Loser Gets Isekai'd To Another World As Demon With Maxed Out Stats

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tuman is a lonely disgusting sweaty gamer who one day gets transported inside his game and instantly becomes the hottest Demon Lord in the world he goes for being a complete loser in life to becoming the owner of two beautiful slave girls and decides to rule over this world by clearing all the levels one day while try Harding in his favorite game like the sweaty gamer he is Tuma decides to level up his gear after winning a PVE match suddenly his screen starts flashing and blinds him when he opens his eyes he finds himself as his in-game character Diablo surrounded by two dumb looking girls one of the girls is an elf named Shero with two huge personalities and the other is a demium [ __ ] called REM they followed a ritual as they wanted to summon a familiar to help them on their Adventure but the summon turned out to be diabo himself he is shocked to see himself in the world of cross Ry and at first stays quiet like a [ __ ] while the two argue because of his timid and antisocial nature but then he gets annoyed at them for not giving him any attention and commands them to stop fighting and join his herum even though in the beginning they ref fused due to some magic they were forced to comply suddenly a collar appears around their necks and they get confused as the collar should have appeared on Diablo he suddenly remembers that he is wearing an anti-magic ring which not only nullifies any magic done on him but also reflects it they all go to the town to get registered in the adventure Guild and get a room together while they were figuring out how to remove the curse a knock Was Heard on their door a mage followed by her underlings enters the room and introduces herself as SS the chief mage of the town she tells everyone that she wants to talk to the [ __ ] they all go downstairs and over food sells talks to REM in a very cryptic manner Diablo asks sells about it to which her underling shuts him down rudely Diablo looks at him and swears to make a [ __ ] out of him before celus stops them both and moves out Diablo asks REM about the secret but she refuses to tell so he carries her to the room and starts playing with her hyper sensitive cat ears REM tells him that she is scared he will leave her to which he responds that he is the most powerful person here and that he will never leave her REM feels extremely happy and starts tearing up she ends up disclosing that she has the soul of kreb schulam the actual Demon Lord in her Diablo remembers this name from when he used to play the game as he was mentioned as the only Demon Lord but never appeared so Diablo once he became the most powerful player in the game ended up taking the crown of the Demon Lord she tells him that celus is trying to remove the Demon Lord from her body because if she ever dies the Demon Lord will be released and wreak havoc on the country Diablo tells her that he will find a way to extract her soul and then goes for a walk alone while walking he is confronted by the group of [ __ ] who were following Sills they seem drunk and insult him one of them summons a level 30 salamander which is a very high level on average and attacks Diablo the salamander breathes fire on Diablo but it has no effect on him as for him level 30 is Child's Play he walks towards the salamander while it is breathing fire on him and uses explosion magic to completely obliterate the creature he then reveals that he is level 50 which scares the rest and they all run away the next day Diablo Sher and REM go to register themselves as adventurers REM is already registered but Sher and Diablo aren't Sher fills up the forms for both of them because Diablo is an illiterate [ __ ] who can't understand the language of this world and after that they are supposed to touch a mirror which reflects their current level Sher is currently at a respectable level 30 whereas REM is stronger than her at level 40 however when diabo tries to touch the mirror the mirror goes is out of control and breaks after looking at his ugly face The Guild Master named Sylvie arrives at the scene she takes them to her office and tells Diablo that he's way too ugly and even stronger than her Diablo still wants to work with her so she gives him a quest which she thinks would be appropriate for an ugly insult their Quest is to defeat the giant man eating snake in the forests must have watched too much of man Vis wild they travel for 5 hours before reaching the forest but after walking in the forest for a while Sher points out that there are people following them diabo turns to her and asks her how she knows to which she replies that elves have a very sharp six sense she points out the positions of the followers up on the tree and Diablo uses his Ember rain magic to destroy all the trees flushing them out what an absolute [ __ ] the followers turn out to be Elven soldiers it turns out that Shera is the princess of the elf Kingdom and she has run away because she didn't want to marry her brother as is the tradition the Elven soldiers think that Diablo has made her his slave and tell her that they will free her but she refuses Diablo walks up and tells them that she isn't her slave and she can choose what she wants to do as she is a strong pro- feminist blue-haired Karen this results in the Elven archers shooting their arrows at him which has absolutely no effect on him the Ells get shocked and their leader comes in front to use his Tempest Arrow which is very strong and hard that's what she said he shoots it a Diablo who stands still and after the dust settles we see the arrow fall down like my self-esteem and Diablo walks unharmed he then uses Elemental Magic to create a freezing field which brings all the elves to their knees and forces a hooded figure out into the open this hooded figure is the guy from the Mage Association who attacked him with his salamander he put in this quest for Quest to Ambush diabo and take revenge he runs away like a [ __ ] after Diablo recognizes him and Diablo tells the elves to back away and never come back they all return to their Tavern and wait for another Quest the next day the next day Sylvia hands them another Quest again from the Mage Association but this time she promises that it can't be an ambush because it is given by SS herself Diablo accepts the quest but REM doesn't want to partake in this Mission so he tells her to stay and take Sher with him before going out they run into a young Adventurer named Emil his clad in golden armor and is apparently the strongest fighter of this Guild he challenges diabo to a fight as he thinks that he has imprisoned both Shera and REM Diablo agrees to the challenge and the fight begins Emil takes his stance and rushes towards him swinging his sword sword Diablo easily blocks it and pushes him back Emil gets shaken but repositions himself and gets ready to use a magic spell but before he could complete the enchantment Diablo hits him with his wand winning the fight Em wants to fight again but Shera and REM explain to him that Diablo was summoned by them after which he laughs and leaves them alone Shera and Diablo Embark upon their journey and reach the castle where they have to deliver some refreshment as a part of their Quest but when they reach there they realize that something is wrong every single guard is on the battlements and seems to be very on edge Diablo asks what is wrong to which a soldier replies that a group of 100 Fallen are approaching the castle deblo is surprised because Fallen are usually the boss level Demons of an area and they never attack in groups he knows that all of these soldiers won't even be able to kill a single fallen so he volunteers to fight for them they close the drawbridge and Diablo positions himself on the bridge the first Fallen comes up to him that's about to attack but diabo uses a magic blast which kills the Fallen and throws him away the others seem shocked but they still keep coming at him one after another and after he kills 30 Fallen their Commander a strongest Lancer amongst the Fallen walks up to the bridge and gets ready to attack she introduces herself as Adel and without any more words charges Diablo a surprising speed at Dela flamboy in India unleashes a flurry of attacks at him at blinding speed but he is able to dodge every single one of them without even trying to deflect or Counterattack diabo tells her to use her most powerful attack as all these pumy attacks wouldn't even scratch him she decides to actually use her most powerful attack on Diablo where she charges him and hits him with her Lance with an overwhelming Force three times and Diablo doesn't even Dodge this time taking the entire hit on his body just to break her spirit and the other Fallen Spirit when they see that even their Commander's strongest attack couldn't do anything