Lost Ruins of Arnak | Full Play Through | The Game House

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what's up everybody i'm mike i'm nick we are the brothers murph and it's time for the game house at home this week at the game house at home we're playing lost runes of arnock the hotness the banger best game of last year so it's so good oh my gosh we absolutely love it so we're playing this but before we get to this we're gonna go down to the table do a quick overview of how it plays in lost ruins of our neck players are competing teams of archaeologists attempting to dig and discover new sights overcome the guardians sworn to protect these lands and to do research to finally rediscover the lost temple each round players will be using their hand of cards for either their main effect or for their travel effects it's important to be able to travel if you want to make it far in the wild but having a little extra navigation and more resources is also important for discovering new sites to dig at players also can buy items or discover rare artifacts which will help them in their exploration efforts a bit of research never hurts and players can recruit assistance to give them even more help after each round players will reshuffle their cards back to the bottom of their deck and a new round begins with more and more artifacts becoming available as everyone treks deeper into the jungle at game's end players will be rewarded for discovering lost idols completing levels of research finding artifacts and overcoming guardians at the end of the game the player with the most points wins the key to any successful archaeology endeavor is starbucks in your veins and and snake antidote poison this game is broken good podcast check it out um this is not sponsored but gosh wouldn't it be great are you a starbucks sponsor i am ready dude are you ready to venture into the jungles by the way real quick forests people at home if you want to see this game soloed check out how you can solo that check it out if you want to learn how it all works i'll probably put a card there you can even use some of the solo stuff in a multiplayer game we've done that before to simulate a two-player game kind of being a three-player game yeah using that so it works pretty well right well we're going to play a standard team player game today but definitely check out uh how it does it works quite well it's very cool yeah check out that you can tell that it's really good solo indeed so uh if we're ready we have our little starting cards we have two fear cards two compass cards to uh coin cards oh this game is so good from that we will build this deck it is this game is yeah if you i'm glad this is because you never know what nowadays like how long games are going to stay sometimes like all this game is going to be mega hit forever and it just kind of doesn't this is what i'm i was really i was like oh man i hope this one isn't kind of like a flash in the pan it seems like it's not and i'm really happy about that it seems to be sticking around it's a high quality look at how it's the board it's just look at the board the board and like uh real archaeological digs and stuff it's very much about tight resource management yes that's what's going on in real life that's what's going on in the game boom boom okay you are first player i am first player um and there's a whole number of actions you can do you've got your two coins to start you've got your cards so what the heck are you gonna do do you have an idea of like no i'm going to go for this no no no no i have to figure it out as i go with the cards kind of yeah because sometimes you're like yeah i now have this card that's going to give me a lot of stone tablets oh maybe i'll try and pick up these because i'll have an abundance it's like you kind of have to go with what engine you end up getting yeah which is engine as it comes totally fine yeah but it is it is one of those things so cars that we got ooh we got tournament compass to uh overcome a guardian that's pretty revolver is maybe my favorite car it's uh man just being able to it's instantly ice yeah and if you just want to be able to go for guardians which are five points into the game if you overcome them they give you a boon like some sort of bonus you know yeah they're they're they're great i'm going to go here which is going to give me two composites spend a boot remember cool that's right i do have a fear card to go there we have travel uh ways to travel and stuff so you're using this booth because this is where our camp is you're just walking over and then i'm just going to turn in this card for its compass okay well instant use ability um you know what let's do let's get let's get absolutely wild i'm going to use my two exploration cards to get two compasses straight away these are instant effects you can use many of them as you want and then i'm going to use this for its travel effect to get a jeep and i am going to discover a new dig site and i am going to do any of these four because it's matching the jeep and i'm gonna get the bonus on this i'm gonna go here and get a stone tablet from this little idol and flip that over stony tab never hurt nobody it's time to tab okay so this is gonna be a little level one dig site let's see what we got here so this one gives you a stone tablet a gem and a monstar or a fear card yeah it's tough okay it's a little bit scary coming here i mean this is kind of a spooky entrance it also comes with a guardian as always put your own guardians sir big snake thing um which will require a compass a coin and an arrowhead to overcome and i do like these spots these three uh compasses by the way too yeah yeah i like this spot because this spot you get a stone tablet in a ruby which is a really good series but you're going to have to get a fear card yeah you know it's like uh sounds like a pretty fair trade especially if you can get rid of those fair cards but it does i mean a gem and a stone tablets not bad it's not bad it's not bad i don't hate it it's not bad indeed all right that's my first act um i am going to also i'm going to turn in a boat boat card right there and i'm going to go here turning in these three compasses okay and i'm going to explore this spot this is going to allow me to exile the car to get rid of it i'm gonna get rid of this fear i played earlier because