14-Year-Old Luke Floats 18 Gears In A New Custom 2022 Peterbilt 389, I Started Driving At 9-Yrs-Old

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here's his little brother what's up fred are you driving trucks yet uh no not yet next year maybe maybe he turned 14 like a couple weeks ago so he did that when he was 13. yeah he did that when he was 13. oh no all right well we gotta use the weird part we have to go this side he's going to that side yeah oh this is so weird okay let me are you nervous no should we walk around this is a full-blown let's walk around this 280 wheelbase 389 this is a 565 1850 torque 18 speed transmission 280 wheelbase 78 inch standard all right don't you dare start it yet we got to hop on the other side i gotta see this here let me get this let me have this look at this people the kid doesn't even touch the damn clutch don't tell me when do you use the clutch only when you're putting it in here oh my god what's going on mother truckers we're hanging out today with brian and luke from semi-casual at the semi-casual show out here in tennessee man how y'all doing we're good we're good you know so uh we got luke rathwish you're uh you're the grand old age of 14 yep he's uh he's like 14 going on 30. like the most the most adult 14 year old ever uh y'all got a truck out here right yep two of them two of them yeah over out front yep what do y'all what what are they which ones the nicest ones the nicest ones he's got they've got the legendary brown flat top with the fuel tanker and he's got the silver truck next to it uh y'all's family runs trucks what are y'all doing we call fuel in wisconsin minnesota at iowa and some northern illinois we have like 25 trucks now in trailers we we just do that all the time home fuel sometimes we go to seattle uh soybean oil but what do you what do you do up there where where the shop you got 24 trucks what do you do up there you're watching you show them and service them and so you wash all the trucks most of them most of them yeah whenever they're there you work on them mm-hmm yeah like what do you mean you work on them like you work on a workout service um like you use tools yeah i was joking i actually know he does all these things you know he's starting to look you're starting to make a lot of us truck drivers look bad you know but when you grow up what do you want to be brother honestly truck driver really there's nothing else no i mean you've been washing these trailers since you were like six seven years old there's nothing else you want to do no man how do you wash the trailers like you they pull them in for you and then you just wash them no i do it all myself you pull the trucks in yourself yep no you don't yeah i do no you don't automatically care automatic trucks 18 speed you can drive an 18 speed yeah i actually know the answer to this too you totally can't [Laughter] all right wait wait okay okay now you know too much brian okay i can't keep a secret all right all i gotta say is people from the asia my show us mother truckers we are very interested at this point i mean no bs he really could do atsp he honestly probably drives better than a lot of guys i've seen out on the road he backed into the fuel tanker last night we were parking trucks he's smart enough to know go ahead and flip on the hazards and you it's on our it's on our instagram i mean he's watching the mirrors and he backs the thing in put it in there straight no help at all just got it done like and he's 14. i mean he's like looking out the window like this but dude okay what truck i'm looking around for trucks i mean is there a truck there's an 18 speed is an 18 speed is it a cummins 565 uh flat top i mean it's brand new they just got us right out there shoot all right i mean you wanna you wanna i don't wanna see him i believe you luke i love you i believe you but i just gotta see it with my eyes brother so mike manuel's truck's here and i need to move it mike manuel trucking he's got the autism truck out out front yeah um and he's got a new truck he just bought from us and uh we can move it over to the line or something and let luke do it dude let's do it which one is it uh right there all right let's go all right great it's a great stand up let's all right so my casual is doing too much on their show man all i got to say is all your mother truckers if you are not subscribed to sound like casual man you need to because they got everybody year olds to 14 year olds driving trucks and he actually one of our most popular videos is luke uh driving one of the trucks that they had bought and then helping us change the tires on it wait up that was you yeah and at the time he was 13. you just turned 14 like a couple weeks ago so he did that when he was 13. yeah he did that when he was 13. oh no all right well we got here's the weird part we have to go this side he's going to that side yeah oh this is so weird okay let me are you nervous no wait should we walk around this is a full-blown let's walk around this 280 wheelbase 389 this is a 565 1850 torque 18 speed transmission 280 wheelbase 78-inch stand-up let's walk around it so i'm getting nervous i don't know if i could drive this you're not nervous look no not at all this is easy didn't even have a trailer on it i know right i've driven 300 inch wheelbase trucks with a tanker on it it's like nothing no what's your best advice for people that might be scared to drive something uh big out there just do just do practice practice it in a big open lot like here something if you got a big open lot just practice and you'll get you'll get used to it and better oh my gosh he's like but he's practicing for years and he's like i'll tell you what like just go get in the truck go get the truck okay i gotta watch him just get in the truck and i'll come back on this side all right don't you dare start it yet we gotta hop on the other side i gotta see this you and i'll be in the back okay yeah yeah okay i'll be in the back i'll be in the back oh my gosh [Music] look at you i'm like a proud father i'm not even your father what the heck luke all right mother truckers if any of you were nervous about being a driver look look how small he is the seat's bigger than you you're gonna be able to do this on spot mirrors we ain't put the spot mirrors on it yet yeah i realize okay could be a little bit harder but i've done it before y'all watch him he'll he'll he'll slip and he'll still slide the gears there won't be any shakes or nothing are we serious right now brian that's serious so earlier this week i had a bunch of trucks in the lot that were building on the channel and i wanted to move them all from one side a lot to the other just by the fence row and uh i gave them the the key code to our lock box and uh told them who all the trucks that went to lunch and i came back and they're all exactly where they need to be spaced out like they're supposed to i mean look at this dude shift are you even using the clutch he's just like floating the gears who taught you how to float gears man i learned myself so let's just uh i'm trying to think where we should put it for now let's just back it right in here by the mac on i mean unless you want to prove it we can run down the road down here and turn around okay just uh slows when we have too much dust i saw that are you serious flip the hazards on before he's even in reverse y'all came and see my face right now man i am so proud of this man right here so everybody knows we're on private property we