Louie Giglio - Liberty University Convocation

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in 1999 I and my wife Jennifer we were brand-new in our marriage and we went to just a small gathering compared to what it is today called passion and it was in Arlington Texas we sat in a in a you know 40 rows back in a back section with some friends and and and that weekend I've got to tell you God just said things to me God revealed things to me that continue to pay dividends in my life today I remember one session Beth Moore who was opening God's Word and preaching and and when Beth got done everyone broke for lunch and they went out to get their boxes passion always does think was such excellence like they fed 11,000 people lunch in ten minutes you know and everyone got up to leave and my wife looked at me and we had just been gotten married and I said I feel like I just need to sit here with my notes a little bit longer and the main passage whispers Galatians 2:20 and I've got to tell you that lunch break that lunch break was one of the single moments of conversation in my life that I look back on where God changed the trajectory of the calling on my life I didn't get up and do a lot of things differently but the intent behind of so much of what I did changed and then later that night I was a part of just in the room of a worship service when I got in Charlie Hall sang Jesus loves the little children he's saying this very simple you know song that we all grew up singing in the DBS you know and and and then he and then he just led and I just remembered those moments as pinnacle moments and I say all that to say so much of that was God giving a visionary and God giving a servant you know just an opportunity to be obedient and that is our guest today Louie has had a tremendous impact on many of you but I think if you talk to your youth pastor if you talk to your college pastor if you talk to your pastor they would say me too God's just use this faithful brother like a few people in our generation and I don't know about you but I'm just excited and honored that he would come to open God's ward for us can we put our hands together come on giggling everybody [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah you're like that's crazy to spend New Year's Eve ringing in 2020 in mercedes-benz stadium with 18 to 25 year olds is a big step and I know people think oh passion you do stuff like that no that's crazy what we just looked at right there but I'm up for it and I want to personally invite you to be in mercedes-benz for a brand new decade a brand new season a brand new life and what a privilege to be here today in this room David I came to Liberty before David was at Liberty with Jennifer and I've seen it before which was amazing by the way and now I've seen the legacy that David Nasser has been able to cultivate in these last few years at Liberty and I just want to tell you today feels different in here at convocation and a lot of you guys weren't around a few years ago when I came may be the convocation the first time but something feels different in the room today and I know what it is so if you're just nudge your neighbor and said it's the Spirit of God I knew that I was just kind of pointing out that it feels good in convocation I know you're in between class you got projects you got interviews you got stuff but hey just to come together in a moment and to lift up the name that no one can stand against this holy name of Jesus come on what a great opportunity this morning and I just want to thank David for the way he's been leading at Liberty Jennifer his wife who is obviously the best part of their family and equation and to thank the team who is around him at Liberty an amazing group of people to think this phenomenal team that led us in worship today what an incredible opportunity so can we just get honor to these guys who've been leading the way for spiritual formation at liberty in the last few days their daughter Grace their son Rudy his wife they are just amazing people and other than being an Alabama fan I love everything about David Nasser and I figure if he stays at Liberty long enough that'll all get redeemed and worked out then when you all win the national championship it will displace finally David Nasser in his Alabama Crimson Tide business I came today to share a message I've shared a few times but when I woke up today God just said this is the word for today and I want to tell you today about a text that potentially saved my life but 100 percent changed my life not a text from the scripture we're gonna get into the text I'm talking about a text on a phone a text that changed my life and I believe that the words of that text are gonna change somebody else's life today because it's that powerful of a text the scripture says that the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour who believes that that's true anybody in this convocation got any life experience that would back that up a few people the scripture says that the enemy our enemy prowls like a roaring lion so like a roaring lion not browse as a roaring lion but like a roaring lion trying to make us think he's a roaring lion like prowling that means that he's on the left sometimes on the right at others he's in front of us on some days and behind us on others he's above us in some circumstances and below us in other circumstances he gets in the cracks he gets into crevices and he roars and he wants to intimidate