Love and sacrifice for the deen (Religion) - Part 2 By Sheikh Omar El Banna

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you similar of nano Rahim Medusa panel at eye level study here when a star furrow when all the baloney Ptolemy shrewd and fussy never miss a Yeti Almudena may yeah in love with our fellow movie Laila when my you bill fella heard the other was shadow and in the love water cooler Cheri Keller shadow anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh was Sophia whom in hunky he was a vivo well every cell at the am an alumna Mukesh of Allah Azza WA Jalla be hilum which had the feasibility he had a tabular pin allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala humara early wasabi as mine and marat alhamdulillah I've had two brothers and sisters in Islam Allah subhana WA Ta'ala created us all on this earth and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala asked us to live in this life in worship of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to bring to eat true Eman and through you clean in our life on judgement day your money will not help you your kids will not help you your power your position your post in this dunya will never help you on dutchman day as a lot spinal at Allah says in the Quran o Malayan fell Merlin will ever noon in lemon at Allahabad Alvin Selim that day is so harsh is so hard no property no money no wealth nothing will help you except if you meet allah subhana wa ta'ala with the clean and healthy heart this is the purpose of our creation this is why we he we are here basically to work on these hearts to make sure that they become hearts that are full of amen full of connection with allah subhanho wa taala full of love of allah love of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam love of Islam and this love must be implemented in our life proven by action it is very very very very simple my brothers very extremely simple it's a very very simple equation that we have to get in our heads or basically have to digest if you love allah subhana wa ta'ala if you love muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you love this deen of islam there are certain actions they have to appear in your life if this love is true and genuine these actions have to appear in your life how do we judge love how do we judge connection with allah subhana wa ta'ala how do we judge whether this person was an errata mustaqim or not we look deeply into his life we look into his life and see what proof this person has to present to allah subhana wa ta'ala for this love we always give the example if you say to your father well this please focus please Allah come as much as we can we focus and we try to understand we try to benefit from the gathering they give an example dilemma they say simply if you say to your father every day I love you dead I love your father I love your father I love your father you say to your mother I love you mum I love you mum I love you mum and you repeat this all day on your tongue but then one day your mother says wash dishes for me or your father says come with me to work and you say you know sorry I'm too busy or I'm too lazy I can't be bothered now please let me go the mother and the father will say to you all these years you have been claiming extreme love love for us and now we ask you for one thing and you can't do it this is a sign of fake love it's not a sign of true love you love allah subhana wa ta'ala you love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam actions appear in your life actions of worshipping Allah subhana WA Ta'ala properly appear in your life following the sunnah of rasulullah saaw salem appears in your life you love Islam sacrifice for the Deen of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala appears in your life he sacrifice things of value to prove this love to prove the love of this Deen at the end of the day love as they say is sacrifice love is sacrifice you love something you sacrifice for one guy loves cars how does he show this love he spends fifty thousand dollars on his car the rims the bumper bar the exhaust every every dollar he has he spends on his car then he says I love my car everyone believes him why he spent big dollars he spent big dollars on his car another guy loves his food every day you find them where taste of thought I heard you know yes means whatever he loves his food it's apparent he spends on his money he spends from things he loved because of love of food that he has likewise you love Islam you love this Deen you love the Deen of Allah Allah subhana Allah will ask you on Judgment Day to present your proof of this love what do you have in your life what actions do you have in your book that can represent that manifests that show that you truly love Islam all of us not all of us 99% of them are rasool ullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam give Allah and His Prophet and the Deen of Allah my mind my expression the scrap of their life we give the Dean what the scraps of our life what does that mean the core of our life we sacrifice for things that we really love you'll have money you work from 9 to 5 you love sport you train every day you love the computer you spend hours on Facebook and YouTube and and and and on but we all say we love this land we all say we love Allah we all say we love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we