Lori and Chad Daybell Update | Beliefs about the Apocalypse

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He wrote 25 books?! I had no idea it was so many. โ€œThese are horrible, but I can do worse,โ€ I lold so hard that I spooked the cat. Omg, thank you for posting this Dr., that line alone will get a follow from me. Much of what Chad stated as his to do, is a repeat of Joseph Smith and the start of the Latter-Day Church, which the name itself exposes the reason why lds preppers do as they do. But again, like he said, Christians have that Left Behind series as well. While I left the church before researching every aspect of it, Iโ€™ve never read anything about reincarnation as a member or out.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/murmalerm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

His dry sense of humor and measured delivery gives me the giggles. Love me some Dr. Grande!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Lucky_Owl_444 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Love Dr. Grandeโ€™s videos. Will definitely watch this tonite. Heโ€™s awesome!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/XxxMonyaXxx ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thanks for sharing! I love Dr. Grande. He has helped me understand so much about people in my life with personality disorders. I am kind of fascinated by his constant rearranging of his little plants in the background.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/xgreyheronx ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello this is dr grande today's question is can i provide an update on the lori valo chad dabell case including a closer look at their unusual beliefs and a look at the ruling that lori valo is not competent to stand trial just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video this is a complex case which is only going to become more complicated as it continues the challenging part is all the different relationships involved a lot of people being married divorced allegedly being murdered things like that i will offer a compressed summary of this case i have covered this case before in a video where i give the details untangling all of these relationships here is the compressed summary a man named chad dabell was born in utah in 1968 in 1992 chad married a woman named tammy after chad graduated from college he started self-publishing fiction books about the apocalypse he self-published over 25 of these in 2015 chad and tammy moved to idaho after chad heard a voice commanding him to do so now going back to 1973 five years after chad was born a woman named lori valo was born in california she married a number of times during her third marriage she had a daughter named ty lee her fourth marriage was to a man named charles valo this is where we get the last name valo lori valo they adopted a son named joshua who they referred to as jj so we have lori and charles valo they have two children with them jj and ty lee and then on the other side we have chad and tammy laurie started reading the books that chad was self-publishing apparently she became obsessed with them she told charles that she was no longer interested in being married to him she also mentioned that she was a deity who was preparing for the second coming of jesus christ and she threatened to kill charles there was a lot for charles to process there if any one of lori's statements didn't surprise him another one was sure to do the job charles filed for divorce in february of 2019 he went to a house that laurie rented on july 11 2019 to pick up jj and was shot to death by lori's brother her brother said it was self-defense he would later die as well so a lot of people dying here laurie moved with ty lee and jj to the same town where chad lived rexburg idaho chad of course was still married at that time on october 19 2019 chad's wife tammy was found dead chad would not let an autopsy be performed at that time he never consented to one but eventually the authorities became suspicious and they did investigate and an autopsy was performed chad and lori would marry on november 5 2019 in hawaii lori had purchased a wedding ring on october 2 17 days before tammy's death family members started looking for ty lee and jj in november nobody had heard from them in a while chad and lori flew to hawaii in december nobody was with them in february of 2020 lori was arrested for felony desertion chad was arrested in june of 2020 after the remains of tyler and jj were found on his property in idaho he was charged with felony concealment of evidence on may 25 2021 chad and lori were charged with first-degree murder conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and grand theft by deception two days later lori was deemed incompetent to stand trial based on a mental health assessment so now moving to the analysis first i'll take a look at the beliefs of lori and chad chad was involved with the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints which i will refer to as lds chad and lori maintained many unusual beliefs several of which deviate quite a bit from the teachings of lds a number of their beliefs are based on the apocalypse the end of the world the end times chad would say that his fiction books about the apocalypse were based on events he had seen in his own visions chad initially claimed that god revealed to him information about the second coming specifically details about events leading up to it chad became a somewhat well-known figure in the lds prepper communities so these are people who interpret lds beliefs to emphasize the apocalypse and they start preparing for the apocalypse essentially he was appealing to a small group of lds members who are highly enthusiastic this is somewhat similar to the left behind book series which primarily appeals to a small group of protestants who have unusual theological interpretations regarding the apocalypse and a shockingly high tolerance for flawed predictable and confused story lines i'm wondering if chad read these books the left behind series and thought to himself these are horrible but i can do worse in this regard i suppose chad was successful over time chad seemed to expand into more unusual areas like energy reincarnation and conspiracy theories it appears as though chad found many of his ideas from self-proclaimed visionaries who appealed to the same audience eventually demonology became a part of chad's beliefs and by extension glorious beliefs they came to believe that evil spirits attached themselves to people the demons completely take over the person they run the shell the person is essentially a robot being manipulated