us with the roar so that we will collapse in unbelief of a God who has promised us everything we need for life and godliness and at the end of the day his endgame is to devour you and me and that that just simply means to steal from your life your confidence your sense of worth a dream that is as big as the God we worship today a sense of calling over your life that's bigger than money and bigger than success and bigger than your own business and bigger than a family for crying out a sense of calling over your life that sweeps you up into the atmosphere of the Almighty and assures you that your seven second life on planet earth is going to matter in eternity and that enemy is roaring today and he roars on secular campuses Ivy League campuses community colleges Annie roars at places like Liberty he roars outside the church and inside the church he's roaring with kids who were your age today the majority of college students in America and the world who woke up today Clou less clueless one more day one more day in my junior year one more day in my freshman year one more day at Colgate one more year UCLA one more year at Auburn clew less do not know why I was created do not know why I'm alive do not know the potential that is in my life do you not know that God who hung the stars in space do not know that there was an exchange called Calvary that changed my destiny do not know that Easter is real that the grave is over that death is defeated and sin is finished do not know that guilt has been done away with that there is no more shame and condemnation and there is a path to a holy life a godly life a good life a life that matters clueless why because the enemy's roaring right in their faces today and he's saying party it up again this week hook up again this week getting the right sororities right fraternity get the right GPA get on the right growth track get the right degree get the right internship get the right place get the right path get all that that's where it's all at but he's not just roaring outside the church he's roaring inside the church and today I just want to let you know that there are a lot of things in life that you don't have control over amen you don't have control over what your parents are gonna do I mean you've tried some of you been the best mediator who's ever lived on planet Earth Amen some of you have been a broker of peace agreements between your parents and you have put everybody who's won a Nobel Peace Prize to shame with your effort to broker peace between your parents but yet it didn't work and they split up anyway there are a lot of things like that in life that you don't have control over but there's something in your life that you do have control over today and it's what was in that text that I got I want to turn us to D text today everybody good so far okay good I want to turn us to V text today I think it's probably the most well known text in the Bible I always ask what do you think that is and I normally get John 3:16 not too long ago I asked a group of people what do you think's the most famous verse in the Bible and a lady really boldly said jesus wept looks like okay that's an option and really factored that into my top 10 but it's definitely the easiest verse to memorize in the Bible what do you think is the most famous text in Scripture I think it's this one right here and I don't think it's John 3:16 because I think more people are familiar with what we're gonna read today than any other text in Scripture but here's what I'd love to do before we even get in I'd like to peel off the layers of churchianity that a lot of us have experienced because when we start reading this passage something's going to shift in your mind and mostly it's going to shift the wrong direction and I want you to see this one of the grittiest gaudiest text in scripture and i want you to see it as God's invitation to you today and it's found in the Psalms Psalm chapter 23 kind of you know about Psalm 23 k Jesse show hands I know it's early and getting your hands up is hard but can I just see a show hands if you know about Psalm 23 see I think most of us are on board listen to how it opens it says the Lord why don't you just say it with me because we all know it is my shepherd now that's a declaration so that's not a hope or a could be this is David a guy who at one time in his life was a shepherd who became a king was a warrior was a leader was a husband was a failure was a success was a musician this guy was a boss this guy that's writing this and he's making a declaration at this point in his life and he says the Lord is my shepherd now what is it what he's admitting there is that he needed a shepherd and all of us do but he's deciding and declaring who his shepherd is going to be and he says because of this declaration this reality that the Lord is my shepherd here comes one of the most phenomenal statements that any human being can make because the Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want now we just glaze right past that text and a lot of times when we think about it grandma comes up or some needlepoint it's on a pillow in our aunt's house or cross stitching on a frame thing it on the back of the dining room wall at our granny's place or something like that we sort of shift over into senior adult mentality not knockin senior adults obviously that I am one so I'm not knocking that but we shift over into this mentality of oh isn't that sweet