Lose Weight Forever - It's the Leptin! with Dr. John Whitcomb, M.D.

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so I'm dr. John Whitcomb I'm been practicing functional medicine here in Brookfield for yeah these eight years now which just blows me away oh and Dan and I have been doing a series like this he as you know the pharmacy your sponsors a variety of speakers and we can all those of us who speak here with MD customed can probably generate two or three talks a year so we circulate around and get different folks in but I'm delighted to have you here and if you've got ideas for new talks please let Dan know and he tries to rustle them up tonight we're gonna talk about this is of course our January talk after the holidays how to lose weight and keep it off and if I can give you some ideas you've never heard before you'll go away saying that was what I wanted I used many of these ideas in my practice and I can show the data to help but work for you and if some ideas resonate with you hopefully you'll call me up and email me someday and say thank you that work that really helped so how did lose weight and keep it off what we're gonna talk about first of all its what isn't working currently which is what standard medicine teachers and then we're going to talk about a little bit of human physiology and we're gonna highlight tonight the role of insulin and leptin but there's biotoxins that we're gonna hint on it's really fascinating and there's a little bit self about lectins and a couple other things we'll get to the topic could go on till 10 o'clock tonight and I don't want to kill you off but I do want to focus in getting enough so that you're good at these two topics and how to manage those two so if I can do that the current theory says you are overweight because you're a lazy slob and you eat too much right that's what you're told you gain weight because you eat too much it's long but that's what the current theory says and if you would just just exercise more if you just exercise a little more and run a little harder need a little less you get you lose weight how many people here have tried that all of you of course and and how many people have been successful at it right nobody or you can lose four or five points so another component of that is another way of looking at that is to say a calorie is a calorie is a calorie the laws of physics are immutable you can't resist them so the laws of thermodynamics are all real well the laws of thermodynamics are real but this is way too simplistic and explanation and tonight I'm trying to add some richness to that so you'll be able to understand why it's so stupid and simplistic oh so it is because what the core idea tonight is we're going to talk about the hormonal effect of foods and the hormonal effect of biotoxins and their hormonal effect so insulin leptin are the two key topics tonight there are many many other hormones this topic is incredibly dense but we'll get there anyone ever seen a fat bunny how'd that bunny get so fat it got fed the same food you eat that's a bunny that's not living in the nature that's a bunny that's being fed abnormal food it's not eating bunny food it's not eating grass this by the way is in my backyard my hostel right around the corner you know not anymore right oh this is what a bunny should look like ever seen a bunny at the gym ever seen a bunny exercising at the gym to work up and lose weight no when they're living in their natural environment eating your natural food bunnies looked like that okay so and you can see what that bunny is eating ever seen a fat dear well actually if you pay real close attention in November they start looking a little plump just a little a little subtle in November but by this time of year they're getting to look a little tonight I'm feeling sorry for the deer out there it's you know six degrees out there at the moment or something so nature in nature natural animals don't really get fat all right nor should you you are naturally a slim sleek muscular trimmed human being with great abs and lovely pipes so what happened to him that's what we're meant to look like that's what we're meant to look like how did we end up like that what happened anybody ever been saying to Florence and seen this picture that's not in Florence this is in New York City this is Austin America are we allowed to put this on the Internet I'm not sure it's considered art what went wrong and I want you to understand it tonight because if you can go out of here tonight saying I understand what went wrong but I'm successful okay first of all is that calorie a calorie is a calorie is that true that's the standard current logic of current internal medicine dietary that's what dietitians are trained to believe all right so if you cut down on fat you'll get less calories so if it calories a calorie then stop eating fat and you'll lose weight because there's so many calories and fat of course you're getting fat so stop eating fat and you can lose weight how many people have heard that all of you thank you so in the last 40 years we've been doing it for 40 years and what's happened to Americans in the last 40 years we've gotten fatter right and so do you know why that I won't go into all the details up but do you know where that theory came from how Senator McGovern put together committee back in 1970s to say we're going to cure we're going to cure heart disease in America by teaching Americans how not to be and they put together committee and the committee said the community don't reduce they got an intern I a intern who had basically trained as a as a newspaper guy and said you get together everything you can find this guy's just a total panic he had no training and nutrition but he was on the pull together all the committee together guy by the name of modern or something like that and basically he just tried to scramble to get something get because nobody knowing about nutrition they didn't know who talked to so he talked to some folks at Harvard because I figured ever knew that they're talking about and they pulled together a couple ideas and ended up getting a very disjointed set of standards because the folks at Harvard said shouldn't eat fat were dead set against fat a guy by name a Higgs said was like a leader of we should avoid fad that's what that theory came from we don't need to go into the details of that but the fact is it's not the calorie count its what the calories do inside your body and I'm going to show you exactly tails of that and we're gonna get that it's like I'm gonna say this 10 times until you understand it it's the hormonal effect of what you're eating it's not the food and I'm gonna give show you experiments that show exactly up so basically a better adage would be to say a calorie is a hormone and that hormone is a message for your body and how to behave it's marching orders okay so different kinds of calories have different kinds of messages so I'm gonna say here's my working hypothesis Wisconsin is an interesting experiment when did you know make the Trading Post down in downtown Milwaukee what year 1828 if the Erie Canal is just opening up 30 years later by the end of the Civil War Wisconsin has sent a hundred thousand people to the Civil War so in just 30 years we went from nobody to enough to send a hundred thousand people we had a million people in Wisconsin in just 30 years okay so if you lived here 200 years ago if you lived in Wisconsin 200 years ago tonight what would you be having for dinner tonight rabbit venison vegetables you seen any vegetables outside there no you're a hunter-gatherer friend maybe a little corn but they're moving from place to place maybe fish actually probably actually the Native Americans were where there was fish because deer anybody ever shot a deer with a bow and arrow the deer don't sit there waiting for you can you imagine having a bow and arrow with a stone Arrowhead they had to be good so actually the Native Americans were where there was fish in Wisconsin and that's why there are many strong traditions about catching fish because fish are stupid which is why I go fishing every year because I can catch fish I have gone hunting three times I am over three okaythat's with a shotgun okay so let's follow a year in the life of a hunter-gatherer and I want you to go back and say in fact what the most bet every now and then when I say there's been audience you know what the first person always says is nothing what are you having for dinner tonight nothing if you're not a good hunter you're having nothing high-carb foods present winter I'm gonna say high-carb foods precede winter or dry season carbs signal to your endocrine system to store calories because lean times are coming okay and now we have carbs year-round and I'm going to show you our bodies get the constant message that we should be storing calories because tomorrow is going to be lean times so a low carb is our signal that we're in lean times it's time to share the fat that we've stored up and all of our hormones support this hypothesis so here's the work and I'm going to show you pictures to prove it I'm to show you some pictures here's an annual food timeline in a hunter-gatherer here's November