the dust clears and Diablo walks out unscathed but he admits that this was the first time he even felt anything he tells her to surrender but suddenly he hears a soul soldier called him from behind telling him that a very strong enemy has entered the city and is massacring the adventurers in order to get cells and REM he quickly understands that they plan to eliminate cells so that the protective barrier Falls and they can attack all at once humor Ido and the other Fallen that he's going to use a very powerful attack and that they should back off but edel refuses so he uses one of his magical abilities which is so strong that it destroys everything in its path including every single Fallen person apart from edel who is Gravely wounded and backs off diabo quickly grabs Shera and uses teleportation magic to appear back in the town where he spots a dozen dead adventurers and a very wounded Emil fighting against the Fallen to protect cells and REM diabo gets enraged and walks in front of AAL telling the Fallen that he's going to die the Fallen uses his magic bullet ability which Diablo reflects in copies injuring him severely then the Fallen uses a special ability that increases the gravity on the enemy which again gets reflected on him and diabolo copies it and uses it on him with double of force pushing him into the ground on the brink of death the Fallen plea for Mercy but diabo uses his sealing magic to seal the demon Into the Dark Realm for eternity the next day Sylvie enters their room and informs diao that the elf Kingdom has issued a 10-day ultimatum for sher's return failing which they will declare war on the humans and she begs diabo to accept the quest of stopping the war which he accepts Sylvie takes Sher REM and Diablo to the lord of the Town who is himself an L powerful person to gain more information about the elves on the way she tells Diablo that he should better check how he talks in front of the Lord as he himself is an insanely powerful man whose power has never been measured diabo asks whether he is hard to talk to and she replies that he can be pretty scary sometimes which immediately scares Diablo who is already scared of having conversation they enter a huge mansion where they find the Lord seated across a huge table Sylvie starts talking in a very scared tone greeting the Lord and telling him that she has brought Diablo the strongest Adventurer that she has ever seen by far to assist them in preventing an allout war with the elf Kingdom The Man simply looks at them and tells them to go and figure a way out of this mess svie however requests him for more information but he replies very coldly that he has already told them whatever they needed to know Sylvie makes one final attempt at conversation and asks him to exchange introductions the man sze and gets up before telling them that he is the all powerful ward of this town and they have to follow his command at any cost the girls introduce themselves as well before Diablo's turn comes the girls are worried that Diablo will say something rude but they don't know that in reality he's extremely scared and's barely able to think what to say he somehow blabbers his name and is extremely happy at making conversation but he gets too zealous and also ends up threatening the Lord when he said that Diablo seems like an edgy teenager's name the Lord however lets it slide and tells Diablo that as the Lord of this city he is giving him the job of preventing the war and protecting the city at all costs he directs them towards a map and informs them that the elves are reported to be hiding inside of the dense forests near a lake and currently they estimate their forces to be near 100 individuals soie comments that it doesn't seem much like a force but the Lord tells her that it's not their numbers that are problematic but their strategies he explains to them that elves are masters of jungles they hide inside of the forests and before you can even spot a single one of them they will Massacre your entire platoon while keeping themselves concealed he tells them that if he himself goes with his troops he will lose countless men for no reason and that's why he is sending Diablo because he is a Caster Diablo looks at him menacingly asking whether he intends to discard him after their deal was done but the Lord refuses of having any intentions like that and even tells Diablo that he won't even have to go against the elves if he hands Sher over so that the Elven Kingdom can go back diao however outrightly refuses and tells the Lord that it is sher's own choice the Lord looks at sherah and asks her why she wants to leave her life of luxury and POS as an adventurer but she claims that she wanted to be known for things other than her bloodline because she is her own person and doesn't want to be overshadowed by the crown on top of her head the Lord seems to understand and tells Diablo that he doesn't care about this trivial matter as long as the war is avoided with that he tells them that they will be accompanied by a royal Emissary and introduces a nerdy Knight girl in glasses named Alice she claims to be a royal Knight which confuses Diablo and his party as they thought only men of extreme talent and a very high standing are allowed to become Royal Knights she looks at REM and indicates that she knows about the actual Demon Lord being inside of her and tells her that it was just a guess and that she shouldn't hesitate in asking any kind of help from her she dead moves on to Sylvie and hands her a big sack of money and tells her that this is for the reparations of the adventurers she lost in the last incident and then immediately goes over to Shera and striking friendship with her as well by telling her that she will do her best to protect her from her brother Diablo is shocked at this woman and her communicative abilities as within a matter of minutes she gained everyone's trust she then comes to Diablo and thanks him for defending the town the last two times and tells him that she will always try to be of help to him Diablo gets scared that a pure person like her might see through his Demon Lord Persona so he brashly replies that she should talk to her more carefully if she values her life Alice however simply apologizes and tells him that she will not repeat this mistake ever again they all get out of the mansion and start walking through the city REM asks him why they are not going to the jungles but H replies that they need to buy a new staff from him as the residents of this world are way too weak and he is scared of accidentally killing someone because of his overwhelming power so he decides to buy a weaker staff to restrict his magic he ends up buying a huge staff that looks like a scythe and starts making his way into the city when Sher goes on ahead out of excitement but suddenly someone throws a smoke bomb and tries to kidnap Shera diabo hears her voice and immediately swings his staff clearing the smoke only to find her being taken away by two [ __ ] bounty hunters they try to pursue them but are blocked by two more more dwarf bounty hunters diao however isn't in any move for such Shenanigans and simply strikes them away into the wall but before he could do anything another guy ambushes him from behind with an axe he is however saved by Alex who comes in the last moment and blocks the attack with her sword and Strikes him away the final goon is found out by REM in an Alleyway and punches him to Oblivion diabo realizes that the girls have got it so he charges behind Shera at an incredible speed and Corners them in an Alleyway they keep running however but are with by The Golden Boy Emil who struck them and saved sherah they round all of the bounty hunters up while sherah thanks him Emil tells her not to worry as he is the savior of women and tells Diablo to leave the bounty hunters up to him he takes them away while Diablo tells Shera not to leave his side ever and they decide to postpone the jungle plan till tomorrow and walk over to get some food the next morning CS arrives with her underlings at the guild and has breakfast with Diablo and informs him that she might have a lead on the slave collars and how to remove them they are surprised at this sudden development and ask her to elaborate and she replies that recently there has been a slave Caravan that has been put up which will leave the city in a couple of days the owner of the Caravan is a master in slave collars and she might be able to help them Diablo starts thinking about this proposition as he has to go to the forest to deal with the elves but even the slave collar problem is very important Alice tells him that their priority should be Elven Kingdom and preventing War but Diablo announces that defeating the elves is very easy and won't take much time so they will go and get the slave collars removed first he takes all of them into the town and they find