Lost Portion of Ed Kemper's 1991 Extended Interview

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how would you select I didn't select it was random and it was also the development of the passion if I was drove they died like the last two victims I was so pissed I'd have killed anybody got in a car but there was times I drove woman and her son clear up into Oregon crossed over to the Coast Highway and drove back down and like 8:30 9 o'clock at night falling misty highway and I'm driving along there's not a car near me it's totally alien County this is way up around Eureka or something and here's these two I said probably high school girls he looked up at me 17 or 18 years old their hitch in the first ride into town because they snuck off the farm that gone the half a mile or so off to the road they're gonna hit on into town have a good time and sneak back it was obvious because they were grabbing the first ride dick again and here I've been fighting my inner impulses to not go off on this woman and her 12 year-old son of hitchhiking clear back to Seattle right and I'm struggling with these feelings I don't want to do it man you how to do it anyway you're weak you're a pump all day long I'm doing this and by the time I'm coming back down that highway I'm exhausted I'm 1000 I'm driving along just to get home here's a perfect situation I cannot get busted it exceeds the criterion of picking someone up and not get it caught no one knows me in the county know what see me going through it right it's a father shroud at night nobody could even see me if their home was it view and I don't know that I picked them up we drove it to town about two miles three miles I dropped them off I got some gas and kept right on going I was not in a proper state of mind to do something like that it blew me away I couldn't believe it was like it's handed to me on a platter scared the hell out of me I couldn't do it I had everything I needed again so about the selection and the preparation if I was elected and preparing and everything was all set that's it I got but I didn't they're not dead that I saw there's an example of many times that kind of thing happened all of a sudden somebody shows up out of nowhere I pick him up take him where they're gone but I didn't do that dump because it was mindset was all wrong the only time people got killed was one she and I was fighting like cats and dogs and I couldn't deal with it I couldn't vent it any other way I look back on it and I'm not saying I'm right or wrong to say I'm looking bad I'll go back on it the same I think they were surrogates I was killing her not them I was attacking her station I was attacking her stance in that university setting also I hated the university for what it was doing to her she worked her butt off they took every bit of it oh yeah we love that okay her some more you want some more authority you want some more responsibility here it was eating her up she went into that job sober she came out of the job damn near can because she went to work drunk one day she couldn't cope with it and it was destroying her a little at a time she needed help but if you told her she needed a mental life I told her she needed a mental hospital if my little sister told her she needed a mental hospital or a dry out program appealed our skin for us we did not mess with that woman my sister my little sister was cheating on her husband when my brother was murdered if she had known my little sister was doing that she did she probably would've been out of the family that was totally outrageous to her Victoria Morris as she grew up his twisted Victorian [ __ ] ideals that her mother laid on her as a kid and twisted her life with that she tried to run that [ __ ] on my dad there was a draw there was a draw to the Emily it was haunting I'm not saying I had compassion toward her when I talked to her I tried to remember what we talked about in fact I think what I said about her was is that she epitomized what really drove me she was a hottie young Lea just kind of stuck up distant I look back on it and I see a girl that was not beautiful she was not plain she was somewhere in between and she was caught up in that beauty thing like kids in the valley are okay valley girls trying to make something of themselves and exploit little attributes they have and to downplay other ones and she was playing a little bit distant with me and her friend was very open and very her roommate was very open and very a country girl talking and stuff and it said because the pêche was the marianne was the an expert at hitchhiking she had to have her life in Europe she'd hitchhiked around Europe she'd done it the United States she was good at she didn't want to get in the car but she had talked her said two roommates okay and one went on the trip with her to Berkeley and to Stanford and back to Fresno State only one would go with her and apparently I'm thinking back the other one was so close to going that later when she found out what happened to her two roommates she dropped out of college she came to testified at my trial and she was devastated by the whole thing so I'm thinking she almost went and she realized she might have died too who knows but I don't even know that I'd take the month there's three up I don't know I don't know if they'd have been where they were all the circumstances could have changed but I'm thinking that it because it had such a violent effect on her college education she was that close to going the other girl Anita Lou chess it wasn't a hitchhiker she had been raised by her family don't do things like that that's totally out of line and her friend talked her into it and once she got into it and she saw how much fun it was and they meet the different people and then talk with people that by the time they're leaving Berkeley right it's all about who gets the front seat who gets the back seat so she she she open the door and asked where I was headed and it said Stanford right on there the sign they were holding up and I said I'm going to Palo Alto I could drop you off oh great she jumps in grabs her stuff jumps in opens the back seat up for her friend who's standing there looking at me and serious about whether or not because I could tell at the time she knows better than to get in single adult it's a coupe a instead of a four-door car so she cannot get out other than through the front seat so that's all the warning signs of not getting in with a single you know in that kind of a situation all of the things were wrong about it but when I drove up I pulled that little stunt up looking at my watch you know do I have time to take him up and you wouldn't believe how