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welcome back everyone to another insane craft episode today's episode is like no other because it's even more insane than the last one if you guys enjoyed the insane crab series hit the like button to get us over 30 000 likes we'll do another episode of the same craft a bonus episode this week and of course subscribe if you guys are new here as you can tell from my background i'm currently in the move i just moved in and i don't have my normal stuff but hopefully soon now on to the episode of insane craft all right you admin council of counseling let me get on your level let me get on your level hold on let me get on your left oh oh oh he's calling us he's calling us the smallest essentials oh you went you went too far dude yeah he took everything from you wait was that a fishing rod he just used to do that oh boy what's that that's an option all along well wait oh my god gonna we're gonna use the reality stone and we're gonna set everything back to normal why did you ask me to do that i can recreate the universe uh we're going to split up the stones among everyone so all of you will get one hey yeah hey you're gonna say let's go no you're gonna get one you're gonna get one you know everyone's can i choose which stone i take and two can i choose a piece of armor that i get back perhaps i mean i think i think we can consider like give them like the pants or something like that no no no no no no okay okay okay okay give me the helmet and give me a stone of your choice how about that how about that yeah that works okay all right all right well well thank you okay oh okay oh oh yeah uh man this thing's really difficult to do i got i got no no that's not the [Music] right oh my snap your fingers already flooring just snapped [Music] [Music] oh everything is back oh my goodness are you serious my house okay okay okay okay okay can i get my blue stone please uh yeah right now i want to stop wait it's wait we will get a stone right we all get one choice yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean i don't want the blue stone i don't give either the blue i think the blue stone stinks right jerome the blue storm really stinks [Music] [Music] oh because oh because i'm smart the mind stone [Music] oh [Applause] why why so many [Music] okay okay well here i'm gonna take my stone and i'm just gonna go back to my basement [Music] i'll see you guys bye oh my god what uh dark lord dark lord how long do you hide this first hey knock rod how are you doing hello get in here no i got the bites down i'm more powerful look at me look at me look at me i'm the only one left with infinity powers dude i'm the only one left i have no ability literally uh your contract has been broken how what no give back give the banker has the stones oh your contract is null dark lord i said i'll do anything doug not talking about anything is there anything else frost the dark lord dark lord is there anything i could do maybe in a future episode to get another powerful item i saw that there was a lot more stuff added please please frost listen i'll do it okay i'm sorry dark lord my bad it's very difficult i'm sorry dark lord my bad listen listen please listen let me just see the necklace real quick let me just see it for a second again just kind of can i say oh that's nice that's nice no can't have it anymore nope fine are you hissing at me what are you sorry i got a pain you're no longer a cat i know i'm sorry listen i'll i'll i'll be seeing you i'll be see you dark lord okay on the streets out on the streets of the streets on the streets of insane craft okay dark lord all right this is it over okay but please listen if there's any other like i'm the bad guy listen if there's any other powerful items you know let's we can talk later okay we'll talk in the next episode or something okay i have some ideas i have some ideas all right dark lord frost i'd be fro i'd be dark dark i'm still captain marvel so suck it ah oh god i'm no longer i was in the locker that's fine i have the mind stone because i have a big big mind i have a big of a big brain so that's why i have all right i need to meet up with the avengers and get any kind of information that i could give to study because listen we're both powerless now all i am is captain marvel i could just fly and shoot a freaking beam out of my hand like look what is this i used to be more stronger i used to be more stronger i mean it's still pretty cool though so yeah all right let's go find the avengers see if we can find any information out that might be useful for me getting more powerful or andored getting the stones back i want these stones i want these totes for myself i mean for me and thanos sunday well sunday now i guess so we'll figure it out where are you where are you when did you go hello sir where are you i'm right here i'm right i'm right here look at my buddy look at me do i look different to you you're captain marvel you're not big biff anymore i'm not big biff anymore dude my powers get back to captain piffle all of your powers are gone all of