first we're here about you know January now okay so on November 1st you have a hard Frost and all your vegetables are dead the ground is frozen and you're going to have to be on eating animals from here all the way till when in Wisconsin do you get something other than animal in the ground isn't frozen May first and finally you can have some dandelions all the dandelions you can eat and a few asparagus if there's some wild asparagus in your neighborhood okay so for six months of the year human beings in northern North America had to eat animal to survive and that's code word for a diet of 30% protein and 70% fat with two or three days here and there where you eat nothing if you weren't a good hunter you're going on nothing so here you eat animal here you're eating animal well green plants don't start till here now you can have some animal and green plants but basically when you get to here what what time is this here this is probably about July 1st July 15th when in my yard the mulberry tree ripens anybody here ever eat mulberry some wonder mulberry right it's not too bad are they if I take my spotlight out at night in middle of July and look under the mulberry tree there's always two deer down there scarfing at mulberries at night because they like mulberry - all right so for most of human history carbohydrates are foods that ripen at the end of a growing season and then they're harvested here so what message does in an integrated system does your body get when you're eating an apple what month is it must be September October and what follows October and how much how many apples are around in November what happens to a pumpkin when you get a hard frost so you better eat your pumpkins in October because they're gonna turn to mush okay are you following me so far so think of this is the timeline but we're also eating food when it's ripe and it's naturally ripened are you with me there so how many of our foods do you eat today that are picked when they're ripe most of the foods we eat that are vegetables unless they're bought in the frozen section are picked at quite a different time because they've got to ship them from California or Florida or Texas or Mexico or New Zealand or Chile or Argentina we have a worldwide food collection system and so you have to click you have to harvest your food at least two weeks before you get which means it's not ripe when it's picked right so far so good okay we're gonna get back to that but this is the season you have carbs let me ask you a question who gets to live in January the person who says I'm trying to lose weight and I don't want to eat carbs in September or the person who eats every carb they can get their hands on so the human brain has a reward center that says when you eat one Girl Scout cookie what do you do you finish off the box because your brain your lizard brain is saying to you if you want to live in January you better finish off this box and go get the second box and chase that little Girl Scout on the street and buy four more and isn't that how you all eat has anybody here ever eaten a dozen Krispy Kremes in one sitting okay well talk to me later okay or has anybody ever had a pound of peanut butter in a sitting okay then I'm better than you at anything okay I got you beat all right because once you start on sugar we can all you know the reason God made three dove bars in a box is because you are meant to eat all three and the real reason to do that is because your wife will know that one is missing so if you eat all three you can go buy a new box and she'll never know except when I did that she then went out looked in the garbage for something else and saw the three pan and thought yeah she yelled at me pop quiz the laws of thermodynamics are real true or false well the true as far as humans but an endocrine world food has variable endocrine hormonal effects if you're doing a physics experiment in science class they are true and natural animals don't get fat ever true or false well false they get fat just like we do when we feed him a high-fat diet where do you see that in animals it's called American agriculture you eat bacon what's bacon that's a pig that got fed corn and beans how does a farmer do in the last six weeks of their having a cow they take the clown feed them corn and beans and the cow gains a hundred pounds in the cut the farmer gets paid by the pound so if they can get their cow to put on 100 pounds the last six weeks suddenly they can add an extra $500 worth of value to that animal right that's what farmers do because that's how they get paid all right you are a fat because you are all lazy slob those are separate issues you may be a boy falls you are overweight because you are trapped by a food supply system that tricks your body into thinking it has to store calories it picks unripe food it uses chemicals it sneaks in sugar there's a lot of reasons we're going to go over those each one in detail so you understand it tonight okay so what else has happened our world has changed hugely for example we've become sedentary we're eating more refined flour and have grains year-round our flour is kid genetically modified we add iron to our flour iron causes all sorts of problems with our pancreas and that's a separate issue we have more sugar we found sugar 600 years ago in the New Guinea I'm on that wave the Chinese found that the grass that made sugarcane and then they send it to India and India got hold of it and the Arabs got it from the Indians and Christopher Columbus says this sells great let's go find a place to grow it and heads off down to the Caribbean and sugar it was only 200 years ago we're only eating 20 pounds a year how many pounds is the average of how many pounds is the average American sugar eat today do you know 10% of our calories 150 pounds each 150 pounds we're eating half a pound of sugar a day Americans are now those of you who are here tonight this lecture are probably down to a mere three ounces if you can get down one thing if you can do tonight is say I'm gonna have to look at everything I've got sugar in and I've got to get down to one ounce which means that barbecue sauce that you just dumped on your meat but that was a big disaster because you should put 2 ounces of sugar on your food so finding hidden places where their sugar is one of the things you can really do oh we've had more omega sixes which are inflammatory less omega-3 fats we've had more fake fats that we've manufactured we have many fewer vegetables and all these new world vegetables that are new to us we've never seen before humans have only seen them for four hundred years or so European humans the Native Americans who came from Siberia have seen him for about ten thousand years your genes don't change in 10,000 years our fiber intake is plummeted we have food available 24/7 our stress level is risen we aren't getting enough sleep or exposed to all sorts of other toxins we have also said chemicals in our groundwater we're breathing it all the time etc etc our world has changed dramatically and many of these influences have hormonal effects to them so let's go through them a little bit let's make a 30,000 foot view we send messages joined ricchan system to store calories in preparation for lean times I want you to be fat at the end of October because then you get to live in January can you imagine throughout all of human history when did women get pregnant first one is your first pregnancy 300 years ago how old were you 14 15 and when did you have your next baby year-and-a-half cuz you breastfeed for a year or so oh it sort of does not reliably not reliably unless the baby's between the two of you but men are quite motivated so I understand oh so to make it through winter you've got to have calories because you got up you're pregnant with a baby so you really have to be fat so the problem is today we never have lean times to catch up on that so our tongues and our brains are designed to reward ourselves to eat food that's easy to store because it used to be rare and for the first time in human history that isn't rare we make these foods constantly available to you and your lizard brain says that's just wonderful and in the last hundred years we've just got them everywhere and so we've made food available to you in snack times we don't have family meals anymore we have a microwave you can heat anything any time you want and so we just say have an impulse and you go eat the problem is your brain gets used to bad habits in just about a week so if you get used to bad sleep habits and just about it takes a couple weeks of unbreak a bad habit but it only takes you know three four days to make it bad habit and once you get used to snacking and your body gets used to the flow of energy you get used to different things and then you're hungry all the time ah but inflammation environmental toxins stress all contribute to it so here's the new theory you gain weight because of a perfect dietary dorm refined carbohydrates force you to store calories because they turn on hormones and I'm going to show you pictures so you've got the picture inflammation from food allergies bad fats toxins all stimulate insulin through a common soil integration of insulin insulin