"LOST & FOUND" | Real Life Trucking - Episode #363

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foreign [Music] back pressure sensor replace it check your tube that too make sure it's clean feeds the back pressure sensor that guy right there controls less vgt Turbo that sensor doesn't work that turbo doesn't work every engine that has a variable vein geometry turbocharger has that sensor whether it's a six cell power stroke or a six seven cummins or a 15 liter X-15 871. they all have it replace it if it's old replace it believe me you'll like it well you'll like it when your turbo works [Music] [Music] so this has this little clip on the front that you got to remove and then it exposes the lock this guy here let's just you got to pull back hard to see in there this Focus this lock you pull back push in and then your connector comes off then it's a 27 millimeter socket and that sucker comes out see instance painted red this has never been replaced good idea to replace it new one old one is it bad no but this week's exhaust hot exhaust pressure better off replacing it this keep it as a spare let's keep it as a new one so along that with that as I've told you guys before in the past this tube right here this guy goes from the manifold to that it feeds that back pressure how that well it's a housing for the sensor that's exhaust pressure make sure that that's clean so there's no crap going through it and there's no blockages you want to take that tube off and clean it or put some shop air in there and blow it out and just in case the suit can get in there and it can obviously block that tube and then you won't get any readings so it's always good practice to make sure that that's clear there's a tube good to go just checking it at the same time make sure but obviously those parts are clear these ports are clear from here to here and then make sure the manifold is also clean so I got some brushes I'm going to stick in there just to make sure you could blow some shop air through it but I'm just gonna I'm just gonna clean the suit out a little bit because just good preventive maintenance I'm here flip the phone now for a second I don't know why are you making me do this it's too big oh it's a 17. why are we even taking this off to replace your batteries it's a lot easier oh I would just open the door I have a pain in the ass I don't want it we're playing golf I'm teaching her I don't want you I am actor I have to be filmed everything filmed over here not to add to the tartness of this lemon but we don't think these batteries are bad because we're actually going to put them in Tyler I just wanted new batteries because I'm bougie like that new batteries for lemon I don't know I was gonna hate calling it that but I guess all these people calling it a lemon I want to call it that got uh all the grounds cleaned positive terminals cleaned let's give it a shot [Music] see what the voltage shows 12.4 well that's much better notice take notice yeah it's supposed to move it's got bushings but it doesn't rattle these bolts down here this radiator's been out okay actually this radiator doesn't know it's been replaced on this truck and whoever put this back together the casing that's around it they didn't tighten the bolts properly and then I kept rattling and I was like why in the hell is it doing that and then I realized that oh wait that Bolt's not all the way in I'm about to call the struggle I'm in I think I need to call it lemon I think you guys are right it's a lemon it's a terrible truck no I'm kidding it's a really good truck actually just gotta unbeat everything that they beeped up in Arkansas and we'll be good actually we already did most of that now I'm glad I got that fixed because that was actually a little bit bothersome to me it was annoying me but now that's no longer a problem yep that's happening why because the incandescents draw too much amperage and Alice wanted everything wired on the main switch so it pops the 15 amp fuse well not with these but when you have those on it will so we're just gonna put LEDs in it oh man so this is a seal that went all the way around here okay melted the crap out of it luckily I have some of these laying around that's crazy so that's what it's supposed to look like he has this ball gets pretty freaking hot that's what it's supposed to look right your seal keeps water from coming in there damn [Applause] so when we sold the house I left a letter to the new owners uh on my phone number if they had any questions and things like that and it come in so handy because Robbie says hi because um mail doesn't always get forwarded and the guy that bought her old house is a good guy and he always stays in touch with me whenever mail comes and I'm so glad because um well first of all did you guys guess what this could be from Winnemucca Nevada anybody had any guesses I have a guess that's my wallet and obviously whoever found it used my old mailing address that was on my driver's license thankfully because I stay in touch with the new owner he was able to message me yesterday and say hey this package from Winnemucca came for you for you and it's like I know exactly what that is so let's see if my stuff is still in my wallet smells a little weird though smell it smells like perfume so it's like weird perfume but let's see is there any there's no letters in here but let's see if my stuff's still in here yes so my money's gone which to be expected but looks like medical cards there my driver's license uh debit card data card I feel like I had some more cards right here though it's hard to do this one-handed oh my gift cards are still here that's cool this might just be all my cards they might be the eyes of them but uh the cash is definitely gone about 100 bucks it's like 80 something I think it's probably for their services but that's cool um so I'm going to write a letter uh to the person who sent this to me her name is Gloria and I'm going to say I don't know where you found this but thank you so much for sending that back to me but it's literally been like months it's been gone for months at this point but um since it smells weird I feel like maybe somebody was carrying it around I don't know nobody ever used the cards though which because I have it where we report to me if people try to even attempt to use them and I never got any reports so it's just very it's very strange but I got my cool wallet back so I'm good with that good news thank amen verdani all right so to replace this tank on uh I think they're 2019 or 2018 and up I believe the other ones are slightly different with the uh ISX 15 I think they changed them when they went to the X15 a little bit but I mean it just mounts differently but I think it's still the same principle I think the other ones are easier to replace now you'll have to loosen this radiator bar and we just have the bolt obviously slightly loose because you want to access that Bolt the torques and then we have two look like half inches right here or is it three three I'm sorry there's three so we got three half inch bolts up here which are easy to get to and then we have one half inch down there so that's where we have to loosen this radiator out and this is a 13 is it 13 or 15 16s 15 16. 