Lossless Scaling On The Asus Rog Ally: Frame Generation Is Here For The Ally!

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what's up Allies welcome to another video in today's video we're going to be showcasing lossless scaling and this is a way to get frame generation in your RG Alli some of you guys might not have the new update that brings frame generation from AMD so this is a good way to do without that and I feel like with this app you can actually use frame generation in more apps than you would normally with the AMD one so let's break that down I'll show you guys how to install this how to set it up and how to use it on your RG Li I'll also showcase some performance as well so if that's something you guys were interested make sure you hit the like button subscribe to the channel let's get right into this video so to get started this is a paid app on Steam so what you do is you just open up steam go to the store and search for lless scaling and it's a $7 app so it's pretty reasonable pretty affordable so once you download it it installs it creates the folder and it creates the app for you here so if you want to access it you just open up the app and this is what it looks like and you're good to to go so that's how you get the app is pretty simple now let me show you guys how to set this up so you can get the best performance on your RG so to set this up you just have to follow this profile here scaling Auto aspect ratio just leave it like that scaling types now they different types but just leave it off PR generation make sure you have lsfg on right here and another part that I think is important here is the draw FPS turn this on that way you can see it turn on when you actually started so when it's all set up here you have to do scale a time it goes up which I'll show you guys here in a bit so let me open up a game and showcase this one running so we're going to go home here we're going to open up a game like cyber Punk here hit play all right so when we are in the game sentence here this is really important that you set this like this so when you go to video here you have to make sure that you are in Windows so that's really important you can also use Windows board lless as well but yeah just make sure you have one of those set and then keep your resolution at 720 here so as you can see here we'll have a medium preset throughout this and just want to showcase my settings here all right so for this to work we're going to go back to the desktop here and we're going to open up Loess scaling and we're going to hit scale you're going to see it do a countdown right here next you just want to open up cyber Punk and you're going to see in the top left right here now you have that FPS count so so you might see the FPS here and it's a little blurry but this is the actual FPS that you're going to get so we're going to go to continue so you guys will see what this actually looks like all right so here we go as you can see normal FPS with my settings would be 50 48 but look at the top left here you'll see the FPS that we're now getting with lossless scal and so again we're getting 88 FPS here compared to 45 that we would normally get so again this is a good way to frame generate and it works pretty well you can also use this for for emulation as well so here we are again getting over 100 FPS cyberpunk medium settings let's change the sand real quick to high and see what we get here so we just going to hit high and you see drop a little bit so high set in cyber Punk we're getting 70 FPS here compared to the 36 that we normally get but as you can see here there's no ghost in this is pretty clear and again you get really good FPS with this one so if you guys looking for a good way to frame generate definitely check this app out and you can also use this with emulation as well I've played uh the user emulation using this and also the PS3 emulation and it also works really well with that as well so again would highly recommend this one for $7 you do get that performance boost on here it's pretty easy to set up and you're good to go yeah so guys this is lless scalin just want to showcase this one the rgi let us know if you have any questions below appreciate you guys we'll catch you guys in the next one till next time peace out
Channel: Ally in Hand
Views: 10,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rog ally, asus rog ally, rog ally z1 extreme, lossless scaling, lossless scaling rog ally, how to use lossless scaling, how to set up lossless scaling rog ally, rog ally lossless scaling, lossless scaling guide rog ally, lossless scaling review, frame generation rog ally, amd frame generation, amd frame generation rog ally, lossless scaling frame generation, lossess scaling frame generation rog ally
Id: aFCp9LA57rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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