Harry Styles Makes 'Daylight' Music Video for $300 w/ James Corden

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Less expensive than my pit ticket 🤡

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/uiusea 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Imagine being those girls 🥲

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/papush22 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is hilarious lol

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/dustbusterkeaton 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

So Fun! Come on Harry, I just want to say good job to you. 🙌

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/College_Savings 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know how this was done? I imagine they put a filming notice on a random Brooklyn street and the real surprise part was Harry actually being there (you can see the girls aren’t that surprised to see James, but shocked when Harry appears).

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/teeth1324 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

I loved this so much

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/VenusFly92 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

omfg i love this sm

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Why is Harry friends w him lmao

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/childishwhambino 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

I absolutely loved this video. The hat and bluebirds but were absolutely charming!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/idontwantanamern 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
we're here in brooklyn new york with the one the only mr harry styles we have three hours 300 to shoot a music video for a song on harry's new album now we have no locations we don't know what we're doing we don't know where we're shooting it but we're going to give it our best try i've never directed a music video before are you trusting me with this yeah well let's knock on some doors and see if some people will give up their homes to make a music video let's have a look okay let's okay hello oh there we go hello how are you i'm doing well what are you doing today i'm about to head out for the game you're not home at all no okay no worries we'll keep moving we'll keep moving that's all right no problem that's okay it's live oh there's life [Music] hello hello how are you i'm hi i'm james this is i'm harry styles bye what's your name fred kenya would you do you have any plans for the next few hours no no would you be open to us coming into your house to see if we'd be able to shoot a music video in your house is that something you'd be open to nothing no well thank you for your time thank you very much thank you virginia okay i thought this would be easier harry i gotta be honest i thought your face would open a lot of doors okay hang on okay okay delivery [Music] [Music] hello hello hi i'm james how are you hi i'm here i'm caroline hi caroline hi i'm james how are you nice to see you hello i'm james how are you and do you all live here we do okay well look i'm wondering if i can ask a favor okay we're looking for a apartment or a home to shoot a music video this is something you would let us do yes you would let us do it it's not a late show any time okay it's not just me i was hiding we're shooting a video from mr harry styles [Applause] but we've only got three hours so i mean way bigger reaction than mine way bigger way bigger reaction do you mind if we come in and just have a look around and see if this is the sort of place we could shoot a music video we only have three hours yeah you're sure okay all right go and have a look okay i like the vibe of this yeah i like the vibe of this okay so look there's a lot of stuff we need for this to work we need what do we need harry prop props that's good we need props costumes you feel comfortable i'm ready absolutely he's gonna be born ready it's actually the most excited artistically i've ever seen okay all right let's have a look around i like this vibe i love a hallway a hallway for a music video wait wait let me look at this hang on walk towards me but sexier sexier i love this i love this whole thing hang on this is this is my room um so he's going to be a lot of places in here oh my god um hang on wait wait harry i need you to stay out there come in with me be honest are you like a crazy psychopath because yeah there's there's harry harry styles is all over is this harry styles as harry potter are you joking wondering right we need to hide all of this because i'm worried you're a psychopath [Music] it can't be anything worse than that okay harry don't come in here [Music] okay this is everyone's always sitting around standing like serene sardines this is a great very nice space for new york to do some good stuff here whoa what the hell jimmy fallon that's really interesting it's quite awkward had we known we could have hit it you decided not to take that personally okay take the high road [Music] whose cross is this this is mine this is you this is me oh okay what's this for oh yeah when were you wearing this oh okay no doubt this actually yeah the old course what do you think it's actually annoying because anyone else if i put that on i look like i'm a sort of singing telegram and you put it on and they'll probably sell out in a day with this hang on try this how do you do it there's nothing you can't wear suddenly i'm like it's actually really cool this could work yeah this could work