How 500+ Hours of Lost Ark made him QUIT FFXIV... | Stoopzz Reacts

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the recall sent me a little video here it was called the final fantasy player plays 500 hours of Lost Ark my honest thoughts so that's a good video to react to nice way to start the day it's such a good video oh [ __ ] okay um so yeah here we go why I'm not so this guy looks like he makes videos for Final Fantasy 14 and also some World of Warcraft looks like he's somebody that just likes to make videos for fun which is also pretty cool for 500 hours I subjected myself to one of the grindiest scummiest and exhilarating that's a good intro for 500 hours I subjected myself to one of the grindiest scummiest and exhilarating MMOs on the market all for the sake of this video that MMO is lost dude you know what's really crazy Final Fantasy 14 player sorry guys the last one to pause do you guys think lost dark you guys think it has the title now which is so weird as it have a title as the most like pay to win MMO right now does that make sense like like just out of all the options that people regularly play another are more pay to win MMOs than Lost Ark but like out of all the options that people consider to play right now it's probably like the one that has the most no I don't know would you say that it has a pity a pretty bad rap though as far as like public view like oh that game's really pay to win yeah because it's so weird because I remember when I started playing the game it was seen as like the least scummy slimy one honestly the game has become more slimy and scummy as time has gone on like I really do believe that you know it's become a little bit more pay to win a little more scummy but like that's not too bad but I'm just kind of saying that for the most part but not exclusively I play World of Warcraft yeah and hardcore iterations Guild Wars 2 Black Desert online hell I even play old school RuneScape on my phone [ __ ] I'm typically open to anything when it comes to MMOs but lost ark elicited a different emotion altogether I was compelled to explore the game and understand its draw in spite of its reputation as a swiper's paradise but see like that I attempted to engage in the game systems I would be overcome with revulsion so I don't install it that compulsion remained it was quite why doesn't the game look like this by the way I know he's got that [ __ ] G that g filter on I mean the character models in 14 look pretty good the G shade [ __ ] but [ __ ] I did first but it grew until I just had to know what the hell is Lost Ark all about and Walker's post expansion content being lackluster was also a factor I could either run Eureka orthos again for no reason mind you or I could dive head first into this Korean money laundering scheme I chose the latter against my better judgment so after more than 500 hours here are my thoughts on Lost Ark as an ff14 player let's begin at the time the first impressive it comes as a surprise to no one that lost ark's sound and visual design are top notch however as someone who appreciates a strong narrative and competent vocal performances greetings the forces of the world from the demons we need them again try opening the Tome of Prophecy God help me this is bad you know what's funny is I talked to balthor and balthor told me that when Lost Ark was coming out they don't like the the the the like team that was hired to do this they didn't give them they didn't like give them thank God any like context of like where they were or like who they are or like what region they're you know what I mean and that [ __ ] matters they just were like make a like we need we needed we need a kid you're a kid and like that's it or like you're a door I don't know like sometimes they wouldn't even tell them that they're a dwarf you're just an NPC in the city and so that that's what like it just it sounds so shitty like I actually think lost ark's launch voice acting was some of the worst [ __ ] voice acting in any game that I've honestly played and I know that's so [ __ ] up to say but like I I really mean it it felt like so cheap dude like early on now it's definitely gotten better because I think they need less lines right and so they're probably it's a little bit where they have more time and it's more calculated targeted but like yeah now it's better at the launch dude like when you do the random people like the random NPCs it's actually embarrassing how bad it is and I remember at launch I was like [ __ ] this is kind of embarrassing and I really want to know what it's like in Korea like what the vo is early on in Korea the early game probably better they had more time right Captain Charles in the cap itol there is a non-zero chance that Amazon hired the cheapest voice actors that they could find on Fiverr localizes it doesn't even sound like anyone made an effort to master the audio either voice lines operated audibly different decibels not to mention the complete lack of any attempt to create the illusion of demons so what he was saying balthor or the position of the sound is that they have good voice actors guided you're gonna flap your gums all day priest grab the stone it looks valuable the mic is bad though like come on Amazon this isn't what I