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meet our next guest she was born in California but raised in fville North Carolina she likes men who are a little shy are able to get a tan and who wear nice shoes and she loves to listen to dating advice she gets from her grandmother please welcome Patra [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Bell so what does Grandma tell you grandone tells me to date as many men as I can many and even at the same time like as many as you can and just have fun with it now did she do that when she was young she used to do it she likes to tell me stories about it yeah so it's interesting do she have some good stories oh yeah before my grandfather's time of course of course yeah so now is that what you do usually no it's kind of hard because I'm really picky about the kind of guys that I want to go out with and so it it usually doesn't work out that way in fact like I was talking to my mom the other day and uh I told our proba went out of the house till I got married and she's like oh my gosh you're going to live here forever so a lot of confidence building there in your mom what about the type of shoes you like well they have to they have to match the outfit as far as you know you don't want some sneakers with a nice outfit or you don't want to have like really nice shoes with a total casual outfit but the um one thing I don't really like are like cowboy boots because they just the GU who wearing kind of have this kind of cowboy attitude not always but it's just it seems to work out that way and and that's not really what I'm interest course I guess you have chaps and stuff like that on be good to have a pair of cowboy boots instead of sneakers kind of goes to the outfit you know but I wouldn't go out with them yeah okay we're going to take take a look at the tapes of Pat I remember you're going to vote again first there was Michael he grew up near Boston went to college in Oregon and just moved here about 5 months ago and he says that he's at least 5 years away from getting married and he claims that it only takes him about 30 seconds to determine if a woman likes him and here's more from Michael I don't like prissy women who don't who won't run because they'll get their hair messed up or or just women who don't know how to run you know that run like women I guess I kind of like women to run like men like if they had to run across the street they'd know how okay next was Chris he says that he's attracted to women who go after that or what they want uh but he doesn't want to be stuck with a woman who nags and most of his dates recently have been sort of average but here's one that was a little worse than that she opened her door and her dog hated me and just attacked me for like 5 minutes and she didn't do anything she just stood there and looked at the the dog attacking me and I had these similar pants on expensive Italian pants on rip my Jean knee down all the way down just shredded him and finally Ricardo he's looking for a woman who loves tennis and doing charity work and if she also loves to wear many skirts he's not sure if he could control himself around her he hardly ever dates because he's in law school but here's what happened on his last blind date here I had my heart set on a nice day my first day you know dinner movies everything really nice and and then I look at her just go oh this is going to be a long two three hours ever and uh it was it was really long time all right those are the three mene Pat had to choose from time if you to vote who do you think would be best [Applause] for audience has made a choice we're out of time so we're going to find out who patro picked and here everything that happened on that date tomorrow that's our show for today but I hope all your dates are good ones tonight we'll see you tomorrow bye-bye everybody if you would like to be on love connection please phone 21365 59 6210 you must be 21 or over Dorothy's worth a mint on The Golden Girls [Music] Next Chuck L's wardrobe fished by Bernini this is John cvan speaking for love connection love connection is an Eric Lio production produced in association with and distributed by one of others domestic television distribution Man meets modern-day technology where you hear all the intimate details of a first date and now here's the host of Love connection Chuck wery thanks everybody thank you you right here in the middle and welcome over here let's get started by meeting our first guest she was raised in fville North Carolina she has a pet cat named grim and a pet dog named little bit she doesn't date very often at all and she thinks that one reason may be that she's always attracting nerds please welcome Petra [Applause] Bell are you well Patra describe these nerds that are attracting you're attracting yeah I'm definitely not attracting well anyway they're they're just kind of they're not really shy they're like really out well not outgoing totally but they're just like not your best looking kind of guys and they're a little bit kind of nervous but usually they they'll try and make eye contact and I'm friendly with them and they they get this as an idea in their head that because I smiled or because I said hi or something like she likes me let me try for it or you know it's just like nothing I'm really interested in good looking guys as far as you're concerning or are coming any good-looking nerds no no I mean I mean other than them well it's not lately I mean I it's just you know because I'm so picky it's just hard to find somebody that's really goodl looking that meets all the ifications and all that well we're going to remind everybody what happened yesterday our studio audience saw Pat three choices they voted on which one they thought be best for take a look at all three and catch you up today first there's Michael he claims that it only takes about 30 seconds to determine if a woman likes him