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okay Hey guys you're watching something catchy today I'm going to show you how we pull blue crab traps this isn't going to be the full informational video like we did before so if you want to see that click the top right corner right now today we're just going to show you how they did we're gonna see if we've got any crabs we might bring you along and show you a crab cake recipe at the end of the day if all of them look like this we'll be eating pretty good so we got one two three four five six we would have had seven but they got hungry so we got six nice blue crabs in here hopefully you guys can see them and I'm going to dump them in this bucket I like to keep a bucket or a cooler up on the deck with me so that I can kind of contain this whole production right up here on the deck when I have the kids with me I don't necessarily want crabs falling all around [Music] sometimes you'll have a couple that end up running around on the deck just throw them in there you don't want to get pinched by those suckers they are not friendly so basically we just have a container of chicken here you can use whatever you like but we have chicken today like I said we go over baits in our instructional video this is not necessarily A how-to but Maura come along and see so I've got that baited we're pretty much on the spot here so I'm gonna go ahead and toss this one in we got six and we'll see you at the next trap so come along so we're at our second trap let's see how it did we've already got what six tracks six oh look at there now that is a dedicated crab too look I was trying to just show you guys the crab but he decided he wanted my finger he's not letting go Mackenzie you want to see this crab if you're here tiny one isn't it all right so what did I do let the buoy go we're gonna go ahead and pull this trap and see if we've got any crabs in it we've got six good crabs right now so with any luck by the end of this we'll have maybe a dozen so you might be wondering why I'm using this and that's because these ropes get a lot of growth on them and some of the stuff that grows on these can be real sharp so you want to be careful while you're pulling these now that is an empty trap that's not something that I would say is real common in this area this time of year and I think this is why as you can see up here something has happened to this trap and the the door has a good space where the crabs could get out so I think considering there's no bait that's probably what happened so always try to bend your traps and make sure that they close very well like that when you throw them in and sometimes that just happens from you know maybe the title below and a boat will come by and bump it or maybe uh maybe a fish of some sort gets in there and bends it out but it happens so basically I'm just gonna bait it and throw it back and we'll check it next time that's grabbing and usually you wouldn't use your nice grilling tongs either but unfortunately our crab tongs broke stuff happens make do with what we got I don't necessarily feel like touching that raw chicken with my hands so so we just got done pulling that second trap you guys saw it was empty uh the door was bent open a little bit could have been maybe a turtle or a fish or something that got in there and vented out a little bit or maybe a boat came across it and just bent it in a little bit it happened sometimes so no crabs that's all right we're gonna head on to the next trap trap number three and we'll see you there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is a reason to check your traps often if you put this in an area where you got a lot of stuff flowing through you will uh you will lose traps if you don't check them often enough so as you can see this is a pretty good coal we've got one two three four five six seven eight maybe nine of them in there so that's what I would consider a good pull I'm gonna get the bucket here so we can drop them in there put them with the rest of them I'm gonna go ahead and take a little bit of time to clear the Trap off if you clear all of it off it takes it longer to build back up on there and you lose less traps now that's a good pull look at all those crabs guys thank you [Music] so you basically just pry this open if you're lucky enough to where you've got one of those easy open hatches that's good for you I recommend those traps if not and you bend that open and you start shaking this trap until they all come out I think that was it they all came out pretty easy actually and then you always want to bend all your uh your entryways and everything back to normal make sure there's nowhere that any crabs can escape so we're getting ready to put trap three back in the water here I got it baited while the camera was getting the battery change as you guys remember that was the best trap there was nine crabs in that trap so we've been blue crabbing in this area for years now I don't necessarily think that there's a spot that is you know the best spot what I find is the crabs actually kind of move around maybe they're in one spot real thick and then the next week they're not there at all you really just you have to kind of put traps here and there and if uh if your traps aren't producing sometimes you just need to move them and if one's really doing well sometimes we'll actually move all of our traps into that area for a week or two until they're not producing anymore and doing that has resulted in really good luck for us foreign hopefully this one's good number four didn't have anything in it wow look at there we got one two three four five six crabs good day of crabbing so far today these are pretty good size too and so if you were watching paying attention earlier