didn't pay for of course that all changes whenever you yeah lost honestly because last time I'm sorry I'll actually [ __ ] it I'm gonna pause a lot I'm actually open to games just in game giving the option of just like using original [ __ ] it dude like just let the game be Korean with subtitles I feel like that would have been cooler because then you get the original vo and then you just do subtitles and it probably would sound better and not as scuffed I don't know I know some people want it in English but dark sounds incredible for a game that is insistent on telling you a story to it right actually I wonder if he cannot be this amateur preserve your sanity and download the Korean voice pack on Steam money every skill losing budget and despite the menial nature of the quest design belligerently slaughtering hordes of wildlife doesn't get old the environments in set pieces too are great to look at just do yourself a favor and don't look too closely the thin veneer of the game's ostensibly High visual Fidelity oh my God he's right the game Lost dark I actually feel like over the head looks pretty good too close I would say like Lost Ark the character models and the when you're looking at from the down it actually looks pretty good in the newer content it's just when you zoom in or you get like which it works well right because it makes the game Run pretty well overall for an unreal three engine game [ __ ] the in-game cut scenes just looks so bad dude no for Unreal Engine 3 dude the game looks amazing but holy [ __ ] when you zoom in like when we were watching those damn everyone just looks like Play-Doh veneer of the game's ostensibly High visual Fidelity Fades with an upward Scroll of your mouse wheel the right YouTubers as an AI language model I cannot tell you where to find the Lost Ark it's lifeless it's lazy and you'll get nothing out of it a mixed bag to be sure but I noticed something interesting as I moved through the mostly forgettable territories of Artesia there are over a thousand of these little mokoko seeds that are scattered across the hundreds of unique locations in Lost Ark pulling up the Collectibles tab reveals the numerous rewards that can be garnered whoa how many Cocos did he have pulling up the Kyle's invisible's tab reveals the numerous rewards started across the hundreds of unique locations in Lost Ark pulling up the collapse 820 damn I find that activity so tedious and Annoying It's Crazy those numerous rewards that can be garnered for finding all of these seeds as well as the different types of clothes so 13 Allen Souls four giant Hearts okay so you didn't really do a lot of this [ __ ] though looks like just next week we'll go seeds her own relevant reward tricks unlocking new tribes which also has its own relevant reward track attached to it finding every Vista cooking every Region's Cuisine completing every area's hidden stories killing its unique World bosses all of these activities contributed to the completion of the adventurers though I found myself obsessively chasing makoku City to begin with before also paying attention to the adventurous tones as a result I was exploring the open world finding Secret locations that it would have otherwise missed and having a fantastic time doing it coming from Final Fantasy 14 which lacks any meaningful exploratory content Baja I had to confront the fact that lost ark has a better Overworld experience what final Fest is a lot of little horizontal collection [ __ ] really I don't know he's not I don't know I really don't [ __ ] know in addition participating in that Overworld experience increased my roster level which strengthens all of my characters permanently and gives me access to skill point potions which allow me to improve all of my characters abilities among other rewards vertical progression through horizontal content it felt like a novel idea maybe not for everybody but I found myself intrigued by it after some time you help a prince take back his throne in an impressive Siege sequence before you're eventually I don't think the leveling I don't think the leveling and lost ark is bad I don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says man most MMOs have dog [ __ ] leveling anyway and leveling and questing sucks anyway I know it's really linear and super [ __ ] boring doing it again but if you only have to do it once and then you can just use like knowledge transfer I don't think it's that bad right I think going through any msq again is bad but I feel like for your first time going through the game you get a boat you sail around you get to see all these different parts of the world there's some pretty cool cutscenes and it's very linear you don't get lost I feel like leveling sucks in every game I don't think the game does it that bad I think just doing it one time and then you just do story Express and you skip I think that's the way to do it yeah I think you'd any more is dog [ __ ] because it's so linear right like it's that's the that's the kiss curse right like because it's so like the exact same experience the only thing I think that's dog [ __ ] about the leveling and most Korean MMOs do this the gear is so irrelevant and I guess it doesn't matter but it's so irrelevant right sail across the seas