a huge Caravan and is about to enter it when he gets cold feet as he starts thinking about the slave markets that he has seen in the manga they still enter the tent however and to his surprise the slaves in there seem to be living a fulfilling life drinking tea talking and laughing a tall woman of the big personality walks up to them and asks Diablo whether he wants to buy any slaves her eyes then fall upon the two girls with him and she tells him that if he wants to sell these beauties she can buy them for an exceptional price Diablo however tells her that these women are not slaves the one immediately comments about Diablo's strength claiming that she could see the unbelievable amounts of power he has within him which surprises him but sherah chimes in as well claiming that even she can see the power they hand her the letter given by cells and tell them that she has never worked upon reflected magic but since celus has sent them she will try to help the slaver woman suddenly looks at REM and comments that she can feel a very Sinister energy coming out of her which resembles that of an evil demon king this starts affecting REM badly so diabo shouts at her to shut up and to do what she is told REM tells him that she wants to go outside and stand there as she doesn't feel well and Alice volunteers to watch over air before going however REM asks Shera whether she could see this evil energy coming from her all along and she replies that she could and that's why she thought REM was a very powerful Adventure after they are gone Diablo is given the task of finding her magic flow in order to release her slave collar he tries to find sher's magic flow but the flow gets so complex that he is forced to quit and he decides to give it another shot some other day they all return back to the guild where he seems to be totally exhausted while REM and Alice offer their sympathies he claims that he finally learned how to see the flow of magic but the complexities are still lost on him and he can't figure out how to deal with it even REM claims that she is super tired today and would like to sleep which is agreed by Diablo as well she asked Alice where she's going to rest and she tells them that she has rented the next room and she will sleep there before she could leave the room however a sound of flute started playing REM thinks that the tune is melodic but Shar seems to be incredibly scared as she gets up from her chair sweating and shaking suddenly the door opens and an elf welding a flute walks in Shar is shocked to see him and calls him her brother asking him why he is here everyone is shocked to know about this new development while the elf introduces himself as Kira sher's older brother and the Crown Prince of the Elven Kingdom he about bows down in front of them and tells Sher that he's here to take her back to her Homeland as everyone is very worried Sher starts shaking and backs off while Diablo gets enraged and walks in his face threateningly asking him whether he was the idiot who put a bounty on Shera Kira admits that he put the Bounty out and tells him that he knows the bounty hunters were defeated and then captured by Diablo and his party he lies through his teeth claiming that he simply wanted to know that Sher was with a man who could take care of her and protect her and that he is very sorry for any problems that it might have created Alice speaks up about the war that has been declared by the Elven Kingdom but Kira replies that he has no intentions of going to war with the humans and it was declared by his father who was just very worried about Shara and her well-being Diablo starts thinking that maybe he is telling the truth but Shera suddenly shouts that her brother is not acting like himself and that usually he is not this calm and nice Alice backs her up saying that she believes he's trying alternate measures to obtain her as he failed the last time with his forceful me means Kira however simply starts apologizing and claims that he was way too engrossed in his kingdom and with ruling so he never gave as much attention to Shera as she deserves and Promises to make amends and asks her to come back with him REM however speaks up that she doesn't know whether Kira is lying or not but according to her what matters the most is what sherro wants and she should get to decide whether she wants to stay here or go back to the Elven Kingdom surprisingly however kir agrees and says that shar's feelings rather of the most he apologizes for coming in Uninvited and claims that Shera seems to be emotional at the moment so he will come again tomorrow to ask about her decision once again diabo asks in whether he will declare war if her decision remains unchanged and she still wants to stay with him but Kira immediately tells him that he will do no such thing as he values her feelings if she decides to stay here he will simply back off and return to his kingdom once again alongside his troops Kira however strikes the same question and asks Diablo what would he do if Shera decides to come to the Elvin Kingdom diabo replies that it is never going to happen but still if Sher decides to go back to the Elven Kingdom he will gladly let her leave and do whatever pleases her that night Shara seems to be unable to sleep as she watches outside of the window Ren wakes up and they start talking about what happened today REM asks whether Shara trusts her brother's Behavior today but she replies that she has no idea whether her brother was lying or not REM asks what her decision will be and she outright replies that there is no way she's going back with her brother and that she will stay with her and Diablo she tells REM that her goal is to keep adventuring and then to open a cafe which will serve a lot of food and drinks to other adventurers so that she can hear all their stories she says that once she opens her Cafe they can become Cafe Maids while Diablo can become the bartender REM Smiles but becomes emo as she repli that as of now she can't seek herself in the picture as she is burdened with a problem of her own Shar asks whether she could help with anything but REM replies that no one can help her in this regard they decide to sleep for the night and begin a new tomorrow while Kira stands at top a tree inside of the forest playing his flute and laughing at the Diabolical plan that he's going to hatch next the next day comes and Alice accompanies REM to report to SS about Prince Kira's arrival and Alice tells Diablo to keep up his guard if Kira comes after their departure diabo starts making potions while Sher watches and after he is done he decides to wait for the rest to come but suddenly he curs a familiar Melody is the same flute Melody that he heard the day prior he looks out the window to see a carriage with Prince Kira inside of it playing the flute he turns to see Shera standing near the door telling Diablo that she wishes to return to the elf Kingdom to be with her brother diabo tries to stop her but she refuses to stay here and tells him that she has duties in her kingdom he runs after her and looks on in dismay as Kira helps her into the carriage and reminds Diablo about the promise of respecting sher's decision Diablo watches in despair as Kira orders the carriage to move and take Shera away he stays standing there in disbelief till he he is stirred out of his thoughts by Alice and REM who just arrived diabo tells them about Shera and sadly goes back to his room heartbroken he stays depressed the entire day just lying on the bed but in the evening REM comes inside the room and sits by him he discloses that he is sure that there is some magical property in Kira's flute that made Shar act that way but he has no way to prove it REM gets up and tells him that she's going to save Sher with or without his help and after a few words of motivation Diablo gets up and tells her that he's going to save Shar Diablo alongside Alice and REM enters the forest and ends up burning the entire Forest down in pure rage all the hidden elves rush out of hideing and try to save themselves he walks into a tent in the middle of a plain area and spots sherff bound to a post getting harassed he gets mad and slashes at her bounds and the Slime sticks to her humming her he tells her that he will never leave her alone and turns towards Kira he is shocked to see the entire Forest burning and he tells Diablo that he is breaking his promise Diablo says that Shar was under influence and that's why she went with you to which Cara again asks Shara whether she wants to come to him and snaps his finger Shar immediately gets possessed and replies that she wants to go back to Kira but Diablo orders her as her master to tell the truth about the influence of any magic and the Magical slave collar nullifies Kira's magic Shar tells them that she wants to stay with Diablo which enrages Kira and he summons one of the most powerful