I mentioned something about the easy access bait doors so when you guys are buying crab traps you really want to look for the ones that have the bait or I'm sorry the crab release hatches to get your crabs out of the Trap that actually open up not just the ones that bend open those are kind of irritating I'm gonna get this bucket we'll be back at it [Music] all right six more Blue Crabs [Applause] I think you got a couple dozen now doing pretty good nothing fancy there if you've got time and a cast net mow it'll work if you catch fish that you don't eat those will work if you catch fish you fillet them and you keep your carcass it'll work but it's honestly not the best it depends what you catch they're not a huge fan of redfish redfish eat them so watch out for things that eat crabs just make sure you're clear of the line good to go [Applause] why not all right I think this is the kids favorite time of the day the time [Music] you like those Skittles yeah um what about you bud yeah skittless I love the red ones thank you all right what was your favorite part about the day [Music] our favorite part of the day when I took that really big shrimp and I put it on McKenzie's setup and I sent it out I had a feeling she'd get a good one my favorite part was when I saw her holding it and getting yanked forward and the rod get pretty close to the side I was wondering if she was gonna drive it but I got a little concerned that was probably my part my favorite part of the day that was pretty good I hope there's a good video clip for you guys to see I think I got it the Skittles is that what you said yeah you guys are silly I think my favorite part of the day was hanging out with my family and getting to come out here in this beautiful area and enjoy the nice Sunshine it was supposed to be really nasty out today we were almost not gonna come it was calling for some really bad thunderstorms but it cleared up and it is just a gorgeous day out here we're having a great time and we got to catch some fish and a ton of crabs that was a huge pull so we're gonna go head home and clean them up and get to cooking them okay so we just got done cleaning off the boat and had our crabs soaking in our ice bath now they're all nice and happy and chilled out I'm gonna start shucking them because we have this giant storm coming through so I don't have much time oh I better hurry up no I already did a video about how to clean the crabs but in case you guys haven't seen that video or maybe need a little refresher I like to take the crab take one point press it down put all put my thumb over all of the legs and peel the shell back oh sometimes they break the shell normally comes off nice throw that out rip all the dead man fingers off I've already ripped the face off and now the apron in the back just snaps off real easy and there you go so oh this one was about to start molting so I just pulled this shell off and he's already got um a new shell starting underneath that's really cool he's very soft he wasn't soft all the way on the outside yet though wait we got a crab one time and it was so strange the meat looked very weird on it uh when I was chucking it before we had cooked it or anything um oh it's starting to drizzle um and it looked like the meat had been taken over by worms if I can find the picture I will put it um in this video it looked disgusting like millions of worms had just taken over and eaten the inside of the crab and taken the place of the meat I've never seen anything like that before and I'm really happy I looked um I something caught my eye I don't really remember what it was but something made me look and I was like wait a minute that's not right that's not me so that one got thrown out I bet that makes him want to wait around for the cooking part yeah female I don't think I've gotten to show you guys a female yet but their aprons are much wider than the males you see the male aprons very narrow and the female is very wide you can also tell the females by the red ticks on their claws they're very pretty so just remember blue male red female yeah well to distinguish the difference between the males and the females you know I feel like that's a girl crabby yeah she's been crabbing with us for a while yeah she loves it look at the size of that one wow that's a big claw of course Jameson loves the crabs too when he gets a little bit more stable on his feet and a little bit bigger we'll have him up on the deck pulling him too he eats them faster and we can suck him he does he does I can barely even get a bite in before he's eating them that's why sometimes it's nice to um it's always nice to just have a big pile of blue crabs and eat them but it's nice to also have them shucked and then put into a meal like what we're gonna do with the crab cakes or crab stuff mushrooms or you know a chowder so okay good I got them all done before it started to rain let's spray these off wow I can't believe I got that all the time in time all right before it actually starts to pour down on me I'm gonna get these guys inside and Lady inside and get to cook in them foreign I can't get the last few but check out all these crabbies so our water's nice and hot we're gonna go ahead and drop the crabs in but first we're going to season them nicely with some Old Bay I like to put quite a bit you can put however much you like so after you've seasoned them however much you like you go ahead and throw them in the pot foreign [Music] [Music] all right our camera died but I'm gonna go ahead and let these Steam for about 20 minutes and then I'm going to put them in the refrigerator to let them cool off completely because when I make crab cakes I really like to have the crabs nice and cooled off if I'm not eating them right away I