is the big enemy and we're going to show you exactly how insulin works sedentary lifestyle lack of sleep high stress all adds to it including the contribution of toxins both chemical and natural but it's the hormonal effect that stands front and centers so I've now said that five or six times right so I've already walked you through this what would you be eating Wisconsin one more time tonight you would be eating fish or rabbit or groundhog or any any tiny shred of no not no what would you been eating since November then again that's code word for seventy what are you looking what are you looking forward to you're looking forward to eggs because that's what comes fine you get some eggs in march/april ever wonder why those Canadian geese have such a bad attitude when you get close to their nest guess what humans have been doing is Canadian geese nests for a long time and Canadian geese are just biologically trained you get close to their nest they go ballistic they are sick and tired of you stealing their eggs because that's what if you go to the Inuit the first people went up and studied the Inuit the Inuit lived off Canadian geese eggs for two months every year that's all the egg for two months went around raiding Canadian geese eggs that was part of their standard diet okay when did the really good stuff arrive like pumpkins and apples and walnuts and actually our apples natural normal to America North America where two apples come from Asia now I'm gonna show you a picture about that so the person who lives in January is the person who eats one Apple or the person who eats every Apple they get their hands on every Apple and so what is insulin do you know what insulin is who will tell me what's the definition of insulin so hormone from your pancreas gland that's good it's a hormone for your pancreas gland and medical school taught me that it's my blood sugar controlling hormone dead wrong bad story insulin is your fat storage hormone insulin it's I was trained to believe somebody knew you here heads on it all the time you see ads every night on TV control you know there's all these new kind of insulin things that control your blood sugar better by taking fancy insulin right so the pharmaceutical industry is trying to expand on insulin and tell you how you can make your blood and if you do that you'll turn into a beautiful young duck jogger that'll you know run along the city park and lose weight that's way too superficial dancer it's sort of true but it's not enough insulin is your fat storage hormone you get an A thank you okay okay insulin is designed to insulin is designed to store calories when we have extra calories to store so insulin pushes extra calories into fat what foods have high glucose content any food that ripens in the second half of the summer any grain any fruit anything that ripens that has a large amount of carbohydrates in it so pumpkins they're all gonna make you make a little bit of insulin but they'll show you some detail foods that ripen at the end of summer have a high glucose content nuts grains fruits all have a high glycemic index meaning sugar gets into your blood quickly and it tells your body if sugars getting in quickly it must be what month September October that means next month is November store those calories that's what we want you to do so I hope I haven't beaten this to death so many times but I'm gonna go over this now just out of curiosity we've also changed our foods in the last hundred years or 200 years I grew up in India the world's original Apple comes from the Himalayas I went to a boarding school in the Himalayas the Sikkim Apple has this many phytonutrients in it look at all the phytonutrients and cancer fighting chemicals in the Sikkim Apple 7100 the Apple that actually we get the Central Asian crabapple that we can has 485 but still these crab apples all have high amounts of phytonutrients can a farmer make a living selling a crabapple so what have we done in modern agriculture we've turned that crap up when we've played with it until we got a Honeycrisp right and so when you say I'm going to grocery store you stand there looking at the apples in which one do you pick the honey Kris right look how much nutrition in the ginger gold Golden Delicious Red Delicious Fuji Granny Smith almost nothing when you get a modern Apple you say I'm getting a piece of fruit and I say you're getting a piece of junk you're getting a sack a little sack filled with sugar oh and you thought eating an apple David Koepp a doctor away not those apples the only apples that are good for you or crab apples and actually the Brookfield Public Library has some delicious crab apples going out in front if you're gonna need apples you have to eat crab apples only about that big they're delicious actually they're quite sweet oh dear pardon yeah these little guys well this is the original Sikkim Apple that's really quite nutritious the problem is they're just when we hiked in their Malia's we could actually see some of these apples growing wild here and there and the local Hill people would you know cut them up and cut them in half and we went hiking you could buy them at the local villages and they would be dried in the Sun and there were tiny little things and they tasted like sour balls right so the key concept is the glycemic index and this is a here's one key concept I want you to take away today if I gave everybody in this room 50 grams of glucose after an all-night fast at 8 o'clock in the morning and measures your blood sugar for eight hours following that I would get a graph that looks like this 50 grams oh dear doesn't show that upgrade like 50 grams of glucose to do that ok and we'd say that glucose is a hundred percent that's what your blood sugar does when I give you pure glucose if I give you a whole oats if I gave you whole-grain oats I'd get something that looks like that if I took steel cut oats and cut that out in half it would raise up a little bit like that if I took quick oats it would raise up like that rolled oats rolled oats that have been squished out like grandma used to put the comma in the cardboard - if I took oats and smashed and really flat on a big steel roller and put them in little plastic envelope with three fake blueberries the glycemic index would do that this is all the exact same grain and we've processed that food so what we call processing is making it more available to digestion you got the drift so we've changed the glycemic index of that the problem is is you start putting out insulin at about twenty five and so the higher you get the more insulin you put out telling your body to store these calories okay so modern oatmeal is up way up here now the baked potato is up about 95 so a baked potato has a glycemic index of 95% pure glucose so if you're eating a baked potato you might as well just be eating tables of pure glucose right rice is about 80 oh we put sweet potatoes somewhere around 4550 they're actually quite a bit lower but they're still greater than 25 and sweet potatoes are New World tubers meaning they have loaded with lectins so we think they're okay for you but yeah we'll get to that so now what's here's a pop quiz for you what's the glycemic index of asparagus very low who can tell me what it is it's a trick question she's good it's very very low the answer is nobody knows because to get 50 grams of glucose from asparagus you have to eat 19 cups of asparagus and nobody will do that they can't find 50 people who will do that can you imagine 19 cups okay but anything above anything about this glycemic index you start putting on sugar now so what's happened once you're above 55 you're flooded with sugar and once you're about 55 that means you're flooded with insulin and you're storing calories and you means you're getting fat we're eating most of our foods if glycemic index up here when our grandparents used to eat foods down here and so if we think of glycemic index it's another way of thinking in the last hundred years we've changed our foods by our processing so by nature if you go to any fast food restaurant you're gonna get foods that have been processed so much that you can absorb everything there there's no fiber in it you absorb it very quickly it gets into your blood very quickly and then you're in trouble so what happens if you put out if you eat fat and carbs together then you put out insulin and you store everything in sight so fast food that it gives you very very fast digested flour and you add that to hamburger then you really get to gain okay so what follows summer this looks like tonight outside doesn't it right and what food well none and here's you know this is what we used to do 200 years ago and if you didn't do that you didn't get supper which would mean tonight I would be hungry because I'm not a very good hunter so when did we start farming wheat how long ago do we start farming wheat 5,000 years ago about 5,000 years ago maybe 10,000 and the Fertile Crescent was the best guess around her up on mekin we don't know if it was in the around Baghdad or in the Iraq Valley or down in Pakistan and Harappa but when you store calories then you can bay now you can make it through lean times if you start storing grains you can