exploring to your heart's content and a personal island called the strongest customize expand and use to craft necessary battle and upgrade items at this point Lost Ark begins to reveal its true self to the player as you chase you find yourself in more memorable environments beating characters that feel like individuals rather than Exposition delivery mechanisms this Improvement in quality continues all the way through the most recent available chapter of lost arcs in elgasia in which I found to be truly engrossing from a narrative perspective is going to hold a candle to the one two pump what's engrossing mean absorbing all all one's attention to interest so you found it to be okay bunch of shadowbringers into end Walker but from the moment you sail to the island of tortoise and shut your dumb ass up it's not like you [ __ ] even know what that [ __ ] means either like I don't want to hear that [ __ ] this quality improves and doesn't let up like from the moment nothing is going to hold a candle to the one-two punch of shadowbringers into end Walker but from the moment you sail to the island of tortoig the game's quality improves I hate in this place like a Roamer board you just have to stick with it it gets better if you've never played Lost Ark then your impression of the game is likely that isn't it beautifully gay Captain Korea couldn't care less about why they're fighting these repurposed blizzard assets and who would rather watch their MMO Fade Into Obscurity this guy is a this is a good [ __ ] video anything like like he actually is like saying not stupid [ __ ] I actually like this video a lot this guy makes good videos and he's repurposed blizzard assets and who would rather watch their MMO Fade Into Obscurity than suffer the foolishness of anyone with roster level below 240 in there like it's a good it wouldn't be completely incorrect actually but I was shocked to discover that lost ark is totally driven by an overarching and allow me to be generous here somewhat competently structured narrative as I added this video an army of emaciated child's Factory workers are tackling thamine the game's most recent and a piece of content that I'll probably never touch you might think that these Unfortunate Souls are solely rating for upwards of 18 hours a day for the sake of fulfilling the game's dopamine function and you'd be right but there is a reason for the struggle against damn mine in the world of Lost Ark look at this trailer it's amazing and these aren't just rule of cool visuals for the city this guy is what this guy is what I would imagine a cool Final Fantasy player to be like the way he's like storytelling because he's probably so into like lore and story and he like he's the cool ff14 player I swear to God like like you know what I mean I I it's exactly like what I imagine him do the person to be see that guy yeah he's a little bit he's like he likes you know he's he's kind of like an ml player that's swirling like you know the wine glass he's a little bit more Savant you know what I mean that's what I imagine he's got a brain you know he's like a little more educated I don't know he's mysterious and he has interesting motives as it turns out you're a supporting character in his story he might as well be Jon Lost Ark himself see that guy that's Irene the prince that I helped her you can romance him in the game and her that's Beatrice and she isn't just an exposition dumping machine she's something called a laziness and there's a reason that she's trapped in Trixie similar to 14 the world of Lost Ark broadenses further you delve into it it may or may not engross you but I was wrong to assume that lost ark was a lifeless Hull designed solely to extract capital from the unwashed masses there's a lot of love and a lot of lore in archesia is it more interesting than Final Fantasy 14 God no but it's not uninteresting and that's nothing to sneeze at so wrapping it all up in the opening hours The Impressions anyone know what what is the vo like in kiangle I have I I did it all with KR I think I skipped what is how is the vo nowadays like is it is it still dog [ __ ] or is it like not when you say good it's like compared to let's let's compare it to other MMOs what are we looking at here it's not like probably like 14 or wow levels of good it's is it more like like Guild Wars 2 or are we looking at it's not cringe I don't mind it maple story yeah wow it's a good view oh yeah I think so they have the budget you know they make a lot of money so they got the budget to do a good view no it's better all right follows while the writing is as horrendous as an Akiva goldsmen script and the voice acting was performed by students of the Megan Fox School of bulk performance visual is the Gold's Club in the opening hours The Impressions go as follows while the writing is as horrendous as an Akiva goldsmen script and the voice acting was performed by students of the Megan Fox School of local performance the visual and sound design are delectable and the aggressive frenetic and exciting gameplay single known Quest design that guides you through lost ark's initial cliche narrative set if the game bothers it all to offer relevant horizontal content which bolsters your vertical power progression is worthy