fears are worth negative one points they do give you something you give you a boot but i can use boots as anything else's boots exactly because you can downgrade anything um okay so we're gonna go here what do we got oh we got us two stone tabbies two stoney tabs and a coin very cool like tree of life looking thing over here yeah it's really the art of this game is probably the best board ever i mean art is so bang you know it's just it just is evocative of kind of exploration and stuff it's what you have a giant it's like a giant ant it takes two boots and a compass to overcome worse to overcome if you have like some fear card cues or what have you yeah interesting um i'm gonna do this nick i'm gonna spend a coin and i'm gonna buy an item can i get that gold pan please right there very nice this will go to the bottom of my deck which is only one card deep at the moment oh that horse looks nice it's a nice horse it's well kept this horse looks so darn nice i'm gonna turn that in to get a coin in the kentucky derby without doping topical humor hilarious what was it if you're watching this in 2027 there was this this horse it was a big deal it was a big deal for people who like horse stuff they were taking like anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids this horse was all doped up basically this horse is awesome dude this horse horse is rad just freaking just rocking it just like yeah they should have like known something was up when they saw the horse like visibly threatening other horses before the race see what you think you be you got it you think you're not mentioning their jockey was like six ten you're like jock is usually quite small and that horse was like i don't even feel that person yeah yeah pretty good so i'm gonna turn in that coin plus these three coins to get this horse this horse is going to give me a coin a compass and i get to draw a card drawing cards and any kind of deck builder is always good there's not a ton of that in this game so it's it's a valuable thing builder with drawing cards is bad if there's a deck but the drawing card is bad let us know because i always want john it'll be like the anti-deck builder right at the worst it's kind of like oh that's not helpful but it's not hurtful not typically not right it depends maybe there's some games where like you could potentially draw negative stuff and so it's a little bit of a double-edged sword yeah um okay i'm gonna do this nick yes i'm gonna spend a gem ridiculous a ruby to move up on the research track hey right there and going up to that first level gets me a coin as a bonus [Music] stars and stripes stripes i just don't know if i want i'm trying to think if i want to use this to get an arrowhead so that i can go up to here i'm thinking similar things yeah but i'm like is that going to be worth it i'll only get a coin this turn i'm sure i can get arrowhead next turn right but it's one of those things i should just do it now i'm just gonna do that i'm gonna turn this in sure i'm gonna get an arrowhead and i'll turn this in to get the compass that i need okay then turn that back in go which will give me a coin okay get you a coin i'm gonna do this nick i'm gonna spend a fear card for its travel effect get a boot i'm gonna walk on down to the campsite here where i can discard a card with no effect i'll describe my other fear card for a gem i have three fear cards already because uh oh you got one that's right yeah discovered a fearsome place uh i think i have two zone tabbies and a coin i don't think i can do anything with any of those two stone tabbies so i think i'm going to have to pass that's two stone tabby right there that's a two-stone tabby right there uh it's a very large cat then right it weighs two stone yeah maybe that'd be it that's a big how much is a stone what was it like 20 pounds or something like that that's a big ass kick help us out how much is a stone it's like 20 how much would a two stone tabby weigh less known chat i bet there's one let us know exactly in chat punch it into google say how much would a two stone cat weigh and you are going to give us in the comments both pounds and kilograms exactly and also thumb it up while you're doing that wink uh i'm gonna do this nick i'm gonna spend a gem i'm gonna research using my journal i'm gonna bring it up on to the same spot which gets me an assistant yeah i am going to i feel like you're already doing more than me i'm going to take this assistant assistants all have instant use action some of them are specific to certain types of action so i'm going to spend a coin oh man you're crushing right now to get an arrowhead mike's got the engine going okay and then i'm gonna spend an arrowhead and a stone tablet to scooch my research up one more grabbing a compass um let's go for it let's be big i'm gonna go here get an arrowhead spend an arrowhead and a stone tablet to bring that up and get my other assistant oh straight away wow that is that's very good and i think i'm going to take that person on the far right yeah because i can draw a card at the discarded cards i don't think i can make use of it just now but i feel like if i can get it flipped over and then you can just draw a card every round might be quite one of the solo games i played i had that i had that person it's good like that anyway but it's really good they just always can draw a card it's yeah it's real good i'm now going to pass all right mikey yeah all right pushing all right so then these are going to go they are going to go away no one got artifacts that first round i don't believe no didn't quite have didn't have the compasses rooms of the day oh my gosh look at that three stone nice all right so we're going to freshen up we're going to shuffle all these up here and then go to the bottom of our deck blam we're going to draw up to five cards boom refresh any assistance we have get our archaeologists if they come back from a place of the guardian they gain a fear actually which will need to get shuffled into the okay sorry so the what was this these two forgot about that we should done that before but hey hey how it's right there it's close enough oh gosh ew all right that's fine it's fine now take the first player marker please think of that okay so ugh crap first things first i'm going to use my assistant to draw a card and then discard a card i'll draw