much effect that kind of thing has and when she kept staring at me and looking looking for something wrong in my eyes I gave this look back like I don't understand why why are you looking at me like this I gave her that back and sheets us all this guy's a dork he's innocent to sale she gets in okay we're driving along and I'm looking at this young lady in the rear view mirror and I look back at it years later I'm saying she kept looking me back to lady eyeballs I'm wearing dark glasses but they're not totally dark and I'm realizing now that she could see me looking at her and she was looking right back at me and instead of saying something to me like what are you looking at or hey maybe got to drop us off or something like that she just kept looking back at me and I'm looking at her she keeps looking at me I don't think that she's playing this little game it's it's not really teasing so to speak it's just this little psychological game back or forth that men and women do sometimes the young girl in the front Anita was at what at first I did yeah but that stopped because at first I was hoping I could get off I could get a vicarious thrill out of seeing those pictures and say well this will be satisfying enough 1 2 people died that's it doesn't have to go past that and I'll see why I don't want to do it again those pictures last about two weeks and I come back from work two days after I did it I mean Tuesday right Sunday it happened Monday I took off took CTO compensatory time off and I go back to work Tuesday I come home from work Tuesday a hard day at work I'm feeling like I used to feel I've done some work that day that I've accomplished something and I'm saying I can't believe I did this stuff I must have that supposed to be some kind of weird dream and I come back to the house or pick up the corner of the carpet I pull out these pictures and an envelope and I said jeez I don't believe this now I've got to believe it that really happened see that was that distance from what I had done just one day later that I couldn't believe are two physical days later I couldn't believe that I'd actually done that after two weeks I couldn't handle the reality of those pictures I've seen I've read where guys have hung criminals like in the Old West and tanned the guys hide made a pair of shoes on it with the doctor did think it was a city doctor and took his skull and made an inkwell out of it with gold hinges on it for the pens this was some notorious criminal right I said gee that's kind of grisly essentially I think so I think so it was a I think so and it was a like a trophy thing it was uh it's disgusting but it was a kind of a power trip I always felt intimidated by women I always felt overpowered by them as a kid when I stopped making it as an adult when I was doing great socially on the job base making friends locally having buddies and stuff you know have a pizza and a beer and stuff no problem I got friends for that but making women friends was real tough and battling my mom on the one hand and trying to make friends with women is a little bit of a problem because there was a lot of crossover there and she was opening a lot of old wounds pushing a lot of buttons and she liked to watch me twitch that's the only thing I could say there was a little bit of sadism in her too and I hated her for that because she was the one person in the world to push any button I had because she knew where they all were and as I got better and smarter and and better at what I did and more involved in the public and said better all-around an adult it's as if she were offended by that anime you ask why okay just look at the vanity of being a mother she raised me at a horrible time from day one as an individual parent raised fight every day right the state comes in she's a problem woman she's a vain woman she was real proud and she's raised that way the state of California takes her son away from her and says we are taking your son away because you must be an unfit mother he is a murderer he killed people I've tried to look at it from her point of view if you could raise your son right you wouldn't kill people lady we're taking it and in the mere five and a half years of bureaucracy and she had nothing she had no respect for California bureaucracy she used to make jokes about that all the time about if you want you know if you want to waste the rest of your life doing nothing apply for something at a bureaucratic process in California those bureaucrats took me away from her and in five and a half years of filter farming around they hand me back and I'm an overachiever huh good-looking strapping young man once to go work wants to make a living for himself wants to be sociable he isn't paranoid and pulling away from people anymore that shot the hell out of her it had to lift she didn't share that with me but I'm saying that must have really taught her and made her feel all the more a bad mother so instead of I have a feeling she felt she couldn't be a part of that healing process so she attacked it because I became a cancer in her life I reminded her every day what a rotten mother she must be and I'm not saying she was she must be around mother look what the state did for me and she couldn't they couldn't have been salted or any worse if they did tried and they didn't try they were trying to solve a problem by Paroli me to her so I'll stay out of trouble and go be a good adult pay taxes and guess what that's the one furnace they should not have put me back in because hey she had no help on the other end to sort through her feelings that she was too proud to get help so we fought and we find that's the only excuse I can make in my head she's not here to discuss it that's the only thing I can the balance I can put in there is that I must have been a terrible accuser to her a terrible accusal of what a rotten mother she was or she could have done better even the state raised me with a parent NEADS they locked me away an adult institution where I should have been raped than I should have been mutilated and I should have been screwed over and been like Charlie Manson was raped as a kid in prison and Youth Authority now and then he starts raping other people and he's a leader of that stuff and then he's manipulating people
Channel: Edith Emily Kemper
Views: 1,485,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ed kemper, kemper, edmund kemper, edmund emil kemper, serial killer, interview, stephane bourgoin, 1991, serial killers, coed killer, santa cruz, ed kemper interview 1991, ed kemper interview
Id: m5NDFhnymMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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