CRAB CAKES with Sriracha Tartar Sauce

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hey what's up everybody loves crab cakes literally everybody loves them it's that simple today i'm going to show you how to make a super easy to make crispy lump crab cake at home we're going to make our own tartar sauce from scratch i'm going to get into it all so if that sounds like fun stick around let's get started [Music] so in researching this video i kept asking myself the same question which is why aren't crab cakes better and it comes down to the simple fact that crab cakes in restaurants are usually filled with eggs mayo and bread crumbs other fillers because crab is really expensive and it's hard to be profitable unless you lean really heavy on those things but we've all had the result it's pasty and bland and it doesn't really taste like crab for me the only route to get to a great crab cake is more crab so more crab is number one of course but what else do we need to consider when we're talking about the perfect crab cake for me number two is definitely minimal additions that means less filler overall we're looking just to support the crab flavor and to lightly bind it together that's it number three a great crab cake has to be really crispy we're gonna be hitting ours with a top secret little dose of panko bread crumbs on the outside to do just that number four a thoughtful tangy homemade tartar sauce that's heavy on the caper the lemon and there's gonna be a bunch of pickles in there as well and lastly number five we have to have a buttery crab cake we're gonna be frying them in butter basting in butter it's gonna be really rich and super fun so in my mind those are the things that we're paying attention to to get a great crab cake to get started of course we're going to be talking about the crab meat today i'm using a lump crab meat sometimes this is also referred to as a super lump this is blue crab from the atlantic ocean and it is pasteurized meaning that it's cooked in the can to a pretty high temperature to make it more shelf stable in the fridge to get my crab cake mix going i'm gonna flip this one pound can of crab meat into a medium stainless steel bowl to that we're gonna add 75 grams of nice mayo i made this mayo myself and if you want the recipe and my thoughts on mayonnaise overall reference the potato salad video linked down below also if you see some excess crab water hanging out in your bowl at this point just take it over to the sink and drain it off real quick once we've got that drained i'm gonna add in 65 grams of panko bread crumbs one whole egg 25 grams of dijon mustard five grams of hot sauce three grams of salt three grams of black pepper 15 grams of worcestershire and i'm gonna grab a bunch of chives here run my knife through those real quick all day we need about two tablespoons or 10 grams of minced chives so i'm gonna grab a rubber spatula and i'm gonna start to mix this crab but here's a quick disclaimer we really want to maintain this lumpy crab texture as you can see i'm just very gently folding all this up to combine part of the 28 bucks that we paid on this crab went into making sure that it was large and chunky if you're extra concerned that your crab might fall apart i recommend maybe mixing everything butt the crab together ahead of time and then folding the crab in we're trying to avoid more than anything is crab cakes with no texture this is a crucial step in making sure that ours have some all i'm doing here is just scooping and folding scooping and folding and after about 15 to 20 of those movements we should be combined but still chunky and at that point it should look like this we've got plenty of nice large crab chunks in there and things are well combined and starting to be bound together to shape these into actual crab cakes we need to grab a small sheet tray lined with parchment and a half cup measuring spoon and by the way this recipe makes six roughly four ounce crab cakes to shape these we're gonna gently fill our half cup scoop with the crab mixture i'm pressing that cup with firm pressure to make things fuse together a little bit don't be too afraid to put pressure on the crab meat in there it really shouldn't break down once you've got it packed nice and tight we're gonna simply slap it into the palm of our hand to release it i want a little gung-ho snacking on this crab meat off camera so i'm a little bit short of my four ounces per cake these are about three and a half ounces total and i also probably filled the first couple of these cups a little bit heavy and i had to sort of adjust as i wanted but don't worry about it we're going for a very rough three and a half to four ounce range total you just want to fill your half cup about 90 of the way with crab once we're all shaped we're going to throw these crab cakes into the freezer to firm them up and to clarify i'm putting this in the freezer so that when we pull it to bread in a second it won't fall apart so after 20 minutes in the freezer we're gonna grab the crab cakes give them a poke make sure they're nice and firm and i'm gonna grab an egg so i can crack that into a small container i'm gonna give that a quick whisk with a fork and i'm gonna walk it over to the sink and get a splash of water give that a stir into our second container we're gonna pour out about one cup of panko working one at a time we're gonna gently dunk the crab cakes into the egg mixture and then into the panko after that gently flip them over and repeat that we don't need a ton of bread crumbs to stick to the outside here again we mainly want crab texture and flavor more than anything else so we want just enough panko to create a bread crumb barrier between the tender juicy crab meat and the butter in the pan i'm gonna repeat this for all six and then we're gonna set them aside and preheat a large non-stick pan over medium high heat into that pan i'm gonna measure about a half cup of olive oil and two to three tablespoons of butter we can use the