that and discard the sphere of no effect that's an instant action and then i think i'm gonna do this i'm gonna spend four coins two one and one boom go big and i'm gonna buy that revolver yeah let's make use of it hope to make use of it i can't make use of it this round which is something to remember but maybe in the future what are you going to do this ostrich is awesome i love all the travel cars like the horse is like a horse like a dog their ostriches are all great no matter what you're just running you're writing fun animals out there i don't know i want i need to get this track i want to get you know i needed some assistance going all right yeah i did that's part of why i wanted to go there messing up uh i'm gonna play this horse which allow me to draw a card and thank you commenter by the way who probably already mentioned that and then now we're seeing yeah that i did find it we heard you're click clacking we heard you i could sense shouts out i hear it shout out to the comment section um okay and that's me well if that's you then um okay thinking thinking thinking thinking you know what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna oh a little bit kind of like resource poor this round now you had a great laugh i'm gonna spend a boat to go up here and gain a coin and two stone tablets yeah we like that i'm gonna spit my coin to get an arrowhead from my assistant as well okay go ahead okay i'm gonna turn in these two compasses uh which i'll use here now to turn in this for a boat i'm gonna go here to get another compass or should i go because now i need i need a compass i'm gonna go here to get another compass back we're gonna discover a new site please be an arrowhead site nailed it look at you and a drone from the car best freaking sight in the game oh and you could use that arrowhead right there get over there that guardian then draw a car okay hold on so many options a lot of things going on here i'm very excited about what you have going on i wish i had that oh man hold on god yeah i could just do it because i get to draw a card again would i just shove when i shuffle my deck you do not so i have no cards left side so i would have again you can also wait to use that that guard that's true yeah interesting oh that's interesting okay all right uh you sir okay i am going to turn in two stone tablets and an arrow head to go up with my magnifying glass thank you very much i'll gain a goodness okay i really i really want to get yeah here i'm going to do this i'm going to turn in an arrowhead and a compass and i'm going to go here i'm going to get this assistant this assistant allows me to upgrade stuff you can upgrade tablets can become arrowheads arrowheads go to rubies so i'm going to use her to then get my arrowhead back very nice very nice because i don't need these stone tabbies right now stone tabbies um okay i'm going to turn in two yeah two compasses and i'm going to get myself a stone jar now artifacts unlike items go into play directly now in the future i'll pay a stone tablet to reuse this but the first we use is free i will get to draw a card just the best poll jk the worst paul uh war club even cooler but that's okay oh we're doing that we're making things happen all artifacts also have planes for their their travel so it's the most planes can be used for anything yeah planes you can always overpay travel wise but planes are like wild so they go everywhere i probably should just overcome that guardian i'm just gonna do it uh because if i keep like oh should i do something else instead i need i need to i guess i'll just go here i'll turn a fear card i'll go here and get two compasses feels like a waste and i hate it okay ah is what it is yeah i'm gonna go here i'm gonna spend a boot from a fear card and then discard another fear card for a gen all right i'm going to turn in a compass this arrowhead and then i'll discard this fear card here and overcome this guardian very nice i don't think i have it in me to overcome a guardian so instead i'm going to kill myself further up the track turning in a stone tablet and a ruby to go there collecting a coin and getting a compass for ascending to that level okay oh man man man man man man man man hey man um no man oh man so i have two hey buy a thing with a discount of the thing actually i could have three i could get that ostrich i can go there the discount of oh and i get drunk i'm gonna do that i'm gonna turn in this uh coin turn in these two coins i'm gonna get this ostrich because i draw a card and then i can go to a spot with a discount of a car so i could like go here with basically no cards now you're going to add that to your deck so now you could draw that card if you wanted to with your yeah but i don't i can't move a i can't move a person it would have to say relocate so you get to drop but then also it wouldn't be that useful i guess because i would draw this card only to get this card which won't allow me to draw a card on the next right but now i'll be part of this next round you could i could do it sub-optimal it's sub-optimal but i could do it i could do it let's mean if we're not nothing if if not sub-option oh dude come on go well our mother told us that when we were born sub optimal babies right there yeah that's what the nurse said yeah these babies heads do not house large brains they're okay they're okay yeah okay uh i'm done i'm passing i got nothing i have a compass and a stone tabby although i don't think i can do anything with either of them and i could turn in this to get other stuff but i just don't think it's me worth it right now so i'm also going to pass once you get a new item out there just in case oh yeah it doesn't get it changes what you want to do unlike i would love to get this package all the all the cards all the all the movement animals me neither that is oh that's good that's expensive but great you see now i wish i hadn't gotten that on stage i would have gone bummed i would have gotten that instead but whatever you're gonna do okay uh okay so we're gonna return our archaeologist i will gain another fear because i still have not overcome a guardian i'm working on it i'm working up to it you'll get you'll shoot one in the face next turn i've got my revolver man i'm ready to go i don't want to shoot them i shoot them away oh is that next to it yeah let's see all righty round