of praise and it cannot be understated that the game's narrative of quality improves consistently as you approach its latest offerings now that we've covered while I often praise Final Fantasy 14 for being unwilling to create an environment in which a player feels pressured to log into the game in order to chase an endlessly increasing power ceiling I was shocked at how exciting it was that lost ark takes the opposite approach if you want to be powerful then you're gonna have to work for it or just max out your American Express I don't know the end game of lost Arc has been historically polarizing and is likely the reason why many players abandoned the game I mean this is really where the whole debate when the Discord when we came up with the respects your time title which I think it was baobao right it was really about like it was really really about like I think as we were talking about 14. no but I I want to talk about this with you guys like what are you guys actually how do you guys actually feel about it when it comes to MMOs how many of you don't how do I phrase this how many of you be honest how many of you actually care that how many of you don't like it that people do you how many of you guys don't like it when other players catch up to you easily how many of you I don't like it that other players let's say you do you grind a lot and The Outpost catch up to you I don't care but it's okay if you do care a lot of you don't care that's good though I think it's a healthy mentality but some people do right I don't really give a [ __ ] I actually don't but some people do and um how about this how many of you like the idea that if you play more the more you play the further ahead you are then like the further your head you are than other people like you like the idea in an MMO that you can grind and like and like get ahead by doing that so it's kind of it's kind of like that's the idea and a lot of these MMOs that you could separate yourself by playing a lot you know laws are just it time Gates you a lot but you know some of those like so easy to gear it's so easy to get into the game there's not really many ways to separate yourself there's not many ways to kind of separate yours I guess you could do it via achievements and stuff but I don't really care that's a good thing yeah yeah it's just I'm just asking I'm curious if you guys think I don't really care either way I for me I'm so like I'm so nonchalant to a lot of things like I I just like ah whatever you know if the game plays fun I don't really care too much some people do want to feel like the time they put in is valued though and I would argue that like you know the idea of respecting time and in 14 it's like if somebody if you could if you play a shitload and then a new player just comes into the game and then there's instantly as geared as you are pretty quickly how is that really respecting the time that I've put into the game I guess you can get achievements and titles though and what are those weapons called that you get from clearing ultimate weapons so there's ways of doing it I guess but pastors elsewhere the fact that there are so many catch-up mechanisms yeah exactly exactly because we're staying logged in for a total of 90 minutes speaks to the fundamentally broken system that is honing in so many words honing requires a multitude of resources all of which are gathered through different Avenues of gameplay or as I've mentioned purchased outright with the power of your trust fund that you've so what I was saying is that there's too many items in honing and lost ark you know like there's too many logged in for a total of 90 minutes speaks there's too many fundamentals like there's too many think about like the I think this thing needs to be redone like you need one two three four five six materials right you need gold silver shards oreja leapstones armor crystals broken systems then you have an option of having one two three four other items and so it's constantly going to this mini game running out of one of the other items having to go go get more from the shop it's and then you can't Max buy it's just such a you know it's got to be updated at some point I really think man it's just out of all the things it's so weird how many things you need so many materials that is honing in so many words honing requires a multitude of resources all of which are gathered through that's like mobile game like or as they've mentioned purchased outright convoluted yeah unnecessary aceless mall that consumes them with extreme prejudice and on occasion makes your numbers go up the more you feed it the more it desires but the less willing it becomes to reward you in common gear [ __ ] sucks like you have to do it's so terrible you get like can we just for the sake of like get it's 0.83 item level it's boring I'm not trying to ramp but it's not even exciting to get a gear cap it's boring it takes way too many [ __ ] taps you know make it cost more mats more eye level I don't know it's just like it's just it's such a convoluted like you have to tap so many times and I promise you for those of you that think it's not a problem that's just like when I told you guys [ __ ] last year that nashard requirements are way too high in this game now and