Love Connection (June 8, 1988)

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foreign [Music] connection we're old-fashioned romance meets modern day technology where you hear all the intimate details of a first date sometimes our dates have a happier news [Music] [Applause] [Music] an ending [Applause] but it's always unpredictable when two strangers meet trying to make that love connection and now here's our host just one [Applause] see you all let's get started by meeting our first guest now he's into scuba diving skiing dancing he dates at least twice a week and he says that most of the women he meets are always complaining about their problems please welcome Randy Blanchard [Applause] [Music] Well everybody's got problems I guess uh What uh what kind of problems do these women well basically you name it they've got it I mean insignificant things work private lives relationships I mean most of them are nothing I mean there's something that you should just be able to throw off to the side and forget about but they want to dwell on them I don't know if they just like wallowing videos wants you to help them with them out of it put one foot in front of the other and go forward you can't dwell in it forever okay remind everybody what happened yesterday our studio audience saw Randy's three choices they voted for one we're going to take a look at all three women and catch you up today first it was Sharon she prefers dating men with blue eyes and a college education yeah Nancy avoids men who wear gold chains and use hairspray drives herself is self-confident but gullible now the audience vote was recorded yesterday we'll get to that a little later right now Randy's going to tell us who he chose I chose Sharon Sharon he's backstage sale over Sharon Myers hi Sharon Hi Tech welcome to the show make silver home okay all right tell me about the day well uh I'm basically new down here from Northern California I moved down a couple a couple months ago so I called Sharon up she lives all the way down in Costa Mesa I'd never been there before so basically I told my I told her look I'm putting myself in your hands just pick something for us to do we'll have fun that's about an hour and a half hour away something like that it's a little bit of a cruise yeah yeah so I um hopped in the old mobile drove down came over to a house about 11 30. one of the biggest problems I was running into is she was wearing the same perfume that my ex-mother-in-law wore so it was it was I mean I hate my ex-mother-in-law she hates me so it started off at a real bad note to begin with but I figured what the heck let's go ahead and try and make the best out of this so we hopped in the car what the heck let's try to make the best out of this yeah oh what the heck let's see what happens yeah let's see what happens I figure I drove all the way down there let's give this poor girl every chance the car and she said well I've got this real nice restaurant picked out and we drove down to Newport Beach and we go to this restaurant I knew we were in trouble the minute we arrived because we were like the only people there hang on just a minute any conversation remember any of the conversation in the car or was there anything yeah um Randy complimented me by saying um of the girls you chose one was a beautiful blonde girl that looked like Elizabeth Montgomery and the other was it no competition at all and then he liked my personality so between Beauty and personality he chose personality so he started scoring points right away there looked Hefty on the video but scrawny in person well I figured you know I'd tell her what's on my mind and what I'm thinking so you get to the restaurant only two there um menu was real limited she picked out the restaurant you know she's she's a little ditzy which is a lot like my ex-mother-in-law too and we go to this restaurant the world's best service I mean there's like one waiter there we're the only people there need to ask us silly questions like would you like a fork you know something to eat with and what have you so the service was really poor and it wasn't going very well but considering uh Randy had suggested we go on a picnic and showed up without a picnic basket or anything else in hand it was what we were supposed to do on a moment's notice so but it was okay I just picked up on a moment's notice as well right basically how are you feeling about his personality at lunch now well Let Me Tell You Chuck he's not the most exciting guy in the world in fact uh Randy's about it Randy was about as much fun as watching paint dry but anyway anyway um I thought well hell let's try kishner and see what that's like yeah you did just a little one on the right here because I didn't know what else to do I was a wuss I should have just jumped in the water I know but anyway you know yeah I was getting really bored and I suggested well let's go back to your place and uh wait maybe we can go out dancing later and do something with some kind of thrill somewhere so we went back to her place and she checked the answering machine which was lit up like a Christmas tree and she started