[Lost Ark] Destroyer Gravity Training guide (Nov patch ver)

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hey guys it's memrizer92 and today i'm gonna cover the new gravity training guide after the august kr balance patch this guide will be helpful when the balance patch happens in the west in the future then let's get started okay first of all new tripod for gravity training came out it's called gravity charge and all the purpose skills except gravity compression have it it increases more identity gauge whenever you use that purple skill with 3 cores if the tripod level is 5 full swing and seismic hammer gets increased by 15 percent others get increased by 13 percent second of all the gravity training engraving changed at level 3 crit rate and damage of gravity mode increases by 30 and 20 each which is same as the previous version but now it also increases additional identity gauge by 70 whenever you use the purple skills moreover for every third auto attack in the gravity mode it does additional shock attack so there are three factors that increases the amount of identity gauge by a lot specialization stat gravity training class engraving and the new gravity charge tripods and the auto attacks in the gravity mode now applies 12 armor brake party synergy when i start to bonk the bob you can see the armor break debuff below the mob's hp and for every third attack shockwave will happen the goal of this new build is to fill up the max gauge with one rotation by using four purple skills well i tested this out and if you have around 1725 specialization with level 5 gravity charge tripod only on one purple skill then that maxes out the gauge perfectly but this figure is impossible in the west since there is no bracelet which comes out with the brochure lesion rate so the next best option is to run gravity charge tripod on two purple skills i will tell you how much specialization that you need when i explain the purple skills later on since it varies on which skill you use one thing for sure is that the higher your specialization is the better your damage is since spec not only increases the amount of the gauge restoration but also increases damage of all the purpose skills and gravity mode as well so you wanna main specialization and sub crit for the gravity training build for the engravings gravity training master brawler barricade grudge and spirit absorption spirit absorption increases the amount of auto attacks you can do in the gravity mode you can run cursor over spirit absorption since it did similar dps in the training room but if you think about the slowness in the real raid spirit absorption will definitely help a lot for three times three engraving i would recommend grudge barricade and gravity training for four times three add either sphero georgian or master browser now the skills there is a link in the discord where you can see the whole skill set with tripods and runes heavy crush bleed rune hour strike overwhelm rune gravity force razeroon endure pain focus rune gravity force is really a good skill in gravity training build since you can max out the cage by using it twice in a row and to have a fast synergy skill i recommend power strike over dreadnought as a counter skill now the purple skills three purple skills are most likely fixed earth wave which is the new skill that replaced one man army perfect string and seismic hammer seismic camera is the strongest purple skill in gravity training build thanks to this new tripod that increases forty percent of the damage at level five so you wanna run full dps tripods with gale wind rune perfect swing is the second strongest skill with hour of slaughter tripod hour of slaughter doesn't require charging time and having short animation is good for gravity training since majority of the dps comes out from the gravity mode you want to run full dps tripod with gel wind rune earthwave doesn't do a lot of damage but it has a very short animation you want to run the gravity charge tripod on this skill with overwhelm rune for the last skill it needs the gravity charged tripod you pick either from air feeder full swing and neutralizer it's really a preference but i personally recommend full swing since it has short animation with the shortest cooldown for the rune you want to run gale wind rune for all three of them for the priority of the tripod go for the gravity charge and dps tripod on all the purple skills okay this time let me show you how much specialization is required based on skills and level of the tripod for the gems you wanna use attack jam on seismic camera perfect swing earthwave full swing and gravity mode for the rest of the gems you want to run cooldown reduction jam on seismic camera perfect swing full swing injury pain gravity force and power strike lastly example of rotation ugh um well guys that's all for today thank you so much for watching and hit the sub if you guys liked it then see you guys on the next video bye bye
Channel: Memorizer 92
Views: 37,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lost Ark, destroyer, rage hammer, rage, hammer, guide, patch, gravity, training, mmo, mmorpg, rpg
Id: z2Rig7koeHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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