just like I like to check them better that way whoa I just made the oven have some weird issue this is a new Evans don't judge me I know how to work an oven just not this one yet all right okay today we're gonna show you how to make crab cake let's get to us all right here's your mayonnaise a fourth of a cup good job I want you to hold it you want me to hold it okay yeah all right get all the stuff on the top well we'll get it there you go scoop all that out of there all right that's good okay and here is two tablespoons of mustard oh you're gonna need that again wow mayonnaise all right good job and two teaspoons of Worcestershire you could probably just dump this one you want me to do it you want to do it um good job it looks so loud do you want to crack the egg that's wow yeah all right should I drop it yep go ahead stir that on up do you want to squeeze the lemon okay so you're gonna need about a teaspoon worth of lemon uh oh we don't want any seeds in there get that little guy out of there I don't want to eat that no all right okay yeah okay yep go ahead um yup mix it all up real good so I've already shoved this crab meat yeah we did that last night and it chilled in the fridge so today it's about about a pound's worth of it and we're gonna dump it in here that's alive it is a lot okay can you pour it right now yeah okay you can't do it now yep go ahead you can eat it yup mix it all up and then you're going to want to add a little bit of Old Bay just to taste you don't need to put too much but we do like a lot the recipe says about a half a teaspoon so just out as much as you want and an eighth of a teaspoon of salt again we just do it to a taste I like it so yeah and a little bit of pepper all right stir it all up bro so let's take about two-thirds of a cup of crackers saltine crackers big squeeze uh all right okay so we're just gonna sprinkle some of these in here the recipe doesn't really call for it but I like to add a little bit just to give them a little bit more uh structure texture yes good she's so smart feeling really good do you want help um maybe maybe okay yeah okay you just don't want your crab cakes to be super watery no no no no no no no no watery crab cakes um some people like watery cupcakes why are we cupcakes but we don't really want it to get to get watery no tell us what they're not watery no they're perfect I can do brought them in a bowl yeah we're gonna make the patties now this is like soup up and you can grab it all right that's cool teamwork right yeah so you want to take just like about a little like maybe a little bit bigger than a golf ball yeah I'm gonna put it right there smack oh yeah you're gonna scoop it out for me all right a little bit more what was that just a little piece of shell sometimes that happens but what do you push it down yeah now you can either bake these crab cakes or fry them today we are going to fry them a little bit more nope that's perfect [Music] this is kind of like mask it wet Play-Doh yeah like a not sticky slime all right smack a little bit more that's good you can also use celery and onions in this recipe we're not going to do that today I like my crab cakes without any of that in it it just it has such a good flavor already I don't think you need to add anything else but you can if you want to yep a little bit more scoop like you smack them all right give me the rest of that stuff and we'll just make one big patty that was the last one it's gonna be for Dad and two guys oh yeah well thanks you don't want the biggest one uh maybe I will maybe that's the biggest that one is a pretty big one they don't all have to be about the same size oh overboard good job before the trouble it's worth the trouble huh okay we got him all right so we're gonna put these in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to let them get nice and firm so that when you fry them they don't fall apart so we'll get you in just a minute oh well um you did a really good job Mackenzie I'm proud of you all right now that my crab cakes are done chilling out I'm gonna start frying them up I'm not gonna have McKenzie in here for this part obviously because hot oil and little children don't mix but I think she did a great job helping me out I'm gonna do three [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you all right so I'm taking these off they've cooked for about three minutes on each side just until they're nice and crispy they look so good Jameson [Music] that's my little boy back there he's almost two years old [Music] yup and McKenzie's three years old today I hope it's good oh my God you want a crab cake is it tasty that's good all right we've got MacKenzie's approval another ones are a little too hot for him oh yeah isn't that good it just shuts the whole thing in this bath he's like I already know I like this this little guy will eat more crab cakes than you can even imagine Italian oh yeah he loves crab crab crab crap um thank you all right these are good all right high five need an awesome job thank you give me a high five Mackenzie well I hope you guys like this video we all had a lot of fun give us a like and a subscribe if you want to see more videos just like this you gotta say it loud and proud kid thumbs up you okay all right what's the last part what do we do peace peace out
Channel: Somethin Catchy
Views: 45,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, blue crab, florida, florida blue crab, crab trap, crabcakes, how to cook crab cakes, how to catch blue crabs, fishing, family, boating, g3, chicken, crab cake recipe, crab cake, Florida style blue crab, Maryland style blue crab, crabbing in florida
Id: 8tVlapDSyW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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