monsters known to kill Diablo the Monster turns out to be a Hydra with multiple heads and Diablo is shocked as he hasn't seen this monster in any games he uses his magical ability to test its defense but is surprised to see that it has regenerative abilities on par with his the Hydra also uses Elemental Magic which Diablo is unable to reflect he tries and fails to find an opening or some kind of weakness in the summon Sher shouts from behind him telling him that Hydra has a core that keeps moving all over its body and if you destroy the core Hydra will disappear Diablo takes the Vice and charges at the summon dodging its attack and slides underneath it attacking his body with an extremely powerful attack that blows its entire body along with its core killing it Kira is in disbelief and falls down Diablo walks up to him ready to kill him but Shera tells him not to diabo listens to Shera and lets him go but before Kira could run away his head was chopped off by an invisible attacker everyone is shocked as the attacker turns out to be the lord of the Town who brought all his soldiers with him he tells Diablo that he's going going to invade the elf Kingdom and demands that he hand over Sher when Diablo refuses to do so he captures him in a magical cage which he can't get out of Alice walks in front of him and draws her sword but before she could blink her sword is cut in half by the Lord diabo tries to find the flow of magic in the cage and figures out its core destroying it and getting out of the cage the Lord challenges Diablo and he accepts he doesn't give Diablo the chance to recover and charges at him with a flurry of attacks which Diablo can only try to dodge but still gets hit a couple of times Diablo assesses that the Lord is at least at level 120 which is the highest he has seen in this world Diablo is forced to use a trap to stop the Lord which impresses him Diablo then uses a freezing spell to capture him but before Diablo could recover he breaks through the spell and almost hits Diablo with his sword but he is able to blast in away with a magic spell which ends the fight instantly diao refuses to kill him and returns to the guild guest house to recover from the excessive energy drain one day while in the forest REM and Sheron decide to take a bath in the Stream but suddenly Diablo hears REM scream he rushes to the spot and is shocked to see idel holding REM she lets her go once she spots Diablo and tells them that she now knows that the soul of the Demon Lord is inside REM she assures Diablo that she isn't here to hurt REM as if they hurt REM they risk the life of the Demon Lord as well Diablo and edel make a PCT she promises to teach him how to free the demon Lord's soul from REM without harming her if he lets her free the Demon Lord Diablo agrees as he feels confident that after the Demon Lord gets released he can defeat him in combat she tells him to meet him at Starfall Tower a couple days later the day finally comes but before they can go outside Alice visits them and tells them to stay indoors if possible because there is a very highlevel imperial knight who works as a paladin and has arrived in the city before she can guide them back inside they run into the Paladin with his underlings he looks at Diablo and mocks him for calling himself the Demon Lord and when REM tries to intervene he uses his spell to push her to the ground diabo recognizes the spell and threatens him which works and he releases the spell he then turns towards Diablo while mocking him and uses a petrification spell on him which Diablo easily reflects the Paladin is shocked as he petrifies and turns into a rock his underlings quickly fetched him and ran away with him diabo says that the magic spell will wear off sooner or later and that he should be fine he then returns to his room with the others where REM tells Alice about the pack between Diablo and edel Diablo arrives at the Starfall Tower with the rest where edel is already waiting she tells REM to lay down on the stone table and teaches Diablo how to release the Demon Lord Diablo finds the magical core of REM and is able to release the Demon Lord who to everyone's surprise turns out to be a little girl she seems to be extremely Nave and impressionable when sharah tells her that if she doesn't kill humans she will give her biscuits she agrees to that proposal Adele seems to be surprised but respects her decision diao is torn as the little girl doesn't want to fight him as she thinks she has no cause to so he decides to take her back with him for now while coming back a giant Fallen appears in front of them he bows in front of the Demon Lord and asks her when are they going to wipe out The Mortals she looks at him confused and tells him that they won't kill a single human as otherwise she won't get any biscuits this enrages the Fallen who are the strongest and the oldest Fallen alive he decides that the resurrection is incomplete and decides to kill her so they can Resurrect The Demon Lord yet again again he charges at her but his attack is blocked by edel who tells him to respect the demon Lord's decision he pushes her back and jumps at her punching her straight in the body and grabbing her head squeezing it because she couldn't Resurrect The Demon Lord correctly before he could kill her though Diablo attacked him with his magic attack which he dodged he charges at him but Diablo places a magical mind beneath him that explodes when the Fallen steps on it surprisingly it has no effect on him and he pursues Diablo again he closes the distance and attacks Diablo with a magical Lance but Diablo uses his magic reflection ability which hurts him he realizes that he can't defeat Diablo so he decides to attack the Demon Lord instead but REM saves her by pushing her out of the way diabo blocks his way and threatens to kill him but the Fallen changes himself into a bird and runs away Diablo decides to take the little girl back with her to keep her safe and Shera names her Clen when they reach their room diao falls on the bed completely exhausted after using all his magic the next day Diablo VES out with the rest of the group to get breakfast but on the way back he notices that Alice CLM and REM are missing he goes back to check their room but it's empty he gets more and more frantic as he tries to search every alley for the three meanwhile Alice takes CLM and REM to a dark alleyway and after a while she reveals to REM that she wants the real Demon Lord to come out of Clen as she hates humans and their corruption she wants the Clen to kill everyone so that Humanity can start from the beginning REM is shocked to her core but before she could reply the Paladin appears with his followers Alice turns both CLM and REM over to him saying they are the demon Lord's supporters REM summons a beast and tries to stop the Paladin but he kills her summon and captures it in a cage he takes them to the church where he decides to torture REM for information in front of Clen he cuts off rem's ear and stabs her in the shoulder Clen tries to stop him but he slashes at her cutting her a bit she gets angry he notices that she is a demon so he tries to kill her but REM runs in and takes the attack instead they both fall to the floor and then the Paladin walks up and stabs REM four times killing her this fills Clen with blind rage and she converts into the actual Demon Lord killing the Paladin in an instant she blows up the entire church and goes out of control Diablo spots the explosion and runs towards it she tells Shara to find REM and gives her healing potions while he get ready to stop the demon king at any cost CLM attacks Diablo but he's able to dodge her he realizes that even though the attacks are not hard to dodge they are incredible powerful he decides to use his most powerful spell to try and stop CLM he starts putting magic circles around CLM while dodging all her attacks Clen realizes the pattern and instead of punching him uses her dark magic attack which diabo blocks at the last moment she doesn't give him the time to recover and attacks again but this time he reflects the magic even after such a powerful attack she gets up and hits Diablo with a giant boulder he gets up and starts running around her creating magic circles again meanwhile Sher uses all the magic potions and is able to revive REM but before she could move a giant boulder flew towards them which was thankfully blocked by a meal who escorted them out of the fight finally Diablo completes a circular ring around her and uses her magic spell which is incredibly powerful Clen Gravely injured is still able to get up and Diablo is almost out of magic but RAM and Sher approach her they talk to her and are able to get through to her actual self which helps her break through her rage and she turns back to her normal self by the time is over the son has risen and Sylvia approaches them she tells them that