinet which was good because you could switch open under you could switch between House of the Dead and lost world or other arcades but the think one thing that turned me off from it oh damn it ah almost got my candy bar um was the [ __ ] oh hell no like I engines up loads of explosive barrels or is that the light gun wasn't like synced up right even when it was recent I was like I don't like this if I'm gonna like play this game legit inna in a cabinet with like curtains next to me and a big sound and shaking chair I want to I want it to be legit I know don't oh then we're gonna protect him what are you doing come on let's save them did we do it is he gonna throw me a candy bar I don't think I did it yeah what'd you do by himself damn it it's a matter of like remembering to reload like I'm clicking it's left click to shoot amend both buttons to reload so it's not like oh you have to you have to remember to click and I saw I keep forgetting like I'm shooting a man yeah there we go oh god no they got we're gonna jump on me on me oh thank god I've got like 20 odd credits yeah what I'm doing is just like spraying pretty hell was that kind of dinosaur it's the hip hop up a lot bird on oh he's like a hotter up there oh oh puggy Sefolosha Horace's I don't think I ever got this far Oh is he gonna shoot me Oh heads up IQ solar sources gotta follow good so many of them burn what's this quickly 17 17 are we in the lab oh is this with the Mosasaurus the lake on site B oh no ruff does here we go this bed age is waiting for me to do that like to come and he just gets shot straight away Oh God Oh hold on oh it's Deinosuchus steel asuka so onizuka's good okay here we go boss bottle number two watch out for the fish dun dun dun dun dun oh it's on it this is one bullet buh-buh-buh-buh-buh come on then go on then Oh Oh God there we go there we go look damn it oh no oh come on I'll shoot you Oh gitche well I've got a candy bar power bar it probably means I'd do more damage this man but party what that power bar means I never thought about that Oh oh that was lucky oh yes yes little pop-up ah damn it damn it so close okay I've got two power powers I'm fighting candy bars everywhere it's like there's no drew we're so strong and so smart got candy bars on this table okay almost done it almost done oh yeah oh hello right next to each other the chances of me like accidentally shooting it he's dead is it one more is going to one final strike oh it sound like a t-rex mm-hmm are we done wait what Oh oh there you go now it's dead or is it you even made this place get it oh it's wicked a lovely oh here we are entrance Global Positioning sense of vision 4.2 why do we run like we cracked ourselves a pods is just so full of proved hey oh oh well this is starting off well no okay James can you head in the game in the game oh I didn't get that power power now I'm aiming for the power Bob did it go yeah I got it hell yeah I think didn't just disappear he loiters Raptors I mean I Dilophosaurus in here I know that there's a car no and that's the boss mr. Connors awesome cuz like camouflage just like the novel it's been like the Resident Evil mansion come on I got this oh there's blood in the door got a right to be a trespasser a little bit oh no I got you give me a Powerball please yeah une lightning oh well I could just oh my god this is awesome so dry you can just yeah I got 19 seconds to just shoot at everything oh oh it's gonna say if I still manage to die to do it so like so classic oh it hits all of them okay well I'm officially out oh oh no what is calling for help oh no oh I've got 13 credits left can I add more yeah no the copies is it dead I think he's dead isn't it yeah oopsies who these rafters in here I'm trying how do we lock the door password memorise the right order what order 9 1 2 6 7 8 9 1 2 6 7 8 awesome I like how they didn't try to open it until we put in the code that was good that's clever them ok another swiggity it's like a bloody workout their home Ian and Sarah in Z dorm what's the shortcut oh okay oh can you fail it let's take a shortcut we oh no Tara Dawn's right yeah Oh Becky Isis cover shy shield your eyeballs oh these are the lost world terrasaurs you never saw these oh my god they sound like squeaking doors ah I your little boy over sir we know it's balut we eat balut there you go that's a Filipino for you some Cebuano or is it Tagalog I don't even know who this looks spooky I like it how do we get into the topic of Filipinos that doesn't look like Vince Vaughn awful they've got the baby t-rex why they still have the baby t-rex please I'm kind of curious like what happens if you just let like one Raptor constantly attack you this is the plant control center is it [Music] the dirt yeah this is the car no get away he's coming oh god it's the colonel oh I love this thing is it oh oh there it is have a sound effect of it yeah where's it coming from those who come from there's cover their ears ah damn it there we go okay I'm not too bad for you guys I've never done this before never done rail-shooter where the males hello yeah you know I just spray I shouldn't I shouldn't spray cuz he then a then recoils yeah there you go this is easier take your time James you got this you got this papers reassuring pep talk for myself the voice acting and this is amazing hey come here boy he's got a shadow dammit took too long there yeah it's actually good I did beginning but you can't get me why are you still holding up we should get outta here I get elevator but when they go they just vanished so I always after that there we go did I get him I think I did wait what did I just fall down what happened or did he call for another one dammit are so close yeah like if you shoot them they recoil so the you have to like follow where the head moves oh do they do it wrong so I have to do this bit again or is that supposed to happen no what maybe it was yeah go round at this time very good mr. walk oh no it's like there's a park with a raptor yeah well I was close one hit hello oh oh okay so they attack you them run away oh I should take care of this kid Milla well come on I was having a swiggity that was unfair but but but Berta that way why don't we take the elevator down to the ground floor at least up we were sort of out of its well actually we were a convenient biting and