back in the backrooms! brand new levels with Cireno!

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Oculus video and today I'll be playing no clip again because this time they've added two brand new levels I'll be playing with my friend Sereno this time so let's get into it alrighty so I already have half of it started okay um I'm back the the code for level zero is gonna be let me just it's gonna be seven nine two I think no one uses seven nine two remember that and then uh you welcome to Sereno welcome welcome glad to have you in one of my no questions today I will be beating no clip VR with my friend tropical hello guys already Serena well since so this level's a breeze I like saying that from j-man curly but I'm sure we'll be able to know where to go come on yeah um so they added two new levels the office space I'm pretty sure no it's the empty office out in the cave system yeah the office comes then the cave system but those levels come out to a fun level fun also for people that haven't bought the starter pack you can play the two new levels without spending money wait you can I thought I thought all levels after level fun are you have to buy oh gosh well that's a teacher now okay when they add uh two new levels again I honestly hope they add the three four in the hotel run yeah tell Chase ready my game comes a little bit yeah this level before we basically have to look at the bodies on the map and look at the key and then find the door with the pipes zero I'm level zero all you have to do is find the door I should have the feeling he's gonna spawn right here never mind okay and then for the level after this I got the door oh God bro we only have one more level coming up after this and we're already at the new levels well you're going back you're going back it's forward oh okay um but now after level fun it is no longer level one for your life I know that actually gives us an advantage because notice how after using your energy through level of fun then you have to use level run you see like you see like what no Cliff did there you can have some fun and then after you're fun you gotta run I'm excited to see it out yeah I haven't played this new update at all same I honestly hold the added smilers to the cave system yes or even office maybe even discount just I want smiling so bad yeah wait I actually think I actually think smilers are in the office because the actual back rooms if you look at the office level it literally tells you like What entity is there and it says when the lights go out hide because smilers so I honestly think smilers oh shoot okay The Entity fun I heard it for a second and he wasn't even that loud like this dude said eventually I heard I didn't hear him open that later open up all right already at level fun okay so I I always go red I'll go Blue okay all righty well no now we're splitting up there should be a breeze got the key already let's go man I always get luck going to red and red isn't either my favorite color okay no key I'm just gonna grab the fuse okay well I got one to use now maybe maybe there's another key here I honestly think another team may possibly over here okay I got one more table let's check and it does not have the key damn it oh shoot they can come and I hear them retreat [Music] oh gosh okay gotta get under the table okay I'm pretty hidden got six words standing okay [Laughter] I thought she left [Music] foreign [Music] okay wait sir you know can you hear me I already have a fuse I got it at red [Music] and video okay okay got it okay I got in the third fuse now I just need one more behind you behind you my game glitch my game glitched and it ended my video oh dang it I hope that doesn't happen to me don't worry we just started on level fun okay [Music] maybe we'll play some fun uh as of now we have three of the fuses wait where did you check what was the first place you checked did you check blue or green I have a trampoline oh you haven't okay you haven't yeah I've checked blue was the Kia blue well done I may know where the next fuse is yeah so guys it's not there where is it I checked every table here wait did she grab it it's got to be here somewhere the key is to hear gonna go find him oh shoot [Music] [Music] I gotta go back to Blue where can the screen key possibly be there it is [Laughter] I got the Green Team I got the Green Key oh shoot you lied onto me I should be good over here [Music] foreign [Music] oh gosh okay [Laughter] [Music] I'm gonna fix some standing where's the one going I I got the fuse I don't know okay I'm putting in the next fuse okay bro what the heck happened to that elevator I don't know just put it in okay bro this looks sick hello guys welcome to my video we are in the office space right now I'm playing no clip with my friend clap cool this is so cool first time ever played this map wait can you search the drawers I don't know this level is oh there's a button I found a button where in one of the rooms I don't know what it did though um it was a red button wait wait wait does that enable the elevator or something like I got no clue but this level looks so cool oh I found another one I pressed another red button yo I found a new door like there's like a whole different area over here how big is this place we gotta find another button I think Serena I figured I figured