i feel a thing oh what's this glow sticks glow sticks glow sticks are good glow sticks are useful harry keep those okay 100 this is a lot of glow sticks suddenly all of this is starting to make sense okay have you got any friends that you think might want to come period can you call a few buddies don't go crazy and i think i think i've got a vision now and i think i'm ready to start this video you make some calls i'm gonna start working on the shots okay all right harry i'm thinking this is a bathroom shot okay so what i want you to do i want you to be in the bath okay and here's the mood all right it's the end of the night okay so pop your top off and we'll then we'll start singing okay just take the top off and look good it's up to you saying you've got an album to sell keep it on keep it on keep it on okay i've got this let me turn this on there it is okay let me find where the light is girls press play on the track start the track okay i want this to be just like sexy okay look at me sexiest [Music] people are going to think there's a deeper meaning there isn't but you think there is and show us there is but not that much that's it that's it now really can you flick the hair give me a hair flick give me a hair flip arms up rock rock rock and then and back you're in the bar you're in the bath you're in the bath look around you don't know where you are you're scared you're frightened but you're not that frightened that's too much that's it and now you're having a good time now you're actually having a blast okay we've got it right let's move on let's move on get him out the bath get him out the bar whoa okay this is rock and roll guys this is rock and roll things haven't been quite the same okay guys hang those a little bit higher so they drape down i can't stress this enough this was all james's idea all of this cut up into confetti okay we can't have too much confetti yeah i was in a christopher nolan movie now this is my dressing room we're filming a music video with harry styles and he's actually here i need you to come over okay why get your house over here now okay when you can get as much and just throw it and i'll be throwing some from the top okay you ready girls now [Music] okay girls can i get the girl girls come on in come on in come in okay one two three go everyone laughing and harry nothing nothing at all okay now hadley four go four four that's it that's it that's it should we just scrap it is it too late to just do a carpool karaoke okay so this this shot now i want to be a like classic music video hallway slow-mo what's a normal vibe for slo-mo okay slo-mo you just need to you need to play the song two times fast and then when you slow when you play it it'll be slow motion what would that sound like it'd go like like you're gonna make those on that day like be quicker than that i think you're gonna be going and i'll dance yeah but now it looks like you're not even do you need to do it higher [Applause] okay harry burst through with your hands like burst through it let's move on let's move on all right why are you wearing that you'll see i need you to show me up to the roof is that okay yeah we're not really allowed to be up there don't worry about that he's harry styles oh my god right gorgeous super nice but you're not allowed up here not allowed don't tell us yeah don't tell our landlord he might see this oh this is gonna be great this is really gonna lift the video okay i'm gonna set up you get this on and i need you just there in the middle of the roof okay why are you dressed in green special effects what we call it in the movie business is vfx visual facial fx special effects sfx okay i through the magic sfx is sound effects special effects okay tfx terrible effects with the beauty of computer technology i will disappear okay and these guys these guys these blue bluebirds will be swimming around you what's up what's the problem is that a box yes you're not allowed to show the outline of a phallus on cbs okay so that's that's it okay so let's get playback on the track [Music] you i'm gonna take the hat yeah okay and i want you to just be like oh okay it's a floating hat okay [Music] okay we've got it [Applause] hi hi here for the sorry come on in yeah go for it hi how are you who are you friends with padley okay come on [Music] [Applause] that's it okay so what we're gonna do i'm gonna direct everyone's gonna have a party but don't treat harry like he's harry treat him like you know someone called chris okay let's get the music okay guys that's it that's it and no don't look at me look at this right that's it you're going arms up everybody arms up that's it nice arms up it's like you thought [Music] hey mate how are you thanks for coming okay yeah okay thank you so much thank you um do you know what i brought you for one minute hold these yes okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's [Applause] harry styles everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you got me [Music] at all times [Music] [Music] you got the antidote [Music] give phone [Music] day [Music] so i could be sticking to you [Applause]
Channel: The Late Late Show with James Corden
Views: 10,754,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Late Show, Late Late Show, James Corden, Corden, late night, late night show, comedy, comedian, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny videos, funny video, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: aVpzCrIt9Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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