high degree we're on the second floor well maybe this is good can we not just like close elevator dibutyl come on and this is what happened the toast before I didn't even why did never made the connection and I never said toast what touched can't be touched this is toast before like actually this is toast when he's like being deprived it toes it's not it's not a pretty sight really not good tough badass without the frill snipe shot yeah two of those okay let's go Hey did we kill toast toast oh you couldn't have just like yeah nine you say yeah we killed an innocent dinosaur it just wanted toast state rife something has survived oh I wonder what this long stretch could mean yeah could it be a t-rex attack remember to keep shooting things how who is this guy that keeps on like being attacked by kompy's is so unfortunate I know I kill them I didn't mean to you know help like what are those aunty aunty Compsognathus sprays like mosquitoes you know I mean so many of these oh my god how many are under here don't nobody check this give myself more credits [Music] yeah oh this Oh oh wait you never noticed that there was Raptors in the building this is a bit that was on like the trail a bit if you didn't put any credit you can play the game but there's the bull t-rex oops and there we go yeah if I did intermediate I would lose for sure yeah you have to wait for them to put their heads back down that's what I should do it's gonna save there's gonna be another one oh I get a good acidnam ooh oh God it's anubian yeah she's very angry I was gonna eat the baby okay well mommy's after Zuko's yep the t-rex female I got to go right though they could have very easily got that wrong there we go don't don't don't do it you mean with this sword you have to just keep shooting there we go lovely love the run cycle I have power shots there we go come on t-rex female we're driving to the village yeah I do well like I was leaving mud footsteps on tarmac yeah little attention to detail so close come on man good man if I die - I lose my candy bars I think I my you're not gonna lose my candy bars yeah awesome hopefully she's not dead oh dear when I write Egypt I'll do that yeah well it would help if we could turn around oh that's there he is well if these helps on the way what help are the guy in the motorbike and the guy who keeps on dying over there all dead why they why they even facing off against the t-rex yep they're all that no I will protect you nevermind apparently um oh I'm in hot water oh shoot I got so many freaking times start moving your head oh come on ah nuts the good thing is you do do damage to it like he keeps on moving his head like left and right so I have to like keep moving your mouse like that cuz if he stays still you're not gonna hit him or he's gonna fling him is he no he's good you're gonna pick that one yeah he was thinking about if he was gonna fling the cars it was like wait no I'm not gonna do that anymore I'm just gonna come ahead me yeah how do I miss that's what's amazing I don't know how that happens there you go oh we got this yeah I may not get consecutive hits you don't say yeah that's materially no no you doing oh okay yeah well there we go we died [Music] [Applause] really is that my fault ah a.m. hole the sound effect it's like yeah you see that you're scared got this this t-rex is really clever it's like I'm gonna throw this girder at you I'm gonna knock these barrels down on you how I spent a whole round and missed everyone that's what all this game's gonna be ah ah it's me complaining yeah oh no not hearing any of that yeah awesome shoot outside the screen yes come on let's get a full-on streak oh there's a few more to shoot here ah ah one away I was wondering I would have killed him there actually we're going to do a couple more shots to this time you know it's still free stop moving your head oh my god that's so first written stop moving in time finally good grief he's like oh are you going you could have just done that before I had to shoot you up it's too quiet right wasn't a second ago well there you go oh that's it you went up to the right I'm gonna make a dramatic entrance I'm sure the Hard difficulty that was a lot harder play two socks again eat it Sarah what happened to Eddie or are my Eddie and who is this chick is that it did we do it oh we did it just like that a little half an hour experience thud uh was this worked on by like three people well there you go guys that was the lost world arcade um like if it was one I was definitely gonna play it was this one it was it was loads of fun I quite enjoyed that it's sort of like living or reliving old memories I'd always get to the De La for so bit and then probably die I think maybe once I got to the Gallimimus bit with it like the game trail but uh you know oh god those pachycephalosaurus eyes look like zombie eyes Arnaz the crocodile it was a fun jaunt I I really enjoyed that it was nice to go down memory lane and so relive it I never played the first one I never played just a park three and I never played the recent one that's in arcades right now I come up with that score I touched Gibby toys evil toast or toast when the the how'd you call it when we withdrawal symptoms kick in that's the one is there anything I can do can i click play up there you go first first first yay my first in the world okay oh god I've got a time that'll do there you go my first stage one ah yes I'd be den going mascot and now nam sim knock oh oh I get the feeling guys I might be first on all of these I don't know tell you what like if I'm not I know where I was though right it said oh yeah total Hey oh yeah best crew that's me game over and just like that more credits so you join this video guys and you're loving dressing more than i hyped for Jurassic world falling Kingdom that is they were liking until next time walk away to watch a movie I'll see you later Oh bye bye you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,184,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lost world arcade, arcade game, the lost world, jurassic park, jurassic park month, gamingbeaver, carnotaurus, novel dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dino game, jurassic month
Id: VunoFwi-SEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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