the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he restores my soul isn't that all wonderful you know listen to this one sentence if I can get into the reality of having confidence that God Almighty and the person of Jesus he's leading me then the corollary of that is gonna be I'm not gonna be in want I'm not gonna lack for anything internally or externally in my life I'm not going to be living at a disadvantage I'm not gonna be another statistic of our generation and you've heard me say it before I would never try to lump your generation into a big pile and really say anything about you because I'm not you but I am not stupid either and so I know that right now in this world anxiety and depression and suicide are at an all-time high the lion is available but the enemy seems to be roaring louder and the what is I don't know if I'm good enough I don't know if I'm ever gonna recover I don't know if I'm ever gonna make it through this I don't know if I'm ever gonna be back to a hundred percent of me and I'm meeting so many people these days and they're happy I'm not kidding you with making it out of the darkness and back into the light and they're thinking hey I'm only 49% of a hundred percent of me but I'll take the 49 percent and I'm just kind of roll with that and God is saying no I came out of the grave so that you could be 100% of what I created you to be what I'm dreaming for you to be you can be all that I want you to be but you've got to get the right Shepherd going if you want to move into a position of life of not being in one the promises mean they just roll if you're a Bible student you know that you look for the verbs texts and that's where all the the horsepower is in the text and it's pretty amazing this Shepherd of mine Jesus he's going to make me lie down in green pastures that's another sermon for another day it just simply means though that we're not smart enough to lay down in green pastures by ourselves so when he's saying I want to be your Shepherd you're gonna be my sheep he's not saying hey you're amazing you're you're this fluffy little cuddly little cute lamb and I can't wait to get you on my shoulder cuz you're so awesome and adorable and I just love how cute you are he's saying when he's saying I want to be your Shepherd you're like a sheep and it's just one example a sheep has a lot of wool but not a lot of IQ and so if a sheep goes to a fast running Brook I don't know if I can still stay in line over here and it's thirsty it will lean down and it will put its head down I can't really you know do the whole thing and I'm afraid my sweater is gonna go up and then that's not going to bless somebody over there so I'm working hard here but it will put his head down in a stream like yeah water I'm thirsty whoa the next thing the wool on the head is wet pull slips a little because sheep are not very agile can't see good and now shoulders are in a foot slipped and now the Sheep is in the fast-moving stream with a lot of wet wool on going toward the rapid that's why I Shepard has a crook he might can get there in time and grab it by the neck and pull it to the side so when God is saying I want to be your shepherd he's not saying you're the most awesome intelligent great decision-making agile person of all time he's saying you need help and assistance and I'm gonna give it to you I'm gonna I'm gonna make you lie down in a green pasture because sometimes you're gonna just go so fast and so far and so hard you're gonna end up in a psych ward you're gonna go so fast and so far and so hard you're gonna end up in divorce court you're gonna go so fast and so far and so hard you're gonna end up on something so I'm gonna have to at times go I'm gonna need to make you lie down in a good spot and chill for a minute I want to lead you beside the still waters the ones you can actually drink from I want to restore your soul so that's three big words right there I want to guide you in paths of righteousness for my name's sake and check this out and even if you do walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'm gonna be with you therefore you don't have to fear anything I'm gonna prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies I'm gonna anoint your head with oil your cup you're not gonna be walking around looking like hmm well you got hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm your cups gonna overflow you're gonna have an overflowing life this is gonna be the path and the plan for you I'll anoint your head with oil your cup will overflow and and surely goodness and love are gonna lead you and follow you all the days of your life would you like that I'm asking would you like that would you like that kind of life wouldn't we like that kind of life and if we would he would if we will abandon all other Shepherds like his boy is not going to be my shepherd now he could be my boy my man no offense to the guys my husband but he is not going to be my ultimate shepherd no he's going to lead our family I'm already praying for him and God knows who he is and he's going to be the greatest leader of all the leaders of mankind and he's going to lead our family and our children and he is going to be a shepherd to our clan good luck with that because if he doesn't have the shepherd you've got the wrong Shepherd and even if he has the right Shepherd God's never said to you I'll be your Shepherd unless you can find Dillon [Applause] and Dylan rocks so you won't need me anymore [Applause] I'll