Postosuchus Taming Guide & abilities in Ark Survival Ascended ll Prehistoric Beasts ASA

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welcome back with another video scub 6 Benz here and today we're going to be teaching you the abilities and how to tame the Posta sucus from prehistoric Beast mod to get the Posta sucus you're going to need to steal their eggs anywhere a postas suit spawns there is a chance for a egg to spawn and in the egg there will be a nest in the nest will be the egg all you have to do is take the egg from the post tocus and there you go you have the post tocus egg like any other egg you're supposed to incubate it until it hatches so you can imprint on the Posta sucus you can unlock the Posta suuki saddle at level 26 only needing 65 Cayenne or keratin 165 hide and 120 fiber also while riding the saddle there is a passenger seat on the postas sucus so two people can ride the post toas at the same time so if you're playing with a friend your friend is able to ride the post toas and also have range weapons and melee weapons on the back of them when pressing R2 on controller and pressing left click on PC you're able to do the bite attack with the post to sucus this bite attack does a decent amount of damage when in a pack and on the pack leader pressing right click on PC and L2 on controller you're able to do a claw attack this claw attack has a status condition which is a bleed and it does a bit of damage also when pressing C on PC and right stick on console and while on the pack leader you're able to do a roar this Roar is called bloodthirsty how bloodthirsty how makes you faster make you able to do more damage and also makes you able to take less damage the poster sucus also has the ability stink breath stink breath prevents the falling creatures orthoporus insects leeches micro Raptors pom mxs po Raptors ravagers and Seekers from attacking you hope yall enjoy the video make sure to like subscribe maybe share maybe even comment down below and I hope you know the abilities and how to attain the post to sucus it's go 6 V and I'm out
Channel: SkufzXbenz
Views: 3,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cjtDZE8VcYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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