build a city and if you build a city you can have an army and then you can go kill the other guys so then you get a bigger army so you can make a bigger city so they started being an advantage to growing cities and storing carbohydrates because we could make what we call civilization and before you know we have Apple in the internet it was just 5,000 years ago we started doing that but the Industrial Revolution only started how long ago 150 200 years ago and industrial farming a hundred years ago u-haul big farms were 100 years ago just 100 years ago farms are like 60 80 acres now if you go to Iowa the average farm is 3,000 acres it's just fascinating the transition we come to giant machines making huge amounts of carbohydrates that we can then store all year round to feed our animals to feed us okay so for the last nine thousand 15 years we've eaten in very very coarse forms of wheat with the low glycemic index and it's only been the last hundred and fifty years that we've started with giant machines making our wheat into all sorts of different things our bread 200 years ago we didn't have much bread because it took a lot of time to make white flour you could hardly make white flour you had to grind it multiple multiple times you had to put it through the grinder four or five times to get flour you put it just once you can get cracked wheat put through second time you get slightly cracked wheat you put it through four times you have to pay the mill or too much money so you eat gruel you don't eat bread very often bread is really special you basically jeep gruel so when do we discover how to make fine white flour efficiently do you know when this is a Wisconsin issue John Stevens 1872 Nina Wisconsin he's the guy who invented the flour mill I sold it to Pillsbury and Pillsbury took him made all the money off of it so Pillsbury gets off to Minneapolis and makes a fortune Minneapolis turns Minneapolis into the wheat milling but that was only a hundred and fifty years ago that we started milling flour into beautiful fine talcum powder so you can make what do you want to make you want to get baking tonight anybody here bake anything in the last month from fine white flour isn't that delicious so here's an example sure so here's just an example here's what we call oats whole oats the glycemic index probably around 25 here's steel-cut oats glycemic index 38 here's quick oats glycemic index 65 here's modern glycemic years modern oats and we think eating oatmeal is good for you because it's a whole grain well we didn't even talk about the lectins and whole grains we won't go there okay and what happened to our wheat in 1950 what do we do to our wheat how do we genetically modify it used to have 14 chromosomes modern wheat has 42 chromosomes we tripled the chromosomes in what we think happened is we probably increase the lectins in the wheat and the lectins are those proteins that get into your body and annoy you no end okay and with that's what we're going to talk about next talk but we can't don't but meanwhile Borlaug got the Nobel Prize because by doing that he doubled the calories you can grow per acre so we could feed the world but we by genetically changing it we changed the wheat the character of wheat and I'm not sure we've got at the bottom of it but I think the lectin story is going to be how we get to the bottom of it and I'm that's what I'm currently chasing right now and that changed the antigenicity of wheat and do you know that we spray wheat with Roundup just before we harvest it how many people knew that about third of you good just before harvested you know what happens when you spray it you kill off the plant but it doesn't fall over and that makes it dry faster so when you harvest it you actually get about a 10% better yield does it matter that you got some Roundup yeah doesn't bother me any so when you're eating wheat you're getting some Roundup okay just thought you'd like to hear that ah but something about that gluten lectin combination changed that makes our wheat have a leaky gut and we're going to get to that so do you know leaky gut is give me your definition of leaky gut okay that's good so do you know how many skin layers your skin on your hand is or on your cheek nope twenty-one your skin so when you have a I have a dog when your dog does things on the carpet is you aren't happy about you can clean it up and you've got twenty-one layers that protect you and just wash your hands and you're fine but your gut only has one cell there there's only one cell there and these it's held together by three small little bridges there are three small little bridges and gluten unique amongst foods unzips those bridges gluten is able to get into your gut and zip that apart so the big antigens can get into your body big pieces can get in and set off immune responses and that's for everybody and different lectins from different plants do it so to a variable degree lectin set it off also but gluten is probably the one lectin that's been the most studied now one in a hundred and thirty-eight people has celiac disease but everybody is sensitive to the lectins of wheat or all lectins that do this so particularly the new world plans alright so we weren't designed to eat year round we were designed to only have it when it was ripe the two weeks of fall can your stomach handle something for two weeks sure if it's got other things rest of the year but we're now assaulting our stomach with it year round and never give our chance of body recover so it's only been the last hundred and thirty years we made fine white flour sixty years ago we modified it thirty years ago we blame DubLi City on fat and we got a food pyramid that said eat more weight eat ten servings a day only twenty years ago did we get the Krispy Kreme right and in the last thirty years we got fat and blamed it on you for eating too much and I'd say no no no you're eating too much as nothing to do with it it's we have all been trapped by a food system with all of these different changes and the only way to get us out of this pickle is for you to be smart enough to say I have to counter those changes so I have to understand the glycemic index and get around it so anything over thirty to fifty on the glycemic index forces you to store calories and storage any food there's a glycemic index over thirty so what glycemic index does fat have what glycemic index is fat have zero what glycemic index does protein have this is a trick question this is a trick question perfect it depends on how much you have your body only needs a certain amount of protein a half a gram per kilo ideal body weight so whatever your ideal body weight is you can look it up on graphs by height and age and gender and sex or whatever but you only if you're a heavy gym workout person you can call a gram a day per kilo ideal body weight now per pound per kilo 2.2 pounds right so most women ideal body weight is probably 60 kilos roughly 60 to 70 kilos won't give you 60 a round number that means you only need 30 grams of protein a day if you eat more than 30 grams of protein you've got this very efficient organ called your liver that will turn that protein into sugar glucose and that will turn on insulin and so big stakes become in slow genic a lot of meat turns on insulin just like eating carbs okay so let me show you a picture so the rise in sugar consumption is also recent does anybody know who the Hogs are the hodza of the world's most primitive tribes there's about 5,000 em they lived yourself of an Goro Goro trader in Africa and about six months of the year the women know about 200 different plants in the forest and the women do all the work and they walk for about they walk about 20,000 steps a day and find 200 and you know 200 250 plants and they plants and the men don't work much and then six months of the year the men go shooting baboons with little bows and arrows and little small gazelles and the women don't work much that's the dry season so they live on animal during the dry season like we live on animal in the cold season Wisconsin okay so their favorite food though they have no they have no culture no institutions they don't believe in God they live in groups of about 2000 they only can count to three but one thing they always talk about is the hero is the guy who goes gets honey because they like sugar just like you like sugar they are as primitive as they are they talk about honey because as primitive as i am i talk about dove bars that's what civilization has gotten me so from 1700 four pounds a year 100 pounds by 1900 150 pounds now fructose content has increased from 1/2 ounce per day to 3 or 4 ounces a day fructose is an uber enemy it turns on metabolic syndrome very quickly and it turns on we're gonna get to that pop quiz wheat in its very course whole-grain form has a relatively low glycemic index cracked wheat about 38 a glycemic index of 38 means you absorb 38 grams of glucose a minute good you got it no it's your blood glucose Rises at 38% of the rate of pure glucose so glycemic index is at percent compared to pure glucose it doesn't mean your blood sugar goes up 38 points it doesn't mean it's just 38 percent of pure glucose your body puts out insulin when you