making all these phone calls and you know the epitome of the day was I was sitting on the couch watching the afternoon game shows you know the typical of what was happening with the date that at this point Randy might have thought it a wise thing to perhaps leave if he was just sitting on the couch by himself but no yeah what I I considered it but I figured I had driven an hour and a half you know I figured try try and make it work somehow I mean it was long drive traffic was real bad and I didn't feel like going well how did it in well how how did Anne um she had a she it ended basically the same way it went just mediocre crannies I took her out to dinner you know I figured you know let's take her out to dinner before I go she had a phone call was an emergency from work or what have you so I took a phone call it was an emergency oh yes she had won an emergency meeting is that is it really okay no that was actually a fake and that was Plan B of plan a plan A uh I had to go pick her up but Randy loused it all up by offering to go with me so that didn't work so then I had Plan B which my boss who was also a co-worker um pretended that we had a meeting so we went so he came and picked me up to go to this meeting sometimes you hang your head up against the wall sometimes jump but anyway it worked out pretty well anyway because I ended up going to a club pretty close to her house and I met a nice woman there and ended up staying down it was nice well let's take a look and see who the audience before yeah see what happens here Kristen 85 percent that was the blonde well you wanna if you want to take irani's advice and go out with Kristen yeah that sounds like a plan yeah and uh Sharon we're sorry that things didn't work out we do have a nice gift for you thank you and maybe we'll see you again all right thank you and uh Randy you'll be going out with Kristen be sure to let us know what happens with that and we're going to come right back with another couple right after this season [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] our next guest was born in New Jersey's or in Jersey City New Jersey he enjoys softball basketball and Waters game says that he has some very specific ideas about marriage and he claims that he should never be blamed for a bad date please welcome Andrew vaucus [Music] Russell you go on this date and yeah it's bad who should be blamed for it definitely the lady that I'm with Chuck why well simply because I'm a very outgoing sociable intelligent person and I can come down or come up to anyone's level anytime just to make the atmosphere and the situation Pleasant so if it's a bad night it's definitely a fault because I'm a very because you're working yeah tell me about your specific ideas on marriage I definitely won't be 30. 26 27 we have a career going for herself and when our two little kids are born to know the kids and then we'll uh she'll proceed on a pursue her career after she's done and you know I want the kids to know Mama a little bit you know all right let's take a look at the women that Andrew had to choose from now remember you're going to pick up the woman that you think is best for him first it was Gail she enjoys picnics sunsets working out she dates about once a month and she says that she gets a lot of compliments on her hair here's why she broke up with her last boyfriend he would pose he'd pose in front of me look at himself and I mean nothing's worse than that I don't even do that I thought I was a vain person but um he takes the cake just took the cake I couldn't believe it next there's Trish she's originally from Bristol Connecticut her Hobbies range from Reading to country and western dancing she says that the first two things she notices about a man are his eyes and his chest and here's when Trish knows that she's in for a bad day you get in the car and they look at you so what do you want to do is that that's just like I can't believe I can't believe you're taking me out you haven't figured out what we're gonna do or um well let's go to this dinner I know this great restaurant they don't make any reservations you have to sit there for an hour that infuriates me all right finally Karen she was raised in Brush Prairie Washington are you kidding really her interests include hiking camping and aerobics she says that she gets a lot of compliments on her hands and she tells us about a recent date that didn't work out he yelled at me about the date he said I've had a rotten time and it's all your fault and it's just like like so serious after it and it was something that to have someone get that angry with me on the second date I was just like I don't need this you know after a year maybe you can yell at me but not after the second game three women that Andrew had to choose from now who do you think would be the best lady for him [Music] we're going to take a break when we come back we'll meet the woman that Andrew picked hear everything that happened on that date we'll do it in two and two be right back foreign [Applause] we're back Andrew's going to tell us who he selected who'd you pick I picked Trish you picked Trish now