she can't trust Clen and wants to turn her over to the Imperial guards but diabo proposes to enslave CLM which will force her to obey his command Diablo is successfully able to enslave her and Sylvie decides to hide the fact that CLM is a Demon Lord they go back to their room where at night Alice walks in and holds Sher at knife Point she leads them to another room where a Gravely injured Idol is lying down she pleads with them to save her and even though Clen refuses to help diabo tells her to save the girl she casts a powerful spell on Adel saving her Alice gets overwhelmed by their goodness and decides to take her own life for betraying them but diabo uses his magic to disintegrate her sword saving her he tells her to live her life trying to compensate for all the lives that are lost because of her and she smiles at him through te eyes and agrees a couple of months have passed since that last incident and Diablo has been chilling out alongside Shera and rim one day they decide to go out to get some well-deserved sunlight when Diablo decides that he wants to try out a new magic when the girls ask what kind of magic he wants to test out he reveals that he has been trying out flying magic for a while now and believes he is ready to show them he walks towards a dead rotten log on the ground and takes out his want before chanting a magic spell suddenly the log starts floating which totally surprises both the girls as they have never seen something like this before diabo tells them that for a demon king like him flight magic is nothing and to show them how good his magic is he jumps on top of the log he then decides to flex some more and use uses his magic to fly even higher and further away from the girls but the log starts wobbling and he realizes that he needs to master the spell even more while thinking about increasing his level he suddenly spots a huge beam of light coming from the middle of the forest and even the girls seem to sense some very strong magic being used deep inside the forest diaba starts moving towards it fascinated by the strong Aura when suddenly his own flight magic wears off and he starts falling down he thrashes through the tree branches and falls on something soft and gooey he then turns around to see a white-skinned beautiful girl laying on the ground who starts calling him God he seems to be confused at this while a guy starts screaming at him for killing his Beast mushroom diabo realizes that the guy seems to be a paladin from the holy church and looks like he really loves sausages diao quickly Stars acting like a tough guy and tells the pride flag that he doesn't give a [ __ ] about his mushroom as he is the Demon King but before he could complete his sentence the girl starts calling him God again she looks at him with eyes full of devotion and introduces herself as Lum who is a devout follower and has been praying to him for an insanely long time she covers herself and thanks Diablo while confused about her calling him God suddenly the sausage guzzler claims that Diablo is no God and he is just a lowly demon and Diablo tries to correct that he is a demon king but the girl interrupts again and calls him God she claims that Diablo appear here from the heavens because of her prayers she then warns Diablo to be careful as this Paladin is a high-ranking man and very dangerous while the Paladin gets pissed off at them and claims that he will kill them both diabo turns towards him and asks why the church wants to kill a priest but the Paladin replies that he is just following orders of a high-ranking guy from the church called Visos the Paladin then decides that he has talked enough and uses a vial to create a giant Hunter worm who Diablo recognizes to be at least level 60 diabo commends him for having such a high ranking familiar as in the city no one is this strong but claims that it is no match for him suddenly the ground beneath Diablo gives way and he falls down alongside Lum to find the warm head blade a trap he catches Lum and Dodges before the worm can shut its jaws and jumps up through the hole back to the surface after that he quickly turns back and uses a wind magic to easily shrew the worm into a million pieces which shocks the Paladin as he didn't expect such a high level of wind Magic from Diablo Paladin seems to be a bit shocked but mocks Diablo by saying that he can't use that magic again because it consumes a lot of Mana but diabo replies that he can fire that spell 100 times if he wants to Paladin gets mad and thinks that Diablo is lying before throwing a couple of vials on the floor that convert into a bunch of monsters that are pretty high level this doesn't phase Diablo at all and uses a huge ice magic spell which immediately covers the entire ground with ice and freezes the Paladin alongside all of his monsters in an instant after that he turns towards Lum only to realize that she must be feeling really cold as well but she simply moves forward and gets knocked out in diao's hands REM and Shera both run inside of the forest and spot him holding an unconscious girl in his arm and ask whether he assaulted this girl as well he tells them that he has stopped doing that and tells them to follow him and they leave for the town by the time May Falls Lum wakes up in the bed surrounded by REM and Sher and they quickly become friends Lum asks about their relationship with Diablo and they reply that he owns them as they are his slaves Sher immediately starts disclosing all the details about Diablo but REM immediately shuts her up and claims that Diablo is simply their party leader meanwhile in the other room Diablo instructs Clen to not leave the room and simply munch on the biscuits that she has he then returns back to Lum and the others where Lum immediately asks whether he is God or not diblo realizes that he can't reveal who he is and claims that he won't tell her anything until she shows her true worth and Lum immediately gets off the bed and bows down in front of him before claiming that from now on she will be in his service he asks what position she belongs to in the church and she starts shining brilliantly before claiming that she is the high priest of the Central Church this shocks everyone around them as the head priest is one of the highest ranking people inside of a church remas is a paladin from the Central Church after one of the highest ranking priests in the whole Kingdom and Lum replies that the church is controlled by people known as Cardinals and she believes that one of the Cardinals have some kind of beef with her so instead of challenging her to a boxing match they decides to assassinate her moreover all the paladins or the church kns follow the head of the Cardinals known as Visos diabo asks whether she has any idea why the Cardinals might be angry at her and she thinks before replying that she questioned them about the illegal goods and money they have or maybe she ordered an investigation on them diabo realizes that she has the brain capacity of a hot dog and cares for morals more than her own life as she doesn't even understand how easily these men can take her life REM asks why she was inside of the forest and Lum replies that she set on a journey from the Royal Capital Through The Old Demon Lord's domain into the nearby city where the head Paladin was sent earlier she wants to tell him everything that has been happening in the church in the guise of God's work and wants to expose Visos Ren thinks that making a YouTube video about them would be easier but Lum claims that the head Paladin is a celebrated Warrior Who has fought in countless Wars and is really Noble as well she claims that he will definitely help her and even protect her from these men as Tria one of her Paladin friends knows him she cries over the death of her friend while REM claims that the church will send more assassins after her once they learn that she is still alive she vows that she will not be scared of these men and will cross the border into the bordering City to find the Paladin diabo suddenly remembers that the area passes through a dungeon that he wants to explore anyways after hearing her sob story both REM and Shera look towards Diablo and begs him to escort Lum through the city so she reaches the Paladin safely he thinks for a bit and realizes that interfering with church business can be very problematic as the church practically runs the entire country but he doesn't want to leave this poor girl alone to fend for herself he comes to the conclusion that if he simply just walks with her and leaves her near the next city then he shouldn't get into any problem he jumps aside and gets into his Demon King mood before telling them that you will help her because he is so strong and powerful Lum drops on her knees to thank him when suddenly Clen enters the room with idel who immediately starts crying about more biscuits as the ones she was