eat food over a glycemic index of 40 well it's true but it also puts it out all the way down to 25 - and it keeps building up see if I give you trick questions then you get the nuance of it okay because there's no grades and our hunter-gatherer times wheat would have been available for two weeks before what season and actually there's pretty good evidence right there's pretty good evidence that our very very first people who spoke the language called Caucasian lived around the Black Sea by their big flood zones there and the black sea visible a quarter the size it is right now and it was 500 feet deeper and there was no connection to the Bosphorus or Istanbul goes and guess what happened one time is the Caesar rising as the glaciers are melting the Mediterranean rises and a little trickle starts going over the boss where the but where Istanbul is now and the trickle goes faster and faster and faster and these people living around the Black Sea are living on little small tells where there's a couple houses built and the middle of a huge floodplain where they're sweet growing around them and they've got two cows and two pigs and two goats and suddenly the water comes up to their ankles and the next day it's up to their knees and the next day it's up to their hips and if they don't tear their house down and put their goats and pigs and cows on their raft and head for Shore they're dead but those who did got to make a story and what did they call the story Noah's Ark and so Ballard the guy that found Ballard the guy that found the Titanic took his boat and he found settlements around the shore of the old of the five hundred feet down in the Black Sea in the cat the Bosphorus River to this day still flows on the surface the Mediterranean saltwater coming in and deep down you know the water going out that's the only river in the world where the water flows both directions because the the effect of the water flowing in the deep I'm sorry the salt water from the Mediterranean is deep and as it filled up the surface water is fresh flowing out so the black sea has no life - below about 50 feet because it's just all dead salt water it's all dude yes you can have 40 you're a man nothing it's very little it's not much it's a it's like four or five ounces of fish it's not a big serving though right so when you have a big steak for dinner you're turning on insulin we don't want you eating that much red meat because I don't want you having that much iron but that's a separate issue okay so the insulin trap who's ever heard of the concept of the insulin trap it goes as follows I eat a high glycemic food my blood sugar goes up for two or three hours I go to cops ice cream and have three scoops of chocolate my blood sugar goes whoo Shore a couple hours what happens to my insulin when my blood sugar goes whoosh my insulin goes up how long does insulin last six is eight hours so what happens after three hours my blood Sugar's disappeared and I have a cleared here so you secrete insulin and the insulin stores calories and so here you're low and so for the next four or five hours you feel crummy so first you get a surge and then you feel crummy what are you doing in this period you're forcing your body to store those calories but now you feel crummy because your blood sugar got low because you're storing calories so you have to eat more so you're getting fatter oh so the insulin trap is if you set yourself up by going on high glycemic foods you're just going to get in a horrible cycle over and over again so let me give you an experiment I'm gonna give you a hundred teenagers for those who've been to me in my practice you can't answer this question I've told us so many people if I'm gonna give you a hundred teenagers in a free summer camp how many people would give their teenager away for a month of free summer camp okay that's how long they said it took them two days to get all their teenagers and the only rules they had deep breakfast and breakfast is going to be 400 calories of bacon and eggs high fat and then the rest of the day they can eat whatever they wanted wide open whatever you want teenager food heaven on earth pizza and hamburgers and a couple healthy foods maybe but basically teenager food whatever they wanted but they had to have a picture taken had to be weighed okay so 300 over three McAlary breakfast high fat or high carb and then at lunch how much they eat was measured supper snack time whatever time everything was always measured and weighed then they're fed 300 calories of sugar frosted flakes what happens when you eat sugar frosted flakes what happens to your blood sugar what happens to your insulin how long does in some last eight hours so what's going to happen the next eight hours are they going to eat how much are they can eat lunchtime they're gonna eat more how much they eat some supper time more how much does the bed time more 200 calories a day more so this kind of experiment is the kind of experiment that proves to you it's not the calories you're eating a breakfast of fat that's making you fat it's the carbs you eat at breakfast and the hormonal effect of those carbs because the hormones last another eight hours so what happens if I do another following experiment what happens if I give you a hundred women working in a building in a office building and they're all sitting at computers all day long and I give them one diet cola a day what happens you have a diet cola how many calories you're getting zero what is your brain things happening your tongue says sweet what does your brain say sugar so what does your brain tell your pancreas to do put on insulin how long does insulin last so six hours later you've had your diet soda at ten o'clock in the morning what happens at suppertime do you eat less or more so women who eat drink diet soda gain weight or lose weight gain weight could you guys get me everybody gets an A don't doesn't that start making sense so the flavors sweet turns on insulin it's the hormonal effect of food that matters I've now said this ten times anybody who doesn't get it right now is gonna go who's gonna get a C okay so 200 calories a day for the carb group that's the implications it's the hormonal effect of the calories you eat more than the calories yourselves the hormones last for hours and the nuance is you ate because your cells were starving you ate more later because you might have eaten 400 calories for breakfast but you stored 50 of them so you only had 350 you needed 400 you got a good start to the day you had a 400 calorie breakfast but you weren't getting him because you are putting them into storage make sense so you felt awful you're on the couch of wedding behavior because you had no access to those calories because all your fat cells are in storage mode and eating more in sedentary behavior sedentary behavior is secondary you're a lazy slob sitting on the couch because your cells are starving you're not going to feel good until you stop doing that starvation behavior you've got to have access to calories how many calories have you got walking around in you the average woman is 30% fat she weighs 150 pounds 30% 150 is how many pounds pretty close to 50 45 how many calories are in a pound of fat 3,500 3,500 times 50 is 175 thousand calories the average woman is carrying around a hundred and seventy five thousand calories in her fat tank so you've got calories you've got to get to them if you want to lose weight you've got to burn those calories the problem is is they're locked like a bank vault if you're eating carbohydrates you're signaling to your body it's time to put on insulin I'm trying to get fat for winter and I'm just doing what I can to do it so fat cells can't do two things the same time they can't import an export calorie same time so pop quiz we can make your luck become your gut become leaky true or false true proteins that stimulate your immune system wheat seems to be more immuno genic in the last 50 years there's accumulating clues that may be part of our many immune difficulties that's true we think that's where many autoimmune diseases might start drinking a sweet milkshake will raise your inflammatory markers and decrease your artery stretch within 15 minutes I cut that slide out I'm sorry this is a pop quiz from a slide I thought I'm gonna shorten this talk up a little bit well yes then 15 minutes when you drink a milkshake you're already I can measure your arteries aren't stretchy you're having all sorts of trouble okay so the question is if you think of your body as having two economies you've got two fuel tanks the human body is a flex-fuel organism I Drive a hybrid car I've got a flex fuel car I'm a flex fuel person I've got a carb economy and Geo many carbs that human body carrot can store how many carbs how many calories can you store of carbohydrates anybody know 1,500 do you have 1,500 calories in that tank we just went through the arithmetic how many calories can you store here loves if you want to lose calories here which economy do you want to run on three thousand five and you know 500 thousand calories isn't so far the question so every time we've carbs we signal that we're going to live off of this economy because anytime we eat carbs