they haven't seen each other since their day we always hear both sides say hello to Chris yard hi Chris Hi how are you fine how are you just fine make yourself at home okay okay all right Andrew hi Trish hi how you doing fine how are you good I missed you this may have been a good one tell me about the day well she came up to my place Chuck [Music] um she came out of I was speaking to my blinds in my living room did you try try to get a little glimpse of her and she jumped out of her car and she was this amazing looking brunette uh with a big smile and a great figure look at you she was uh wearing this nice white jumpsuit and I have a passion for women in white I mean she's looking fantastic and white great now what'd you think of him when you saw him Trish well when I first saw him he's not usually the kind of guy I go out with but he had a nice build and we went to his house he showed me his house he was really proud of it and he gave me flowers and I thought that was really nice oh yeah so it's coming along pretty good now what happened next well we went inside my home I showed her the home of course like she mentioned I had some champagne on ice we got to we got to know each other a little bit uh of course I found out she likes country western music right so uh that was great because the restaurant I had picked out for us was a country western type atmosphere so we headed down to the restaurant we were seated at the table and I noticed to my left there was a stable with about five guys and they were simply drooling over Trish so I really at this point I felt like I kind of liked Trish because I kind of felt a little possessive and I didn't say anything she didn't notice it because her back was too to them but I noticed how are you feeling about him at dinner well he was really easy to talk to he was a really nice guy he was fun and he was starting to grow on me it was really nice well the DJ announced that uh there'd be some dancing in the place and that if we wanted to dance kick our chair out of our way and just dance around our table at that point we got up ready to dance and that's when I leaned over and gave her a kiss to break the ice did you mind that no no I was really glad to get it out of the way I hate sitting there waiting wondering if this guy's gonna kiss you when he's gonna do it so it was nice to get it out of the way okay so now you're dancing now we're dancing and having a good time and we're thinking I'd like to kiss her again oh yeah yeah no no doubt in fact I wanted to kiss her earlier but I didn't want to be too pushy anyway we uh dance a little bit we decided to go to uh a country western place and she would teach me how to two-step but it's actually not really a two-step because it's two steps to the left and one on the right they should call it a three-step but it was a two-step and I had a good time I learned how two step and played a real good time at the Country Place so you know what happened after that well we decided to go to a different place and do some other type of dancing this is about the third place you've been to yeah we had a great time I wasn't counting because I was having a good time does he get tired after all this dancing or no he wasn't tired at all he was wearing me out he started to get loose and he took off his tie and kept wrapping around me on the dance floor and then he unbuttoned his shirt and it was nice because I saw his chest and he wasn't really hairy so which I like so no he was definitely wasn't tired so now you're dancing at this other place yeah we're dancing at this other place and we and we we uh closed the place down literally because they're ready to close and they have to ask us to leave because we're having such a good time in the morning yeah it was about quarter to two and uh we were having we were really into what we were doing so um we decided to leave and go back to my place so we jumped in my car and um there's a little bit of romance in my car um a couple of kisses just a couple kisses and uh good kisses and we um yeah on the way down to my home she uh put her head on my shoulder and she found we kind of curled up while we were driving you felt real comfortable with him yeah he's really easy to talk to he's a really fun guys okay so you get to your house we get to my place I invite her in of course and I tell her that I wanted to make her some coffee because she had a long drive home and I go inside the kitchen and make some coffee and by the time I get back into the living room she's falling asleep on my couch I was tired so I uh being the perfect gentleman that I am Chuck I went inside I got a blanket and I covered her can I give her a kiss good night and I went inside my room and went to sleep so you fell asleep right away oh pretty much right away we talked for a little while and we cuddled for a little while and pretty much I fell asleep I was tired he wore me out I believe yeah you sound like a good day they thought Trish was perfect 43 percent Trish would you please go out with me again sure yeah come on out [Music] fall asleep on my couch now it's nice to have you both here thanks for