eating her over Lum immediately gets wary of them and asks who they are as she can feel very dark and Sinister magic coming from their bodies meanwhile both Clen and edel they alert about the presence of a priest from the church as her magic Aura seems to be annoying them Diablo is impressed by their magic sensing abilities but suddenly realizes that if this keeps going on they will end up fighting adol doesn't spare a moment and immediately rushes to punch Lum but diao stops her at the end Moment by blocking her punch he starts talking in his Demon Lord voice and tells them that the next time they try to fight each other will be the last time they can ever fight and they both resign while Clen tells her to stay away from her biscuits otherwise they'll smell bad the following days they immediately left to the neighboring City on a magical ship that floats on Sand and after 2 weeks of Ruthless travel in which they had to face a lot of storms sunny days days and they even got lost but finally they are able to see the magical tower that was their first destination they all get off into the City and Sher immediately starts whining about feeling hungry but REM tells her to shut her trap up as they are here to take Lum to the Head Paladin and moreover after looking around the city they realize that doesn't seem to be very Lively either while walking Diablo encounters a small girl who asks whether he wants to know the location of a newly located dungeon and claims that he is the dungeon guide as well as a master lck picker named horn Di asks what kind of dungeon she is talking about and she replies that there are huge lion statues at the entrance which immediately catches Diablo's attention he grabs her and asks whether the dungeon has 13 floors but the girl honestly replies that no one is able to cross the third floor so she doesn't know Diablo asks s to the third floor has a bunch of multicolored slimes and Horn tells him that she did in fact see a bunch of colorful slime there Diablo realizes that is the dungeon that he has been looking for while horn asks who he is before he can even reply he notices that Lum has gotten herself into trouble once again she seems to be defending a poor woman and her child who really need a priest to heal a kid but the Paladin kicked her aside because she didn't have money horn tells him that this could be problematic as the paladins in this area are massive [ __ ] and are very violent towards anyone who stands up to them he notices that Lum is engaging in argument and being but he likes this aspect of Hera notices that the Paladin raises his fist for a punch but Diablo immediately appears in the middle and uses his magic wand to blast him away in an instant the Paladin falls to the ground while Sher celebrates but Diablo immediately turns his attention towards the poor woman and asks what's up the woman tells him that her child is sick and shows a bunch of tattoos on his thigh diabo immediately recognizes the disease as the death nail disease which is an epidemic she claims that her son needs a doctor immediately because if there are any more marks he's going to die Lum tells her to take the child to the church but the woman starts crying as horn explains that the church takes a huge amount of money to heal any kind of disease Lum can't believe that things like this are happening in this world but horn tell her to wake the hell up as the real world is ruthless finally she looks at the crying child and claims that she will heal the child herself no matter what horn claims that it's easier said than done but Lum replies that God will protect her before asking Diablo for permission he gives her a go ahead and she gets ready to perform the ritual the baby is placed on a sheet and everyone drops down and starts praying for the child suddenly clouds gather all around the sky and as Lum touches the baby's forehead the entire area starts glowing in bright yellow everyone kneels down at this show of tremendous magical energy which even surprises Diablo who suddenly notices that the marks on the baby fade away completely shocking everyone the baby immediately starts feeling better as the others celebrate the recovery of the Poor Boy while the others are still in awe at the miracle that they just saw suddenly the ground starts shaking which scares everyone a man on the towers starts ringing Bells claiming that the monster called the colossal whale is coming towards them the sand whale seems to be chasing the magic boat that is heading straight towards the city and Horn claims that if the whale hits the city the entire area would be destroyed completely they all are scared but Diablo takes the command and claims that he will stop This calamity everyone tells him that this is way too dangerous but he arrogantly replies that he is the Demon Lord From Another World who can easily defeat the monster he gets ready but is really nervous because he doesn't use this magic very often but he grits his teeth and starts chanting a spell before a dark dark magic ball emerges from his wand and becomes a black hole which starts sucking everything inside of it he then chants another spell and puts his wand on the ground and suddenly a huge Arrow emerges from the black hole but he is scared that even this might not be enough to defeat a monstrosity like this he realizes that he has no other options and uses his final spell combo and releases the magic Arrow which goes through one of the black holes and hits the whale in the face the whale seems to be unaffected as it marches on but stops after a while before a huge dark magic EXP explosion which starts disintegrating the whale and sucking it into the black hole but doesn't seem to be enough when suddenly an unknown man uses a special attack on the whale damaging it heavily Diablo is surprised at the strength of the magic when suddenly an unknown woman uses a magic gun to destroy the whale's body which shocks him as only a very high ranking person can use a magic gun the whale finally falls down and the threat is passed while Shera and REM thank him for defending the city he tells them that it was nothing for him when suddenly a man on Horseback arrives with a Spear and asks Diablo whether he is the person who used the dark magic blast on the monster Diablo immediately senses his strength when all the paladins in the area rush around the man calling him boss and lie that Diablo is the Demon Lord who was creating problems in the city Lum recognizes him as the Lord of paladins bat and diabo realizes that they might be in trouble he proudly claims that he used the dark magic while bat claims that he was the one who attacked the Beast later impressing Diablo as that means this guy is at least level 130 Lum walks up from behind and asks bat why there are so many paladins present in the city who are not helping the poor people and asks whether the Cardinals gave this order bat immediately recognizes her rank but one of the stupid paladins starts rudely telling her to piss off or he will piss all over her which angers bat and he punches the man into Oblivion bat immediately descends from his course and drops on his knees apologizing for the words of his underlings claiming that he only saw her once when she was little diaba contemplates whether they could trust him when a woman speaks up from behind and Diablo is shocked to see her flying before he notices that she has a special cloak called the Crimson wing and is also holding a magic gun in her hand bat screams at her to show some respect towards the head priest but the woman tells him to stuff his spear up before descending to the ground and introducing herself as fan who governs this area she asks whether Lum is here to claim even more money from the poor people in this area while bat claims that they are forced to ask donations from their followers as the church has been closing down and they have no money fan ask s doesn't their God give them money if they want it so bad but Lum starts preaching about how they are only Believers which will piss anyone off to be honest fan immediately puts her gun in lum's face and asks whether her God will protect her now while both bat and Diablo try to attack her surprisingly she's able to dodge both of the attacks and starts floating in the sky making fun of them for believing in God after that she claims that she has no interest in the church and is only looking for the person who used the dark magic on the whale this scares Diablo a little what he asks her what the hell she planning to do with that person and she replies that she will make him work for her and if he resists she will employ him by force he then leaves the area claiming that she will be back soon while Diablo realizes that she already knows it was him who used Dark Magic by the time evening Falls they all sit in a carriage where bat tells Lum that they all should rest in his