Love Ascended 2024 Event Guide - ARK Survival Ascended

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all right folks my name is fr and the time has come to ascend your love for Ark of course yes the Valentine's Day themed event has begun in Ark survival ascended bringing with it a bunch more skins and another chance to earn yourself some chibbies and today we're going to look at exactly just what's on offer and how you can get it first off though you are going to need the mod now if you're joining a server running the event you'll be prompted to download it when you connect but if you're run in single player you will have to get it manually easily done simply open the mod list search for love evolved sorry love ascended although as you can see both work there's the mod just install that activated and you're all set there's a reasonable number of skins available in this event many of which you may be familiar with if you've already played the uh the love evolved events back in Arc survival evolved but there are a few new skins as well including a lovely heart bopper headband few weapons and of course the uh the all important Valentine's Day bed skin all of which can be found in the holiday folder on the Smithy now if you want to craft any of these the first thing you'll need to do is find yourself a love bug these are a little mini Rino with Halo and Cupid wings and they can be found well in my experience pretty much everywhere I've seen them in the snow on the beaches been around the volcano but they are quite small and difficult to spot they seem to always spawn at level 100 and had around 4,000 Health in my experience but using whichever method you feel most comfortable with you're going to need to kill one off and harvest its Love Bug hearts on average I've been getting about three per bug but you are going to need quite a lot of these as they are both used as a crafting resource themselves for some items and more importantly they are the sole bait used on the lovely fishing rod and that neatly brings us onto our second event creature the Valentine's Day sea canth identical to a normal one except for these little pink hearts floating above it that you can see here but you're going to need to find yourself one or preferably many of these and then sit down with your fishing rod and a whole lot of patience now obviously I am speeding things up a little bit here for the purposes of the video using some well quite literal fish in a barrel but you're going to need to find yourself a healthy amount of cants if you can and go through the little fishing mini game reel them in until you finally get it landed and you'll see at the side we've got some box of chocolates a chibi lots of prime fish meat and if we look down in the lower right we can see we've started a streak now the streak maxes out at five and you get a little bonus at the end but each fish you reel in can give you a chibi some chocolates or candies and those chocolates and candies are the final resources you need to make all of your skins now I've also been told that they can drop whenever your tames mate but it hasn't happened for me yet so not something I can really give you the odds on there but if you've got a lot of tames there's certainly no harm in trying it out especially as Force feeding the chocolates to a creature not only fully heals it and gives it a taming boost but also takes a big chunk of the mating cool down as well my Raptors here went from 22 hours down to 17 which is a pretty hefty reduction no matter how you look at it but there we have it that's everything for love evolved that I know of if there is anything I've missed please do drop it in the comments so that other people can see it and in the meantime enjoy the event and I'll be back with some more Arc soon thank you very much for watching bye-bye
Channel: Freyn
Views: 5,025
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Keywords: freyn, survival game, survival crafting, ark event guide, ark guide, ark tips, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, ark 2024 guide, ark love ascended, ark love evolved, ark events 2024, ark love bug, ark how to, ark box of chocolates, ark valentines, ark love bug hearts, ark event, asa event, asa valentines, ark how to get chibis
Id: lNiwh80eZPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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