three so the first couple rounds go quicker but they they will you can do more ideally your rounds are taking longer if they never start taking longer that's not a good thing maybe not doing so hot but it's not like not a guarantee all right shuffle these up refreshing everybody calm down everyone drop down a lot of fear yeah two more fear cards yeah i got rid of one immediately but then i got it back pretty much immediately um but yeah you know what fear is not great it's just clogging up your neck yeah it does look like i'm a horse am i ostrich and i have this oh man i'm just excited to see what three cards to draw although one's a fierce i don't know if i'll use all three you know i'm going to use this now though well no i'm not gonna do that now i might use it because i'm gonna play these cards regardless um so i can go there okay so i'm just i'm going to play this erstridge okay so i will draw a card don't be fair hilarious um at least he gets it out of the way i guess yeah the other two i know are i think they're just normal cars so i can go put a person out to a truck spot with a discount of a truck so i guess i'll just go oh you know what i should have done i should have done this in a different can i instead have played this horse sure because i still draw a card so that doesn't make any difference but then i'll get this so i realized i should use that truck to discover like a new site or something like that yeah and then i'm gonna discount one yeah and then i'm gonna do this just to get my third one so i'll be ready to do that okay so without i shouldn't kel's gonna go here and i was like i really want another fear card but i think i should discover a new site right that's what smart people do nick i mean if you want hilarious it's gonna be a straight up sellout um all right let's do let's do some optimal play let's go here whoa here spending my other fear at least my fear is literally generating rubies at a dude at a rapid farming rate yeah uh i'm going to spend a nothing this is nothing there's nothing this is not my turn not returning right that's like that time it wasn't your turn it's got a ruby that's it that's the only thing that's happening next now i'm gonna play my ostrich draw this card okay then i can go somewhere i'm going to go here with a dis scoot yeah okay now boom so i'll just keep one of these okay b i don't know what i want i'll take that though actually it's perfect so i can go up here that's great it's great all right and a tab uh oh she's back you refresh here you did okay yeah uh okay what we got okay a boat and an arrowhead i will be able to overcome that great okay very nice very nice um yeah okay i'm gonna now spend this gem and this coin to scooch up my uh magnifying glass going up here and gaining a compass just researching just saying like hey that's right it's not a weird bug what do you think that was man i was gonna think it was man just researching weird i don't know man all right it was a it was a critter it was a critter that there was a critter ooh i know faith of what you make you trusting to draw the boat oh it's a car that's a jeep now where's only boats do we only have two of each you could always pay two coins and get a plane that's true i might end up having to do that we'll have to see the world i might have to do that to see i am going to do this i need to use my assistance at some point great let's do this assistant now let's see what happens i'm gonna draw a card then i can discard a card or have to discard a card rather um no i haven't used this yet yeah let's discard that i'm gonna turn this in for a compass and then use these three compasses here to discover a site using boats ooh dope boats huh double boats i'm overpaying a little bit but it's okay i'm gonna get a coin flip that over and we are going to discover this awesome shrine which will give me a coin and an arrowhead i love that and the guardian that comes with it is this sweet monkey hoarding money that's a monster nikki there's almost something here yeah we're close we're close um i'm gonna go ahead and do this now before i forgive my turn in the boat and an arrowhead to overcome this guardian because i will forget if i know so this guardian is going to give me a um jeep excellent um i'm gonna spend a coin to gain an arrowhead nick and i'm gonna spend two arrowheads i'm sorry what am i doing here um i'll use this i'm sorry to get two stone tablets and i will spend two stone tablets and an arrowhead to move my notebook up if you could which will upgrade and refresh an assistant i think i need to do something real quick i'll do that i think i went in here i don't think i actually turned in a boat because then i shouldn't i should have had this boat to turn in for that so let's just say i'm pretty sure i did so let's say i turned this in for money and turned in two dollars for a plane to go here because i realized like like wait how did i also have enough boats to do what i just did things because i cheated very suspect i heard your click clacking i heard your click clacking heard it heard it first here folks i think i undid it if not it just wasted a dollar but that's fine okay nick i'm going to do this is it me now or you can pick something no it's me because i need to go now i believe so now i turn in this and this to push this up to here and i am i could use that immediately i guess i could i'm going to use this to upgrade this to an arrowhead um and then i am going to use this right here to get two more stone tabbies one of which i will upgrade to an arrowhead but very nice they did a lot of things right there i'm a little bit uh threatened by you i'm gonna use my assistant uh spend a coin get another arrowhead then spend that arrowhead and this arrowhead to move my notebook up to the double arrowhead spacenik if you could i don't know what's going on what that here there i will refresh this assistant this will allow me to draw a card and let me use my newly refreshed assistant to draw a card and they're both the worst but it's okay it's true mikey i messed up again that's realized nick i messed up all right you need to fix this round guy i know right boom okay we have all agreed big asterisk if you get anywhere near your mind to be fair everything i've done i've undone good slow down yes now you've done the thing where it's like well i'm going to fix this and