Lost Ark Elgacia Cutscenes Full Story NA (eng)

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we have to see Alaric can you take us to the gate of paradise thank you Albion [Music] [Music] thank you we're here Alaric [Music] open the gate of paradise hmm nothing nose the way that all Geisha is open we can ride there on Albion [Music] [Music] thank you for coming Alvin thank you the promise [Music] this could get bumpy hang on foreign [Music] foreign ago the laziness committed a grave sin but regulus allowed us a chance to atone in an eternally peaceful Paradise it was both the punishment and mercy of regulus who dearly loved the last Nets since then we have watched the world grow from our home in the sky [Music] look over there do you see it El geisha [Music] [Music] halt [Music] Stand Down it's been ages you look well ah you must be the chosen one welcome to Ariana city of light [Music] May the light [Music] oh regulus your child has returned to the light I thank you for allowing me to return to El geisha [Music] welcome back Nina Bay we've missed you Gloria you're right on time foreign [Music] greetings Gloria everyone finally all the swords have gathered [Music] welcome to the paradise of light oh Chosen One [Music] the prophets have deciphered the thread of light swords of the Lazarus Heed These words [Music] all laziness must remain in the light [Music] as you know this command comes directly from regulus that's the same edict we received 500 years ago the lazaniths cannot exist without the sun Nineveh it is our sacred duty to serve the light it's all as Doterra predicted 500 years ago the demons crossed stronger the world is in danger if we turn our backs again we don't deserve to be the first light we must have faith they will succeed without us [Music] the laziness will follow the path of regulus as we always have but Nineveh would you have us go against the regulus's will I believe this business is concluded perceptive Nineveh now we can avoid the prying eyes there are some people to meet [Music] foreign it's been a long time to you remember us we used to serve the former sword diogenes [Music] much has changed in the 500 years you've been gone the round table where each Voice Was Heard equally is now completely dominated by L'Oreal all edicts go through him and access to the temple is strictly prohibited El Geisha is not the place you knew anyone who goes against the will of the Gods sees the light's judgment diogenes was looking into it [Music] but he vanished I want to find out the truth and I need your help to do it hello as you can see El Geisha is besieged by these foul beasts occasion may have similar issues but perhaps a sword of the lazineth should prioritize El geisha's Safety First Nina Bay make it there and we'll be safe we must save them [Music] judgment coming up why [Music] behold the light's judgment the will of regulus determines life and death [Music] even a sword of the laziness must abide by it [Music] you had the power to save everyone so why why did you do nothing a bird [Music] the path opened up let's go thank you foreign [Music] [Music] the chosen one will soon appear the chosen one is here the chosen one has arrived early [Music] I'm looking for diagonies where is he now long ago there was an edict the Lost sword will ask the way the answer will be found and kept in secret behold the poor soul who has foreseen the fated path they are in the dark waiting for Destiny to find them for good or ill it will be yours one day future you wish for Denise hold on let us help you [Music] [Applause] the light sphere it's me me Nineveh my silence is finally at an end in the Deep Darkness the day I've been waiting for edicts we believed in were lies created by L'Oreal lights judgments bird that spreads its wings will destroy the cage there's not much time left Nineveh your lights [Music] no Nina Fey what did I teach you about the nature of Lord regulus he's the god of light in order creator of Arcadia yes and that regulus has always protected the Lazarus with the light [Music] and in return for this gift it is our duty to follow his will but Nineveh what if I told you this was all a lie [Music] we've always sought our truths in the light but some are hidden in the shadows [Music] and we must now face that hidden truth God this is this is the legacy of the Halls a realm beyond space and time you know what they called it Cube [Music] long ago light's judgment was visited upon all lazanth for the sin of stealing the ark our wings were burned from our bodies the once honored children were now condemned regulus had no intention of showing Mercy to the lazanet but he gave them one last chance if they promise to protect the key he will let them live our future was the no longer ours our existence would be one of endless service we were prisoners of paradise the gods do not give without also taking our memories were erased that's why someone has to remember our great sacrifice and the blood that was shed Nineveh I started to explore this cube in search of the truth and finally I found it a future with kazarus reborn and El Geisha destroyed all beginning when the star of a new hero arose if we miss our chance our future is not but Oblivion before kasaros is resurrected arcasia must be purified what do you mean Kai Engel has the power to control the light spear I will use it to scour the demons from the surface and the people necessary sacrifices to ensure our future I'm ready to meet my own demise if it is to protect Arcadia [Music] I want you to join me Nina Vay arches fate is not for us to decide if you're really going through with this it's my duty to stop you I'm sorry this isn't the only time you try to stop me okay I'm pity [Music] we playing exploration record of potential reality six seven zero zero five