be your shepherd unless you get the job at Goldman Sachs and then they can be your Shepherd they can pay the bills and give you the bonuses and give you the big life and put you on the fast track and you won't need me anymore once you get Goldman Sachs instead of saying I abandon all other Shepherds Instagram will not be my Shepherd because I'm telling you hello it ain't gonna lead you to a cup that's running over it's going to lead you to a life of envy of other people's false reality while God wants to give you a reality not so that you can broadcast it but so that you can enjoy life it's a new concept I know that's something that you'll need to chew on and think about for a while that God wants this isn't this is why they bring older people to convocation I was gonna say old and I was kind of myself see how I did that that's why they bring older people to convocation God doesn't want to move in your life so that you can broadcast it he wants to move in your life so that you can have the very best in your life and broadcasting it oftentimes corrupts instantaneously the prize of having a shepherd who's leading you now I'm a big Instagram fan so I can say that I'm not over here saying I don't I don't have a phone and my flip phone doesn't yet operate on strong enough platform to have any digital social medias but God is inviting the verse I want to drill down into just for a few minutes is in the middle of this sauna it's one that perplexed me for a long time I factor I thought surely this miss translation somehow they must have just not been paying attention because right in the middle it says you my shepherd prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies now I don't know if you have any enemies or not real enemies like people talking about you people talking behind your back people trying to run you down people who just flat-out don't like you people who are attacking you maybe you have some real enemies like that in the world but we had all kind of enemies inside and outside in our lives and we got this big roaring like a lion enemy around our lives and so gods making a promise as the shepherd he says I'm gonna prepare a table before you that's you and me in the presence of your enemies and when I read that I'm like if I had written the 23rd psalm and trust me there are a lot of passages I'm thinking I wish I could have just written that part or that part if I'd written that verse here's how I would have been tempted to write that verse you my shepherd now that I've chosen you you prepare a table before me in your presence did you see how that sounded better you're God and I'm your love son love daughter so no matter what's going on whatever the circumstances are happening whether it's a collapse in my family or a diagnosis or the economy that's happening globally or something that's happening in my dorm or my community group or something is happening in a relationship or whatever is happening in the world you got prepare a table before me in your presence because in your presence you said his fullness of joy and I just want to be in your presence he said no that's not the promise I'm gonna do something cooler than that I'm gonna do something more revolutionary than that I'm gonna do something more god-sized than that I'm gonna actually prepare the table before you in the presence of the enemies that are around you wow that's a game-changer let me show you how it works it says if God was saying to you I'll take my Bible with that's okay I'm supposed to go down the stairs over there but I don't have time it's just if God we're saying to you I am going to prepare a table for two and I mean it is a Liberty s table two friends they say no cardboard table this is not some janky fellowship hall table this is legit and it's a table for two I just need you to lock into this idea because I don't have a lot of time to unpack all of it I want you to think about the crazy promise of Psalm 23 and see if you believe it or not today Almighty God offering to you a table for two you're like what can Jennifer come we're not talking about Jennifer right now this is about the primary promise of God for you Almighty God and you at a table and I'm telling you when God invites you to the table he must think you have been on the 77 day Daniel fast because he's coming strong would you like an olive probably here's a Mediterranean carpenter okay you go veggie if you want carrot well who's running a disabled right there's no way you put food out in front of college students before lunch and he wants to join you like a cupcake they're especially good hi how you doing can I get you more water awesome how's life you could I'm good in fact you don't even need to ask no problems everybody's good at home family's good universe is good I feel great slept great oh that's right I don't sleep good this is great fantastic how are you are you hungry would you like some fruit here have some listen can I just say something this is absurd hi I just I'm asking Holy Spirit please help this sorry I'm gonna do that this is crazy it's like hey this is amazing in awesome and thanks for the carrots I have to run get to text right now and I've got to make a phone call I'll be right back hey what's up man how y'all doing what y'all up to not feeling good right now I hate statistics I'm going to say it and turns out Jeremy is a punk these these are our conversations that's our invitation and we are walking around like idiots talking