you do that and you break this and you feel that you fix that have you fixed this everything's fine everything is fine because you're about to rip a hole through the universe no everything's fine you're going to let cylons or some sort of nerdy thing does that satisfy you cylons are coming uh no i actually i saying over here that's the ruby spot so i undid one of my upgrades because i that's all it was that's all it was it was easy speaking of goofing i think i've goofed most royally hmm i i'm not gonna be able to overcome this guardian i have a revolver in my hand oh you need to pay for it no no bullets i need to i can't i can't i can't scare the monkey off this is the bad no way of getting a coin no compass you still have no way of getting compass though i've got no way of getting anything oh this is so bad i don't know how i did that not great yeah that's confused me with all your movies around i think i literally am done and that is not great now not great oh yeah yeah um i do not know how i did that alrighty well then oh here here and i probably messed up again i probably undid something or redid something and messed me mess up the timeline nick i did have a list then you ripped a hole that's right glitch in the matrix now i have no compass i'm gonna get this gentle person who gives two coins i'll go ahead and go get two coins all right so i have man two coins a compass a stone tabby and not much else so i do have two coins though i could get this fishing rod go fishing on a day like this oh and i actually i don't have another compass too sure i was gonna get another one can i have one minus we'll turn it now no thank you um i'll miss that man it's messed up okay i'm gonna do this i am going to turn in this one i don't like putting three of these up here but i'm gonna do it to get another coin and another compass can i have one of those nope mine then i'm going to turn in these three compasses to get this card okay which is where i get to reveal the top one of this stack and i get to activate it and put it on the bottom so i can do that immediately very fun so i'm gonna get ooh two compasses or i can get an item for free free pack donkey i'll do that get a free pack donkey interesting um and that's just immediate it's the hat it's the good old indie hat yeah why not classic gotta have a hat oh man okay here i'm gonna buy that hat for one biggest asterisk on this game [Laughter] ever was me me downgrading things and paying more for that so if i honestly did cheat i hurt myself because here i didn't pay for it here i didn't properly pay for it so there's an asterisk it's for you it just means that your win is even more impressive your eventual win no i don't know about that all right now i think i'm done i have two i have two fear stupid fears hate you copy that uh i'm done you're done we're all done i'm gonna gain another fear for coming back from uh just a i just came back rambling about a gigantic monkey covered in gold they're like sure mike sure man sure mike sure man all righty yeah that that round turned out okay i need to quit going on ayahuasca trips every night everyone climbing up joshua trees making a damn fool yourself just touching rocks claiming they can breathe you know i see your soul you're like all right sir that is a rock sir sir this is a this is a camry yeah do you ever think about that though yeah you think it does have feelings i guess it's on me matt sorry about that yeah and that was real insensitive me you're right man all right uh round four is it i'll be first player here let's see if we need to redo any uh uh stuff i think we're all set what cards do i have at this time can i just possibly change my fate for the better not really i'm going to use my assistant straight away and draw a card okay here's a man you are running up this track though i am doing that and that's that's definitely useful um all right i'm gonna use these for coins i'm gonna gain two coins i'm gonna spend one coin with my assistant and now i can choose either an arrowhead or a ruby i'll take a ruby this is all still instant and then i'll spend that ruby and a gold coin to move my notebook up to my magnifying glass which will gain me three compasses just bring it on good definitely need that so that's very good okay you may proceed here yeah i need i'm gonna first thing i'm gonna do is do my pack donkey it's gonna let me draw two cards pack don't get peck okay fear and then my guiding stone okay so i need to turn so now that this artifact is in my hand i now have to play a stone tablet to play it so these are almost like so often i'll get these never never intending to play them again because i'm like i just want it now it's worth it because it gives you a point in the bottom right they have points and stuff and then they're worth it if nothing else for that first thing and they also do give you airplanes yeah it makes it easier to move around they're very valuable for sure is it me it is juicer i'm sorry i'm gonna spend a fear card to go here and get a couple more compasses okay so if i want to push both these up here i just i don't know if i'm going to be able to you know well i might be able to i'm just trying to decide if i want to use i'm going to use this i'm going to go ahead and turn this in because i hope we can get some cool stuff from this yeah it's almost it's almost like where ooh just straight up ruby okay that's probably this spot's a not any ruby thing so i was like oh man but that's i'll take a ruby any day of the week yeah always valuable always valuable okay um okay i am going to do this i'm going to turn in this exploration card for a compass which now gives me six compasses and i'm going to turn in a plane and a jeep to get a double jeep symbol so i can explore a new site this is gonna be a level two site if i could have one of those i'm gonna go to here so i'm gonna collect these one will just be worth straight up points the other will get me my stone tablet and then the points and we are going up here fear card well that's a good spot though that'll get two stone tablets two arrowheads and a guardian to boot which will be two coins and an arrowhead yeah that is just about the exact spot i need um i'm gonna turn in this hat real quick just gonna be giving me a compass and a coin straight up um and then oh man i don't have a boat that's the only boat i have do i