Mansion when Sharon notices a huge number of people waiting in a long line bat replies that they are all waiting to meet the priest in the tent because fan has closed down all the churches in her jurisdiction he claims that everyone wants to meet the priest and receive a miracle to help them with their problems and for that they stay in line for days on end Diablo then notices a group of wealthy looking people chilling on chairs and bad explains that they are also waiting in lines but are being given the VIP treatment because they offered large sums of donation Lum seems to be shocked by this but bat claims that they don't have enough priests so they are forced to focus on those people who are offering more money to the church they finem men reach bat's Mansion where they eat a bunch of curry after which Lum asks bat if they can talk alone later that night REM Lum and bat have a conversation in private where he explains that he has created a paladin Brigade in this city for the protection of the one priest here but it was totally his fault for letting these paladins turn Rowdy and disrespectful towards the locals over here he promises Lum that you will take care of this problem before telling her that there is also the death male disease that they need to figure a way out of as it is taking lives every single day Lum seems to be taken aack and ask bat whether he even thinks that this is some sort of disease and he NDS an agreement she claims that this is not a disease but a curse and she realized it when she was healing that poor child in the city according to her someone is casting a large scale curse magic and intentionally threatening the lives of the people in the city bat seems to be taken back by this and slowly Smiles before claiming that he didn't think she will be able to tell the difference L immediately gets up from her seat asking what the hell does he mean when she starts feeling weak and drowsy before falling over to the ground REM realizes the treachery and tries to defend herself when suddenly she notices the scented candle and even falls off to the ground sometimes later Diablo Sher and Horn enter the room after getting tipped off about something being wrong they find no one there and Horn claims that he saw bat take them away it turns out that Diablo had his suspicions about this guy but he didn't think bat would make his move this soon and because of that he got an upper hand on the other hand both Lum and REM wake up and find themselves hung when across inside of a weird ritual chamber which seems to be insanely large while they were trying to figure out a way to ES Escape they notice bat walking up the stairs alongside his thought secretary named shill they walk up and get ready for a ritual but Lum claims that no ritual can be performed in such a corrupt place but bat simply laughs and claims that the ritual will work just because how corrupt it is he then tells shill to show them the jar she has been carrying which contains someone's deadly snot and claims it to be the curse that is causing the death nail disease he claims that this curse is pure evil and for that he keeps recruiting devout men and makes them commit sins like gluttony and blood which Powers his C Powers she asks him why he wants to condemn so many poor people to death but he claims that he only has one person who he wants to kill and that person is fan herself long cannot understand what led to such a noble and Pious man to get converted to the dark side willing to commit genocide just to kill one person he claims that this is all because of the problems that he has faced in his life his family was killed his best friends betrayed him he was threatened by his superiors he claims that all these things made him greedy and sinful and there is no going back he then tells shill to torture the head priest before killing her and moves away sh gets up to the Altar and takes out her whip for torture but just diabo arrives just in the nick of time he looks around the area and realizes that in the game this is where he fought the boss battle to finish the level suddenly he hears bat's voice as he walks towards him claiming that he knew diao will come diabo smiles and tells him that he has already beaten out the information about bat's operation here from every single Paladin he could find in the mansion he tells bat that he knows that he created the death nail disease and proudly claims that he is the Demon Lord From Another World who knows everything but bat doesn't believe him he feels bad about it and realizes that only REM and Shera were dumb and trusting enough to believe that he is in fact The Demon King bad acknowledges that Diablo has an unreasonable amount of strength and magical capabilities but asks whether he is good at fighting on top of stairs this pisses diblo off and he takes out his wand and uses explosion Magic on bat creating a smoke of dust everywhere which ends ends up causing a triamer and rocks start falling from above the stairs beneath him give out he falls down to the ground while bat claims that if he is smart he won't use that attack again as it will kill his friends as well diabo realizes that bat is right and alongside that he is extremely fast as well he thinks about his options but bat pushes forward and uses his spear to thrust at him Diablo is able to dodge the initial blow of the spear divides into three and causes a very deep wound on his left arm diabo quickly tries to heal his own hand wound while trying to show himself to be confident in the face of adversity after that he creates a magic Blast from his wand which is like a homing missile and only attacks its Target without affecting the nearby area and simultaneously places a bunch of mines on the wall Diablo expected bat to get scared and jump over the ball towards him but instead bat simply drops down the stairs while holding the ledge with one hand and waits for the ball to pass after which he comes back up again this totally shocks Diablo and he doesn't have a counter as bat uses one of the strongest martial arts technique and thrusts his spear deep into Diablo's chest while he's unable to defend his heart gets stabbed as his wand Falls from his hands and he realizes that he is going to die bat takes out the spear from his chest as he falls to the ground and laughs in his face claiming that he always makes Flawless preparations to even crush the strongest opponents suddenly diabo grabs his arm and happily claims that killing a Demon Lord is not that easy before using a massive magic spell which starts freezing his entire arm into an ice statue back gets scared and immediately drops his spear before using his free hand to cut off the other one diabolo laughs in his face and acts all confident while on the inside he is extremely scared as he really thought that he would die and the only reason he survived is because of a magic item which can soak up one deadly attack and alongside that his horns went into a to recovery helping him heal quickly bat seems to get scared at this point and thinks that Diablo is Immortal and uses his last card in play shill immediately takes out a knife and walks towards REM threatening to kill her if die Diablo doesn't stop Rim shouts at Diablo to keep fighting but he stops immediately while realizing that he is out of options at this point when suddenly an arrow hit shill on the arm and she drops the knife he turns around to see that the arrow was shot by none other than Sher suddenly they notice that shill walks around in pain before getting converted into stone which Shera should have anticipated as the bow was given to her by Clen meanwhile horn sneaks his way towards the Altar and uses a knife to free REM Diablo finally believes that they won this fight and tells bat to surrender but he drops to one of his knees and starts talking menacingly about how they will all regret their actions making Diablo realize that the fight is still on bat uses one of his strongest punches at Diablo while he is forced to Counterattack with a dark magic of his own the Collision of their magical attacks causes a huge amount of rocks to fall down from the sealant but even though they seem evenly matched Diablo Taps into his reserves and uses one final blast to win the beam struggle he then quickly descends alongside Shera and jumps towards REM before telling them all to huddle close to him and then he uses his floating magic to make the entire altar fly up in the sky preventing them from getting crushed by the falling de braid they all rejoice and celebrate but suddenly Lum falls down to the floor and REM and Sher realize that she has contracted the death nail disease diabo was shocked by it but realizes that bat must have cursed her during his last moments Sher tells her to heal herself just like she healed the baby but diabo tells her that a priest cannot heal no matter what it all turned towards