only give this beam our remains we give the core of the day to things that we truly love and we give the margins to beam when I feel like it when I have coin if I'm not busy I will come to the mosque you attend the talk sure or not is this what happens if I make it and show a law if I wake up in the morning and I feel a bit fresh I will come to the monster professor basically we give Allah subhana WA Ta'ala things that are not of true value I'm on the train going to the city for work I'm doing nothing so I'm eyes are open the Quran and read beautiful actions that Calaca sensational a better no one is degrading this arabela in any sense but this work what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala wants to see Allah subhana WA Ta'ala wants to see the Muslim giving him sacrificing things of value in his heart not things of no value sometimes we're asked to give charity you know we're building a Masjid or you know a poor man comes and asks you for money what do you give how do we deal with this situation we give this person extra money that we have true or not extra money let's say for example I need Allah for the next couple of months I need ten grand in the house so if the ten grand are there and I have an extra thousand bucks hanging around somewhere someone comes ask me for money or for so after I say you know what I can't afford I can't afford to give this guy a thousand bucks what are you doing E you're giving your extra you are giving something that's not of true value in your life not of true value in your heart it's a beautiful action me don't misunderstand me please I'm not saying that this is bad action or wrong action I'm not speaking about this I'm speaking what I'm trying to pass on to you is that this is not enough on Judgment Day because Allah subhana WA Ta'ala revealed a very very very famous area that gave the sahaba of the allow unknown Whitehead harbor were afraid because of this a Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says lenten area will be raw hot tuna fuku Mimar to hit boon he will not reach the level of bill bill is a rank in Islam it's a rank righteousness lent an annual Burma you will not achieve bill in your life you will not become from the aboard and what does all say about double in the libera the FINA aim this is the rank of Bill Allah is saying Allah is putting a rule here allah subhanallah wa ta'ala is dictating the law to us you know the government announces law a new law everyone is interested what's the new law what's happening with installation everyone is interested Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he is dictating to us the law the son of Allah in his town in this universe what's the sooner you will not reach the rank of bill until you spend and sacrifice from that which you love not the script not the extra not the marginal something of value I started giving 14 this is when I reach bit this is when you start building true connection with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala this is when Allah subhana WA Ta'ala start becoming pleased with you this person is sacrificing things of love Abu Talha unsoldered allah allahu anhu one of the rich unsub the famous the story is famous but there's always there's always scared and repeating these stories of Sahara the aluminum until they come into our lives about alpha here is this area I like all of us heard the ayah now same same is same same you know medium normal you he he the Quran we all hear the words of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala I will tell her like us heard area but his reaction was different to our reaction the area hit his heart it hit his heart of the Elan he says Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says lend an air will build a hut to film in mentor he Boone now I have to prove to Allah that I want this rank of beer I want this rank of righteousness so he asks himself honestly what is the most valuable thing I have in dunya he didn't search for the remains didn't search for the script didn't search for something that's adequate to give he looked at the most valuable thing he has in his life in this dunya so he said that the most valuable of my money is a piece of land a garden called by Roja by Roja was the beautiful garden they had nice a nice well fur of sweet water in front of the message of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Medina Rasool I used to enter the garden drink from that well and make wudu from it sallallahu alayhi wasallam this by Roja now people of medina they know where it is now it's part of the message actually if you go to medina law but salah allows us own shower goes to Hajj this ye ask people of medina people that know medina off by heart they will tell you the columns in the masjid that were by Roja before now as part of the mention after the extension it's actually in the message of Rasool Allah Allah Allah and batalha came to Rasulullah and said you are Rasul Allah Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has revealed this area to you Lantana will build a hut that when people he met with a boon you will not reach the rank of beard until you spend from that which you love or prophet of Allah I looked in my wealth and I found that the piece of my wealth that I loved the most is this biro ha ya rasulallah he hasn't fought infeasible in there it's all