need to do that actually i'm not gonna do that then i'm gonna use that as a boat because i just realized my that's the only boat i drew other than this one but i actually i really want to use this one as the yard so actually what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do my horse first so i'm gonna get boom boom get these back and then i'll get that be a boat you want a boat hate you be a boat or be nothing at all uh okay nick i'm gonna turn into stone tablets give me liberty or give me boats because i mean no one's on a boat and not just freezing free there's no rules on boats if i can move my magnifying glass up and to the right please that way right there i will uh exile a card boom this allows me to draw a card now i'm going to use this to draw a carton smart boom i just wanted to use this car to use the boat give me boats boats boats boats bobo boats all right um it's all boats burning there i'm gonna go here and get two stone tablets it's burning through the stuff you gotta you're gonna yeah man hey gotta be about it explore these wows i'm gonna turn two stone tablets and an arrow to join my notebook with my magnifying glass this gets me a free artifact what you gonna choose man um got some exile cards let me turn this ritual dagger yeah which allowed me to exile card and gain a um arrowhead it's pretty great so i'm definitely into that i wonder when we got coming out there um got that move one of your idols off so you basically free up that slot which is nice we're both great yeah that is great great great um okay i'm gonna turn in uh turn this gentle person for two coins i'll use those two coins as an uh plane because i don't want to turn on my boat uh and i'm going to plane here it's gonna give me a coin back and then two stone tabbies that's a two stone tabby tonight two stone tabby two two stones two two stones they weigh two stones they are two snow all right i'm gonna go up here nick i'm gonna spend my last slot nothing if not original um get a coin and a compass and then i'm going to play my revolver yeah use a compass to overcome a guardian shooter we're finally in the game i like to shoot past the bugs and stuff yeah just scare them off just say scat get i'm gonna try these two fear cards and a compass and i'm gonna overcome this uh big old ant which allows me exile card i'll just go ahead and use that right now and x out of those fears beautiful that's good yeah um i am going to turn in an arrowhead stone tablet coin gonna move my magnifying glass up to here please gain a compass that's because i am down here that is a lot of points and i am moving that way i'm nothing if not bookish my gosh man i need uh arrowheads i just need arrowheads they're absolutely killing me here so i'm gonna turn in i'll go ahead and turn in this of a truck right here i'm gonna turn in that to go here just give me an arrowhead and a stove yeah just but i need the problem this is like two stone tabs and airheads so i want i want to push both of them up so i can get one of those and i'm going to need to get two arrowheads somehow and i don't not two i need two stone tablets somehow and i don't think i can get them this turn um which is not yeah i don't know the deal yeah it's not ideal save it for the last round maybe yeah that's just yeah last oh my gosh yeah i i'm not doing this well all right all right i've passed man so it's all you the rest of the way okay so i'll use her and i'll upgrade this to an arrowhead there you go yeah but the problem is i need the stone tablets that's the issue because i'm gonna turn these two stone tablets and this to push this up but i need two more stone tabs to push that up can we get a compass anyway i don't know if that helps you giver does but i'm going to turn in my hat now because i never had actually had to use it which was good and i'll get a compass and this and then let's go ahead and turn in these two to get another coin and another compass i wish there was a thing that gave me some tablets out here but there's not do you want an idea i could pull it off and put it back on huh could buy this artifact which allows you to pull back i love this game i love that about this game so much you're like oh but i can do this and that's gonna let me do this oh and that's how i can get the resources oh and then it's all about finding your pathways it's so satisfying it really is yeah yeah you're right i can just do that now um i mean don't i mean i'm gonna definitely do no donna uh i'm gonna go and turn these in mikey to get that piece which means i know i deserve like a bonus point for that i mean what a good sport good sport no it's good sport i got i'd maintain i would have found it originally i would have found it eventually you know but now you can pull one exactly we'll pull that back put it there now we have the satisfaction of if you win i'll be like handed to you you're like we'll get a lot of these i'm gonna lay these okay so now i will turn those in to go boom i'm gonna upgrade this general person into three and they get to refresh and i'm gonna use them again get three more straight up cash dumb cash all right um and then i have a ruby but i need some other stuff to get up to here so i don't think i'll be able to get up there but i do have this car but i can buy something with a discount of three so that's going to be a free item then yeah but i'm trying to i should do that i'm actually not gonna do that right now i'm gonna turn these i'm gonna get the steamboat stacy steamboat toot it's gonna see what comes out just in case something really cool and expensive comes out choose two different options a stone tabby a coin a compass or exile that's interesting it is i'm gonna buy this one for two uh which this one i gained a compass for each spot that i'm at with a guardian and a compass for each guardian i have overcome over up to three so basically i can turn this card i have already have three of these so like yeah very nice um okay and let's see what comes out see there i'll just turn this in get this one because that's a better oh this one's worth more points but i'd like the the option you'd still spend those two coins to buy the axe i mean i guess it's a good point although i actually would have rather had that honestly but of course we wouldn't predict the future but i'll just do this one all right well then i have a ton of cards