disclaim all this is all this is all our driveway we're not actually going on a road yeah because that would be illegal but we'll go down we'll go down the end of our driveway this way and let them turn around down here and then come back good on my answer yes sir next time dying i haven't heard anything scratch it here brian film him from this angle we're giving luke zero pointers here he's doing everything on his own if you mess it up mike's will be mad at you this is mike's we'll get mad luke's grown up uh at truck shows since i like since i've been going to truck shows for years and years i've never ever i don't there's not been any drugstores i haven't been to that he's not been at and honestly at 14 to be he knows more about trucks than a lot of people at your age for sure i don't even know what to say luke i just love you brother yeah you just keep on being you okay you could probably go over there and he can give you a tour of their new uh mack gas trailer and uh i mean he knows how that whole thing operates like understands it yep what what have we done with our lifeguard like seriously this is how it should be i mean like learning a craft and being good at it and passionate is awesome here let me get this let me have this look at this people the kid doesn't even touch the damn clutch don't tell me when do you use the clutch only when you're putting it in here oh my gosh people are like staring like was that a kid in there oh my god i love it it gives it for me like you know luke and there's a lot of kids out there that are like luke that gives it gives me a ton of hope you know the the trucking industry as a whole because there's really awesome uh people coming up in it and kids like him that are ate up with trucks that are just like it's the things that the industry needs there's nobody in here nobody in the truck he's doing it by himself there's france this is his little brother and he's already in the golf club he's right golf cart fred's nine seriously brian no seriously okay look at this perfect future trucker right here any advice for all the people out there that want to gain trucking and all the all the young kids that want to get into trucking okay i think they all should i mean it's really fun um i'm just driving them around and i just enjoy it it's fun doing you've seen a lot of the country haven't you yeah i've been i've been out to california i've been almost everywhere the only places i really haven't been is up towards maine and stuff but otherwise i've been everywhere at the end of the day luke who you want to give a shout out to any people in your life that helped you get this far at your age my dad for sure but let me drive him and stuff he's the one that taught me how to remember when i was seven he made me back the truck and trailer his custom one into the hardest spot we had at the shop and that was my first time he wasn't even in there with me and i was sitting there shaking like don't mess nothing up wait up so a custom truck and you were shaking at seven years old that's natural yeah and bill and that was the that would have been the orange and white the creams the man and that's a nice truck okay that's a nice truck so when we talk about some custom trucks can we take a quick look at any custom trucks that you guys have let's take a look we got two over here yeah let's take a walk now this one right here uh semi-casual uh did you guys move this both of them yeah both of them well we didn't completely build them so we did the paint jobs on them we did a few things to them and they're on the channel and then once they go back luke um and zach and evan and all the guys at their shop finish putting them together but we did a lot i mean we did we did a good bit i mean the paint jobs was a lot of work and uh you know doing some lights and stacks and things like that but they went back and like really finished them up awesome these ones these are just factory trucks there ain't nothing there are you telling me these are work trucks yeah these are workers my dad's because my dad's personal truck is a lot more custom than this yeah it's still in the shop we've been working on it that truck's uh that truck's a pretty extensive build it's gonna take a while here's his little brother what's up fred are you driving trucks yet uh no not yet next year maybe maybe yeah he's ready he's right so you want to see the brand new one they just got like literally this week yeah definitely brother we just got this one uh we all just got this one literally two days ago watched it last night it just came out of paintbrush yesterday so this is one this will chuckle this truck will be on the on our channel uh following all the stuff from the show but we literally put this together really quick and just to get here to the show and that truck's cool was legendary silver um so i don't remember the name of the blue and we will and we don't want to give it all up you guys have to go see a casual show and watch it and watch it and we're going to give up everything but right now we just get a little looky-loo right yeah this is their brand this is their their brand new truck so that's 11 that they've gotten this year we talked about work truck here is this what the work trucks look like luke yeah this is their whole fleet their whole yeah this is all nice yeah they're not all a paint screen they got all different colors and paint schemes where walk us through it brother but this is one of the new ones this driver used to drive our uh custom green and white one that the glider kits that we did yeah good stuff who's driving this one aaron benzing okay that's right yeah so what do we do to this truck luke so it came this legendary brown color and then we put this uh stripe on sent it to the paint booth and got the stripe put on it um then we got it back we put all of our like our strapless breather clip kits light panels got these custom raptor stainless wraps for boxes tanks and everything from uh steve from roadskins in minnesota um really good stuff don't forget about the fenders oh oh thunder's two the half vendors hogue belt fenders i know those are our friends over there those are our buddies yep got this custom i got this merit um deck plate he's pretty nice a lot better than the factory ones my favorite part of it is the sparkle and the paint the legendary brown's a cool color it's got gold it's got gold plated yeah that's good yeah what have you all been calling it the root beer truck or something yeah the a w rip your truck yep yep i appreciate it man no thank you for allowing us mother truckers to hang out with both of you today i appreciate you luke uh you know thank you brian from semicasual absolutely you know and if you guys get an opportunity man uh subscribe to semi casual man they have a lot of amazing content on there so yeah we're building all their trucks and stuff and they're like they're fun yep and sometimes he shows up and drives trucks and parks in there a lot for us [Laughter] we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams you
Channel: The Asian Mai Show - Official Trucking Channel
Views: 4,299,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truck driver, Theasianmaishow, cdl, owner operator, lease operator, semi casual, trucking, how to back up a semi truck, how to finance a semi truck, how much do truck drivers make, financing a semi truck with bad credit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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