Erik Braverman on Love Connection from 1992

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you're watching Katy XH Houston's paramount station welcome to love connection where old fashioned romance meets modern day technology where you hear all the intimate details of a first date and now here's the host of love connection he's originally Houston Texas says that he's the trusting type that are not crossing planes he prefers women who use bad language and and his memory has caused him some difficulty with his social life please welcome Erik Braverman now what's the story on your memory gosh I don't remember actually I have had some problems in the past trying to remember my dates name went out about a year and a half ago I guess with uh with the girl that I met we went out she called me left me a message on my machine and she said it's me just confirming the reservations for tonight oh ho so we went out had a great time it was actually a very good date uh we went out the next night and I took her places trying to learn her name to this day I don't know what her name is well I guess it doesn't matter anymore does it no it doesn't yeah what is this about bad language you like women who use bad language what is that I mean bad language like like cursing or swearing or just keeping them well I mean also bad language can be putting a noun in the wrong place no I like she's got to be grammatically correct no I like a girl who can who can who can use bad language it shows me that she's got her guard down that she's not being phony or false with me if she's willing to sit there and exchange swearwords with me hey we're gonna have a good time well I'm not gonna say it okay let's take a look at the women that Eric had to choose from remember you're gonna pick the woman that you think's best for him here we go first Elena she has a degree in psychology this sounds like the perfect groom mature she says that that she either has a steady guy she goes out with or as many guys as possible but she hasn't liked any of them in that she'd been seeing lately and she tells us the best dating advice she heard was this use of you some and lose them well everybody knows that sane and I'm not that cool but I think it's a good it's more fun that Lane next Heather Heather says that she thinks a good place to meet men is a supermarket especially the cereal aisle in the produce department she'd like to meet a man who's into health and fitness and she says that looks are important too and Heather tells us about the men that she's been meeting lately some of the guys that go out with it's weird because you'd think that the guys would want to be to play the field for the ones I've men got out with they want to settle down I don't know when that's saying I want to play the field you know so it's been kind of a hard combination all right finally Megan she loves the theater she likes to listen more than talk on a first date she's looking for a man who's educated intelligent and sexy and she tells us about a date with a man named Wolfgang or Wolfgang we'd went back to his house to watch an opera which he had Don Giovanni Woking then proceeds to tell me that he is Don Giovanni reincarnated an honest to god believed it I thought it was a joke and I start laughing he didn't know why I wasn't taking him seriously I mean I know men are romantics but I mean this was completely ridiculous they're those of the three women and Eric had to choose from now it's time for you to choose who you gonna send him out with on their date we'll do it doing to be right back we're back Eric's gonna tell us who he selected and I remember this yes I should have it well that's good haven't seen you make self at home back there and Eric will start us off okay so I left the arrangements up to her so I got to her place and we decided we were gonna just kind of drive out and head to a restaurant didn't know where we were going at this point and Heather was kind of navigating we were gonna go to a Mexican restaurant she decided that we would go to a Mexican restaurant I actually hate Mexican food but I just weep it was okay I just wanted to get the date started at this point because it was taking a while to go what did you say Heather I I asked if it was okay and and I said I know you don't eat meat you know but it was the only thing that was really open and happening so he's a vegetarian right Mexican restaurants probably not a good eat not a good idea but I wanted to get the thing started when you went to this place oh well we got lost we were and then we decided we're just gonna stop at the first restaurant we come to and as it turns out we bumped into the Mexican restaurant by chance and we decided to eat there we were lost at this point Heather's navigate we're lost I didn't know where we were and I was driving I suggested this place before we left my apartment so we got there somehow okay so you're at this Mexican restaurant and and and going through the menu thank you the menu looking for some vegetarian thing to eat we decided during the dinner conversation that we were gonna go to a nightclub that she had she had you know been to before right and she told me that there was a great jazz band there we were gonna head over there and I like jazz and that was great so we left the restaurant and we headed to the to the club which was right across the street from the restaurant thank God we found sure well that's why we found it all right uh we went to the to the nightclub we we go up there and there's no one there there's no band playing there may be two people in the restaurant drunk and so the cocktail waitress comes over and Heather said I thought the band was playing tonight in the cocktail waitress said well the band never plays on Sunday no no no no no cuz I called and they said they were playing and so that's why we went because they're there we thought they were anyways well yeah I called and then we got there and they said there was such a slow night that they didn't come that night but they play it once every night so yeah well almost didn't include this night so we're just gone so we sat down and at this point we're gonna have to talk again I decided alcohol we could talk again thanks a lot yeah you sound like here really I know it isn't although I mean like it's a struggle for you everything we talked about basically came back to her modeling you kept asking me questions about it I don't I I ask you questions I also noticed when we were at the restaurant I noticed on her questionnaire that she was a receptionist at her modeling agents in write and she quickly denied that she said I am NOT a receptionist I am the assistant to the to the agent well I was started as receptionist I worked my way to her assistant oh okay so we we said tell what we made of defending your character what you are okay so we're having drinks at the nightclub and a cocktail waitress comes over and she asks us she says she asked Heather are you a model and Heather just kind of smiled and then the cocktail waitress asked me are you a model and I look they're like I'm not a model but Heather is so she and Heather started talking about her modeling career again pretty much what I had heard of dinner and they talked for a while I think the cocktail waitress was a little more interested in Heather at this point so then he talked to the waitress at all hello um I did like her tonight talking about more but it Aaron talked to her at the very end when she asked if he was a model he said no I'm her producer and cuz he's a talk show producer yes yeah yeah and he didn't say radio I was looking what he didn't say radio producer he just said a producer like meses be impressive and I tried to get us to dance I kept mentioning hinting that I love to dance and Eric kept saying out Erica is he how adventurous he was and how he liked how he liked to dance and he never never got up today well so because there was nobody else dancing and there was a man flying kind of but you Oh Moon River I'm screwed so out of the bay then I took her back to her place uh we went in she asked me if I would like to see her portfolio and I said sure she's very attractive of course I want to see her portfolio I went into her place she showed me her portfolio it was really impressive she's very pretty well thank you but the reason why I should I wouldn't just stay here look at my book I thought you know I could maybe get some work from the radio station and I figured you'd show them to your boss no he offered wait he said in social radio seems like an odd place to model I mean you you remember say you said good night Heather um yeah I stuck my hand out give him a handshake and he said he said how about a hag night said fine great so we hugged and I used to drive safe and that was it didn't work out unfortunately for either one of you but the audience plays a part in this let's take a look to see who they chose for you Eric holy cow Elena 52% for us another blind date explained I think this point I'm gonna steal my own well okay Heather I'm sorry we didn't make a love connection for you thanks for coming on time anyway yeah hopefully we'll see you again thank you hi and Eric we tried Thanks doesn't always work out as you well know we'll be right back with another couple of dry that you
Channel: Mark Braverman
Views: 253,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Erik Braverman, Love Connection
Id: _mGtzttKDnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2010
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