"Lost Ark Whale Fights" ft. Stoopzz & Saintone

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hello YouTube frogs for recall right now if you're catching on to this video I am doing a wamble and a wamble is where I take two equal juicers ideally in damage and in skill and make them go head-to-head in your favorite local Guardian Yeah so basically what we're doing is today we are we are um doing some unethical Biz but we're trying to figure out performance in our version like by cuz I have this right now that in our version and just normal content pter Slayer is the most disgusting class right all right here we go arlong park versus Hanam maton the GLA both of these comp contestants have a 97 Stone however arlong's is [ __ ] really weird his a mass increase that he's held since Argo release and he's not letting go of that I think this is fine though I have no idea about caver maybe it's it's not weird they both also have 1625 weapons which is also pretty on the money they're both close and eye level the the only difference is is this glaver is about to dumpster the [ __ ] all over arong because got however I will say arlong has some cheeky techs I did a run with arlong and one of the people in the group sent me some a chapter from the New Testament and the chapter in the new test event showed arlong doing 24 million DPS which is [ __ ] crazy so let's find out what's going on what's going on they're both entropy so they're both going to be sticking to the boss's ass entire fight y I'll try to stay in the front of the boss and just you know all right here we [Music] go arong park Mayhem Shadow Hana maton Mayhem [ __ ] Shadow 16 by the way we have a 1630 [ __ ] bar in our group we have a 1630 bar I forgot to mention Toshi holy [ __ ] ready for theine it's going to be a fat attack power bu that is a massive attack power buff that is [ __ ] this guy's trying to get into Saint static for [ __ ] theine he's almost there he's more gear than [ __ ] l boy holy there's the break here comes the destruction from STS Al guapo aimo wait a minute oh it's so back and forth it's crazy right now it is crazy really in the fight so some of these big hitting spells is kind of Ching it back and forth yeah it's getting crazy right now I got nice here we go they're both getting to the back look at these guys look at these Goblins the problem problem is I just feel like glaive is too consistent at doing Monster numbers unless you're like [ __ ] what's his name powdered snow at Landing these things I don't know but this might be annoying for the glaive it might not be annoying for arlong arlong is able to get back there much more easily than this GLA the GLA SC getting pissed off the boss's ass is stuck in the corner here comes the 1 two three slam maama we're getting inside no one gets knocked there Big Barn buff there's no count out the big oozing damage buff that bulging oozing damage buff arlock trying to keep up here arlong missed the surge did you guys see it I don't know I didn't see that I was looking at chat if arlong missed the surge it's over here comes the break though here's the chance what does arlong have these f are so short there's no opportunity need to mess up yeah it's actually so close that I think that one surge by the way both of these people are doing [ __ ] insane damage right now big oozing damage buff there's the surge but I think we got a spear there Hond gets knocked this skill is so annoying hun trying to get the B there's the Awakening from the GLA here oh what the [ __ ] that was so fast it left the it left the edge the map at least this is so close these are two Gladiators going head to-head oh my God but there's oh my wait someone's pumping someone's pumping wait Hunter's on the ground he fell does all have does all have the time does he have time to land one more surge is he going to miss the sge he doesn't get the sge off and unfortunately for arlong he I saw him going for it so close he just potentially comes up short okay that was really [ __ ] close let me check the let me check the reports here let me check the reports here the glaver does Take the Lead 50% damage dealt that's how close it was by the way 50% damage dealt let's check the records here hypothetically hypothetically by the way you're looking at hypothetical World 28 to 20 uh 26 hypothetically can we uh can we get a post breakdown analysis on the surges from arlong yeah I think arlong missed the surge not only not only that but there's no crit synergies in this group did he yeah arlong did you not crit by the way 6 63 wait how the [ __ ] did you know that you had a 63.3 surge crit ratio so average he went back and counted the frames he went back and counted the frames