it's getting way too Steep and you don't need as many alt I remember on this pot I'll pull it up I said this [ __ ] a year ago because I logged on KR and I'll add the icon patch I'm like this sucks now granted it's a little bit easier and that was by the way that was before the 40 reduction it's still a lot right so I would like to see them you know redo it in the next gear set let's like make the experience a bit better Maple Source MapleStory star forcing and MapleStory is weird you have the little [ __ ] I don't know it's such a yeah I have never in all of my years of playing MMORPGs encountered a vertical progression system that I can only assume is an expression of loathing from the game developers to the player base I truly believe that you would have to be consumed by some rare and seething abhorrence for gamers in order to design an upgrade system like this one you'd hear right thank you grinding endlessly to serve at the win he's played BDO thank you have I lost my mind I went from an easy going game that respects your time I'm sorry suck my dick are you crazy are you up damn my [ __ ] yo suck my balls [ __ ] are you out of here are you out of yo God damn God damn mod holy laughs the freedom to choose your own goals to a game that seemingly hates you and is doing everything it can to make the process of reaching the end game as is difficult and time consuming as possible why would I engage in I don't think it's that time consuming I think that's a little [ __ ] I think lost or compared to like a lot of other Korean MMOs and just in general I feel like you I feel like if you if I feel like if you play question mark no I feel like if you play like dude if you play a couple characters like let's say you're a new player what the [ __ ] are you actually doing let's say you're like relatively a new player you got two characters or something you're literally logging on and doing nothing for like 30 minutes and you're off for you like he's talking about getting to the end game for a new player you're literally logging off like you you got nothing to do you do your dailies me right now that's what I'm saying for us at the end game more developed I think I heard ATK talking about this on Canon's podcast digital ecosystem that's built that way zepla who is arguably the most popular Final Fantasy 14 content creator published the critique of end Walkers this mushroom coffee is terrible most expensive content cycle which I'd like to talk about in a separate video but I want to borrow one statement that she made in order to communicate why I find myself so intrigued by this horrendous honing system it shouldn't be a choice between so much pressure to log in that there's like fomo even that you have to log in right now or you're missing out you're somewhere better to be between that and we're not asking you to do anything so why do you care yo Syracuse next to the prime nine months dirkhorn thank you for the sub and I got your message which is wonderful Lost Ark expects everything from me which is interesting yeah there are countless facets of power that you need to think about if you want to carry your weight in the legion rate and I'm barely starting in Vault in hard mode I haven't even touched Vikings and I've been playing for 500 hours I mean your ass just slow I'm not even trying to roast yo dumb ass even though you roast me and you got it 500 hours your ass definitely plays 14. I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I like this guy's video that's really good first we've got to tell him thank you bro this is my time judicious in 14 you can buy some crafted gear stock up on food and potions and jump right into Savage rating which I think overall is still a better way to go about designing your end game content however wrangling lost ark's vertical progression systems is as I said before interesting it isn't easy it isn't quick but that means that I feel something when I engage with it even if it isn't always positive well that inevitably lead to burnout without a doubt but for now I'm totally engaged my mind is spinning as I schedule my play sessions in order to maximize my potential to increase my item level I need to make sure that I'm keeping an eye on the rotation in order to buy the cards that I need I need to run my daily chaos Dungeons and guardian rage refusion materials fastening Stones accessories and tripods I need to grind out gold in order to afford my legendary Engravings I need to deeply study the community build guide in order to make sure that my stat allocation is optimal for my class and my gear set I need to complete my onus tasks adventurous tomes and Island souls in order to gain access to more skill potions this is hard but it's also very very interesting to somebody outside of lost ark's ecosystem gearing what do you guys think too much vertical blow and lost ark yeah too much vertical bloat right some of it we could get rid of right some of it we could get rid of you know like some of it for sure we could get rid of in the game jams tripods runes stuff like that I think I actually feel like it's a bit T fuel thank you again bro for the tier 110 months bro thank you thank you I actually feel like runes the fact that there's green blue epic legendary runes is