about things smaller than snails footprints stressed about these smallest things and the almighty has said hi good morning come come sit down II let's talk okay now let's how are you you might have fun just kneel down for a moment it's that same thing about my belt not being the right size sorry what's happening here this is what it's all about and it's a table for two but here's the trick this whole enemy prowling around thing he's slick do you believe it do you really I'm just check-in you have your Bible open I'll ask you um I'm just kidding I love you in that jacket is on fire do you believe he's prowling around do you believe he's slick is he quick yes he's quick he's so quick that if you're not paying attention hey are you doing how's it going good to see do you mind I had my allergies kill me how's it going today I didn't want to do mine it's a long long journey so how's it going hustling with your roommate Alicia I'm telling you I don't know how you do it like I think as you get award the prize something recognition being a paper you should get like a Liberty scholarship of some kind for being able to live with that piece of work for your entire sophomore year you know if she said to Melinda amazing what the nerd I work out for her how do depression going not good medication are working no that's all right you make it maybe a lot of people aren't making it right now you're doing better than a lot of people cuz a lot of people are like closing down and freaking out and I'm going to the psych ward and bipolar you know how that is right crazy how clasp I told you I told you not to be an engineer and not for you I said did I not say be an art major not tell you that you invite them and before you know it listen this is so ridiculous and stupid before you know it he is sitting at your table I used to tell a story about this guy and I feel terrible because I've never forgot how to tell the story without making me look like a jerk in making the guy look not cool and he was cool and I'm not a jerk mostly but Shelley now we're having a birthday dinner in another country and it was something we planned for a long long time Nasir will understand this he's a phenomenal planner and we got to the deal it was all going fantastic we were sitting at this table was a 4-top but it was just me and her and we were having dinner and this middle-aged guy comes by and he looks twice and he comes looks back it's like are you Louie Giglio and I'm like I am so I never thought I'd see you in another country I know I know it's crazy I get out of America occasionally and he goes it's just so good to see you I just want to say thank you I was at a conference recently and you spoke and blah blah blah and that are done it was awesome and I just want to thank you that's just all I really want to say I was like gosh and he walks off and showing I do it we do like 10 times a day really what kind of life are we living hell how blessed is it to be in God story and we went back to having this amazing birthday meal that we had planned for a long time now five minutes later I see the guy coming back from the entrance of the restaurant he's kind of winding his way through the tables and I'm like babe this guy must have left his wallet or his glasses or his keys or something on the table he's coming back and so I'm just gonna try to hurry the process and hey got your glasses sorry he comes like he says this might be kind of awkward but I've really been wanting to talk to you for a long time about something God's been speaking to me in my life and when I got outside I thought when am I got ever gonna see louie giglio again and here we were in this foreign country in the same restaurant together and I thought sure enough this is the moment God wants me to tell you about the vision that he's given me for my life now I'm just running the risk here this is the part where I look like the jerk and so I said I'm not trying to confuse you I'm not the enemy but I'm just gonna sit in this chair for a minute kiss Shelley was right here I said um oh man that would be so great except that it's my wife's birthday and he says happy birthday anyway so what and at that point I moved from being in the spirit if I was in the spirit to fully now being in the flesh and I'm like so I know somebody in the rooms right now you missed an opportunity you didn't listen to the Holy Spirit you maybe the world was gonna change and Nations would have been saved and you should have listened but it was my wife's birthday and I felt pretty sad about it and he pulls the chair back and says do you mind if I join y'all let's take a poll David who feels nervous and a little bit sweaty palm dry now about this whole situation have you feel like I miss the Lord you'll pray for me thank you I was just like I don't think you're gonna be able to stay it's like you you want me to go so and then we just laugh not not at him I'm not awesome guy I met the guy later phenomenal guy love him social skills need to be honed slightly but amazing guy and I just said how fast we can be in our process and then just almost before you even know it two enemies at your table like oh well how would I know if he was at my table I'll give you a couple of really super fast ways number one way you know is if you're thinking in convocation today that it's better at another table the enemy is at your table and don't you tell me that there's not somebody in this convocation today about to make a really