How To Fix Eac Offline in Lost Ark Part 2. (100% work for me)

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hello make with me again with part two of how to fix ESC offline Lost Ark this is simple but it's 100 work but there's another problem inside of the server of the Amazon itself so okay here's the here's the solutions right now sorry this is not I will type it solution is foreign support with your internet service provider and then wait wait and then made a requests to make an i IP static on your on your internet connection that you use right okay contact support with your internet service provider and then made a request to make an IP static on your internet that's only one sourcing that you can possibly do to be honest I try everything replacing the easy entity file problem using S6 LED or something using any VPN and still happen and I can even exit the game that's the proof I for the four months I can't even make the content I can't even log into the game with my my my my current Internet connection I'm just using my internet connections from my phone for my phone I mean the mobile phone right from your Android mobile phone it sucks but I I had to do it I need to I need still progression with the game I need to decline I need to do I mean Ficus I mean this this this problem happened two weeks Falton Falton second week fault and this happened yes it thinks let me show you I'm sorry right this thing happened I know most of the players getting attacked by this and then but some streamers just ignoring about this problem and pretending the game is good oh yeah yeah yeah yeah giving giving you giving him like feeding like the end of game content this is gonna be uh then the filter is gonna be like this in the future gonna be like this but they don't know this problem happen in your investor why I can possibly progressing again when this happened I got disconnected they don't they're not talking about this thing so sad shame on him it's some special but but but sadly it's just some specific range and happen if I'm connecting into North America West the connection is good there's no there's no ESC offline but in Europe Central I try to connect the server this happened this happen that's why that's why that's why this is like specific problem inside the server in Europe that's why I don't I don't know what I'm trying to my internet provider that's why because I still can't play in the game but in different server in in not my main account in another it's not my second account in North American West so there's no reason I I change I changed my internet connection right it's because the problem is the in Europe Central I mean I don't know about other server but in Europe Central some specific internet provider can possibly connected can possibly get it connected in that server I don't know maybe they mostly have good security or maybe they don't regret the quality of the server but my thing is oh only to conclusion first is they lower the quality of the server right now and yeah name lower the quality of the server and yeah that happened and then we get a kick or maybe the second is maybe they trying to block some bots so he can so they really hard to getting access into Europe Central but affecting to the real players so some real player can even Connect into the game again with his current connection that's weird so the core installation okay right now okay back in the top again so the current version is contact support contacts your support with your internet service provider and then made a request if this possibly okay if if your internet connection can possibly met a request to make an IP static just rip you can you can play this game but if possible matter request to make to make an IP static on your internet connection then you use in that in your internet service profiler that you use okay do it metal conduct and also oh yeah also one thing it only fixed this thing okay only fix ESC offline or disconnect from some specific internet provider to connect specific region example like Europe Central Europe Center have a problem in NLS I'm fine and good right now I'm finding good in not micros but the problem is am I in our way it's just fun it's just fun like it's just not my serious account the account what I Series in Europe Central okay but oh yeah the second thing is they cannot fix this thing this is this is directly from Amazon this is still happen like yes you offline but yes you're offline but disconnect like your game first is getting freeze and then been spiking from regular maybe 50 to 200 and then Spike like in 10k the 20K this is still can fix at the moment it just the problem inside of the Europe Central server I mean some specifics are I mean it's also happened in any ways to be honest it's also happening Nanos but right now for people still getting the SEO offline or disconnect there's no way to not doing this this is the only solution to fix I'm in this thing I'm in this thing this is the only current solution to fix the ESC offline so yeah that's it for me solving for me I leave it ranting because some of you are also getting mad right because this is offline and no one streamer or something giving us the solutions right I manage solution for you do this thing or but if do yourself Interceptor can't possibly do do this thing rip change your connections just that's it I don't have any solutions about this thing just change your connection or maybe you're just using your Pawn connection or whatever so yeah that's that's it for me so hope you like it and enjoy the video and make sure to subscribe uh I'm okay if you're not subscribed well I'm telling you the solution are trying to help the people who are still struggling to with the issue offline things bye bye peace
Channel: exoticreload
Views: 828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FGC, SurvivalHoror, MMORPG, RPG, IsometricARPG, Indonesian, English, HonestReview, lost ark, how to fix eac offline lost ark, Smilegate lost ark, Smilegate, amazon games studio, Amazon game, Ranting amazon, Amazon game studio suck, Amazon Suck, Zealsambitions, saintone lost ark, divium furor, divium furor vs stoopzz, asmongold tv, asmongold, New world, atk lost ark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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