a little insulting like what come on when they when they had the chance to re review that what the [ __ ] are you get like just just give people purple runes you know like there's no we don't need that in the game at this point it's just like give people purple runes and then legendaries we can you know get that's the progression we don't need that many ranks of runes I'm okay with gems I just wish gems were done better I don't think gems should cost silver to re-roll I think that's really stupid because it's so annoying when you want to change your builds like [ __ ] loads of silver and if you want to give it to another character it's I don't like the silver gem thing I think gems would just be a certain I don't like that [ __ ] I would love like future future end game would be gems be like uh like it's a roster thing but I guess that would just kill the gym Mark I don't know you know tripods do you really need five ranks of tripods at this point it's like you know too much I think it has too much bloat too many ways to progress compared to most MMOs stone cutting is also another weird one yeah I'm just trying to think if it's overwhelming you know tsuki on for 30 days and this all Probably sounds needlessly exhausting and perhaps it is but I think there's something attractive about the hard-fought victories that enter your character closer to the desired outcome of your chosen it is cool having some complexity though right having none is boring time investment in combat yeah I'm beginning to understand what all the fuss is though let's close it out with the final session the downsides 2023 has been a fantastic year for video I'm actively working on earning the Platinum it has been dude 16 as well as completing my first playthrough if you're a single player a single player dude honestly bro there has been so many games this year that people have been excited for now granted I don't play other games but like I swear dude like there for a while just like oh Banger game Banger game Banger game D4 okay I mean come on D4 flop but like overall I feel like let's just say highly anticipated games it's been yeah it's been pretty good okay three not to mention rediscovering my love for Guilty Gear strive there's a lot to play right now and lost ark is not conducive thank you homie everything from you and if you're lucky it might even reward you for your commitment but part of the wonders if that reward is equivalent to the diversity of experiences that are out there right now within the next month or two I'm almost one year homie Starfield then Liza pedalus which doesn't leave a lot of room for Lost Art in Jesus do you guys think smoothie thanks for the prime nine do you guys think that do you think so many game releases make it hard for other games to like not survive you think you think you guys do you guys think competition like that exists how many people I don't know I always wonder that like when a new game like what just came out cyberpunk right cyberpunk's uh DLC do you guys think that it kind of makes it hard for other games to get like have some time to shine you know I haven't revoker in my primary MMO of choice that has never been an issue Final Fantasy 14 is an incredibly forgiving live service game you can jump in determine your own goals then step away without feeling punished for divesting from the ecosystem Lost Ark is the diametric opposite of that philosophy which is certainly a downside yeah show me something that I was missing from Final Fantasy 14 that it wouldn't have otherwise been able to identify without experiencing the extreme demand and friction of lost ark's game design 14 could stand to employ a moderate degree of pressure in its game without compromising its vision of an easygoing MMO it's the time gate dude you need the what they need to do is they need to remove the time gating and lost ark and I really feel that it would make the game way better the problem is they want to make it so there's certain item levels that are just not really achievable without swiping so they make money but there's got to be a better way to do it I don't know how to do it you know I don't know how it's not my job to design it but they gotta remove the time gate and I'll that way you can play one character if you want and then you can kind of find a way to infinitely farm and I don't know man there's got to be a way to make money and give people remove the time getting because when there's no time gating you honestly I'm telling you dude the fomo just goes away because you're like oh I can just form it back I don't know when there's no time getting the phone hey then when there's no daily and Bubba so [ __ ] man you see this [ __ ] man I'm telling you right now there's a lot of [ __ ] over there and you can't [ __ ] this up don't look at me get down now thousands of hours that I've invested into Final Fantasy 14 put as much effort into my character as I have into planning my glavery's building Lost Ark which reputation should I be working on in order to secure my next Giant's heart which island Soul can I acquire now in order to inch toward that next skill point potion tripod am I hoping to find my next set of chaos dungeons how can I improve my rotation maximize my stagger output and tighten