15 16 head I believe the nut's the same maybe it's slightly smaller because I used an adjustable to just hold the nut but anyway so yeah one two three four and it's out half inch they got some Loctite on them so gotta be uh put a little pressure on them this guy when you get the Torx out you want to push on it as you're turning and applying torque because those Torx bolts can be tricky you know there's a reason why they use them so you create more work when they strip out all right so got the old one out and as you can see it's in pretty sad shape there's a crack over here and I'll take this off and I'll show you this is this is 200 mile an hour HVAC tape it's supposed to be waterproof and it's kind of worked but it always trickles out through here so this is a uh new use tank that we got it was 90 bucks 89 actually plus shipping as my wife would say on vendor haggs vendor Higgs for the win I'm buying a lot of you stuff from them lately because this brand new I think is 288 dollars a Peterbilt yes for this and no pump included so this actually has the pump so it just sits on like so and then you just put your bolts in it hook up your connectors and put your fluid in it and be done so got all our bolts up here they're in they're Loose as you can see all of them because we still have this guy to do so you want to want to tighten everything so you get the bottom one in which is this this Torx right here it's not hard to get that just gotta get under the radiator rod and then we're going to get our trusty oh let's see what size that is I'll tell you guys that way you don't have to go looking for tools it's a t40 t40. and we're gonna t40 that guy up all right so now that guy's done we can push our radiator Rod back in we got a washer and a nut we're gonna get started I had to work well under pressure sometimes it's the paint to start these especially the lock nuts man so I have to use my three-quarter inch these are fairly tight so three quarter inch Milwaukee on this guy my half inch didn't want to break it but my half inch was only at a half battery life so that probably got something to do with it now torque specs I would say three quarter inch four agadagas I will say that'll do it foreign oh we put our water Connection in which is you can't see that's behind this connector it's a little just a little nipple in the uh this just slides over it doesn't clamp or anything like so see the little nipple back there and just slides over it like so now we still got our ball boltzels up there but I'm just plugging everything in getting ahead of myself there's the electrical connector and this is where you tighten the connectors out these little holes above the crankcase filters for the electrical and the water or the fluid for this so if you ever see an X-15 and this is not where that goes that's where it goes because analysis they had a zip tied to the high pressure injection line it was like rubbing it eventually that'll rub a hole in it and that's what 30 plus thousand PSI in those lines well this one's a return but still it's got some high pressure on these yeah 30 000 PSI in it so plus actually probably 32 34 something like that so we got everything in I just gotta tighten these boys up That's All She Wrote make sure everything is tight the Tank's tight sure it's not gonna rub on anything which it's not good to go let's have to splice because I broke the line so we're gonna put some juice in her [Music] if you're wondering it holds two gallons yep and uh we're gonna keep the old pump because uh yeah you just never know when you're going to need it I had a pump fail on fancy and without windshield washer fluid you can get or when should wash squares I think you can get put out of service correct me if I'm wrong maybe I'm wrong but it's a violation for sure so yeah we're gonna keep that old pump on that tank is garbage I'll show you guys the crack in it though all right so this guy will put in the side box as a spare and we're good to go holding no leaks these drips are for me being and spill on it it's no offense that's just me sloppy and clumsy but hey good to go I'm happy with that long time coming tiny this is one of those projects that I kept forgetting about it needed to be done because it's been cracked for a while let's see if it works [Music] let's see here she goes might take a second for her to get all the air out of it good to go good to go 10 more swipes and it should be done this truck does it way too many times I can't change it I don't know why it's like that but another successful repair Pat myself on the back you're awesome Martin not really all right guys you guys see my huge gash that's where it's cracked so that's why we replace that off to the dump you go one tarnation doing fix it there's some parameter changes AKA emissions delete to not do that no we're not doing that we're we love death now we're just doing some parameter changes because the digs don't come out with the cruise control the dealer didn't change things like they were supposed to yes we paid them for nothing again that's why we bought 11. no that's the dealer didn't right no wait the Dealer's the lemon the Peterbilt Stockton we on Alice we unbeat so much stuff on this truck from Arkansas look your airbags no longer drop either I know nice husband Alice we did so the radiator um what do we do the back pressure sensor uh uh we checked everything over under the hood new cab filters that are going to go in tomorrow I think we replace the fitting on the airbag that was leaking we did some programming on our second going I think we turned off the transmission going to neutral and cruise we also enabled the Jakes with cruise control um what else do we do on this thing oh yeah we switched out all the Bob's LEDs the oil filter I had to look at because it looked like I had a leak on it I don't know what the hell they did but I tightened it up a little bit should be okay what else do we do that's why we did something else that we're forgetting look at that freaking sunset in those clouds it's amazing yeah oh we messed with the fifth wheel and figured out what that was so we know that that's what problem is that I think it's just something that's so it applies pressure to the RAM and then the solenoid kicks out but there's no exhaust of the uh there's no exhaust okay so it's not exhausting the out of the line so it keeps pressure on that uh saw on that rod the cylinder that goes to the fifth wheel Jaws so we have to look at that still I haven't been able to it's underneath there I don't feel like crawling underneath gravel so we really should turn the truck around for that but we figured out why the fifth wheel won't last so we adjusted the fifth wheel too I don't know man I think this dealer sold you a lemon you do you realize that everybody like takes you like literally like what you're saying so they're gonna decide that you think it's a lemon even though you're just making fun of them I know they don't understand they don't understand that I'm being sarcastic guys this is a used truck with 638 000 chassis miles yes 638 000 chassis miles the engine has three hundred thousand or 390 something like that the chassis has 638 000 miles the person who owned it before was from Arkansas do I have to say more a lot of Arkansas and going on on this truck that we on Arkansas Gerald you know what the hell I'm talking about right you gotta know what I'm talking about [Music]
Channel: Trucking Together
Views: 11,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TvfSO4U13Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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