let's say it's quickly that would have even come up necessarily depending on how many cards you might be able to draw right ooh that one's nice yeah the rope's square cool all right i think that's it you want a shot a spending i know i was like i was like man i have all these ways to get money and i already have some money and i have this card i was like oh this is gonna be interesting very cool all right i'd say that uh that that kind of balanced out that first round where i kind of really yeah yeah this little path and and shot up a bit and so you did you made you moved in shape yeah i feel like you can always have a round or two like that um all right all righty last round my people this is something that when we first played this game last fall um i was reading like as you go through the game you shift this to mark your rounds and then you have fewer and fewer items and more and more artifacts and it's representing you getting further and further away from civilization and i think it's something that like quietly does a really nice thematic thing where i'm like that's very cool it's more getting deeper in like we've discovered we're further further from our camp like where we stand from the front from the beach yeah it's neat yeah it's really cool i'm just gonna just show everyone my last round that's not good that's rough that's not good i might have a sh a quick quick exit that is not a good last round i'm managing my fear well folks got to manage your fear and you're breathing yeah you can you can get bogged down uh it is made okay um i'm gonna go ahead [Music] okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna turn this off stretch so i can draw a card and i can go somewhere the discount of a truck let's draw a card okay i'm gonna go to this spot with a discount of a truck i'm gonna get these two and then i'm gonna turn in um okay this just to get a coin so that i can push this up next turn okay i'm gonna use my boon from my bug and ride them as if there was a trip and uh they'll go here i'll get a fear card because i haven't gotten nearly enough of those and i'll get a ruby and a stone tablet indeed i don't entirely know so i'm going to go turn a coin an arrowhead and a stone tabby and i'm going to push up to here which will allow me to draw a card okay and it'll give me a compass okay that it yep i'm gonna spend a ruby and a stone tablet to move my notebook up here which allow me to overcome a guardian bam oh nice yeah so you're that's a that's a lot of points you're gonna get there and i do not think i'm gonna be able to get up that track that much i'm gonna use my axe here actually don't have a car to exit i think i only have one fear card that's somewhere in there but i will use it to get a um thingy okay i'm gonna spend uh use my gold pen to get two coins which is an instant action and then let's think i'm just gonna go down here spending a boot and then i'll just discard a card no effect to get a rupee um all right i'm gonna go here i'm gonna choose two different options i'm gonna get a compass and a stone tabby okay i'm going to use my assistant now draw a card [Laughter] oh so much fear how did i get this much man you got him you glitched that matrix you added more for your cards apparently man i i really did glitch it out oh so brutal okay just the worst um i'm going to do this though i'm gonna know first let's just keep it simple i'm gonna turn in a gem a compass and a coin to reach the top level claim the first spot dang and then i will get one of these two options do i get a stone tablet or do i get an exile that thinks me smarter to exile probably a card since i have fifty thousand parabola oh it's one less fear to worry about after this bow and arrow get one compass for each thing i've overcome of outcome three nice um i will do this i'm going to use my other assistant spend a coin to get a ruby and they'll spend that ruby to get one of these tiles from the top of the temple nice we use this as a double boat we're going to go up here excellent see six compasses very cool all right um i'll get both these i'll get a coin i just have another one so [Music] all right and then what we got i don't know a little bit of everything oh i like that one yeah that one's great one just a nice smattering yeah just useful yeah that's like yeah that's what it is it's like that's just a nice advice and useful actually that's gonna be that's gonna be very nice that's very useful because yeah that's actually really good because we're gonna do real quick i'm going to activate her turn this into a ruby and then i'll have a ruby so i can push back up to here which will be good so very nice that's great okay um i think i'm done man i've got a whole bunch of fear burning a hole in my psyches so man you got a ton of feet yeah i mean that's on me i guess i played fast and loose with the fear and and paid a little bit so don't be a boot huh that's it it's all you the rest of the way man alrighty um i'm gonna turn in a ruby and a i'm gonna just i'll just have you use him as well because three coins uh but i'll turn use let me know if anything i'll be over here i'm doing a ruby and i just don't tablet to push this up here which will allow me to upgrade her and refresh her very nice um and then man i kind of want to overcome this guardian because i don't really want to fear but i also want to push this up here and that will give me not to min max things but getting a fear will give me negative one point but getting up here will give me three points so it's actually better for me just to take the fear so i'm gonna spend a rube and a kind to push this up to here which will give me another compass and i can turn in this to get another compass i mean i can go there to get another ruby which then would push that up which gave me three more i'll probably do this i'm gonna go here get that up to there turn in this to get a ruby i'll use a ruby and a coin to push this up to here which will give me three compasses which gives me a little bit more buying power up here which seems like it'd be a good thing um and then i am going to spend four compasses to get this card i've got my score i got him sorry i'm ready to go so here i go pay a compass to reveal it's kind of the other card i have i real this now so two compasses and a ruby oh that's that's perf that's max perfidge uh and then this goes