charity feasibility so rasool ullah sallallahu am said to him back in back in an expression of happiness good on you Abu Talha the early Cameroon robber this is it's a good deal he's who's it who's the house about her dealing with dealing with allah it's a beautiful deal abu talha well anna era and tasha allah - a philippine I think you should distribute it amongst your cousins come on Alabama off they're your cousin's if they're facing poverty give them shares from this buy Roja so what the Haredi Allah one who divided this land between his cousins as such my brothers we learned from this story that when we hear the verses of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala recited we always ask our hearts how much have we how much have we sacrificed for this deen of islam and the things that we sacrifice for this deen are they of true value in our life or are very things that are marginal they not of true value we all love you know we all love ourselves we love our time our time is very precious look at your time 24 hours in the day how much of the day do you give Dean how much of the day to give Quran who does not love Quran here raise your hand whoever does not love Quran and the gathering raised your hand if you ask any Muslim in the world Durov Quran what's the answer of course I love Quran what do you mean you think I'm a kid for sure come to co-funding course I love Quran I love Quran say Habibi if you say to your girlfriend sorry for the examples irrelevant to the gathering if you say to your girlfriend I love you I love you I love you I love you but you don't see it for one week what happens if you say to your wife I'm I'm Romeo I'm in love with you all day and all night I don't love anyone in the world more than you and you don't give her time what happens people die married they know you're a bubble Judgment Day starts you don't take me out care for the family you don't love your kids you're not spending enough time with us we never went to the holiday for the past two years she wants to see something solid and she's true if you really care for your family you have to give them time we all say we love Quran who was the percentage of the ummah of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that finished the Quran once since last Ramadan I am be I'm gonna be optimistic less than 1% although everyone says they love Quran so what's happening here that's Helen there's a mistake in the claims you are making maybe if you love Quran you sacrifice time for Quran you give Quran from your day because you love this poor end we all say we love the head should we love Salah who doesn't love solar anyone he does a lot of solar all Muslims we love sana what I saw was the best man wala in Ramadan you pray you - good allahu akbar beautiful feelings - Jude Roku the best of the best who ever since last summer Madan has continuously been praying to her should 2 rakaat annoyed when asking for well you know 1/3 of the night or half the night and - good and so on I pray 2 rakaat every night very very rare in the Oh Muhammad SAW Salim nowadays so where is where is the sacrifice where is the true giving that we are giving for the Deen of Allah nowadays you can trick the machine if I ask you do you love Dean it's very very easy - for you to say well oh of course do you love Islam of course do you love Allah do you love the club's profit or loss alum of course but on judgement there you can't make a peasant claims like this you can't Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will ask you do you love Islam if you try to lie your tongue will disobey you the heart will speak at a demerger hoo-ha Shahidah Olay him some room a bizarre-o whom was rude to me McHenry Emmylou your own eyesight your own hearing your own skin will testify against you you want to lie you want to lie you want to defend yourself you'll be unable to your skin will say fishing hours who loves fishing here everyone knows your hand but don't lie to me all the boys fishing fishing fishing because we love fishing will sacrifice our night's sleep for one lie after share sometimes I find the boys packing up what where you going how are we going fishing all night hey well it's beautiful share all of the harbour this we got about but I thought you need to sleep because of work tomorrow I'll don't worry I'll handle inshallah that's true love proven love when it comes to the heads good mother once you wake up for the head road well I got work shake work work come on isn't it right isn't it is slammed I have to give my boss his right I can't be sleepy at work I have to be fresh earth sits again in a manner I'm betraying my contract I have to be honest but for fishing don't worry but fishing is a sport I understand it's very very beneficial for your health masha'Allah all the muscles move but you ain't shut a lot how about cards all our youth masha'Allah they all in the gatherings of liquor annoyed God's got hours to three hours no boredom no one says enough our entire co-management it's the tenth game or something go on all night love that's love proven love the Sahaba radi allahu anhu in the same way that our life and our action proves that we love dunya sport and women and money and houses and cars in the same way our actions speak out and say that we love these things their actions and their sacrifice proved that they love Allah and His Prophet and