your body says what month is it and so we switch to the carb economy instantly because if it's September I've got to start storing calories and the carb economy is the storage economy it is designed for the storage period of year the carb economy was designed to run on August September October only and we're running on it all year round okay so I'm gonna give you Christmas and Thanksgiving but I'm not going to give you all year round you can get fat for a couple months this is now January time to get back to this economy how do I get to this economy how do I get this economy you know it you guys know the answer what hormone do I have to turn off insulin I have to turn off insulin so what does a real goddess look like if you go to Mexico to the Aztec Museum this is what's called a goddess so I would tell anybody here who's overweight I think you're beautiful but only in September in January it's time to get your act together and say I've got to start losing weight so most of human history this is what we were meant to look like for a couple months and then you are meant to get pregnant and then you're meant to have another baby and breastfeed for the next six months so if you aren't gonna do those things then we've got to say okay I'm just kidding but when you think about it we were the human species had to be able to get pregnant to do that so that wasn't such a horrible thing we just have to now be smart enough to say alright how do I get back to feeling better about myself and being healthy and we've got a confounding things like oh the thyroid hormone the basic speed of metabolism you know thyroid can go into thyroid this drives you crazy but we won't go into that but let's talk elective whoever heard of leptin before okay leptin is your what what is your leptin do it's the hormone that tells me I'm full I can stop eating I've had enough to eat that's enough so what's your it's your appetite gauge and it goes up to your brain and it says I've had enough stop eating just like ghrelin comes in and says time to eat those two hormones sort of work up as at each other but leptin is meant to come from fat cells and it goes back to your brain says I've had enough to eat guess what happens when you get overweight we become leptin resistant which means we lose the ability to tell when to stop eating and the problem is is then our fat cells are locked shut and we feel hungry well that's just the perfect nightmare you feel hungry can't tell why you're hungry don't know when you feel good but your leptin is real high that's what leptin does for us leptin we get leptin resistant and were caught in a perfect trap so more body fat means more leptin and leptin signaling gets disrupted and resistant the brain thinks you're starving and makes you want to eat more and you get fatter and hungrier and fatter and hungrier so once your leptin resistant you're in real trouble and that's where many so that's where you say I eat the least amount of food and I blow up like a balloon and you've all felt that so you eat more you gain more fat and you're just totally trapped and guess what happens did you know that fructose really sets off leptin resistance so fructose is like the uber enemy and we're now recognizing how many people have heard of the metabolic syndrome we're now recognizing that leptin is the metabolic syndrome if you have metabolic syndrome you have high leptin they are the same they're all part of the same parcel and so research shows this kind of stuff 160 adults with a BMI of 31 they're overweight cut their calories by 630 percent fat 50% carb diet eight weeks they lost 5% which because they're on a 30% carbon of they're on a stupid diet 55% carbs nobody should lose weight but the folks who lost the most weight had the biggest drop in insulin and leptin they were able to turn off leptin okay so leptin is this curious hormone that when we get too big we get resistant too and we get into trouble but I mean we're going to go into something that's even more unique about leptin because I'm going to introduce biotoxins how many people here have a moldy basement anybody here it's there's the basement smell a little bit moldy a moldy basement anybody here have an old baseball brookfield okay the facts show that 50% of American homes have evidence of water damage and mold in the house and mold put out biotoxins that 1/4 of us a quarter of the human species have bio Tok I have biotoxin sensitivity your genes can't see the biotoxin okay 50% of American homes are water damaged with Emmy scores over two which means they're in trouble all right we're gonna get to this in a bit guess what happens when that happens you damage the leptin receptor when you are biotoxin sensitive you damage your leptin receptor in your lizard brain and the appetite level of your brain and guess what happens to your leptin level then it goes from high to super high so many people who are trapped being unable to lose weight you explore on them and you find out there they've actually got mold illness and you enth they'll answer questions like do you have aches and pains they say yawn do you have brain fog yeah I've got that oh do you have you know headaches yeah I got that you start exploring those things you find these folks have all these symptoms of biotoxin illness that nobody's ever diagnosed before because once you've damaged the leptin receptor if your leptin let me show you some more pictures I'll show you some examples of this if your leptin if here's your your leptin gauge when you're full your leptin is up to here I'll say roughly 10 time to stop eating you've had enough your leptin sensitive right now you're doing fine and when you're hungry your leptin is down here you can eat but when it's down here your fat cells open up then I want your fat cells to open up I want them to signal it's January let's start running all that fat I'm gonna start burning some of these calories okay this is what's meant to happen guess what happens with mold illness oops you're completely off you're completely off base your gauges are all set wrong and now you've got your your gauges up here in your your leptin is all wacko so you don't know where you are but I've seen leptons as high as 70 now in people who should probably should only have 20 or 30 from being overweight and their leptons are sky high what's fascinating is the technology of how to lower that and dr. shoemaker this is beyond the scope of this talk we're gonna be doing a mold seminar in about a month at my church and you can if you want to hear more about mold this is sort of a little ad for that but dr. shoemaker has been a unique American genius at figuring out how to fix mold illness but it turns out there's like 11 steps but step number two are you a susceptible person are you one of the 24 percent of Americans who are some sensitive to it and if you can't lose weight you probably doubled the odds you're probably 50% of folks who can't lose weight step number negative one is you've you've been exposed and damaged many people may have the genetic sensitivity to it but if they're living in a clean house they won't be in trouble if they're living in a house that's never been water damaged but half of American homes have been water damaged half of American homes and in any given home you have two adults and if you have a fifth if you have a one in four chance that means 50% of American homes have somebody in them who's sick that's getting damaged water from water damage so the first thing you do is you have to remove people from that exposure you have to clean up the home or get them away from it but step number six or September here step number seven is shoemaker discovered that when you give folks with high elevated mmp-9 which is something your primary care doctor never measures when you treat that high mmp-9 with a drug called pee glitters on their mmp-9 goes down to north and their leptin goes down to normal wait a minute what'd you give him a drug to lower mmp-9 and they left and went to normal who knows where that's happening we were doing gene therapy with this drug that was invented for diabetes this unique opportunity Pia glitters own basically puts your gauge of your leptin gauge back into normal range and it lowers your leptin so we now have a unique way of helping people who are biotoxin damaged yes question yes it does it's a pharmaceutical drug well it's been used for quite a while and because people were using it for 10 and 12 years it got a black eye because after 10 and 12 years there's a statistically increased rate of bladder cancer but if you use it for 2 months but it doesn't work it doesn't work if your leptin starts out low you need to have some of these leptin is already high from mold right there's tests for those things you can test for them there blood tests I'm ordering all time my lab and my boom-boom I'm I'm in the process of becoming mold certified for shoemaker and I think within 30 years within 20 years this should be 50% of every primary care doctors practice because this is going to solve people can't lose weight which is half of us there's a huge number of people who are biotoxin damaged yes right right right but you what shoemakers found out is you can't