you can check wait Baba how do you know that you can check Honestly though when you look at this if we actually use that post post post analysis all long never stood a chance I think that glaver just too strong keep the same support and let me try wait hanu are you in to fight Chrissa the diaper wearing demonic if you guys don't know Chrissa actually gapped arlong I'm sorry arlong you arong Park is old news get the hell out of the group get back to the practice room okay we're not watching season two but now we have chrisa who I don't know Chrissa do you think you actually have a chance against Hana maton all right guys let's do it all right AR along thank you for joining us today all right here we go same Bard you guys want a prediction for this one can you spe Crystal I will after the prediction here we go so predictions the predictions up we got hamaton again you've seen hamaton nice outfit I'm not sure about these yeah I'm not sure about these weird yellow Sketcher shoes but other than that pretty nice character 97 Stone all level 10 gem so this is probably this is like the strongest a you can get at this relative 1602 hard mode Aon juicer eye level taking on Chrissa 1605 playing the new perfect ression build that's going around the block not a 97 user does have a lot of major does have the level 10 major damage um skills with the corresponding damage gems sure made any sense and a 99 quality 1630 weapon which does give us a nice little bonus over the 1625 weapon so it still say that the gearing is a little bit inor of the between the gems and the 97 Stone 97 Stone typically accounts for around 5 to 6% which is around three weapon hones so three weapon hone difference Saint saying also we're looking at a 3.5% Ambush bracelet Chrissa has a circulate and weapon power bracelet okay oh that's a legendary circulate too so we have a pretty crazy contest uh so what now saying what with these predictions going in what would you say the gear Advantage wise what are we looking at here who do you think in the lead I think gear Advantage wise it goes to jualan but it's not a big one I think this is actually a smaller gear diff than the last one in the previous fight maybe under 5% in favor of jualan okay jualan that doesn't really do anything for perfect suppression though all right here we go here we go hold on we go again oh my God they're already running hamaton Mayhem Shadow taking on Chrissa the diaper wearing demonic who plays maple story the underdog a lot of the times did no one throw a flare man [ __ ] you greedy ass El cheapos man some [ __ ] [ __ ] they give you guys a thousand of these [ __ ] you can't throw one and also Toshi the 1630 1630 the busy buser gigantic Bard ready for [ __ ] theine hard so GLA the glaver our current wamble champion on Chris who honestly he's Old Reliable here Old Faithful um FR a really underrated build on this patch yeah has also actually been doing pretty good in Korean meta lately as well yeah um right now though I think we need to bring back arong Park unless Chris is about to start popping the [ __ ] off it's looking oh big oozing damage buff big oozing damage buff wait Toshi's popping stimulant for our our contestants here what a barard what a friend oh wait a minute we're getting some [ __ ] some heat here chrisa packing some heat right now and hamaton is struggling all of a sudden no counter is done Toshi is standing in front that is not entering my static yeah Toshi now just standing for of the boss no counter hon getting stuck on the backs side here has the debuff it's getting close oh holy pattern very generous for en right there yeah but hanu was in the front there hanu was in the front able to take advantage of that back attack damage there there's a nice spear though Well Place thrust of Destruction from hanatan and here comes the fat bulging oozing damage buff from the bar right on the Stagger pattern not sure about that one but that's okay they're holding their attack they're holding no one's doing [ __ ] here me throwing the destruction bomb trying to help out I'm getting [ __ ] dusted we're not even going to break them here comes the red transfer it is so [ __ ] close right now honestly it's too close holy [ __ ] Chrissa big fat bulging damage buff holy [ __ ] Mayhem Shadow Chrissa from maple story with the nicest drip in the game going head-to-head Mayhem Shadow the finest competitors you can find in the Lost dark wamble of NA East they got to make this face with damage this is this is where it matters most this is where it matters most ladies and gentlemen we're coming to an end here the Toshi stuck I freed him I got grabbed a [ __ ] huge pattern for M for the for the back attacking Andes I'm getting