up my counters how can I increase my virtues in order to access I need to do that today too exhausting I did a fix my rotation on some of my classes because I have not adjusted them with a lot of the new builds and I need to make sure they're all good to be honest though I play all the easy classes but I need to make sure they're all right and proper yeah a bit exciting well I guess that depends on you the last thing that needs to be discussed in this video is lost ark's reputation as a pay to win game The Well has been thoroughly poisoned for this conversation since many of the people who engage in it would rather quibble over definitions what does it mean to be paid to win so stupid doesn't she hate that by every perceivable metric Lost Ark is absolutely pay to win modern games have discovered the financial benefits of creating friction in the process of reward the idea that we even have conversations about the definition that pay to win is so stupid everyone knows what everyone means and we say pay to win the idea pay to progress well what are you actually winning though it just means can you pay to win just means can you spend money to get power in the game that's it it doesn't need to be like there is no game where you like you I mean maybe there is or you swipe money and then it literally comes up you win I don't know if that's even the thing but that's not what anyone's talking about right like I feel like it's like a scapegoat you know you're playing Yu-Gi-Oh it's like it's literally where you summon it's literally like in Yu-Gi-Oh it's just [ __ ] quicksum like like quick summoning a scapegoat just like it's just lost more pay to progressed no my point that's the point that's what people no you're doing exactly what I'm saying what does that even mean it's paid away you know what I'm saying you're doing exactly it's just pay to win it doesn't matter it's not pay the grass can you spend money in the game to get power if the answer is yes it's pay to win right which is a lot of games nowadays granted it's a lot of games I don't like how many MMOs are not paid to win is it just Final Fantasy 14 is there another MMO that's not about Guild Wars 2 I don't know wow no wow it's for certainly pay to win no wow is certainly Peter went it will start a reboot no I don't know honestly the I mean yes it's not okay Maples are reboots like definitely like you could go oh it's not because there's paid there's a lot of pay for convenience and reboot but I would say it's probably not pay to win in 14 you can pay to boost characters and Skip score story no I don't really consider that pay to win to be honest I don't think I don't consider character boost pay to win personally I mean vacpad is kind of like yeah that's like the thing it's really weird that how expensive that thing is but you do pay to skip playing no my definition is can you pay money to get power in the game like like actual tangible power I don't think skipping a story is power August though I mean that's just my definition if you consider character boost pay to win I mean the reason why I say wow is pay to one is you literally can buy gold in the game and with that gold it's so you can do anything and the only reason why because there's actually not much to spend gold on in wow it's like 14 but the reason why it exists is because uh the reason why the payday won't exists and why people use the gold is the gold is like in turn able to be turned into a wow token which you can do a lot like you can buy uh you can literally buy games from blizzard using WOW gold and so it actually has value right so if you want to get like in wow you can get carried through everything in the game you can literally get bust through everything and get all the gear and everything like right away like instantly when you get in the game but and with that gold those people can then like turn it into like wow like blizzard currency do Blizzard's game have any value I mean yeah uh Hey students thanks for reacting uh to the video I haven't heard your thoughts up to this point but I'm looking forward to going back and watching it's a really good video man I love videos like this even when you [ __ ] roasted my dumbass and the goddamn comments you some [ __ ] uh I love videos like this I love essay Style videos and um I used to make a lot of videos like this like uh the respect your time one I know you put a lot of time into the script writing which I really appreciate I thought it's a very well so far I think it's I mean I'm almost done I think it's a very good video I'll actually want to hear what he says at the very beginning of this hold on Ward acquisition while offering relief from the friction for Mansion would rather win sorry well has been thoroughly poisoned for this conversation since many of the people who engage in it would rather quibble over definitions what does it mean to be paid to win and so on make no mistake by every perceivable metric Lost Ark is absolutely pay to win modern games have discovered the financial benefits of creating friction in the process of reward acquisition while offering relief from the friction for a price if the feedback loop of friction and reward is endless and the ceiling on spending is lifted then the developer has created