nine eight five five multiple connections detected control is reverted to one entity welcome to the cube wake up L'Oreal oh [Music] [Music] this guy is turning red by regulus what is that what what's happening Grandma I'm scared scared black wings Lazarus [Music] you know you could have stopped it L'Oreal replaying exploration record of potential reality five three one four five two one one three causality reset complete oh Reckless please look after me as I return back to your embrace oh regulus why have you forsaken us [Music] why did you just watch the chaos of Arcadia [Music] we were wrong Gloria Arcadia meets Caden [Music] thank you L'Oreal I'm not afraid to die for the world you did your best replaying exploration record of potential reality one five seven foreign s were never actually going to forgive us I'm sorry [Music] is this the answer you wanted miraculous if you can't be forgiven you have to find your own salvation error error Cube session terminated due to external intervention get up [Music] welcome the plan is ready this is going to take some time laughs L'Oreal stop this madness stand aside this is the way to kiangle as I already told you the pledge of Swords forbids your entry keep your promise L'Oreal move away all of you dearness open the door you made the right choice tianis that's we were too late the path of light [Music] are you going to Kai angle I need everyone's help to open the path L'Oreal you know we will follow the will of light our loyalty belongs to regulus and no one else [Music] I see what a shame L'Oreal don't you should not have said his name out loud laughs kayango Haven of the Gods a holy place that can only be approached with permission from the light L'Oreal's plan must be about one thing I have light yes the eye of light created by the Gods to maintain order hopes to gain its great power of light for himself we should hurry [Music] I shall remember your sacrifice huh see it is it's yours I'll do my best L'Oreal I've been waiting for you Chosen One [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] look the barrier is gone let's go inside [Music] [Music] that barrier's in the way I'll clear the path huh let's go step aside alas Nina Bay tianis it's not too late we can stop L'Oreal together I don't want to fight you but you will go no further there is no Eternal sin no unforgivable sin the Divine punishment of the laziness we will end it draw yeah [Music] [Music] join us if I lost then my face [Music] [Music] damn fool won't even choose the moment you die [Music] L'Oreal is headed for kiangle foreign [Music] high angle awaits I'll call Albion [Music] thank you [Music] greetings Albion [Music] the radiant path foreign [Music] you must pass the test to cross this path [Music] thank you that voice it's varicose for sure [Music] calling Albion it's okay go find burgers [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right foreign we need to call Dinah to cross the Thunderhead opening the sky path will take time we have to hold on all right the heavens are so calm quiet awaken the winds [Music] [Music] now get on [Music] [Music] thank you foreign be careful not to fall down as the winds are unstable there Shadow Dinah is chasing us I think he's being controlled by someone I'll help cross over to this side all right foreign carry on I'll join you later [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the gods Lost World here you must prove that you are standing in a light the last race [Music] [Music] all right great the laziness people will soon be liberated I will not let you Cast Your Shadow on our light no one is allowed not even you a Chosen One hmm [Music] [Music] I am a sword of the lazines I will protect El geisha my merciless God you take even my final wish from me [Music] shall not be denied [Music] [Music] this moment how many times do you think we've been here [Music] but now now there is only one future waiting for me cruel shackles in the name of order the lazaniths have been denied the right to Free Will for millennia I'm ready to start making my own choices and decide what our future would look like the eye of light was used to oppress us I will right that wrong [Music] the light shines for us now come on avoid the light the gods created a bird cage and called it Paradise they put the laziness inside and locked the door [Music] we've waited desperately for the door to open longing for the voice of our absent master thank you but the lights perished with no answer from regulus now we will finally be freed from this dreamless paradise foreign we cannot go back sure he's decided [Music] Church are you ready Ark protector to see it thank you foreign [Music] how's it going you may have stolen the light but it looks like fate is no longer on your side damn [Music] foreign you are nothing but a minor variable demon forget it do not interfere with my future [Music] [Music] you saw the dimensions how foolish I've chosen my path unlike you huh [Music] ah you think you can defy fate such arrogance the shattered light will bring Eternal Night oh huh Nina Bay a you say the future is set right but in the midst of great despair I saw hope yeah I know I can save them [Music] well chosen sure thank you [Music] ah the eye of light is gone the sanctuary Has Fallen everyone will start a new finally the lesson is can see what life is like outside the cage ah so your corrupt hands finally served the cause of order it was an obvious choice to me because I don't want you in my future I've seen countless possibilities inside the cube and the end was always the same the larsonists were branded as traitors and destroyed and you always led arcasia into chaos the wreckage it's falling on arcasia laughs foreign it's our turn now we'll protect Arcadia with our own will tortell alcazia [Music] get