Loretta Lynn's Childhood Home in Butcher Holler, Kentucky

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hey guys gals and loretta lynn lovers this is real appalachia with shane and melody we're coming at you from van lear kentucky home of loretta and lynn and the famous butcher hollers yes we're getting excited about to get on the road here here chicken in the background here then oh yeah this is the real deal this is the real authentic awesome deal yes so let's get on the road we'll show you what else we can find all right we're going to give you a solid look here we've passed the front on the road already but this is now the van leer historical society and the coal miners museum and we learned that back in the old days the front of it was actually the van leer post office the back was the jail the upstairs was a doctor's and dentist office and there's actually a little door there from the jail that you can still see which i love that kind of thing that's so cool i don't think i'd want to spend any time in here with you no i'm not sure that otis would have liked this either so it's not essentially out of jail yeah it is awesome so it used to be the post office and it's also yeah post office of jail on this shows in the miller creek division of consolidation coal company and has established circa 1913. okay yeah they used to be their headquarters we saw that quite a bit used to have all this headquarters a lot of stuff you usually saw company store with it so i don't know doesn't say anything about that but sometimes they were separate if you acted up in the post office or the doctor's office they'd throw you in jail be close close moving little look at that it doesn't appear to be open today unfortunately yeah i hate that we missed that check it out maybe next trip you have some tributes to the miners okay there you go guys i hope you enjoyed that little look alrighty we are here at front of the vanlear post office and the also the van leer coal museum historical society i guess up here to the left driving into who's place morita lynn's old home place miss loretta better known as butcher holler yes how excited are you about this one i'm very excited this is my first time here turn right onto miller creek road miller's creek road and you just turn all right on miller creek there's possum holler very cool that's an authentic name isn't it it is so hopefully if all goes as planned we will end up at well of course butcher holler but first stop will be webb's grocery which is down here and unfortunately her brother who used to run that store just passed away a couple years ago and uh but the store is still open and doing business from what i understand so it's pretty healthy here though isn't it yeah it is it's pretty rural you get off route 23 which is what the country music highway and you go off and take one turn then another then another next thing you know it's further further on the boonies yeah you are out in the middle of nowhere about what you expect kind of about as authentic as you could ever hope to find it's a very cool train car yeah and this must be the old school back there it said school house road really we'll have to go back here yeah what i thought earlier was the old school was actually the gym for the high school still in great shape it looks like it's a masonic temple now yeah yeah very beautiful building [Music] and the stone was all hand chiseled from what we were told also fantastic beautiful i'm glad to see it repurposed because me too abandoned and not in any good shape they're not even standing half the time yeah exactly [Music] it's a nice building it is there's arched windows i'm glad they saw to like i said to keep this great a lot of detail and effort went into it you imagine when it comes to build something like that oh my gosh beautiful though okay i guess we've seen all weekend let's take a look at it here like i said it looks like it's used for the mason large round yeah we don't want to cross the masons do we no we make peace with the masons fire department and then of course if you remember laura lynn makes reference to the van lear coal mines in the song coal miner's daughter oh it's really pretty out here yes music branch i wonder if that's reference to her for someone's last name just never know a lot of music's from where i'm from except they put a k at the end these are like old pro camp houses right here you can just tell by looking it's the same row house same floor plan on each one of them this may be a little bit more spread out so probably i'm just guessing i don't know if i'm talking on top of my head but i've been this many of these it looks like that maybe the bosses houses makes sense they always got it taking pretty good care of i don't understand van lear's pretty good operation too the wolf pen branch it's another authentic name yeah you can tell the locals are more used to the road because they come flying through enterprise baptist church i wonder how many people that they get to come out and take the tour a year an average i don't know the last time i was here i was the only person and it was actually laura lynn's niece that did the tour which was great yeah yes and i was the only person but i would say several a day especially on a pretty day like today it's been closed for covet for a while and i think a lot of people aren't aware that it's open back up here very recently like probably last month yeah and uh okay it's got a nice italian flair to it kampagata there you go it's probably much more like the authentic pronunciation we're getting close we're about a little bit over half a mile away from uh webb's grocery soon it feels like you're already in a hauler but then there's all kinds of haulers that branch off from it too yeah very cool this is