skip to this step you have to do these steps and sequins you can't just go to step six and be successful and I've actually done I've probably given 50 people P a good a zone now and I've had about 10 smashing successes and it turns out when you test them they were okay and all the steps in between so it's okay to switch but the ones who weren't when you jump the gun oops so you really have to be methodical and be careful otherwise you're wasting time and and spinning your wheels a little bit but yeah that's real good hope for it so this is actually exciting advanced yes mmp9 is something I had never heard of prior to about a year ago it's one of the it's actually a protein that makes your membrane your of your arteries more penetrable by toxins but your immune system uses it to allow white cells to get throughout into where it's got to go if they're trying to chase down a bug so the white cell can come and chase it down so it's a it's a metalloproteinase it it dissolves the basement membrane but it's it's in focus mold illness it's elevated and it's uniquely associated with off like asthma in adults and their lungs they've got high mmp-9 or multiple sclerosis in a brain you have high mmp-9 in your brain or mmp-9 is it's quite if it's quite high in many immune disorders and many immune disorders are probably set off partially by mold illness so many folks with autoimmune diseases can have their autoimmune disease made worse by mold sensitivity or maybe even shoemaker would contend that that's actually precipitating their autoimmune disease and so dr. Gunn Drees diet ever anybody ever read dr. Gondry's diet of revolution he's got a book now called the plant paradox his plant paradox book also talks about autoimmune diseases being set off by the lectins and so I'm hot on dr. Gundry stuff I like his work but let me go keep finishing yourself so how do you get insulin leptin resistant you put on weight your fat cells get bigger takes more insulin to stimulate them and you have elevated insulin all the time insulin is your storage hormone and now you're in a constant state of storage okay and then you eat one calorie extra and you gain weight so here's another concept to understand as you gain weight you don't get more fat cells your fat cells get bigger and as they get bigger they behave as though the following happens you have a hundred and eighty six thousand actually I've seen a whole bunch of different numbers but at one point it was 186 thousand insulin receptors on a fat cell so on a fat cells small they're close to each other but membranes are very fluid and it takes to insulin receptors next to each other to fire off if your fat cell gets bigger the insulin receptors are further apart how frequently are they gonna be close to each other not as often so your insulin level has to go up so as you get fatter and fatter your insulin level has to rise and so you see the kind of if your blood sugar was 80 here your insulin level was 5 and inside the cell it's 80 but if you if you get bigger your insulin receptors are further apart your blood Sugar's 95 now your insulin levels 15 and inside the cell it's now 70 and as you get bigger your blood Sugar's 110 and now your insulin level is 25 and inside the cell it's 55 inside the cell you're starving to death because you're becoming insulin resistant and so you don't feel good you don't have any energy your unsend resistant you don't feel good at all you can't you can't do anything that's because all that's what's happening so what we want we call that metabolic syndrome like we said before so slightly big waist big blood pressure high blood sugar high cholesterol but it's really leptin resistance leptin resistance and metabolic syndrome are the same boat and if you actually look folks who are overweight the the bigger your fat cells become the more inflammatory cells you find in the system and the fatter the bigger our tummies get the bigger more fat tissue we put on the more inflammatory tissue were making we thought fat tissue was simply calorie storage and it turns out that fat tissue is incredibly inflammatory putting on all sorts of markers of inflammation so that now says oops we're in trouble if we allowing ourselves to get fat this stuff is the most dangerous stuff of all so if you stand against a wall and the first thing that hits the wall is your tummy that's a problem though I suppose women might have a exception okay so leptin ideal is below 10 that usually tells your brain to stop eating fat cells that when you gain weight you become leptin resistant and don't heed the message to stop eating the way to reverse leptin resistance is you have to be on a sugar-free diet you have to be on a zero amylose diet and then P Goethe zone will fix it for you but if you can go on a zero free and a very low carbohydrate diet your insulin leptin will typically drop within a couple weeks folks will say if they aren't mold affected folks who are mold affected will have their leptin stay high forever until they get the mold out of them pardon Oh once you're away from mold if you're exposed to it you might need to be checked again or you take cholestyramine real quickly before you get the mold toxins going in the hole engine wound up if you treat yourself quickly and there are some people who simply say when they leave their home they take a well call anytime they're out of their own home they take a drug similar to cholestyramine Caldwell call that lasts a little longer but it basically is there in you anytime you leave your house they're just on well call the whole time because they don't want to be exposed because those are the incredibly sensitive folks they're incredibly sensitive folks well that takes testing but you can be it can be a clue that if you've been utterly stuck and can't lose weight and can't lose weight and can't lose weight you might have very very high leptin right and see the only way to do that what with current medicine says you now is just get more discipline and I say why don't you get some blood tests and show where you are and we'll measure for you and show it to you and sure come that's what I do in my practice and go ahead oh there's something vassan about leptin this is a whole nother lecture all by itself there's a whole book called carb nite out and folks who get down and get a very very low leptin super low because they've been losing weight and they've now lost 30 pounds but they're stuck and their leptin is 2 turns out that if they eat carbs one night a week they get their leptin sensitivity back up again and they get their appetite thing back and then they start losing weight again so I've seen a fair number of people break their Plateau I've now had four or five successes with folks but again you have to measure your leptin levels see where you are but those folks so six days a week they're having zero carbs no you know less than 20 grams of carbs a day and then Sunday after they have a scoop of ice cream for lunch and awe and two scoops of mashed potatoes for supper and twice that day they give themselves carb spikes and that boosts their leptin sensitivity back into gear so it's called the carb nite out solution and it was written by a PhD in physics the guy was just an overweight guy who started reading he knew how to do read research papers and he was a peach in physics it's actually a brilliant book but let's go on lectins I don't have time to go into leptin that's a huge atop because we are tonight but we are going to talk about there the proteins that plants use to make predators away and they're unique and unripe plants in modern agriculture we're being flooded with lectins and I think for those who are interested read dr. Gundry Zhou book called the plant paradox is that the name of the book I think that's the name of the book right fructose is an uber confounder and not to drive you crazy but fructose turns on leptin resistance much faster than anything else and there's research that shows fructose if you feed folks fructose in the form of table sugar or just high concentrated fructose syrup you can get metabolic syndrome within a month on anybody and where was that best demonstrated what movie best demonstrated that supersize me he ate McDonald's three times a day for a month if then one month had metabolic syndrome his liver was already being to have liver function changes he was already sick pop quiz fructose is as safe as glucose Falls is much more dangerous fructose is 50% of table sugar about the same in high fructose corn syrup high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar are about the same right actually it's true high fructose corn syrup is 55% table sugar is 50% so that's close enough they're both wicked a fructose can make metabolic syndrome leptin resistance you eat enough of it within a week true if you can okay other confounding factors anybody ever heard about osteocalcin do you know what osteocalcin is it's the protein that binds all seemed in your bones but you know if you activate osteocalcin it makes insulin twice as efficient if your insulin is twice as efficient what does your body do - your insulin level drops in half do you know how to activate osteocalcin oh no I'm sorry it's the next slide