bad decision in your life and the reason you're gonna make that decision is not because you're under stress or under pressure or bla bla bla or this that and the other it's because the enemy set down at your table and convinced you that there is something better than sitting at the table with Almighty God and you believed him after a probably a long slow burn process and now you are eyeing another table another another possibility outside of a relationship with the creator of the universe and I'm just telling you right now the enemies at your table another way you'll know the enemies at your table is if you're thinking or feeling right now that you're not going to make it I talked about it earlier but if there's been any thought any process in your mind in the last little while I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna get through this I'm not gonna survive this I'm never gonna be the same after this I'm telling you the enemy is at your table because God said to you even if we go through the valley of the shadow of death you don't have to fear evil because I'm with you and I know you've heard this before and we've said it a lot before but living in the reality of the reality of it is altogether different he's saying we're not going to any valleys we're going through all the valleys this Shepherd does not lead you to death and then drop you off he doesn't leave you to struggle and drop you off he doesn't lead you to challenges and then drop you off he doesn't lead you into the thick of the fight and then just drop you off he says no we're going through the valley me and you and we're gonna have a story to tell on the other side and if you don't believe that today then you can be confident the enemy is at your table and here's the weird thing we start repeating the conversations of the enemy at our table and you said to your friend when they said hey how you feeling and you said to them what I don't know if I'm gonna make it where did you get that idea did you get that idea from this guy right here sitting here at the table with you going on the Alpha and the Omega the beginning in the end I declare the start from the finish and you are my son you are with me and you are going to be with me we are going to do this together and it's gonna be awesome not easy everyday but trust me we're gonna make it there for when your friend says how you do and you say it's hard but I'm gonna make it hey you know you're gonna make it breakfast this morning who'd you have breakfast with I didn't know you were going to breakfast with someone had a good breakfast this morning had a good meeting this afternoon had a good sit-down today and I'm gonna make it I'll tell you another way you know that inning is at your table mentioned it earlier if you if you got any thoughts in your mind right now that you're not good enough you're not smart enough you're not pretty enough you're not from the right family you're not in the right group at liberty you're not in the right dorm you're not on the right thing the enemy is at your table so don't ask any of us to feel sorry for you because you don't feel good enough you need to get a new Shepherd and you need to sit down with a creator who says in John 10:10 the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy but I've come that you might have life and have it to the full and guess what let me tell you how that plays out from Psalm 23 to me now I am The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep Jason let me explain that to you I chose you I love you I value you I will never bail on you I will never let you down I will never leave you I will never never ever you up I won't abandon you and I'm not gonna fight you I'm gonna give my life for you because I love you that much how many kids at Liberty today are walking into class feeling like they're not good enough they're not smart enough they're not pretty enough they're not whatever enough when the Shepherd said I got a table here to tell you you mean everything to me and then I'll just close and almost forgot about the text that changed my life the enemies at your table he's telling you that you're surrounded and potentially everybody's against you I was at a place like that in my life I've been at all the places we've talked about today by the way I spent about four and a half months of my life a few years ago in a hole called depression and anxiety that I didn't think I would ever make it out of I didn't go to church I didn't go to meetings at the office I didn't go to dinner with friends I didn't go to walk in the cul-de-sac with my wife I was medicated and I was on the verge of a Total Wipeout so when I talk about depression and anxiety today I didn't come here because I read something in a newspaper article I am a standing miracle of the grace of God and the power of God to bring us out of the pit and to stand us on our feet again to the glory and the grace of God a few years past that I got into a real sticky place in life I did not in any way see it coming and I I don't want to get into all the specifics of that today just to say enough I felt under attack I felt surrounded in some ways I felt betrayed and I texted a friend of mine who I knew had my back you know who that is for you everybody else bails Amanda's gonna be there she's got my back which is great and Thank You Amanda you're awesome but come on Amanda's five foot four I'm not knocking that that's fantastic I'm just saying you've