Escape The Backrooms NEW LEVELS - With Friends

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you want to hear the craziest sound in the world [Music] to escape the back rooms me Gabby and Kevin have been through this before but there's a new update there's new levels that we want to we want to get to including that one at the end of the last episode with all the houses that dreamcore place it's level 94. get your head out of it what are you thinking about that Kevin what are you looking for huh narrator give us an epic introduction about this being part two of Kevin finding his Penny I know you've been looking for a singular penny penny for quite some time Kevin you've been crawling around sniffing Grind All everything that you know and love is all wrapped up in that yeah there's one thing on your mind but if I could give you my two cents about your problem I know you'll never give up you will use your instincts you will sniff it out like a big old freaking yes everybody you scribble IO foreign I think I know where to go from here as well all right we gotta find an exit narrator we gotta explore the back rooms and find an exit if one person finds the exit we all go to the next level single file lion first rule of the back rooms is don't get lost a few moments later why is there only three of us now file formation Gabby again where did you the person in front of you and I was in front oh there she is okay oh all right Gabby you want to take the lead we'll follow you yes yes I do all right all right woman I have a very good boy oh boy here we go all right all right let's follow Gabby let's who gave her the steering wheel at least she's walking and not driving boys so it'll be okay yeah yeah we're four fine I bet Gabby will you [ __ ] slippery snake where are you going to get drifting around corners Gabby I just want you to know you've been going around in circles okay but look what I found hello assistant oh it's your badge it says [Applause] oh [ __ ] I'm official all right uh so we can't open the damn door does that mean we have to find a key no no no no no no it's the same it's the same first level we just gotta find that place with the ladder that has a hole in the wall oh okay I found uh something that looks promising oh oh a ladder you have to collectible you're kidding right or press F press f on it oh yes yes oh hey yes yeah we did have to find a key that's a key all right do you remember the way who who remembers the way back to the door bro I I laid down so much thank you thank you he loses right yeah dude oh there's the red door right there guys I opened the red door and then I fell in a hole oh you fell down one of these hoes you died stupid I'm following a place that it shows arrows it's telling me where to go oh it makes you fall no you have to balance you have to use q a to balance with your equilibrium your level the the the knees wait narrator where'd you go oh [ __ ] is this dang why am I in a house what I'm in a kitchen oh okay they're loading us I am so clever at finding arrows it's so cute you really are good job what what there's a number pad right here we can type in a number wait can you can you scan your card oh wait it doesn't let me in because I'm Mexican oh oh apparently 420 doesn't work oh what about 69.69 try it 69 69 no okay I'm gonna try every possible number okay he does that let's go look through the numbers look at this check everyone's ID don't trust them yeah what what wait we have impersonators what does that mean check my ID look at look at our IDs look at our ideas all right yours says I'm gonna pull mine out and it won't let me pull it out Gabby it won't let me pull it out Gabby you press Z right no you're pretty c c oh okay I got me alive are you scared me for a second I thought I would probably have to dispose of you what's up oh I got a little squishy splashes going puddle jumping oh this is the wrong crew to try to escape the back rooms with rolling all these doors holy [ __ ] I got a soda I got almond water oh hell yeah give me that [ __ ] guys we get almond water yeah we get dirty I've never look I thought you could only milk almonds I didn't realize you could like get water from them dude I can't wait to squeeze almonds bro show me the tit on an almond you sound like a lonely man brother oh I drank my almond water by accident oh did it taste good it tasted amazing thank you I just want you to know that it tasted really [ __ ] good that was really good hey I got a flashlight you got a flashlight yeah I got it I don't want to open it here oh thanks man appreciate it can I have no I'm sorry I'm thirsty I haven't had any water yeah Mrs adbr and I don't share my water my name is Gabby and now you're not getting any oh oh guess what I'm gay oh [Music] there's a little exit sign pointing straight to this little pipe I think we just have to climb inside bro you're scaring me Kevin I don't think you're supposed to go up there dude you can't climb inside the little pipe I feel like I've seen more than four people but that could just be my imagination what wait Gabby are you serious right now schizo I thought yeah it runs in the family all right I really think we gotta find the code to this place and this will take us to the next area I'm really confused as like I would I would have thought