this Deen more than everything else in this world the same way exactly just off the back of my head like this one sahaba companion of us who know Selim called Abdul I before the fsme also another famous story memorize his name we know fully plays off by heart not this season not last season people know 20 years ago amazing memories upon Allah so are this guy he played for this team that year he scored the try I don't know he did decent how many points exactly we know them off by heart but the Sahaba ready along I know like five six on average bolero Marathi Elana Walker Osman Ali that's it this great man hood Abdul I before their first semi this man or the Allah who I knew has a very very famous story industry of his name he was sent by Alma radi aallahu anhu in an expedition for against the Romans at the time the Byzantine Empire and this man and a few of the of the soldiers with him were captured by the king of the Roman Empire at the time they were captured by the unn when they were captured they got taken in and then they got presented to the king and the soldiers told the king that one of these prisoners of war is a close companion to mohammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam this prophet that came out arrived in Saudi Arabia so the king said bring him forward he he brought him forward and he asked up the lot of the along and he said to him are you a follower of this Muhammad SAW along RSL amigos yes I am he goes to him follow my religion basically convert to Christianity and I'll give you half my kingdom how much what's the offer half my kingdom the the the Roman Empire at the time was one of the two main civilizations of this era there was the Persian Empire and the Roman Empire always at all the two famous employers all right he was the king of the Roman Empire imagine it's not a president when we say king you have to understand we're speaking history here King owns everything not owns you know like that sort of democracy he owned everything even that this even the paper in our eyes own property this man says to him convert to Christianity and I'll give you half of my kingdom so Abdullah brother fought the alarm who says to him by Allah if you give me all your kingdom not have all the money you have I will not leave the religion of Muhammad so I sell him a blink of an eye for one second I won't leave this Deen nowadays when time of fitna time of corruption what does rasool allah say where there'll be are many Phaeton and Picatta a lane in Muslim rush is staying to the Sahaba 1400 years ago rush to a man raised to the actions of this being raised to Salah to the care to charity the first thing raised for a man before the fittin will come before the fitna the tribulations the corruption will come this fitna they are like the dark pieces of the night use barrage aluminum William C Catherine a person wake up in the morning as a believing man William C Kevin and by night will be a non-muslim you'll be a kafir' William seeker volume 0 Menon he will spend the night as a believing person was before Karen and in the morning will be a carefully and non-muslim what's the end of the hadith yeah beer Adina who they are of in minute dunya he will sell all his religion for small piece of dunja nowadays we have the unfortunately fat our there's Muftis now in the world unfortunately therefore small small amount of money or connection to rich people they will give any fat aware you want nowadays if you want anything to be halal find you and I will say it's Holland anything you want why because of some dunya nowadays for a house Muslims are ready to say Muslims are ready to go to over the law say sure you're from Egypt you're from the you're from the you know third world countries don't know we're in Australia he we are struggling financially if rent is $400 a week if we don't they take the house on River we will be me my wife and the kids on the streets subhanAllah it is as if Australia is your Haram are in an economic and financial condition that's much much much more severe than Muslims in Lebanon and Egypt and Somalia and Ethiopia and Haram we are struggling this is why we need a special exemption say are in Australia you're allowed to buy the first and second and sometimes fifth house meaning different fat our nowadays even your fifth house on the borrower is why because you are in Australia we are facing extra hardship II he hardship he we have hardship what's happening in Egypt then if here is hardship what's happening in Egypt but it's the excuses we find for ourselves because we love dunya too much we are willing to go to war with Allah for a small house yeah be Rodina who thought there are not in minute dunya something small of dunya this man he's dead an authoress presented to him not the house not a million dollars not a billion dollars billions of dollars if you actually calculate inflation from the Roman Empire Allahu Akbar Imaginext someone comes to you as a joke Bill Gates AK is your mate it says to you fifty billion dollars and leave it slam for one second one second make gopher and directly say a shadow and Leila handle our shallow mohammed rasoolullah after it now we all love all of us will laugh now no way share well no no one second because the offer is not true but I'm telling you on Lord he well law you Allah he if this offer is true people would say one second I'll give you an hour