sharing your day with us we appreciate it yeah stay in touch would you do that yes sir we're going to come right back with our next guest stay with us [Applause] stay tuned for more of Love connection we're going to meet our next guest he's originally from Saint Paul Minnesota she admits that she may move a little too quickly for men and she claims that she has a unique method of selecting who she'll date please welcome Cheryl Kroner [Applause] just enjoy yourself just like being in your own living room what's your method of selecting a date well I well I had this little built-in manner scanner it doesn't matter where I am if I'm on the phone public sort of lets me know and there's a cute guy around and I don't have a problem at all approaching men and I think I come on a little bit too strong I have to stop throwing myself at their feet well why do you do that I lost lust Sheriff like an honest person I just want some stuff you meet men on your job oh boy do I ever I think that's all I do all I have to do is hear mail on the other end of the phone and boy I'm on them why is that are you serious are you why I guess it might be have something to do with my job you know I get I I hear a voice and I'm I'm get all excited and we meet and they say I have like a sexy voice and I tell them they have a sexy voice and then unfortunately though all the time we have met it's like one way it doesn't work you know it's always you kind of either I'm crazy about them or they're crazy about me and it's not mutual so that's why I'm here well hopefully we can do better for you I don't know what do you notice first about a man I like clean-cut men um I like forearms you know kind of like veiny no hair kind of veiny no hair forearms foolish if that's what you like that's what you like that's it yeah I wonder how do you say let me check out your forearms there and slide your shirt up no I don't know clean fingernails too well yeah on anybody I suppose yeah okay let's take a look at the tapes that Cheryl saw remember you're going to vote again first was Gary he was raised in Wichita Kansas and his hobbies include jogging swimming thinks that his social life would pick up if he were a personal friend of Dick Clark odd thing to say tell us about one of his recent dates she had these little balloons and she was good at making animals and stuff you know she wouldn't when they shaped them into balloons but sometimes when you're on a date and you're trying to talk to a person seeing somebody across from you making balloons and handing them out to little kids is kind of that's my date the balloon maker next it was James his favorite pastime is roller skating now he thinks he looks a lot like Tom Selleck and he says that if he could change one thing about himself he'd have smaller feet here's more on that foreign I'm self-conscious about the times because like when I'm not going on a date or something and I okay I got the right pair of pants and oh God I don't have the shoes to go with it because I can't find shoes to go with it so I'm really limited on shoes and so when it comes to dressing I go by what goes with the shoes that I have finally Tom he enjoys gambling in Las Vegas driving down the coast and he says that he avoids women who can't make up their minds and here's an example of what he means we're at a movie theater what would you like to drink I don't care so you have three choices okay we've got orange Sprite or Coke what do you want well I guess I'll have a Coke okay what size do you want I don't care at that point look I'm not drinking this you are just tell me what you want okay those are the three men Cheryl had to choose from it's time for you to vote who do you think would be the best uh best man for audience made its Choice Cheryl's gonna tell us who she picked Gary we're out of times they're going to find out everything that happened on Cheryl's day tomorrow that's our show for today but we'll be back tomorrow with Cheryl and more singles trying to make a love connection I'm Chuck Woolery I hope all your dates are good ones good night foreign [Music] offering up to the minute styling and exceptional quality Gitano or Genuine Vaseline the petroleum jelly that heals soothes and protects rough dry skin Vaseline petroleum jelly your Skin's best friend well what's the secret behind great tasting Italian meals Ragu spaghetti sauce That's Italian support the healthy beautiful hair you need quality Fantastic Sams Hair Care Products criminalized to be safe for sure they were fantastic dance salons everywhere a celebrate America with Hormel you can win a savings bond or a free vacation we got a refund too look for the Hormel ad in your June 12th Sunday paper for delicious toppings and this is Richardson's seven flavors including new light hot fudge all the funky taste for the third rest gallery this is Rich Gentry speaking for love so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SchfiftyThreeRetroTV 3
Views: 168,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l-NlZYjOkqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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