that there would be like a some kind of creepy spooky monster out here but don't say that narrator yeah dude bro stop that man ain't got no my man ain't got no you remember the last time we said Hey Kevin find your penny remember what happened so I have an idea yeah these funky little colors right here same colors as the card what if we count the cars and then we put the number of cars into the keypad I don't know about that too Kevin that's a stupid idea that would never no no no no no no no no no yeah we look look there's nothing else down here we might as well just try it Kevin might be onto something come on which I chose one two three four five six seven there's eight cars in one room that are covered okay so eight in one room that are covered dude Kevin if you actually solve this [ __ ] I have a hunch and it's not in my back oh okay so we have two we have three Blue Cars one red car and one red one man let me see the blue has a three on it yeah I did that uh-huh so it's my matter of fact oh what what what what okay that just yeah I don't just get it yeah I'm always right baby I don't know how that happened but it worked okay boys it's time to get through the garage now okay dude I'm hearing some kind of weird ass like every now and again I hear like uh like a little little yeah I hear a two dog I hear it too all right everybody everybody follow this way over here over here over here follow follow the guy with the almond water in his hand I know like there's a flashlight right there Kevin Hey guys guys guys guys guys I just saw another one there's there's the I just saw another one of us down the hallway another one I saw another one what gray one at all yeah all right guys if we stick together as a bundle do not follow anyone that looks like us except for us are you humble bundled what about the gray guy I want to talk to him he's running he's running on us he's running at us no no no no no no oh [ __ ] [Music] I'm going to tell you guys I think I found the solution if you find a room and you lock yourself in it these guys are too stupid to open up the door that's not what happened together oh this is Co-op open it says Co-op open yo yes oh this is I don't want you to get out of really yeah we need one more key anybody have a key don't give it in here Kevin in here over here over here spirit Kevin you said you had a king I swear to God I had a key I swear you had oh we probably used it it's probably shared inventory oh [ __ ] [ __ ] we need Gabby alive wait wait it did say it said that if one of you dies then nobody makes who said that ah the game okay so now we know uh just find the door do not die and we're fine there's a guy there's a guy where he's right in front of us okay sure okay crouching show them your ID if I can't see him he can't see me okay we just need to know what door it is everyone just stare at the floor everything's fine uh there's a big gray man running at us what are you sons of [ __ ] he's outside the door I ran yo I read oh he's after me now [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm in the co-op room I'm in the room that we need to be in I see y'all I see y'all I see y'all oh no okay I'm coming oh wait wait wait wait wait I saw somebody running through here I'm right here this is ready there's there's four keys in it oh there is yeah oh no don't you dare say excuse me turn them off turn them off turn them all narrator see what happens look the door opens get in there go go go go go go go oh wow Mr Mr we all four yo we did it I'm proud of y'all yay nice another garage if you guys find another flashlight let me know okay I have one is there any lying around Kevin I need a pen Penny penny look it's not my penny holy [ __ ] but it's really big I actually did find a really big Penny whoa I'm gonna buy a really big gumball oh [ __ ] put in my oh there's another one I'm gonna put that one in my big piggy bank [Laughter] I found an elevator oh hello come inside I will push the button Yo No Way guys this is exit but these also have words on them so stay in the light stay in the light it's this one hey I got a great idea it's called how about we not come on yeah oh what is this hey Echo this is a really nice hotel man this got some good Acoustics in here bro [ __ ] um look at this yo turn around I found a room what does this say oh this has another Security check error it just says error but how am I supposed to know what to do here welcome back to see how many times it takes Eddie to get this door open this is hard there's like a lot of are you ready to open the door yes on door opening Adventures contact Meg otherwise known as 1-800 Meg oh yes hello days where smoothies were only five Saints and you can beat up prostitutes in your hand and a black eyed wife in the other um are you [ __ ] opening the door yet God damn it you you try you're just watching Kevin laugh at your dumbass ah there we go now I'm back it all right let's see here [Music] I think I think and then one of these all right good now I just need to do this yes oh my God look at this full of scripts and amateurs why I tell you that though the times the good old Dandy days where you can flip a burger and have the smell walk all over the beach you ever heard of Fallout before we admitted it's crazy [Music] all right I do this I do that Presto