you want the whole day I'll give you the whole day but give me half sure one day marina Allah knows my intention hey this man is a is a captive he's a prisoner of all he has the Islamic grueling of saying I'm a careful he has the right Islamically to say what I'm a careful let me go I'm gonna I'm gonna trick him yes yes I'm Christian give me your money take off the kingdom and go back with it to Medina smart or not this man says to him or law he all your kingdom I will not basically pronounce goofily his heart to the same woman I will not pronounce Cooper for one second so the king of the Roman Empire amazed he's used to people fainting in front of money they faint in front of money so he says team ya near acting strong you're acting staunch Allah prajak I'll show you so he says to his guards hang him on the wall they hang him on the wall and he says grab your arrows guitar cheese and there and hit him but don't kill him as if you're gonna kill him get it beside his legs beside his head arches bang and a lot of the Allah one who is a rock he's not moving they throw up down left beside him is a his neck Allah with hard work no motion nothing so the arch has come back and say there's no hope there's no hope King kill him so he says no one more chance they grabbed one of the prisoners with him and they get a boiling barrel of oil or water boiling and they dip this Muslim for him Allah to Allah one of the tambourine they dip him in this marrow and take him out bones boiling water deep boy imagine you see this with your eyes and then your next accept Christianity say just say it and save yourself there's that it's not the fat whopper of a body share rasool ullah sanam said in ID before swear at me if someone is going to harm you denounce islam in lemon oakley i have a pal boo who but my in mumble Eamonn what acumen sort of hobble co-president if your heart is full of him and say what they want to escape a brother fella I will not so the King says Carlos thank you we hear these stories many of you know the story but we never read between the lines it never really actually we never really present our heart to the story like what will I do in this situation we think we're staunch and strong with our being like well life we see a person killed in front of you I don't know what happened we all we all think we're strong but when it comes to the crimes for deen of allah it's extremely hot so i bla bla defer I was the King orders that he be put in this barrel of himself so they carry him and about to put him drop him in the barrel he starts to cry the soldiers scream is crying the King says bring him back they bring him back huh now Abdullah now accept Christianity he goes not no way why are you crying then it goes that split of a second before I I was gonna get thrown in the Bella barrel I thought to myself now you will die feasable in there as a matter as a Shaheed what are you giving to Allah your nafs your soul I'm giving my soul to Allah but then I thought to myself only one soul I will give to Allah only one Neffs one life in front of all the gifts Allah has given us all this Allah has done for me I'm only gonna sacrifice one life so I wished at that moment that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala can give me likes as much as they as the hair on my skin that go one after the other visible in their different feelings they have one only there he he is a martyr he is a machine and he is shy to meet Allah with only one F sacrificed visible Allah this is true even this is true love only I love I love I love this is love before you say I love compared we can't sacrifice our blankets in winter pressure time well it's too comfortable it's too it's too cold outside they are me and we say we love sorry nice example like a 10 out of 10 passes down the road daily when she wrote we all masha'Allah beads and I buy it what do we do all the boys are with me I'm a religious man I'm not gonna perv Ya Allah mukha inital are you normal took this to do for a lady you sell your Deen for a look you sell you OD no one saw me this is where your love is this is where your love of Allah and it's rough it is so if you have to judge yourself before you make big claims you judge yourself where is the Sunnah of Rasulullah Solomon our Lord this man loved when he loved approved by at he is willing to sacrifice not one Neffs thousands and thousands of souls be stabbed in Allah one after the other that's true love so the King gets absolutely taken by his comment this man is facing death and all what he is worried about is how he will face a la Hache I are facing a lot like this so he says to him I let you go or what you have to do is kiss my forehead no cover no Haram Helen he says I will not kiss your forehead just kiss my father and run save yourself I will not kiss your forehead unless you release me and all the Muslim prisoners so Huracan says the king says all right you and the prisoners just kiss my forehead anything from you so he kisses his forehead and he releases them all who hears the news in Medina or Marathi Allah one who is the news he is the news of the allahu anhu see who orders the Sahaba one Abdul Laden no further four of the along one who comes all the Sahaba kiss his forehead because he saved all the Muslim prisoners radi allahu taala on why was this story narrated to us this story has been moving on how many is 1,400 