knocked around big fat damage oozing damage buff holy [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen your winner it's Christ the diaper wearing demonic holy holy is Christa the diaper wearing [ __ ] demonic that's insane Jesus Christ perfect suppression potentially the new wave that was a tight battle the entire time honestly hanatan was leading the first half but towards the end Christa just started picking it up in the nonpositional damage just became too much for all of the patterns towards the bad patterns om that's what happens suck my balls patterns but hey that's the difference right positional versus non-positional sometimes you can get some bad patterns and that's the money maker 24.2 for Christa really is that what it is and 22.7 for hanu currently we have Chrissa the diaper wearing perfect suppression Shadow Hunter who is pretty good and is able to take out most of the competitors we've had so far including a an exceptionally gar geared and skilled glaver uh Crystal with a 1630 weapon and a very good bracelet uh some little 10 gems but the great equalizer here is Gerra is a dead eyee lesser weapon lesser bracelet does have a 97 Stone though and a couple more level 10 gems so we are going head to-head to find out if Old Reliable Chrissa can take out Gerra and I'm not I think pretty sure Gerra is a Pokemon isn't that right it is a Pokemon Gerra taking on Chrissa prediction starts now get your points in all right the points are coming in what do we got here I don't know how strong is Dai right now Dai is a really underrated class at the moment if the boss is willing to stand still it damage is pretty much up there with the strongest do you do you think tofu was on about that the Elixir right now the crit damage Elixir is super op and it really affects classes that have rate the crit damage Elixir is good but the crit rate Elixir is even better for classes that don't get hit too much oh so there's one that they can make up for the crit that they need huh hermit versus Saturn MVP now that's I actually don't think anyone beats loses I don't think hermit loses anyone all right here we go what the [ __ ] was that and we're off Gerra racing ahead oh they're waiting for each other respectful contestants yep Gerra uh no one throws a flare again these [ __ ] elos not I get it though Toshi actually popping stemies for the group here comes the Synergy going out fat oozing bulging damage buff from Toshi Geri getting right on the back here able to dish out tons of burst early on Asal doesn't do any movement there there is the huge sniper Awakening you love to see that one I actually prefer that Awakening so much more visually over the [ __ ] other one Awakening bro the sniper Awakening is actually stronger as yeah cuz they got they buffed it right yeah another damage oozing buff another steamy coming out here Toshi just doing I have a grenade coming out trying to help out we break it at the last second There It Is Dead ey damage cycle at around 30 36 seconds so he's got to make every single one of those count yeah he did a [ __ ] unbelievable amount of damage right there and Chrissa like last time is going to have to play catchup up here but what we saw versus Hana maton was Chrissa able to maintain just consistent pressure throughout even when unfavorable patterns were happening chrisa was able to take advantage of those whereas hamaton was not able to do that so it's really going to about the movement and as cast form would say the hand diff for uh Geri seeing if he can maintain that movement throughout the entire Guardian encounter and right now Chrissa is like a bad out of hell right on gera's ass no pun intended here Bane thanks for the re sub eight months ji doing a ton of damage though this is ji pretty much everything Shmo wants to be Chrissa misses her Awakening there I'm not sure how much damage that results in but everything does matter in this wambly especially at this level rotating it in a giant Circle doesn't really matter for Chrissa but Chrissa is all over Gerra there's the break huge damage potential for Gerra here but chrisa just doing an insane amount of damage as well Toshi just standing there AFK we have a feral that comes out I did not see I did not bring one hopefully they don't need one they don't need one nle thanks for the prim four months fat damage buff ooing gooing this is so close honestly this is so close I Tred it is so close right now drai utilizing those new sniper skills like staring at his character right now barely misses with that attack there here comes the damage buff kacha get behind are we going to see some unfortunate patterns are we going to see a tragedy of the commons take place here here the boss