my powers i'm now all i could do is fly i got like a cool like pew pew right and i could i could boom and that's it that's literally yeah that's all i got in this thing well you know what i could do and now you're ice cold just like your heart okay what do you want robe what do you need from me okay okay well i wanted to show you the new secret elle avengers base that henry and i built you guys paid a new base i want to see it how do i get there where is it is it is it is it is it under my base is it under my base it's not under your base but we're gonna need to do something for me okay uh yeah you want me to take my face off i could i could like that no no no it's not that bring that bring it all right so biff i need you to put on this thermal padding so i have to take my armor off okay i put the no no no no no no you could keep your armor on i can't so if you hit e and you see the little glass face mask next to the crafting table at the top oh i put that there oh yeah dude i can help it though i don't know if i like that it looks weird you look dumb all right you're gonna have to follow me wait why do i do this i'm still captain biffle yes i could fly okay just making sure probably faster than you look at that see oh okay okay nice nice nice where are we going here we go uh hen's famous tomato soup bowl oh i love his soup bowl okay so underneath his soup bowl we have a portal that leads to the moon wait is that how do you have that kind of portal what um only infinity stones could do that hen might have oh anyway anyway you know that's okay i don't pay attention to that come on through buddy to the moon what do you think buddy is this a secret moon base yep all covered in reinforced obsidian to stop dancing this stuff is like this stuff is super hard to get through oh my you got carpet a little crafting area wait is this my room i love this room henry's room but you you can have that if you want no no i want to better come here i'm gonna can i build my own base here like across the way of course you can dude what is this room keep out especially hen yeah yeah that's mine yes i'm not heading so i could go in right i'm gonna go and i'm gonna i mean i'd prefer if you didn't just don't that's my toilet don't look in there i just pooped i just made a big poop in there big poop in there get away from my toilet i'm sorry i'm just i'm taking a look is this actually oh i got no gravity are those moon beings over there jerome this is scary out here i don't want to be out here did you just say moon beings there should not be moon beings there's like a weird moon being over there it's a whisp it's a wisp it's obviously i care this it's the youtuber wisp oh jeez oh well uh i guess it won't be uploading for a while yeah oh god sorry all right back to the mood base you think i can get yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get head there take some of that head dude this is sick dude i'm gonna make a base right across away from you that's gonna be bigger and better looking just letting you know that though okay that's fine just like you are uh oh i mean i mean with this helmet dude how's it gorgeous why am i glowing okay but remember keep it a secret yeah danny finds out who knows what could happen oh no no dude it's my secret dude wait how many of us does all the avengers know um pretty much all of it no only sigils and head i mean the the best avengers obviously no yeah the best of avengers so pretty much everyone but the ladman's and whatever nikko is joe what kind of stone what what stone did you get again i got this oh i got the red one oh you got the red the reality oh that's not bad yeah yeah yeah i would show you but you know i um i'm keeping it obviously you shouldn't be doing what i do just holding it around yeah i would never yeah yeah i gotta get out of there you're responsible you know what i might need to make a vault of some sort i just realized i need to i got i got business to do trouble thank you for showing me that okay listen listen if i have any secrets i think i'll let you know okay but i i'm honestly i'm pretty weak now i know dude i've always been weak yeah yeah yeah before you start crying at least you're not as weak as sigil's knees i got him now that we have that information from jerome since i'm still working with study to become the most powerful being in the universe and maybe betray somebody in the future but don't tell him that i mean well you know maybe we'll we'll see we'll see it's he's kind of hard to beat sometimes we got to get this information to suddenly that they're on the moon i mean i'm not evil just chaotic neutral yeah let's go with that effort my necklace was taketh from the darkest floor i just got vital information final okay jerob has showed me a secret base on the moon wherever the moon is that way i think yes went to the moon they went to the moon and made a secret base made out of very reinforced stuff and i was taken there and which one did jerome get jerome apparently got the reality stone the red one he told me he has no idea what it does he just hasn't i think i think