diabo Lum seems to be giving up on life but Diablo tells her that he won't allow her to die an unflashy death like this and claims that he has a plan that can cure Lum as well as every single person present in this area and he will not stop until he achieves success they all ask him what his plan is and he proudly claims that they are heading towards the dungeon that horn mentioned as according to him it contains a special treasure which can cure this disease very easily and he promises to hand over the treasure to Lum so that she can get better and then heal the entire town from this massive pain pandemic Lum thanks him from his heart and claims that no matter what happens she will save each and every individual in the city as she can't see anyone getting hurt as the head priest Shera seems to be optimistic as well and Horn tells Diablo to leave the navigation aspect to her as she can take care of that everything seems to be going good but suddenly REM draws Diablo's attention towards a fleet of oncoming ships hosting fans banner and on top of that they see far herself alongside her magic gun and big personality the ship is completely loaded with a bunch of Storm Troopers and before our heroes can react they are completely surrounded by fans ships Diablo has no idea what the hell is going on and seems to be very nervous as they have already been cornered he realizes that they are in a really bad situation as he has just gone all out against bat and because of that he barely has any HP to take a hit and has almost no Mana to cast any major spells and if they are forced into a head on battle with a highlevel gunner it would be destroyed in the matter of seconds she cuts straight to the Chase and asked Diablo whether he has come to this place from the deep depths of Earth and is genuinely the Demon Lord that verac spoke of Diablo seems to have no idea who verac is while Shera and REM both advise him to not let her provoke him as if he confesses to be the gon Lord she might start firing at him he tries his best to suppress his loser personality from saying any cheesy lines but he ends up shouting out loud that he is the Demon Lord Diablo and None Shall stand in his way to glory and Total Domination sherah and REM realize that he's a lost cause while Diablo gets into his character and takes out his wand before flailing around and shouting that he won't run away and hide and if fan and her cronies want to attack they are free to do so but they need to remember that they will die a horrible death fan isn't backing down so easily and shouts back that she isn't scared of the rabid dog barking and orders his men to take aim at the Demon Lord the soldiers get ready to fire while the girls have no idea what's going to happen Diablo is shocked to see so many of her men with magic guns and realizes that there is no way out of here when suddenly Lum stands up and walks towards Wards the front asking fan to stop she claims that diabo here isn't an enemy as he has saved not only her but also the people of this town and she is ready to Bear total responsibility for his actions as she believes that he is an ally to humanity fam retorts back by asking why he calls himself the Demon Lord but before Diablo could reply something stupid Shar and REM both Ste forward and announced that they are going to the nearby dungeon to get the cure for the death nail disease and Shar asks fan to hold her horses when they come back at least fan doesn't seem to be trustful of them at all and doesn't believe that such a cure exists and asks why would a man claiming to be the Demon Lord try to find a cure to this disease Lum immediately shows her juicy chicken thighs of cross marks on her and claims that diabo cares for her and the normal people and only for them he's going inside of the deadly dungeons fan seems to be amused by this and tells them that she will make them her prisoners and gain more information but diabo realizes that he can't let themselves be captured and grabs his wand to use a special Earth Magic a magic Circle appears and suddenly the lamb besides them starts shaking violently scaring all of Fan's underlings while Diablo picks Lum up and tells the others not to leave his side before they start running together they end up escaping the clutches of fan and by the time evening Falls they sit down in a desert beneath his shipwreck that horn took them to and eat food on an open campfire while everyone is enjoying a lovely evening diabo seems to be confused and troubled as he remembers that fam was able to get control over herself while they were running and had a clear shot but even though she could have easily shot him full of holes she decided not too REM takes him out of his thoughts and offers him a piece of meat that she cooked over fire while even Sher offers him a piece of her juicy meat Sher looks at REM and tells her that her meat is [ __ ] Dio gets up an agreement as rem's meat will probably start moving Su and tells everyone to eat their fill and get some good quality rest as it will take them 3 days to reach the dungeon after 4 days they finally arrive at the dungeon and Shera the massive idiot immediately runs ins side only to get attacked by the statue on top but Diablo is as sharp as ever and uses explosion magic immediately to blast away the Beast the door to the dungeon opens up and they start moving down while horn explains that each floor is a trap and they have to get past that trap to ascend to the next level the first level consists of a huge maze which they have to maneuver through in order to ascend to the next floor Sher seems to be scared of getting lost and REM is having fun claiming that she will become a skeleton soon enough if she gets lost here she iMed medely clings on to Diablo but he needs to stay a sigma male who doesn't fall for girls so he tries to be cool and tells her to get away from her this ends up resulting in Sher crying but thankfully REM tells her that he did that so that he can easily move around and protect her Diablo was crying the happiness that REM saved the situation before Lum asks how the hell are they going to deal with this maze horn claims that they need not worry as she has a map of the entire maze when she came here last time and with its help they can easily pass through it she takes it out of her pocket but realizes that the maze has been completely changed Diablo tells her that the walls of this maze constantly change which means that any kinds of map are useless here everyone is surprised at Diablo's knowledge but he can't reveal that he has already gone through this dungeon before Diablo decides to deal with this maze the way he knows best which is using his overpowered magic to blast through the walls completely which shocks everyone around him he starts walking ahead as he knows there are no more traps but REM tells him to be careful and he realizes that he can't simply tell them that he has played this level before so he decides to act like a hotti demon Lord and claims that she is stupid to think that some LLY trap can stop the Demon Lord Diablo REM starts crying while Shera tries to console her they start walking downstairs again while Sher asks REM why Diablo is acting so scary they head forward and Diablo deals with any and all of the monsters that come in front of him with exceeding ease using his overpowered magic to shut everyone down the next trap makes them dangle over a pit of lava while it asks them trick questions and if they don't answer it correctly ly their platform lowers down more into the lava thankfully for them Lum is able to answer the question correctly and they move towards the next level they'd walk through the entrance of the next level only to find a freezing room filled with ice gorillas they seem to be all waiting for some kind of performance and REM remembers a sign saying that the next floor will only open when they perform for the gorillas Diablo remembers his days when he had female teammates who performed on the stage which let them move ahead while the girls are scared that maybe if they don't perform well the gorillas will attack diabo tells them not to worry and gives them a crash course to dancing and with his producer level skills the girls are ready in no time the performance begins and all of the gorillas seem to enjoy the show endlessly and the door to the next area opens they all seem to be exhausted by all the work they put in and decide to take some well-deserved risk while thinking about what other challenges can be awaiting their journey ahead watch this next video on the screen and we will see you in the next one
Channel: AniMaan
Views: 341,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, animerecap, anime recaps, ani recap, ani recaps, anirecaps, animecapped, anicapped, anime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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