1,300 years why for us to hear the story I say Wow wallah they were machines men Harbor a hectic this one all these stories and the like were passed on to us to basically assess yourself compare you said where do you stand and where do they stand Allah says rowdy a long one whom world one Allah is pleased with them they are pleased with Allah loves happy with them subhana WA Ta'ala is he happy with you they did this what have you done all right we know we are not required as much sacrifice as them if this was the requirement I'm telling you now we all don't adjourn them but something show a lot of minority ana something you did for the Deen of Allah nowadays a police a police car stops you either the siren you have starts pounding you you legit your license is with you you your your seat map is on you are not speaking on the phone say Allah and your heart starts pounding for no reason and we think we're going to stand in front of Allah on Judgment Day the king of kings prophets are afraid human being solid hae-in's rather are afraid everyone on his knees and I'll be staunch I'll be strong the owner might say the skin of your face will fall off from shyness from Allah when Allah says to you what have you done for Islam what have you done for this Deen what proof of love do you have to show me what will we say I was trying we argue said to Allah I was living in Australia it's not uh it's not Saudi Arabia it's not it's not Egypt I was in Australia land of freedom do whatever you want D we have to prepare ourselves with proofs like when you go to court do you go empty-handed or you try to take as much proof with you as possible that you have a genuine case you innocent you try lawyers prepare files and files of proof and the need this man is innocent likewise you want to meet al on Judgment Day with proof although I did this I did this for that many years I prayed in the mosque that many years I was fasting that many years I was playing in charity that much I was following the Sunnah of Rasulullah Selim these many nights I woke up in the middle of my prayed to hazard that much grammar you want to show Allah subhana WA Ta'ala what you sacrificed or value in your life for this team to present your case to pass on Judgment Day this is why we have these gatherings as of the gatherings is not what largest to talk nowadays we have a habit of just attending talks and it's it became part of our culture yeah I going to the okay I'm going to the pool i'm d'lai beautiful as you and everything but what have you learned from the talk what change as this talk brought bring to bring to your life after the talk and before the talk are you the same five minutes massimo some of us get affected in talks we feel something our hearts move from the stories of from the Quran the Sahaba it's our hearts five minutes later we down the stairs here cracking up laughing joking about everything no change this is why we say we need consistency we need to follow up we need to check up your heart every day or Marathi Allah who says a simple and full circle I've learned to habu you be your own judge before Allah be a las manos Allah is your judge you were going to be separate we make a checklist where do I stand so learn the most shocking fasting extras in the eleven that our own so know of rasul allah so allah we're very very quick with growing our beads and our Iberia but hard soon and I was talking yesterday he manners of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in this one the boys come to Dean and the things that are easy for us things that are ready where we love naturally it's part of Dinos you know we face by it beautiful you know be the hot bar where the sooner you're proud of yourself you know joy beautiful I am NOT degrading it or or an ability to get in any sense but who of our boys nowadays comes to Dean and has the Sunnah of the manners of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam who has the Sunnah of forgiving others the Sunnah of letting things go human beings take my rights now this women we need to revive in our life to prove we love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam very very very important my brothers that we assess our situation to improve if you have a shot and you don't do a stocktake every now and then what happens you don't know what's happening you don't know all are you you're making money you're not making money is the business profiting is that is that profit is there no profit don't know where you are you have to do a stocktake to find once a year at least I know where I stand likewise the Muslims to make a stop take every day where do you stand to make sure he's always improving NASA lost Panama Tyler and is random the LA Venus the neuronal kolevatov una so now we ask Allah subhana Allah make us from those who practice what - he soprano column organic to listen to or download more Islamic lectures please visit w-w-w dot is la make media calm that IU
Channel: Islamic Media
Views: 8,900
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: love, sacrifice, deen, religion, ALLAH, swt, muhammad, islam, islamic, the, relgion, truth, muslim, muslimns, muslimeen, youth, young, age, companions, sahaba, Islam, allah, quran, mohammed, peace, prophets, educate
Id: BAt626rsdVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2010
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