Chris doesn't want to be stuck with a woman who nags and Ricardo he usually melts in front of a woman who wears a Min skirts now the audience vote was recorded yesterday we'll get that a little later right now Pat is going to tell us who she chose I chose Michael he's backstage Michael check away Michael hi chck how you doing it's fine make yourself at home relax back there start us off um so anyway we decided to go Paras sailing and he um wait a minute okay you're going to par I'm so you just don't you don't look like somebody's going to jump in a Paras sale well well neither one has had ever done it and so I was like oh it's a really good idea you know and he thought so too and so he came down and met me and um he looked really nice he was wearing shorts for just dressed for the occasion and then were you surprised or were you surprised how he looked well he's he looked kind of how I pictured him you know I've seen his face and and you seem real happy about all this I mean I feel like we've done something right yeah yeah what about her looks Michael were they what you expected uh yes and no she had she described herself to me over the phone and uh the southern accent kind of threw me cuz when I hear Southern Accents I sort of think of of blondes and uh so even though she said she had dark I was sort of expecting a blonde and uh so I was a little surprised but she she she was cute she's very pretty and uh well put together a nice compliment oh thanks so now what happens well we go down um we're a little bit early for the Paris sailing and it turns out that we're the only ones that are going to be on the boat usually they have six people uhhuh and we go out and um it's I don't know if you ever done it or seen it or anything but I have yes well it's a two-seater thing and both of us are really nervous I've never done with another person I've only done it alone oh oh well it's it's really fun this way cuz you sit together it's all nice and cozy and you get little like you're fly high in the air it was like where and and if you fall you die together so I guess let you down so it's romantic up there is it Michael or just kind of Scenic uh it was cozy and Scenic I don't know that it was romantic we were really jammed into this small seat and uh we had to wear life jackets so the life jackets were kind of riding up in our face that's so they can find the body it wasn't it was in the place for romance check yeah so now what happens so then um we go back and change cuz we were both in shorts and we go out to the restaurant uhuh and it turns out and we're talking the whole time conversation's keeping up and he's I think he's really easy to talk to and I don't know about what kind of things are you talking about Michael well what somehow or another we got back to the conversation of fee and uh I had mentioned I had mentioned that uh my second toe is longer than my big toe and she that's really fascinating well I I think so too but uh she told me that that means that uh that I'm the one who wears the pants in the family so what could I do but agree what is that something I was told you just made it up or no it was something I was told see in the South that's one thing about the south okay all you folks in the South you know this is true you got all these little things that well a second toes larger well let me tell you about my uncle Ned now he well so now what happens well um dinner was good and we left there got back to my house and my mom was watching TV and I kind of already talked to her about what we were going to be doing as far as coming back from a restaurant and watching a movie so I kind of asked her to kind of leave the room so anyway after um she finished her Pro program she um leaves and we watch a couple movies you're in your house now yes and you're watching a couple of movies so now what's going on Michael well actually we were we were just uh sitting there watching movies Chuck and all I was wondering yeah I was wondering if maybe it was going to get romantic by one of our doings but uh us usually I like to wait I like to wait till I'm about 99% sure that that uh hate rejection don't you right that it's going to work out and at this point I I was feeling pretty good but only about 80% so I said well I better wait a little while and see what uh see what happens so you're waiting did you are you are you is he appealing to you at this point oh yeah so if he kissed you you wouldn't mind well I don't know about that well I just ask so how did the date end went outside I was going to walk him out and it was kind of foggy outside and so we kind of just sat there for a while talking about the fog and just reminiscing about how it reminded us of back eist and uh and we just kind of led up to the good night kiss is so so you did you did have a kiss yeah I figured it was about the right time a couple of them what Michael it was about the right time Chuck the signals were okay well did she kind of tilt her head and kind of move at you a little bit or what well we were we were just sort of sitting sitting real close together and I I could just tell that it was it was time so I I did he was right huh yeah yeah well let's take a look see the audience before before he sounds like you had a good date I thought so yeah I want to say Petra and it's Petra isn't it Petra yeah they like Michael 48% come on out Michael [Applause] [Music] Michael's very Collegiate looking here I mean he's got his bass weion on Andes yeah oh you like the shoes good shoes good right so far this you're a hit yeah thanks for coming on the show we enjoyed having you we're going to come right back with another couple stay with us [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Petra Tyndall
Views: 216,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EVK8k0S2m5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2013
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