I have no idea what I'm doing goofy ass turkey let me look oh what the [ __ ] what's this what the [ __ ] is this I told you she says being chilling everywhere oh this makes a sensor to me okay funny jokes where does Darth Vader get his designer's shoes move Kevin let me get a try oh I got it the today's cracker is here [Music] I didn't order a case of crackers but this cracker just cracked the case is Kevin secretly the smartest one out of all of us yes Kevin I'm telling you bro if you applied yourself in life with how much you need this Penny be unstoppable hey wait wait wait there's things something called cordy123 almonds four and then it hurt you wait where is it where where are you at on the table oh what does that say it heard you okay that's gotta mean something if it says it heard you bro does this good thing Johnny Depp's not here he'd be triggered a funny joke I need to find my penny it's a 1943 copper alloy scent it's one of the most enigmatic coins in American he's three okay get out of here okay we we there's got to be like something that we can oh there's a terminal over here what the [ __ ] is this this is my power management oh here we go this is my terminology oh look at the computers how nice get away from my camera this one works password I'm hacking into the mate frame congratulations you're now hacking into the Mainframe all by yourself now tell me Kevin are you looking for a penny did you forget once you type it's there forever you silly goose I can't get up oh you sound like you need life alerts [Music] falling down the stairs can't get up it's reverse cowgirl on the other side of the position you thought you were the opposite of Life Alert just click a button and they're ready to search what are you doing um if if I if I unlock the the restricted areas yeah well will we I already did it be in danger it's already 100. have you opened up gate.exe you know what I think we just did boys I think we just unlocked that area said we needed to hide in the dark I think we have to go back now and now the ultimate review oh [ __ ] get get oh [ __ ] here we go hey yo I got my flashlight y'all I hate this level ready and up oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no oh no yeah I'm dead oh oh [ __ ] nope I'm waiting go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh Sprint to jump open up a door or two I think I found the way out you did all right which way did we go Muchachos that says station and that's his fun I bet my pennies this way I am a child of the 90s I don't know how to have fun all right Kevin uh uh Kevin is your penny this way can you smell it 1943 if there's a man that I can trust is a man who can smell pennies I see light in front I see light in front I'm coming run run run run run [Applause] oh we made it I I got it don't worry guys I got it oh yo what the f where is this we're in a jail now are you okay bro it's okay I turned the corner and he was like I was scared it's okay we're almost out all right boys what's the word East station West station whoa yeah check out this room oh wait guys what I found a breaker box I did too I I got I got a green I got a green wait really oh up there another green I see yeah yeah all right all right all right all right I think we just got the East Wing or The West Wing or one of the Wings oh guys the chicken wings can oh wait yeah this uh this this gate is open now oh is what this thing says if you guys have a flashlight and it's coming at you uh yeah blind that [ __ ] well well it kind of got scared because Kevin flashed his light out yeah that's that's what this little thing says it says blind okay there's a weird dog in this level guys yeah I'm just gonna leave my light on the whole time right there let me get up in here and turn on all the lights got a green light ogre there's one right there there's another one over here oh oh the picture's there Flash the light flashlight somebody I don't have a light I got another green light all right guys I'm gonna look okay yeah yeah yeah all you guys need to do is do the three wing and then we win oh I found a panel oh these puzzles are hard bro okay hold up now it's easy I got this bro these are like toddler brain games what yeah one one left the moment I see that little little red picture and green dude that's it I'm running through I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it this thing got me rolling all right uh speaking of toddler brain [ __ ] up hey dude you look you were like these are hard and Meanwhile my my puzzle was oh and the door is open later [Music] success brother thank you for watching the video hopefully there will be more adventures in episode two however there will be obstacles such as this do you think Eddie will stop being gay in order to get the mission done do you think Gabby will be able to do the things she's supposed to do will Kevin find his penny I I can't find I got damn Penny anywhere stay tuned for episode 2 of escape the back road
Channel: special edd
Views: 3,889,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, scariest, mexican youtuber, horror videos, creepy, horror games, jumpscare, trolling, the backrooms, backrooms, gabby, narrator
Id: 1PJWbCe8-Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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