by the demon to fight these demonic zombies one must use spiritual weapons it appears as though lori believed her children had been possessed by these demons chad believed that he could look into people's past lives and figure out if they were light or dark in these incarnations so what did they do in their past lives were they good or bad he could figure out if they belong to the 144 000 this is a group of believers mentioned in the book of revelation these would be the light group the dark group were followers of satan lori believes that she is an immortal in a previous life she was married to a prophet warrior important in lds named moroni this prophet would later be an angel that would appear to joseph smith another important figure in lds some reports say that laurie believed she was a reincarnation of joseph smith's wife maybe she thought she was somehow both moroni and joseph smith's wife it's not really clear either way lori believed herself to be a deity preparing for the second coming of jesus christ she was a translated being who cannot taste death who was sent to lead the 144 000 into the millennium she received spiritual revelations and visions to help her prepare the chosen to live in the new jerusalem after the great war apparently she was supposed to vet these people so i guess check their apocalypse passports to make sure they didn't expire chad had supplied a to-do list to lori via email it contained seven items translate ancient records write a book about the translation process i guess it's always good to carefully document all your steps identify locations in northeast arizona for white camps i'm not sure what that means presidency of the church of firstborn there's not even a verb in that item so i don't know what that means either help establish the food distribution as the tribulations start nothing works up an appetite like the apocalypse ordain individuals to translation as the camps begin so we can see this fascination with translation and provide supplies to righteous members of families as far as the lives that chad and lori lived in the past chad said he had lived 31 different lives on various earth-like planets lori had 21 separate lives they both had five on the planet earth at the same time so i don't know if this was coincidence but they just happened to have these five lives together chad told laurie that the two of them had been married in seven previous lifetimes this is like a doomsday cult version of a pickup line i suppose the beliefs of chad and lori have been referred to by some as a religious delusion as far as the end of the world many people who are really into that don't want to wait for it they don't want to die and then have the end of the world come along say a couple thousand years later they want to happen when they're alive they want to be part of the excitement in order to accomplish this goal they may take actions to accelerate the apocalypse sometimes they are even referred to as accelerationists they are excitement seeking they want to think of themselves as a major part of a big adventure they do not typically use peaceful means to try to bring about the apocalypse rather they consider and potentially engage in violent activity this is a group of people who makes a literal interpretation of the phrase stop the world i want to get off it may be that chad and lori had this mentality they were ready to begin with the end times moving to the last question what about this ruling indicating that lori valo was not competent to stand trial based on the recommendation of a mental health clinician a judge ruled that laurie was mentally unfit for trial so what does this mean the state of idaho does not have an insanity defense therefore that will not be an option for the trial itself but of course to get to the trial the defendant has to be competent to stand trial the standard for competency is really just based on two elements is the defendant able to understand the court proceedings and can they assist in their defense at the time making this video lori's trial is on hold but in the state of idaho it is rare that a competency issue will prevent a trial it can delay it but realistically lori will probably be tried at some point if she does not become competent she will stay in a locked facility until she does so it's the equivalent of a life sentence the next question is what did the mental health professionals see that led them to this conclusion like what's going on with lori that would lead to her being declared unfit for trial well of course there's no way to know nothing's been released about this yet and may never be but there are a few possibilities it could be that all those strange beliefs that lori has are tied to psychosis perhaps they really are some type of delusion it could also be that she's trying to appear as if she's delusional but she's really not running under the assumption for a moment that laurie is guilty as the state alleges her actions appear to be deliberate and thought out we see a number of behaviors specifically designed to escape responsibility it's not like lori was involved in killing her children and then immediately confessed or even failed to hide the evidence there was this whole bearing of the bodies and telling people that the children were with somebody else there were efforts to disguise what really happened concealing evidence appears to be a major part of the strategy it would seem at first glance anyway that someone who carries out criminal actions and then conceals the evidence appears to have an understanding of how the world works she allegedly committed her crimes with intentionality these were not accidental homicides she was accused of perpetrating fraud after the alleged homicides one might then draw the conclusion that a person who could do this would also understand how court proceedings would function and because they were able to try to escape consequences they probably know how to assist in their own defense delusional thinking alone will not keep lori valo from being tried the case of lori valo and chad dabel is a frightening example of how people can become over committed to really unusual beliefs i will provide more updates as the case moves on i'm again confident that lori will go to trial so there'll be that at this point chad daybell is facing trial and nothing seems to be slowing that down specifically so again i'll offer updates as the case develops please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 156,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s6Y9NUaEgV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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