it may be at the moon base so we got the reality that okay we're to get the moon base yeah uh okay okay okay i need yeah do you have the coordinates i've written down the coordinates i knew you're gonna ask that i listen i've i've been a sunday minion for longer okay okay okay okay please before we go do that before we go do that before i have an idea i have an idea what's your idea i'm gonna open up a dimension okay one you can fly right one yeah i can fly i go up here yeah yeah yeah right one one one one oh my god this is so beautiful looking with all the lights oh my god oh my oh no i'm good i'm flying i'm flying i'm flying careful oh i'm in make sure you're flying make sure you fly because i almost died wait what are we doing in the end we are in the end okay okay so they whenever they re-snapped the server uh-huh what is that is that get out of here what is this this is a draconium hold on i have fortune three sorry sorry i'm fine i'm still pretty strong but not that strong wait wait hold on what is wait is that draconic i mean you wanna we could you wanna you wanna just we can kill that if you want if you get noises no i know oh if you're cody wait we gotta leave daddy dragon ball are you saying draconian oh okay there is a set of armor okay called draconic right yeah it's one of the most broken armor sets in all of minecraft yeah there's orange stuff yeah so draconic helm duraconic oh wait there's draconic arm and swords awakened draconian ingots okay how to do this uh i'll be honest with you i don't think i've ever actually done it um oh you could get a dragon heart that's right we need to get a dragon heart which is hit i think from is it killing this dragon do you want to kill this dragon you want to just murder oh even though we're kind of weak we still one shot the end of dragon so uh yeah i just realized we're still relatively we made i think we made all the all yep they're all angry down there yeah we should just hey come here you don't want to grab that hard or you're just going to sit there and wait for it okay i got it that is the first part so if we want to get yeah uh awakened ingots that's how we make the the armor or the yeah the ingots so we need uh oh i got your codium dust that helps kick back okay biffle biffle we just need to set up our machines now once we get that armor i will become unstoppable yeah i'm gonna grab more there's there's literally tons i think everywhere go ahead just keep going what happens if you break it without smelting where are you at i don't know uh i'm a round just hanging out uh let's see okay come come today come to the egg in this one should we take the egg while we're here i know find some ore on the ground should be any ah i can't see i'm blind they gave me blindness i want to see what happens do you have a pickaxe yeah i got a normal pickaxe okay this one right here this one right here where are you there's so many things chasing me over here oh yeah yeah yeah there's dust there's dust i have dust draconic dust that's four of them okay bubbles let's go and let's get out of here i'm grabbing them i'm grabbing some mandatory let's go let's go let's go one eternity later all right before we have a good bit for now i never want to go back there i never want to go back yeah i got some stuff what do you think becomes stronger where is the what's the dimension what's the dimension the difference is the coordinate what are the questions uh let's see okay so the coordinates is gonna be uh dimension moon dimension x minus 355. are you writing this down do you have a pen and paper i'm trying to place this okay okay what is it what is it x y minus three five five three five five got it six five is the next one and then two seven nine six five and a two seven eight zero two seven nine two two seven can i trust you okay you trust me listen i am here with you when you're powerless i mean you're still kind of powerful once i beat once i become once i become strong again and i have all six stones we are on the road to become more powerful than even sunday that's my other motive but uh for now we're going to still team up with sunday until we become the strongest beings on the server once again if you guys enjoyed this video hit the like button subscribe if you guys are new here the next episode is going to be even more insane i have some crazy crazy ideas see you in the next one everybody bye
Channel: Biffle
Views: 681,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insanecraft, insane craft, insane craft biffle, nuclear, nukes, nuclear bomb, minecraft nuke, modded minecraft, minecraft, biffle, bifflewiffle, ssundee, sigils, insane craft smp, crazy craft smp, insane craft mod, insanecraft, insane craft modpack, minecraft insane craft, minecraft crazy craft, crazy craft, biffle minecraft, bifflewiffle minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft thanos, thanos, minecraft infinity gauntlet, insane craft admin, insane craft stolen, insane craft ssundee
Id: 5v_mqSfAhd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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