Louisiana Blue Crabs (Catch & Cook) HAND LINES!

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what's going on y'all welcome back to falling tide tv on today's episode i'm out with the boys catching some beautiful south louisiana blue crabs and after we're finished with that we're going to show you guys just how the falling tide crew likes to boil our crabs to catch the crabs we're using crab nets and hand lines hand lines are something that the locals like to use around here and it's really simple you just tie a chicken leg or a turkey neck to a rope drop it down there in the water the crabs hold on to it you just scoop them up with a net it's probably one of the more simple yet effective ways to catch these blue crabs down here and it's something that everybody can do it's something that you don't have to have a lot of traps you don't have to have a fancy boat you just find a dock drop a chicken leg in the water and scoop up some crabs i love everything about this guys and i hope that y'all enjoy today's video [Music] so [Music] [Music] ready to catch some crabs bro oh yeah oh yeah [Music] what up lane you ready to catch the crab buddy let's see that [Music] yeah keep counting the crabs yeah like it's going to get crazy there's no holes i thought about bringing my dad's clicker too and i didn't think about it [Music] it's a beautiful morning fellas it's a beautiful morning you ready to get some crabs absolutely uh one morning with the boys yeah you're right that's right so we got the crew here this morning yo we about to get these uh these crab nets set up here [Music] we place six nets here so we got six nets out around this little dock here we're also gonna be tying a piece of chicken to a rope we're going to be pulling them up by hand as well so we'll be pretty busy here in a few minutes once the sun gets rolling and we get to you know really be able to see what's going on y'all to see see the whole process so right now we just played some nets and getting everything all set up how long have we learned not very long talking like six foot basically i just throw it straight down and i learned last time like i put really long lines on them last time and i was like man that is not the ticket because you just got to pull them in further and they got more time to get off this has always been like a tradition around here this is the way to do it this is how the locals do it over here you know this is the best way to catch them yeah it's like an art to it i mean it's the i know my family down here that's how they've caught it for you know as long as i can remember a couple like two yeah just a couple feet off the pile just uh yeah right about there uh crab whisperers winning the crab whispers they just got that many of them they catching us um that's how you know you spoil you're throwing crabs back that's right starting slow it's pretty much real time y'all we just stuck these things out go away i found some i found the big one right there what do you think about that yeah yeah i found the big one zoned in on the crabs uh we excited this morning did you think about it lady yeah yeah yeah he said yeah you got something you love that smell what's it smell like i smell smell a crab you smell crayola yeah is a good smell bye bye good job ladies we got tied up this duck [Music] i've had days where only half of them ones in there too just wonderful let's show them how these hand lines work if anything's wrong all right i got crabs on this one that long yes sir you can see the whole rope moving can you see it jumping like that yeah i mean that means you got some action all right you ready one of them let it go there's only one or two on there light a little bitty a little bit of grass gonna put him on the other side [Music] let him go give him a chance he's gonna be ready get him off my gum chicken yeah just make sure you scoop under the crabs when you start seeing it come up be careful good go ahead yeah we got two yeah we got two of them don't transfer them you're gonna move him on the whole opposite side of the damn that's right he said he's ain't getting back on that chicken leg yes indeed yeah we got two but the big ones are going to be stingy we'll eat some smaller ones factories i ain't grew up eating number ones t i grew up eating factory crabs and i ain't had it like that you know what they are generally normally full and they free yeah you're right they're not 30 a dozen right now right like the rest of the market and you get the fun and guess what uh huh nathan's a little boring to come and draw you got to be crafty under the dock come see may also be a door there's something on it there's a problem under there had to let him go no he got him oh you got him nice there we go ain't barbecuing nothing we might eat some crabs [Applause] there you go [Music] we could eat them oh a little bit more if you need to there you go [Music] that's how you can catch your big ones today happen y'all yes [Music] so [Music] you got it good job lane oh there's not much in the world that makes me happier than bull crap oh i love them i don't think that there's much in the world that makes me happier dude i like a limited ducks i like bull crap dude that's a close second that is a question i think they actually tied for first it might be yeah because like it's my favorite thing to do in the winter time and then crabbing is one of my favorite things to do in the summer time yeah like i like catching fish for like man the reward is so much better for the crabs oh yeah yeah for sure i just don't think that bull i don't think there's much better than having right there i don't think there's much that tastes better than bull crabs [Music] i'm coming what are you all doing don't put chicken in there yeah that's the number one thing that most people don't do right there well i think i've asked this though always bring a garbage bag got to man especially come and do this in public areas like this people abuse this that's why they shut them down yeah that's why they said that someone down in rockefeller last year i'm pretty sure did that they shut down one or two wma crabbing areas because of the trash that's crazy dude sad [Music] that we got to do better you know as far as living out here on the bayou and you know taking advantage of what it has to offer is just clean up after yourself you know we see when we come out here people's lines everywhere you know try to leave it better than how we find it but uh i encourage y'all and challenge y'all to just do your part clean up after yourself leave the place looking better than you found it this stuff is a privilege and we shouldn't take advantage of that you know all right y'all we about