ready thank you I think when the light of Destiny reaches the end of the world it's time to keep our promise oh it can't be huh [Music] [Music] [Music] procyon [Music] time is going back who knew they'd choose to defy the master for his creations [Music] laziness is this what you've been striving for all this time everything you achieved the sacrifices you made the plans within the plans [Music] everyone overlooks it what a fearsome being you are when you reveal your intentions but I twisted the present now the future you've strived for it won't come I'm sure you believe that new El Azimuth could be so sneaky and deceitful [Music] like father like Simon seems you too are already a piece of the fixed results you will surely regress this day oh incomplete one those consumed by order will never understand [Laughter] the beauty of a shattered world I can hear it the voice of the Gods for the future is yours now foreign [Music] [Music] no The Last Arc has been delivered to its rightful owner Caden I think it's time we talked sidereal Nineveh [Music] [Music] sideria Lutera met with regulus but all he could do was seal kazarus away to prevent further sacrifices and how do you know that we also know the real reason you were in chiangle 500 years ago and we actually know the whereabouts of the key open the door to alkisha Caden and now we're all here everyone here shares the same goal those standing with the order of light and a destroyer of the forces of Chaos hmm isn't that right Caden there's something you need to know what is it what is it it's a good story it's about a bunch of Big Shot Gods who forsake their people foreign contain great power and the power of creation and destruction Almighty regulus's favorite things all the tension and greed of the world began when regulus took ownership of the Ark order is an illusion that hides the truth laughs I know this is hard to believe I ask you a question the powerful take what they want from this world with no repercussions while the innocent cry out to Gods who have forsaken them beginning and end life and death where is regulus's fabled order it's nowhere to be found the entire world seems to be crumbling around us isn't this chaos itself overseen by the supposed God of Light and Order face it regulus abandoned this world [Music] Order and Chaos light and darkness just words to control us you probably think I'm full of it because you're focused on your glorious Arc mission but the gods don't just give away their power for free the ark is not hope sacrifice The Watcher is calling Beatrice go ah protector of Destiny [Laughter] you have chosen your fate [Music] now follow the radiant path thank you foreign [Music] [Music] the seven arcs have come together and now you are ready for the truth a secret the story I've been waiting to tell you about the truth of the world and the nature of the arks the combined arcs contain the power of creation regulus used this power to create the world you know [Music] and there lies the problem if the ark has the power to create it could also be used to destroy all of reality and so he split the ark into seven pieces but that wasn't enough he created another safeguard The Divided arcs could only be recombined with a key regulus entrusted the lazanths to guard this key safe in its Sanctuary the key Arc was kept a secret from all until one day the keys simply vanished Into Thin Air as if he'd never even existed at all [Music] [Music] you hear the crystal Melody of me sorry life life sometimes promises warmth tomorrow just like a Dusky sunset Trixie and Edge of the World Realm Of The Watcher and also the place where the inheritor brings the ark together [Music] please [Music] can you see the place I used to stay waiting for you to call on me life sometimes becomes a shining star like gazing at you make my heart more just [Applause] [Music] is [Music] they will make you fly [Music] sweet dreams [Music] have a name for the key that vanished The Last Arc [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay here is being destroyed I have too many and decision before that happens it's time to keep our promise speak s [Music] they are Chris [Music] can you hear me [Music] in the midst of War on ground stained by Blood and Tears they managed to find the first Arc [Music] through the power of trust and friendship a giant of creation that hid the second Ark tortoise saw their potential and shared his will with them as a new sun rose in the red desert [Music] false Idols basked in a prophecy of Lies [Music] the fall Sun finally set and Destiny LED them to the ark [Music] in a Land of ice and cruelty [Music] they met a people fighting for a better day one person's will became the promise of a new dawn and when chaos enveloped the land Faith was overcome by dark illusion [Music] it was their wisdom that helped the truth to shine in a Land of Despair and darkness sacrifice became devotion allowing the light to shine the one who carried the weight of Eternity fell in the face of a soaring will the hearts Left Behind LED them into the future this was the path of the Ark protector [Music] [Music] their courage sacrifices and triumphs have guns you along the way what is this you have proven why you all of you must take [Music] I have come to a decision the Guardians Of The Lights will be with you from now on to protect caucasia [Music] except your final fate for the end is [Music]
Channel: EatRedCarpet
Views: 8,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, elgacia, elgacea, elgacia story, elgacia scene, lost ark story, elgacia cutscenes, lost ark lauriel, lost ark kayangel, nineveh, lost ark lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 29sec (5789 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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