rotating and there it is and it is so unbelievably close that's [ __ ] crazy oh my God we are talking a fraction of a difference here an absolute fraction and when I mean a fraction I mean a tragedy of the commons your winner of this wble is going to be jrai jrai Tak makes it by barely any damage whatsoever that is absolutely insane those who predicted Chrissa fell short this time and the jrai is now your lead in the wamble end up being a lot closer especially when you consider the boss spinning like a drle fight Gerra having amazing movement and now it all comes down to if that Awakening landed would it have been the ball would have been the game Mak would would have been the difference what's the numbers theoretically we're talking creme the creme let me get a report from the boys in the back here hold on what's that Bob what's that 26.4 for jarach and 26 for Chrissa we're talking a 04 difference we need to I mean Saturn's too bigs we don't have anyone that can take him on this is really fun we should do more we can do more yeah they're kind kind of exhausting though on something from here holy [ __ ] do we send him against this uh I think we grabbed the Slayer guys I'm going to grab this Slayer and Saturn and that's going to be it is this the super heavy weight this is the super heavy this is just like the freak Show the freak Show yeah this is just the freak Show we have an Arcana at 1611 and we have titty Co fl's out uh I don't think these guys are going to wait for each each other at all I feeling the going to be full goblino modes but we'll find out can you show the Arcana uh I've already showed it before it's a 1611 plus 25 Aon weapon Arcana with full level 10 gems and kind of what you would expect is playing Emperor though order of Emperor and they're already pulling I'm not even there right now Slayer getting nice back attack advantage there able to maintain a solid position at the start of this Guardian there's the break there's the break on destruction we meet it and right now it is [ __ ] so close holy [ __ ] these are two goliaths you don't feel so down on yourself titico man you're doing pretty goddamn good so [ __ ] how do you know I'm getting calls from the back I'm getting calls from the back the damage is actually crazy in the guild agis agus running straight in there both contestants have three stacks as they believe it's just cosmetic nobody cares about dropping those Stacks there just straight on running in trying to deal as much damage as possible this is your busing Behavior I mean this is it right this is the the the Hell mode bsing right just [ __ ] it full on Zug Zug as much damage as possible [ __ ] everything else you can see how far you're behind and just try to deal as much damage as you can there's the break here's a nice burst window can Tio deal any damage here oh no titty Co titty Co titico is [ __ ] getting Juiced potentially what do you feel like Empress vers M Emperor versus Empress yeah which one's better though it's all RNG it's all it's but if this was like a Yu-Gi-Oh meta which one is like which one would win the like ycs Yu-Gi-Oh Championship which which dualist uh out here I would say that usually bris would have a little bit of an advantage yeah but they're just so close that it's like it really just comes down to the card draw well you're winner of [Music] this I mean it wasn't even close towards the end I'm not going to lie titty Co just had a very hard time to keep up with Saturn the biz good MVP and it was not really that close 55% damage in favor of Saturn Arcana I mean God damn his character is so [ __ ] pale right now it's insane if she walks outside she's going to ignite in the [ __ ] Sun the ghost of Busan just doing so much [ __ ] damage actually what am I saying titty Co also the exact same that is insane holy [ __ ] hypothetical uh get the numbers from the back uh Bob hypothetically Bob Saturn did 31.6 and uh how about titico 23.4 something happened with Tio towards the end Tio started getting [ __ ] sweaty arms like just sweaty or [Music] something
Channel: Stoopzz Highlights
Views: 42,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, lost ark stoopzz, lost ark saintone, saint and stoopzz, i made saint cringe with my gameplay, stoopzz saintone, stoopzz highlights, stoopzz lost ark moments, lost ark gameplay, lost ark slayer, daily lost ark clips, lost ark whales, lost ark whale fights, lost ark best class, lost ark biggest damage, lost ark class with big damage, lost ark best dps class, lost ark western whale, lost ark kr, lost ark kr whale, lost ark class vs class, best class lost ark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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