Lori Vallow & Chad Daybell | Mental Health & Personality

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welcome to my scientifically informed insider look at mental health topics if you find this video to be interesting or helpful please like it and subscribe to my channel Louis is dr. grande today's question asks if I can analyze the mental health and personality factors that may be at work in the Laurie valo Chad de Belle case this is an interesting and complex case that is still going on as I make this video so just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this so first I look at the background and timeline and then I look at the mental health and personality factors so starting with the background Chad de Belle was born in 1968 in Utah he would get married in 1992 to a woman named Tammy eventually they would have five children he graduated from college in 1992 and eventually started his own publishing company he would publish doomsday novels in 2015 after hearing a voice commanding him to move Chad and Tammy moved to Rexburg Idaho Laurie evallo was born in 1973 in California she married in 1992 she married for a second time in 1995 she married for a third time in 2001 to a man named Joseph Ryan they had a daughter named Ty Lee in 2002 they divorced in 2005 her fourth marriage was to a man named Charles valo in 2006 that couple adopted JJ valo in 2014 JJ was the biological grandson of Charles sister in 2007 Laurie's brother Alexander Cox assaulted Joseph Ryan and threatened to kill him he was sentenced to 90 days in jail after pleading guilty after moving to Hawaii in 2014 the couple moved back to Arizona in 2017 and 2018 Joseph Ryan again Laurie's third husband died and his cause of death was ruled as a myocardial infarction so a heart attack he was cremated Lauri at some point read one of chad de belles books and developed an obsession with his writing she appeared on Chad's cast in December 2018 the topic of that podcast was the end of the world after this Laurie told Charles that she no longer cared about him Charles filed for divorce from Laurie in February 2019 he said that she viewed herself as a deity who was preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ and that Laurie would kill him if he attempted to interfere with that mission in February Laurie disappeared for 58 days Charles then stopped the divorce proceedings saying he wanted to make his marriage work right what could go wrong here who can blame him though nothing says true love like declaring oneself a deity and threatening homicide July 11 2019 Charles went to Laurie's rental home in Chandler Arizona to pick up JJ during an alleged altercation Alexandre Coxe again Laurie's brother fatally shot Charles in the chest twice Alexander claimed it was self-defense and he was never charged by the police Laurie was present during this incident when Laura was questioned by the police she laughed she talked about a trip to Hawaii that was coming up she was nonchalant neighbors reported that there was a pool party at Laurie's house later that day with loud music and lots of people swimming the next day Laurie texts Charles sons who he had from a different marriage informing them about his death she did not answer questions about the cause of his death as it turns out Charles made his sister the beneficiary of his life-insurance policy but Laurie wouldn't find that out until after Charles was dead September 2019 Laurie takes tighly and JJ and moves to rexburg idaho the same town where chad lives September 2019 Ty Lee and JJ are seen for the last time October 2 2019 Branden wardro the husband of Laurie's niece Melanie wardrobe claims that he was shot at the shooter was driving a Jeep Cherokee that was registered to Charles and of course Charles had been dead since July on the same day Laurie buys a wedding ring October 9 a mask assailant attempts to shoot Tammy day bail with a paintball gun she survived this attack but just ten days later she was found dead chad refused to allow an autopsy which amazingly he was allowed to do initially no one questioned the story the cause of death was recorded as natural so a 49 year old has a cough dies from it and they say natural causes evidently this coroner had come from the mid 19th century to take a job in Idaho part of the time-traveling corner exchange program November 4 2019 alexandra cox and melanie wardro arrived in Rexburg Idaho the next day Laurie and Chad get married in Hawaii Laurie tells people that Ty Lee had died years before and Chad tells people that Laurie did not have any minor children November 26 2019 the Rexburg police conduct a welfare check looking for JJ extended family had called because they hadn't heard from JJ in several months when the police could not locate JJ Laurie and Chad told them that he was in Arizona November 29 Alexander Cox gets married in Las Vegas and the next day Melanie bored Rowe who was recently divorced also gets married in Las Vegas the day after this the police visited the des belles residence again with a search warrant after they were informed that JJ was not in Arizona but Laurie and Chad were going records indicate that on December 1 2019 they took a flight to Hawaii they were not accompanied by any children at this point the police view Tammy de belles death as suspicious they exhumed her body on December 11 2010 the results have not been released as of the time I'm making this video the next day December 12 Laurie's brother Alexander Cox the same man who shot her fourth husband Charles dies in Arizona under mysterious circumstances I guess he got that coffee that was going around in Idaho December 20 2019 the Rexburg Police Department announces that they are investigating the disappearance of Ty Lee and JJ January 30 20:20 Laurie who had been ordered to produce the children misses the deadline set by the court February 20 2020 Laurie is arrested in Hawaii on two counts of felony desertion and non support of dependent children June 9 2012 property in Salem Idaho Chad is arrested and charged with obstruction or concealment of evidence family members have indicated that the remains belong to Ty Lee and JJ so at the time of making this video both Lori and Chad are in custody there are no murder charges at this time but it seems likely that they'll be on their way shortly I wouldn't be surprised to see murder charges not only for the children but also for Charles valo Alexandra Cox and Tammy day bail I also wouldn't be surprised if Melanie board row was charged in that shooting incident involving Brandon Bertram now moving to the mental health and personality factors so to start off with it's important to mention here that there's no way to know what's going on there may be nothing going on in terms of mental health and personality factors evidently Laurie was evaluated at one point during all this at a mental health professional released her this could simply be a situation where people decided to commit crimes for this analysis I'm going to run under the assumption that Laurie and Chad committed the murders or conspired to commit the murders when looking at all this two main theories surface to explain these behaviors the first