[Lost Ark] Akkan Gate 3 tips for lasers at x140

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys Munchies here and today we're going to talk about the 140 HP Laser mechanic for a con gate 3. here's some general tips and some things to know about this mechanic I know it's a long list but I feel like the more you do this you will kind of do some of these things by second nature and you won't even take you that long to think about it so the first thing you want to do before you go into the fight itself you want to assign these six positions before you pull if you're the one assigned to that spot you're the one to hit G so you don't over rotate the statue the person at one o'clock will call the shape depending on how the statue will fire the laser it'll either be a hex or a star shape that you're going to draw if the statue fires an X it's hex so it's easy to remember so statue makes an X you draw a hex and Then star is the other one which is the plus sign so it fires up and down and left and right it'll be a star if your statue has a stagger bar make sure you stagger it as soon as you can if you're a spare make sure you go and help maybe one of the other statues stagger quicker uh when you're doing this mechanic you want to be on the outer ring of the map you want to be on the outskirts of the map behind the statues you do not want to be in the middle these lasers do a lot of damage and they will kill you so if you're making a hex it's the easiest one to remember you want to make sure your lasers are facing a counterclockwise Circle so for example if you are at six o'clock you would be aiming in a counterclockwise Direction which would be towards four o'clock if you're making a star you're just making two triangles and you're making a six-pointed star so if you are at one and four o'clock your lasers will always go straight left if you are at 11 and 7 you will be aiming at either 12 or 6 whichever one is furthest from the statue that you are at so for example if you were at seven you would be aiming at 12. it is important to know which way your laser is supposed to face after you get the shape announced so for example if you were at four and you had hex and your statue at four was already aiming up at the one o'clock you do not have to move that statue this prevents the laser from going across the map and potentially hitting somebody if you're the janitor and you're cleaning the pools inside prioritize the statue locations also to finish the mechanic quicker if you already know the shape before the map zooms out and you can already turn your statue feel free to aim your statue in the direction it is supposed to for example if you are four o'clock statue and you're making a star just go ahead and name the laser to the left before the map zooms out okay so let's get into it this is for example I'll start off with if you are one o'clock right I know I'm not at one o'clock in this spot right now but you will do something similar and the statue kind of does the same thing anyway so this is just an example so what you're going to do is you're going to stagger the statue first once you stagger the statue a beam will shoot out of it so as you can see it was diagonal and the diagonals means it's an X so X means you would have made an hex so if that was at the one o'clock position you would make a hex Okay so from 140 he's going to say the ritual of Decay begins he'll do a little chat box and you want to get to your positions you wait for your statue to spawn Dodge the aoes that are coming out this is why you want to be at the edge of the maps once you stagger the lasers will come out do not be in front of the laser okay so now I'm going to slow it down so some of the things I was talking about earlier cleansing the pools at the Statue as you can see at four o'clock here there is a bunch of pools By the lasers so he wants him to clean it because he needs it to be cleaned so he can move around a lot easier without having any troubles and you do not want to be in the middle of a map as you can see someone else ran out into the middle of the map so when you're in the middle a whole bunch of lasers cross these paths so if you're there you're going to get hit by it and you're just going to flop over and die like I just did so during this whole thing do your best to stay behind your statue if for some reason you can't stand behind your statue or if uh you're like in a bad spot you know try to find your way towards a statue that's finished rotating or an area where lasers aren't going to pass through anymore so like for example at seven o'clock he had a pool on a statue so he made his way to a safe spot and they know that at 11 o'clock there's no more lasers that are going to be passing through there so that is a safe spot no lasers are passing through there everyone lives no more damage is going out you don't have to eat pots and you're good and that's the end of the mechanic so if you guys have any questions comments concerns feel free to leave it in the comment section below and thank you guys for watching see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Muncheezlol
Views: 2,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New world, amazon, amazon games, boss guide, how to, amazon rpg, Lost Ark, Guardian raid, tytalos, guardian raid carry, alt guardian raid, lost ark na, tier 1 guardian, tier 2 guardian, how to do guardian raids, free carries, free carries for lost ark, alts, lost ark alts, na west lost ark, smilegate, lost ark na eu, how to do achates, achates, chromanium, helgaia, levanos, alberhastic, nacrasena, yoho, calventus, legoros, vertus
Id: iiNIkw1b5Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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