gonna face some stuff you're gonna need bigger than five four four and so I texted my guy long Tex I'm 60 year old person so for me to compose the text I needed to get out like you're not gonna believe what happened you are not gonna believe it when I tell you this can you believe that that's what happened I know it's insane and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah when you're texting your woes it takes a minute and I texted a text about this long someone my age that takes about 45 minutes and I hit sin because I knew I was gonna get back what I needed in the fight and so I just stared at my phone you ever sent one of those texts where you don't go anywhere you just wait and you're late don't send me back at emoji I need a commensurate reply you might know what I'm talking about at least as long as the text I sent you I need that back not gotcha bro be lifting you up pound it and finally the little wheels started turning and the text came back and I thought surely you hit Send too soon because there's not enough words on my screen right now to respond to what I just sent you I was so mad how didn't read it I was just like are you kidding me surely there's more coming I mean nothing else coming so I just read the text and it changed my life I only said what the text said it said don't give the enemy a seat at your table and everything changed you do not have control of everything today in fact you don't have control of most things today but you have control of who's at your table and you can say in the power of Almighty God today you can Prell around apparently that is what you do but you can not sit down at this table this table is a table for me and my Shepherd and you don't have a seat at my table well come on church I realize I was in conversations every day with a killer and I was talking to him and letting him talk to me and it all changed that day when I said the Lord is my shepherd I'm making a new declaration and he prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies not his presence Oh his presence is in the presence of the enemies but you know why it's in the presence of the enemies so that every circumstance in every situation in every adversary in every attacker in every enemy is gonna have to sit there and watch the son of God the daughter of God at a table where there is abundance at a table where there is love at a table where there is victory at a table where I am filled to overflowing so I'm no longer saying I got a hoard it all manases all my stuff I got to keep all this because I don't know who's coming oh I'll knock you out before you knock me out don't you think I'm a pushover oh don't you try me I'll cut you thank you Lord for giving me all this blessing I'm so grateful for it all no you go to your enemies and you say hey how you doing good morning hey I'm sorry I messed those up on my sweater but have some hi how are you all today so good to see you Amanda you're doing awesome here have some I've got plenty oh no to eat them all I've got a whole table full go to the vegetarian section over here hey guys look just have some pass it around and all of a sudden you're living this life that says I don't need clenched fist I don't need to hoard God's blessing it I actually can walk around to all the people who maybe aren't even on my side right now and just say hey be blessed man be blessed I'm telling you what I just want you to have a blessing I want you to have some some watermelon I hear just had the whole thing because I got a table and it was never about what was on the table it was always about who was at the table and he is all I need [Music] he's all I need so Lord we come today against a roaring empty promise an Intimidator with no power no real ultimate authority only deceit and sham in games and lies and we stand against him against his spirit of anxiety against his spirit of depression against his spirit of deceit and comparison in the name of Jesus and I pray that in the days to come it would be true that those who look to you their faces are radiant and the glory you receive is the world watching your sons and daughters be filled right in the middle of the battle we love you you are such a good shepherd forgive us for bailing on you so often and renew us today to being yours in Jesus name I think fittingly enough we always have our shepherds and our resident shepherds who are available to you if you just sense that maybe God is speaking to you today don't walk out of here don't be in such a rush to go out and without just really maybe sitting with someone and having a discussion that I think could just literally shift just so much of what you're going through right now all right so our resident shepherds and our shepherds if you'd be available Shepherd's if you'll just come and kind of hover up here in the front we have 275 resident Shepherd's make yourself available to them as well can we thank Louie just for his obedience and preaching God's Word we love Him we'll see you at passion 2020 brother hey we'll see you tonight it's gonna be an amazing night again make sure you go and see the folks about the bone marrow transplant opportunity we'll see you tonight 6:30 see you there
Channel: Liberty University
Views: 9,430
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: Liberty University, LibertyU, Liberty, Jerry Falwell
Id: -buLMwYvCSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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