theory of course is that Laurie and Chad were delusional they had delusions about the end of the world Chad and Laurie allegedly told Melanie that Ty Lee and JJ had become zombies saying that their original spirits were forced from their bodies and they became possessed by a demon a disembodied spirit a worm or slug Laurie also said she had spiritual visions Charles had reported that Laurie believed she was a deity she also believed that Charles had become somebody else so he was a zombie too this sounds a bit like a cop cross dilution and I'll talk more about this in a moment and of course we see that Chad had a long history of writing about doomsday and he believed that voices told him move to Idaho the second theory is that Laurie and Chad are psychopathic so they had this tendency to manipulate their lack of empathy grandiosity a wanton disregard for the rights of others and they were excitement-seeking and impulsive so if they were psychopathic then they would have been that way for a long time we don't see a late onset psychopathy people reported that both Laurie and Chad were upstanding responsible citizens maybe a bit unusual but we see nothing here that indicates that they were psychopathic before so back to the first theory of delusions what could be going on one if this were true while delusions can be caused by a number of conditions substance use some medical conditions but most are related to mental health the more common mental disorders associated with delusions would be schizophrenia and other disorders related schizophrenia like schizoaffective disorder major mood disorders like major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder brief psychotic disorder and delusional disorder so just looking at Laurie here I'm not aware of any evidence that says that Laurie had negative symptoms or disorganized speech or something like that that we would see with schizophrenia we don't see a history of depression or mania like we would expect to see with major depressive disorder and bipolar the symptoms were present from more than a month unlike what we would expect to see with brief psychotic disorder so that leaves us with delusional disorder essentially what's required for delusional disorder would be the presence of one or more delusions for a duration of one month or longer the delusions can't better be explained by another disorder and other than the effect of the delusion itself functioning is not markedly impaired and the person's behavior is not odd or bizarre Laurie did seem to function pretty well and it's not clear if she was odd or bizarre outside of delusional behavior I think looking at these different categories really highlights the importance of a quality history without knowing the history of behavior it's difficult to see what alignment would make sense I mentioned the cop graphs delusion before this is referred to as a delusion of misidentification with this particular type we see that a person miss identifies people who are close to them one of the most common situations is for one spouse to believe that the other spouse has been taken over by an imposter which seems to fit the behavior we see in this situation something like delusional disorder could explain how Laurie became involved with the whole doomsday thing the delusions came on and that caused her to develop an interest in Chad's self-published books so if something like that happened if she was not delusional and she became delusional then what could have happened with Chad because he was involved in these crimes as well it seems as though Chad's behavior had already been a bit odd he had a real obsession with the end of the world and he had this voice induced relocation it doesn't seem like a stretch to think that he could have had delusions already and that's what connected him to Laurie after connecting based on their shared belief that Laurie was a deity money may also have become a motive everyone knows that it's hard to be a deity on a budget Laurie allegedly took money from Charles and may have believed that she was the beneficiary of that life-insurance policy regardless of what mental health symptoms may or may not have been present we see this theme that Laurie and Chad simply killed at will in a way that seemed so impulsive and obvious that's amazing they got away with so many murders it's like they were just going on with their lives and they were unfazed by what was happening by what they were doing they certainly were not going to win the master criminal of the Year award so this brings me to the question of guilt or innocence of course right now they are presumed innocent but what do I think happened here well I would say it seems pretty clear that they're guilty just the circumstantial evidence alone is convincing whether the chances that all these unusual deaths could just occur at random in order to believe that they are innocent one would have to believe that there was some other person just following them around and killing people that were related to them in addition to the actual deaths of so many people connected to this couple we see other evidence in September 2019 Laurie predicted that Tami would die in a car crash before lorry arrived in Idaho evidently she made similar predictions about Charles valo she predicted he would die as well Laurie and Chad repeatedly lied to the police and of course the remains of Ty Lee and JJ were found on Chad's property to say this makes him look guilty is a bit of an understatement now the crimes of this couple really don't make any sense they could have been together preparing for the end of the world without killing anybody if the world was really going to end if they really believed that why would people be so important why the wedding in Hawaii they seemed to be very future-oriented for a couple that believed that the world was going to end so this kind of points to the idea that maybe there weren't delusions maybe they were just making this up - perhaps represent a defense later on it's not really clear this case really underscores the difficulties that law enforcement has when investigating people who are not obviously suspicious at first glance these two didn't appear to be criminals and that bought them enough time to commit several murders before being arrested so those are my thoughts on the Laurie valo Chad day bail case if you enjoyed this content please subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to my patreon in the description for this video as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 343,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lori Vallow, Chad Daybell, Joseph Ryan, Tylee Vallow, JJ Vallow, Charles Vallow, Alexander Cox, Melani Bourdreaux Brandon Bourdreaux, Tammy Daybell, delusional disorder, brief psychotic disorder, Capgras delusion, delusions of misidentification, narcissism, grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism, narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, factor 1 psychopathy, factor 2 psychopathy, sociopathy, cult mom, homicide, mental health, counseling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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