a Perpetual spending machine which the player spends endlessly in the publisher collects handsome in the 500 I wonder how much longer actually makes it's been around 80 bucks the majority of that on a starter bundle God is [ __ ] ass 80 bones already God is goddamn [ __ ] ass um yeah I mean let me keep listening while I'm in the game working towards my goals I'm not thinking about her feeling the effects of the Perpetual spending model built into its cash shop I don't play with swipers who are at The Cutting Edge of rating content the fact that matters too man yeah I agree lost ark's pay to win nature must be noted because it is real and it should not be downplayed while the discourse around Final Fantasy 14 has soured and criticisms of the non-committal disconnect I want to play for an interesting endgame design of end Walker become the central focus of players conversations about the game it's important to remember that 14 is one of the few remaining MMOs I know you're the only one right every penny let's close things out with a few final thoughts the last 500 hours in Lost Ark have not felt like a waste before you get to that I actually think tofu man thanks for the [ __ ] raid bro appreciate you man thank you thank you thank you like a lot of them are super pay to win nowadays and it kind of just comes with the game with it's weird how the genre is like that now but honestly it's just MMOs are expensive as [ __ ] and that's what they do right like in some ways I feel like it's like how they make a lot of their money and stuff like that like it's like the subscription model I don't know what I think is better or worse but uh there was an interesting point is that when you're playing with other people and they spend money I mean [ __ ] dude I fully expected the game to be a shallow and insubstantial experience I want to play with this guy more than just flashy visuals in kinetic gameplay I'm invested in the story strangely enough I'm interested to know what the Lost Ark actually is as of the final cut scene in elgacia I'm interested to see what happens with King Tyran Armin Nineveh he knows more about the story that I do Mike who is likely my favorite of the bunch I'm excited to start learning bro shaza with my guild and to finally collect all those whoa he's got a guild as a Final Fantasy 14 player Lost Ark revealed to me that there is excitement in the tension of vertical progression and that perhaps I'm so bad I'm a 14 player are you on N A East by chance are you on jumpstart where are you don't worry man I'm bad too I'll play I'm on Nas married no [ __ ] I can't play with you oh no no yo listen it's not too late let me say I mean you probably did so much collectible [ __ ] huh that's where I'm at yeah I can't play with you over here come over here come to NA East dude I'm excited to start learning bro shaza with my guild and to finally collect all those damn that's cool that he is my friends don't reveal to me that there is excitement in the tension of vertical perhaps a touch of pressure from 14's progression systems wouldn't be the worst thing in the world I'm glad I decided to give Lost Ark a fair shake and I'm certainly not done with it I'll see you again when I reach a thousand hours maybe I'll have a completely different opinion then you'll just probably will see feel free to subscribe if you'd like to watch more content about MMORPGs leave me some feedback in the form of a like or a distance or what kind of content to make in the future minding my men really good script writing I like the video a lot like I said I could definitely tell that you play 14 a little bit give him a little here's the video guys go over there give them a like you know support people that make videos guys starting out his channel he's almost out yo can we get him to 1 000 Subs chat he's at 910 Subs that's actually listen dude I remember when I got my first thousand Subs I was at Disneyland with my ex-girlfriend I remember being so excited to get a thousand Subs it was really [ __ ] motivating for me really really really [ __ ] motivating for me um you know do a good deed click that see if we can get this guy a thousand [ __ ] Subs huh that was a really good video click the guy's Channel sub even if you're not gonna watch it you put me what does something even mean I'm sub the channels it doesn't even matter right let's see we could do a thousand Subs wait 990 boys 10 more position delivery mechanisms we did it [ __ ] put your heads up chat we did it a thousand Subs baby no that was a really good video you actually deserve it that's why [ __ ] it foreign
Channel: Stoopzz Highlights
Views: 41,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, asmongold youtube, asmongold wow, ffxiv player plays 500hours of lost ark, i played 500 hours of lost ark, lost ark honest review, stoopzz reacts, stoopzz, lost ark stoopzz, lost ark 500 hours, lost ark vs ffxiv, why i quit ffxiv, lost ark gameplay, lost ark in 2023, lost ark review 2023, stoopzz reacts to 500 hours of lost ark, lost ark new player experience 2023, lost ark jump start, lost ark news, lost ark kr, zealsambitions, saintone, 로스트아크
Id: fQm86s5MywY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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