a nicely paved toddler here as well well yeah that that is true but considering it's leaked into butcher hauler i can see why it's the ultimate holler holler within a hauler sounds like a good book title doesn't it yeah it's normal school bus so of course i mentioned lori lynn crystal gail was her sister and she lived here for a while too as well so i don't want you should sell her right i'm not as familiar with her as i am or it i gotta say she was a little more poppy he was more flashy she had the super long hair like she never cut it to down the floor oh wow yeah she was a pretty big deal back in 70s and 80s but she kind of just i think it wasn't all that interesting if i'm not mistaken this is webb's grocery right here so loretta lynn home place tourist information i saw the sign there well here we are hot diggity dog little homemade sign there that's at loretta lynn's home place too all right this is very neat let's go inside and check it out yes let's give them a better look this is for home place of lordland and crystal gales stop at webb's ask for herman unfortunately herman passed away a couple years ago as we were talking about but it's uh authentic old store here we'll go in and check it out here in a few minutes webb's grocery very cute little store herman webb established in 1976. we'll go in here and take a look around [Music] dude okay we're back on the road here heading into butcher holler and we both got moon pies i got an orange crush i got caramel it's delicious i got banana that's my favorite but we are about to head into the lord alien country here well i guess we're in the country we are in loretta lynn country like i said before we're i'm excited to see this it's been shut down for a while we've been meaning to come ever since we started this channel but i've been keeping a watchful eye on for when it to open up yes so we just left webb's grocery which are some fine people in there yes good talking very cool to see the memorabilia on the walls and that kind of thing oh yeah coal mining and of course vladilyn's career just uh when you get a good vibe as soon as you get this area don't you it's good people friendly open well this could have been very easy to miss the old entrance to the mine you can see you can saw mine right here and it's covered up now for safety reasons of course and it'd be very easy to miss it if you don't know what you're looking for it's like a great place for a snake doesn't it oh it is i haven't seen one this year so [Music] there's an entrance right now of course it's sealed off because they don't want you to go in there and risk injury of course all kinds of dangers inside these old mines but it's really cool to see where the van lear mine was full experience full mouth of moonpop i gotta catch up with you about it you gotta wolf that thing down on me here i think my favorite still the chocolate though they're just original yeah i know especially though if you get one of them you got to get rc with it too just to have that whole tracy bird experience but a good old rc coal in the moon pie mm-hmm i'm a sucker when i see a different con though i want to try i don't think i've seen caramel before i'm exact same way i saw a lemon one other day and i didn't have money to get it oh here's a i'm not mistaken this is the theme to rock right up here i see it there it is we'll jump out and give you a closer look at that too alrighty here's the famous butcher hollow rock that shows you how to get in there got a little music notes on it i hope you can see that yes looks like the o's wore off a little bit yeah might need touched up yeah i had my paint and i'd come out here and fix it for him but i guess leave that to the locals this is a little road leading down to butcher holler we're not very far away off in the house from here pretty handy that they show you that though isn't it yeah ideas all right let's get back in the car and head on down the just road up the rock that's the rock and we should be if my calculations are right seeing her home place here very shortly in the meantime more moonfire true gotta keep it looking nice for the fans yeah what's your favorite part probably coal mine or something i mean i love it i like to be different i guess because i love this city and don't come home and drinking with loving on your mind i like them too that was a good one you ain't woman enough to take my man that was already in wasn't it yeah it is that's awesome not forget that is that that's out there that's right yeah some of that and coal miner's otter i love both of those something about brawling women makes me happy i can see that about you shane i want to go to fish city all right open oh it's so beautiful to see that gate opened this road up as rough as a cob now that's authentic there's old outhouse and everything i love it that's great and there's the outhouse [Music] an old building some people coming we'll get a little bit of shot at the front here all right we're going to take a look inside the home place that we're readily in here [Music] yes [Music] they have beautiful land huh it reminds me of some of my family's houses going to visit a little well there oh yeah we got loretta's music playing [Music] yep these are windows [Music] i love it for the low low price of five bucks per person oh yeah can't beat that deal yeah been looking and i've seen a few signatures this year oh no it wasn't while i was here i'm glad to say yeah but and it was just something my dad wasn't able to control right he he said he'd turn his back and and somebody decided yeah just got out of the hand so i'm i'm pretty sure he just kind of gave up and they have ceilings and everything yeah yeah it's pitiful but you got to think too it was wartime when they were growing up yeah so they listen