you activate osteocalcin with a vitamin called vitamin k2 where it is vitamin k2 come from animals that eat grass animals to eat grass so people who eat animal products that eat grass get vitamin k2 them our food chain used to have k2 in it up till about World War two and after World War two all of our animals got moved on to feed lots and fed corn and beans our k2 intake went down without k2 we don't have activated osteocalcin without activated osteocalcin we need twice as much insulin if you have more insulin floating around you're going to get fatter if you want to lose weight you need to be on vitamin k2 dan has k2 for sale right over there okay in fact if you're quick you might get the last of six models right they're both different forms of k2 they both work they have different lengths of time okay ah but nightshift workers who don't get enough sleep only feel off who get lots of stress we're not going to go into nightshift that's a separate issue osteocalcin it binds it in your bones it doubles the effectiveness of insulin it takes k2 activate it you get k2 from grass raised animals if you want to lose weight you need to be on k2 that's part of the whole picture this is such a complex picture you get snot it's not just exercising more and eating less you have to turn the things on that help you do it and there's lots of literature to support that sleep there's lots of literature to support sleep you got to get a good night's sleep so you're on a tight wire so how to fix your weight gain the only way to lose weight is you have to teach your fat cells to open up and they are responding to hormones that means you have to get rid of insulin that means you have to lower leptin that means you have to get k2 for osteocalcin and you do that by doing what eating like it's what month January what month is it today so get your act together act like a Native American and stop having so much and which means we really want you to have now the nuance of that is we really don't want you having giant steaks we want you having low glycemic leafy vegetables with fat we want you eating coconut oil and olive oil and butter and just a little bit of protein not that much animal protein because too much protein will turn on insulin and if you are poisoned by mold toxicity or if you're poisoned by lectins and all those other foods if you're lectin sensitive those are other topics which you might read dr. Gondry's book but eat like it's winter and so the only way to lose weight is the human body's adjusted to seasons and we have to get used to eating if you want to lose weight eat like it's winter and so the the best diets out there show that works it's just that's too simplistic there's too many people who can't just do low carbs forever and if you get stuck and get can't get past it with the low carbs then you might be somebody who's who's eating too much protein what I find is routinely people think they can get away with eating nuts and peanut butter and they always come in I go through exactly what have you eat in the last two days and I almost always find peanut butter or nuts or something like that you can't have nuts they have too many carbs in them a lot of protein as a diet so how are they successful in losing weight some of them can butt meat as a general principle is actually 70% fat so you're not getting that much so meat isn't just pure right right and what it tends to happen is you actually feel full if you could try the following experiment go to pick and save on the way home and buy a pound slice of ham ever eaten a pound of ham you know many calories in a pound of ham okay pop quiz how many calories in a pound of ham how many how'd you know that that was perfect another another a over here we have another honor student it's 720 but 750 is close enough but I have people I have people guessing I have people guessing 2000 2500 it's only 700 calories in a pound of ham and you can't eat the whole pound so yeah for dinner you have 500 calories users stuck war so when you'll eat that much meat you're actually you just get full cuz you don't feel good eating it and what happens is as long as you switch to something different you can keep eating so if you want to lose weight you have to dumb your diet down and stop eating variety have two things for dinner don't have five things you know two things for dinner period that's it so anybody here if Donaldson's diet ever Donaldson's diet dr. Donaldson was America's first diet doctor 1920 he's the one that Adkins copied dr. Donaldson's diet was the following breakfast six ounce porterhouse steak with the fat on it lunch six ounce porterhouse steak with the fat on it supper [Music] he said he treated 17,000 patients they all lost weight the only people couldn't lose weight were the ones that just couldn't give up carbs he was the one that Adkins copied in the 1960s and AD Donaldson did that because he heard a lecture by two danish anthropologists who went up and discovered the Inuit and lived with him for five years and came back to New York City and said we've been with people for five years and never had one vegetable and everybody in New York City said you're lying because we just discovered vitamin C and they said you'd have gotten scurvy and they were so hurt and so mad that they said no no no we had nothing but meat for five years so these two young men checked themselves into New York Hospital every night would pee in a cup to make up to show that they're having ketones and they'd walked the streets of New York and they'd be followed by photographers would take pictures of them because we were gonna watch him die these two beautiful handsome young men were going to die from scurvy guess what happened they didn't die but they lost weight and Donaldson said they lost weight I can do this so dumb your diet down make sure you're getting a fat in it nothing but green vegetables that grow above ground green vegetables that grow above ground no new world vegetables no tomatoes no peppers no no new world vegetables have too many lectins in them no grains no grains no grains no rice no wheat no oats no grains green leafy vegetables only and coconut oil and olive oil in abundance yeah if you're gonna track your carbs keep 220 grams of carbs a day what was your question I've got another 50 slides that show about three adkins studies you can lose weight the average American diets 150 grams of carbs but people got to stay at 60 grams don't lose weight reliably well ketones are basically when you're burning fat if you've got ketones in your urine that means you're chopping fat up into little pieces nothing no your brain can run on ketones just fine we've run on ketones through all of human history for half the for half the year that's the normal human state but it was inflicted on us by nature and then when we have the choice we end up having if it was ice cream in our freezer we'll find it 20 you're cheating you're trying to slip in five grams nothing there's all sorts of apps there's all sorts of apps it can give to you how many grams of carbs in a serving of spinach a serving of broccoli a serving of kale a serving you'll find if you say if there's many many apps that say and six ounces of spinach there are this many grams of carbs so you can look those up but it's really 20 grams goes pretty quickly and you let everybody asking me all the time how many grams in a glass of wine about four to six right yes pardon that's a complex issue but fiber fiber it feeds your gut and we really want you have some fiber because it really feeds the bacteria in your gut and find you switch to an all protein or fat diet you're going to grow all sorts of stuff in your gut to me I think the most exciting thing is going to happen next ten years we're gonna get a better understanding of how to manipulate our gut bacteria and eventually that's going to drive it but I think the lectin story for those of you like to read more about the lectins story that may be part of it too does it the guy I copy the guy I copy the Guru I've copied is Eric Westman see and I don't think we know yet how much of that does there's some quality that and I'm not sure how that is I think it comes down to counting calories too and saying I just because you can out-eat any diet the one when you get into your brain gets you to so I need to feel this way to feel full you can out-eat any diet which is yes to probably yes just some in coquito what do I recommend for K to a hundred micrograms a day mk7 the super K that's on the shelf over there is pretty good stuff or do you have super K here it's we don't really know because we've had so little of it just having any bit makes you go blissfully happy so thank you all for coming tonight I hope you all successful doing losing weight here and look forward to seeing you on warmer days in the future thank you
Channel: MDcustomRx
Views: 69,856
Rating: 4.7720208 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. John Whitcomb, Leptins and Weightloss, MD Custom Rx, Weightloss, Leptins
Id: bB4Oc8SeHVY
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Length: 88min 59sec (5339 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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