to get back in the boat head back to the launch so that we can head to the house and we actually going to show you all a step-by-step process on how we prepare and boil these blue crabs so y'all tag along so we put them on ice after we catch them just to make sure that hey when we transport them from where we catch them to where we ball them at everything stays fresh and nice and the other thing is is a lot of people like to try to keep their claws on by instantly cooling the water down after you finish boiling them we find that one of the things that we do that really helps with this ice as well is when they're going into the boil not all tight and tense and freaked out because they've got to get in bowl of water they just kind of relax go in there and they really keep all their claws and legs really well um we're gonna do it a little bit different today but not much and it should it should show that's two reasons why we put them on ice when it comes to crabs we like to keep it pretty simple on our seasoning a little bit of zadaran's crawfish in crab bowl i prefer the cajun land liquid we use about half a bottle of this and just a little lemon juice nothing crazy normal normal bowl uh crab meat is really tender and really delicious by itself we just kind of try to enhance the flavors that it naturally brings um it's a real sweet meat real delicacy kind of deal so we just kind of try to make their own flavors pop and let them show themselves when i boil my crabs everybody obviously falls a little different i just blew mine for five minutes once we put the crabs in there we i start counting from when it gets back up to a rolling ball bowling for five minutes kill the fire and let them soak for somewhere around 30 to 40 minutes generally it's similar to crawfish when they start sinking you know they're kind of they're pretty much done they soak up all season that they're gonna get a lot of people bowling at higher 10 12 13 minute in but we stick around to five minutes in i feel like it serves us best and we'll get a really good product that way so we're gonna put y'all on to something real quick before we get started eating these crabs this is zadoran's jar here right or whatever seasoning y'all like to use and we filled it up with that stink water you know what i mean and what we're gonna do with that or what my buddy nate's gonna do with that cause he's actually taking his jar home he's gonna fill it with eggs eggs soaked in that good boil water right there it's phenomenal y'all so i'm putting y'all on to a little trick don't throw away all of your water whenever you you bought some crabs or some crawfish or something save them stick some boiled eggs in it really good really really good job that guy that's a pretty criminal so this is kind of like a prime example of what we were talking about about them dropping the claws so as you can see they ended up dropping the claws and i'll tell you exactly why so this burns the burner here was taking a while to get back up to steam so we took them off the ice and they kind of thawed out a little bit they came back to life and you know they come back to life and you walk past them and they all showing their pinchers at you and so because we put them in there whenever they were very lively they dropped the claws if you put them in there whenever they're sleeping when they're fresh off the ice they don't drop the claws some people don't care about that look it's not a really big deal for me i really don't care if they drop the claws or not but some people do want to see the claws still on the crab that's the way that you keep your claws on your crab i just wanted to point that out to y'all that's why you see these crabs with the claws off of them so maybe the next time you're good to see them with the claws on them they're good bro spicy not too spicy but it's like that perfect little blend huh blend yes a lot of flavor a lot of flavors soaked it up good how long we let them soak for probably one hour 45 minutes probably i mean we went swimming that's true i mean i just ate a cough and it soaked it up perfect yeah so they look really good i'm gonna give them up eight plus a plus huh what'd you think see you're pretty good pretty good look at that you see he's the chef so he's a little hard for himself they're pretty good i mean they they're not the best i ever had but they definitely they'll uh they'll make a turn they'll make a turd all right what about you good good all right y'all i'm about to taste testing here by the way we gotta eat everything oh we will oh i know that pot's gone consider that pot gone and that's why you let them soak right there you want some crab got that juice in there y'all i know y'all can't see it but drinking the juice out of the back of the shell it's got to be like my second favorite part of the crab my favorite part of the crab is the lump my second favorite part of the crab is drinking the juice out of the shell i'm about to show y'all crabs that's boiled for five minutes i'm just gonna show y'all look at that got lump coming right out of that crab look at that people over ball i mean some people probably even on the ball but look that five minute ball i mean the crab feels so good y'all i'm telling that five minute ball is the ticket don't bother crab for no 20 minutes let's pull the legs out of them they come right out the flavor is really good really good y'all that lump meat full of flavor i don't know how people steam crabs [Music] ruin that's right like they say of him from the north shore ruins north shore with a t that's above 12 bro i just say i'm above 10 that's about 12. look at that ah even the claws feel good [Applause] okay you're right during that perfect crab perfect crab great job taylor crabs are delicious dude thank you like whenever you finish eating your lips just got that burn around them but it's not but it's not painful but but like the inside of your mouth tastes like a rich crack like it's so buttery good sweet wonderful wonderful perfect well seasoned perfect well you guys we are about to wrap up today's video i really appreciate y'all watching if you guys liked today's video please hit the subscribe button hit the like button i'd really appreciate that and we'll see y'all next time on fallen tide tv you
Channel: Falling Tide TV
Views: 63,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue crabs, kfred, kendallfrederick, Louisiana, marylandbluecrabs, louisianabluecrabs, howtoboilcrabs, outsidethelevees, cajun, cajuncooking, southlouisiana, louisianastyle, cajunfrench, fallingtide, fallingtidetv
Id: _1c9u466io8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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