back on the bottom here okay and i still have her as well i'll just replace this for you i got time i got time um i'll replace it i will turn in a ruby and a compass to push this up here i actually don't have a card i want to exile so i'll just ignore it that is going to be last one that's gonna let me draw you had a horrible pull you'd be doing this too man you had a bad pull allows me to draw a card i was looking at my things and i just didn't have any other cards i just i i built what i i created when i meant to oh wow is that all the cards you have yeah wow that is pretty well this landscape of nightmares and gold pans and gold pens um i'm gonna turn in this to buy just this because it allows me to um and then man i have so much this famous success what do i do it's a burden uh that's such a burden well it's like i have her well okay i'll i'm not gonna be able to use her upgrade but i will get a compass which gives me three which allow me to buy something i could upgrade to the narrow head it's just not useful i don't think so because i need an arrowhead a stone tablet and a coin or two stone tablets and an arrowhead so i don't think i can get any of those from here because these allow me to use what's that one return a place to get to your board archaeologist back oh i might be able to do it then that's four though i only have three oh that's actually that that probably would allow me to do some stuff i don't think it will so i will turn in these three i'm gonna get this one so this one i'll get two coins and i could use the silver side of something i'll just use this one to get a compass a compass which i don't think i'll be able to use but just get it okay um i get two more coins i'm gonna use those four coins to buy this card and i think i'm out think that's it double check double check double check make sure i think that's it i think that's all i can do i think i'm getting destroyed i don't know you gotta although i did get up here farther up here than i thought but you are getting yeah 11 more points no no more make a prediction you're making 15 more points here i don't know if i undid 15 titles more compass or more guardians more stuff more cards we'll see we'll see i honestly don't know we'll have to see okay you know you don't have more of fear it's true i don't have more fear i think i have one i'm the most scared archaeologist i am terrified at all times i did get a lot of cards though and i think that might be the thing that pushes me first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna start off by looking at your status on the research tracks you have 12 for your magnifying glass and six is 18 points i got the maximum 33. that was my most successful yes saying you flew up there you didn't get any temple tiles idols-wise it looks like you've got three six nine 12 15. you covered up all your slots we get 15 points there how many gardens did you ever come five three okay so that'll be 15 points there um how many cards and fear and stuff let me know what you got we've got points wise 23 in cards okay two seconds i can't calculate it you wayne 71 to 57 nicely done all right i think it was how did you guys have a great game to be completely yeah you got it you had a solid game i think i got out of the gate but then i absolutely ran out of games here's the thing i was a guy who went running into a jungle with no tools whatsoever and was never heard of again that is tough because you had such a bad pull your last one think of like the amount of points you probably could have gotten through like guardians or getting these the thing is it's like i don't think it's a bad pull i literally had only bought two i guess that's a good point i got him and i had five fear cards and i exiled like three of those like and i was left with five so i think i there was nothing to pull but fear but fear sometimes the fear is to fear itself and sometimes the fear is very real in my case good game good game though good game yeah just i i tip my hat to you ever the explorer my fedora cap is tipped so that was ruins good game man i i sort of ran out of steam yeah you started looking at it like i really i forged the path you did it for you to so much easier to follow after you i just it's like it's like i was like dripping behind like a 18 wheeler you know you're like i'm safe gas mileage right here let you chop through the jungle i'm not comfortable like this i did all that research so that you could get the egg that's right you know congrats to you for winning uh we hope you enjoyed the lost ruins of bar knock it's seriously our it's one of our very favorite games of last year it's so so good uh let us know what you think of lost runes of arnock in the comments and also let us know what you would like to see us play here at the game house next whether it be here at the house over at glendale cafe in glendale cafe in glendale california at the cafe uh and speaking of uh game house they are back open now and serving guests there's people you can gather play board games in in real life irl with people and have snacks and things provided by the game house for you go check out you can even rent out the game house on like a tuesday wednesday or thursday evening and just have only your friends and no one else which is like every person's dream it's just you your favorite people and a thousand plus board games and food and food yeah it's the best yeah so check it out check it out go check out the game house and until next time i'm mike i'm nick we have been the brothers murph and we'll see you in the next one bye everybody the thing is nick oh you guys i did it this time you forget the thing is it's funny is the way this releases they're gonna be in the opposite way i know so it's gonna be weirder and weirder but thank you for checking out another episode of the game house check out our last game house right there another cool video and make sure you subscribe to the brothers murph because we have game house episodes we have rapid reviews and all sorts of fun things so make sure you subscribe turn the bell notification on so you get notifications for when we have videos yeah
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 4,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z3MX1GSTfds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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