butter here as a really good indicator of how hot the pan is once the butter is melted and foaming the pan should be hot enough to fry the crab cakes at that point we're gonna drop in the cakes one at a time and fry them over medium heat for about four to five minutes per side the medium heat here helps keep our butter from browning too fast any time we're cooking with butter that's not clarified we really need to watch the heat after that four to five minutes the cakes are looking really well browned and quite crisp on the bottom i'm gonna flip these over and continue to fry them on the second side for about four to five more minutes after about one minute on that second side i'm gonna grab a big deep spoon and i'm gonna start basting these cakes with the excess fat this gives them a little bit more depth of butter flavor but it also sets the outsides better and makes the cakes more crisp and structurally sound so i'm just going to continue to baste and fry these for about three minutes or so and at this point the cakes are really nice and golden brown and have a really deep crispy crust on the outside but they're not fully cooked in the restaurant i would just throw my pan into a hot oven but at home i like to replicate that by flipping these over onto the same sheet tray that we froze them on and putting them in a 425 degree oven to bake for five to six minutes so while those are in the oven we're going to make our tartar sauce and this is kind of like a hybrid sauce for me it's definitely still tartar sauce but it's also kind of like remoulade so to make the sauce we're going to grab a bunch of parsley and run our knife through it three or four times all day we need about 10 grams or two heaping tablespoons of chopped parsley once we got that chopped we're going to scoop it into our medium stainless steel bowl and then i'm going to throw down 100 grams of bread and butter pickles all we're doing here is just running the knife back and forth a few times and then scooping them into the bowl behind that we're going to chop up 20 grams of drained capers scoop those into the bowl and finally we're going to grab a chunk of red onion maybe like a quarter of a small one and i'm going to give that a small dice we definitely want this onion broken down quite a bit so run your knife through it again if you need to of course we're going to give these a rinse under cold water to remove that raw sulfur flavor that's going to dominate the sauce if we don't so we've got everything chopped now into that bowl we're going to measure 175 grams of nice clean tasting mayonnaise 40 grams of dijon mustard the juice of half of a lemon or about one tablespoon 30 grams of sriracha sauce this is pretty specific hot sauce in my mind probably doesn't work as good and finally one clove of garlic and yeah i'm letting you guys see who i really am on the inside i use a garlic press and i'm comfortable with it grab a spoon and stir everything up well to combine when it looks light orange and things are homogenous give it a taste it should be bright and full of interesting texture the caper the onion the pickle they're all working hard one last thing that i think this dish needs to be finished off properly is a tart tangy crunchy little salad crab cakes with remoulade or tartar sauce alone totally delicious but it's a little bit one note i want to bring some added dimension a little bit of bitterness a little bit of sourness that kind of pops through all that fat and richness to make this little salad we're going to chop up about a half head of frisee i'm going to throw that in my medium bowl and i'm going to grab a fennel bulb and shave that on the mandolin i'm looking for about maybe one cup of shea fennel here total i'm gonna throw that in with the frizz and to dress this up squirt into a little container one tablespoon of dijon mustard we're gonna have the juice of half of a lemon and we're gonna top that off with about three tablespoons of olive oil pop a lid on that container give it a really good shake to emulsify things up and then pour that onto the frise oh and add a small pinch of salt here to season things up and that's it we're going to give it a toss toss toss and give it a taste the for say is bitter and crisp and the fennel is sweet it's really aromatic this is the perfect refreshing compliment to a fried cake covered in mayonnaise after about five to six minutes in the oven at 4 25 i'm gonna pull out my crab cakes and check them i'm putting an instant read thermometer in there 165 is what i'm looking for that's gonna let me know that the egg inside the cake is fully set okay everything's looking good and i think i covered all the details here so let's eat a crab cake [Music] so for me that's like a perfect crab cake this is a simple dish that's usually abused and if we just give it a little bit of time and attention of course it's going to be excellent and before i get out of here i just want to say a huge thank you to everybody who supported this channel on coffee all that support went directly into buying a bunch of crab to make this video so if you guys like what we're doing click through maybe take a look consider supporting us over there it means a lot it goes a long way as always guys thank you so much for your time and attention thank you for sticking around and we'll see you next time
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 108,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crab cakes, crab cake, crab cake recipe, how to make crab cakes, remoulade sauce, crab recipe, make crab cakes, cooking crab cakes, best crab cakes, homemade carab cakes, crab cake sauce, crab cakes recipe, lump crab cakes, lump crab cakes with panko, lump crab cake recipe, tartar sauce, tartar sauce recipe, sriracha tartar sauce recipe, cooking, food, professional chef, brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, seafood
Id: Ys4BJSkjA7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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