out something where'd he go hey dude I figured out something where'd he go hello dude I figured out something Serino I figured out something so if you see a door that has like a that has like a light at the top and if it turns and if it's red that door's locked but if we find buttons then make the top like turn green then we unlock the door because like I was going pretty far out and I found a door that yeah you say leather I say leather but I don't like the little like lights I'm kind of nervous and entities here because like look at this place right here this would be like a perfect chase scene like you're just like in the middle yeah so you check this whole place okay now I may know where to go again oh this goes green this door oh and it's okay okay so you already opened your store yeah no no go in here oh wrong one go in here this one's still red yeah so we need to find a button yeah oh for the store bro H oh my gosh there's got to be a code somewhere wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is I throw the elevator no the elevator doesn't have an eight storage room hey where'd you go whoa this is where the picture is Sereno eight six oh okay wait but I noticed something what um right here the code okay so eight yeah oh my God wait what just happened what the heck I found an eight and a six yeah why do those doors just like no Clippers out of the map because I think it's a trap for people that like want to speed run and they're like and then they just like open and then run through it yeah so this is the picture right here of the of the map I have a feeling something's gonna happen here oh seven seven I found a seven I found a seven seven yeah eight six seven wait but there may be a fourth digit what the you know hell this place is so creepy I called it I want to look at it no I actually want to look at it huh where is it whoa it disappeared that looks so cool and scary let's go this way now oh my god oh this level is so cool at the same time guys I would definitely recommend downloading no clip Sun app lab it's important package it's only like eight bucks yeah and I might actually do fan codes in this I want to look at it it's after me it's after me I'm doing the Titan run right now I found another turn Sereno oh there you are yeah I found another turn no left that's gonna lead us back maybe we go this way oh who's behind it was behind run this way no this way this way no turn oh god oh tell me okay we escaped it it's not chasing us anymore I did it bro look at the noclip portal should we enter it yo I think that looks so good for your life yeah let's do it you ankles [Applause] [Music] it feels so weird [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God I love this game so much guys [Applause] oh gosh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] okay guys all you have to do is find stuffed animals and then give them to Kitty Kitty will be in Kitty's room which is this door right here yeah you know and it has all this stuff oh shoot this new update is awesome I love this oh God I got bear I got a bear I think now I gotta give it to him yep wait where is it hey you have to wait from the small end unless they change the order guys after this level it's four rooms unless you change the order okay hold on let me run around a little ah there he is let me get his attention he's after me kitty Kitty was stuck in the wall I I gave him a bear oh my God I love this game so much guys okay I got a doll Kitty come and get your doll all right trick shot when I threw it hey could he spawn I make this one there he is I gave him another stuffed animal I think we need to give them one more hopefully not there how about over here one of the most boring levels in this game I mean but hey at least it's safe okay I got another doll okay okay now where is he caddy Kitty how I trigger him is I just step in his room and then I step back hi guys I just want to see something is was that it yeah so uh no penis one more guys I really hope you guys enjoy this video cause I put a lot of work into them but not a lot yeah beef okay we gotta give them Berry oh gosh all right come on spawn okay pool rooms okay yeah they haven't changed the order okay come on uh let's take this way first the one going down okay okay I almost fell in the water please tell me it was here dang it wasn't turn back turn back turn back okay no I fell y well I'm so dizzy same well I'm not too dizzy because like halfway I stopped and gave myself like a second no it landed the whole way so I'm like foreign elevator was here you got lost Serena bro where'd he go there he is okay time to go down I'll make it so much we are here all right trying to start looking for numbers yep five I found a five five okay r four five four uh four okay five four four okay that was quick four five four got it goodbye okay well time to just jump off see you man I like Captain we I forgot how someone This was oh yeah oh yeah all righty whoa everyone you've seen we beat the game can't wait to see it I can't wait to see another video on this peace out guys like And subscribe for more videos bye foreign
Channel: crewmate_yellow
Views: 24,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 52FINhUnrNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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