[Lost Ark] Akkan Gate 2 tips for lantern mechanic

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys Munchies here and today we're gonna go over some tips and little things that I kind of learned that helped with the 110 HP Lantern mechanic for a con on gate 2. so the first thing that I'm gonna go over are some tips and some things to know about the mech itself so it has a timer so once you hit the mech if you slow damage down for any reason or if your group's damage is just low in total you'll see this Lantern Mech more than one time so it's very dangerous and it has a high chance of people dying and it's just one of those gimmicks that are really annoying to deal with so the first thing you want to do is immediately get behind a con when it starts he doesn't always start in the middle he can start this anywhere in the map sometimes um and the next thing is not to pay attention to how a con actually moves just make sure you're moving in the correct direction that the skulls indicate and the turns will always add up to 360 degrees so if he does the first turn is 90 degrees and then he does another turn for 90 the next turn if it's 180 degree turn that is a full turn like rotation if so to speak and try not to be right on top of the boss behind them uh I found it easier to leave like a little bit of space behind them because sometimes if you were hugging the boss directly behind them and he's turning or whatnot sometimes the game tends to think that you are in front of them so let's get into the mechanic itself and break it down so he starts the mechanic by drawing the circle on the ground with the scythe and as soon as he does this you want to be behind him and sometimes it's kind of hard to tell because there's all this flashing as you can see I kind of like walk in front of him at start then as soon as you realize that you are not behind them you want to get behind them as fast as you can there is a little bit of Grace in doing this because there's a little bit of time for you and as I said earlier you want to leave some space so kind of stand a little bit in like the bigger part of the Shadow because standing right on top doesn't really work out all that well all the time and I play a full spec class when I was doing this so I have like no bonus movement besides like the yearning buff and I was able to complete the mechanic just fine so don't worry about how fast you're moving or what have you now for the main part of the mechanic is the skulls right so he has these two skulls and they will glow so there will be one on his left and one on his right the one that glows is the direction that he is going to turn in his Direction so as shown above this one indicates that he's going to turn to his right so you're going to want to move away from it meaning the opposite of it so you're going to want to move up in that direction away from that skull now this is where you have to watch out for him being kind of like tricky right so he'll sometimes kind of Juke the other way to make you think he's gonna move the other way or something and you kind of Panic or like he just doesn't move at all basically just try to stay in the shadow as best as you can and you can just rotate around as you can see he did like this huge 180 here and you're still able to get in the shadow without an issue as long as you are moving in the correct direction that you are supposed to when he begins to turn but yeah the three main things is pretty much just move the direction that you're supposed to move don't get juked by him when he kind of like turns the other way and just make sure you stay in the shadow of the whole entire duration don't walk out too early and pay attention to the skulls because sometimes they can activate pretty quick and they show the indicators rather quickly like one after the other in succession but yeah if you guys have any questions comments and concerns about this smack please feel free to leave it in the comments below and I will see you guys in the next one bye thank you [Music]
Channel: Muncheezlol
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Id: 0OpAq9-re6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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