to the news before they listen to the office all right that is the swing that they used on the front porch and the reason it's still in one piece when they left here dad took it off the porch and stuck it upstairs in a closet he said i was afraid to get stolen yeah it probably would have and take some pictures too i know you got the good camera clear let me block it for you so you can sorry yeah [Music] the original radio that's so neat it feels so cool to be staying in here where they all come to listen you know i said it it kind of blows my mind because you know if you went to thomas jefferson's mansion right you would expect to see the original furniture all right yeah but here yeah you know because nobody knew what loretta was going to do right you know and so just it's amazing to me that dad was able to like he said this stayed here it's been here and that swings been here the whole time but a lot of the other stuff he had to barter with family members to get it i understand that now you see this old guitar here dad said that's probably the first guitar loretta ever played on oh wow and please note i said play it on not play right i had my uncle he lived up a holler that we had to walk up every spring when it washed out and yeah well i can relate now that picture right there is of her matching down in tennessee and uh she doesn't actually live in that house now she's built another house behind it when doolittle got sick right oh my gosh i love this kitchen now both these cabinets were my grandma's i tried to point out things that were original this was my grandma's butter turn that is so cute this was my grandma's cook stuff yes and grandma used to make her life soap and render her lard in these tubs right here oh my gosh yeah but i'm gonna tell y'all something right now this was not my grandfather's still okay or at least that's what my dad told me but it gives a good segue here to this uh picture yeah if you remember in the movie there was a moonshiner who tried to recruit do little linda sorry moonshine all right his name was lee dollar hyde he was a cousin of ours okay uh this is lee dollar hide right here oh wow and dad said the way they depicted that in the movie was exactly the way he remembered it too wow the line in the movie that lee is famous for was it's either coal mining moonshining or heading on down the line yeah that's what he had said to do because that was the only way to make a living back here exactly oh oh goodness i'm so sorry i'm so excited there's so much to look at here [Music] that's so cool yeah this was the dining room yeah now the only furniture that would have been in here would have been the table and maybe a sideboard so this is the original table this is my grandma's dining room table that is gorgeous yeah it's missing a couple of leaves yeah it would have filled this whole room oh wow yeah that's the first thing i saw when i saw those feet i said my grandparents were poor yeah that's nice that's a nice table yeah but i found out they bought it second hand really yeah it was used now it had a matching hutch too yeah but the hutch was too tall to fit in here oh no but if you'll notice it does have an electric motor now but electricity did finally come up through here in the late 40s yeah early 50s and one of dad's uncles put that electric motor on it at that time dad said they everybody had beds in their front yeah because he said you know they didn't have electricity so they didn't have a need to have a place for people to gather he said more or less use this as a guest bedroom yeah you know this furniture is original now this was my grandma's saw machine okay she served many a feed sack just like that so you know exactly like that this record player actually belonged to laura and his grandpa oh my god somebody in the family did that about 12 years ago and dad had it refurbished so it does work oh my goodness my family so many things like you said it is the rocking chair in that room in there belonged to his grandmother now this door right here goes upstairs and there's two attic style bedrooms up there wow dad said the boys would sleep in one room the girls would sleep in the oven until it got really cold in the winter time right he said then you'd see three and four beds in each one of these rooms right here because right there's your source of heat yeah that's a cold burning fireplace if you notice it's not as deep and white as a wood burning fireplace okay because coal burns hotter and longer right yeah and you know i was thinking one day when i was telling this boys and wondering girls in the other and it hit me yeah loretta was the only girl for the first five kids all right you know uncle junior then loretta then my dad herman then my uncle jaylee and then my uncle dawn i said so did she have her own room up there yeah and no wonder she was daddy's girl yeah exactly yeah and i said no wonder she could stand up to do yeah because she grew up finding four brothers seriously yeah no wonder it all makes sense things have to make sense to me but i did learn something different because you know they did not film the movie here they filmed the movie over in lecher county and they built a replica of this house and used it in the movie well when the movie company finished with it loretta and dew had that replica taken to her ranch in tennessee so you can tour that house there well i had some people that had just toured that house come here and they quickly corrected me when i said loretta had her in me i was just joking but anyway yeah they said the way loretta has grandma grandpa's bedroom set up is there's an extra bed in there yeah and my aunt betty had verified this she had told me that once before that they always kept a little single size bed in there yeah and they tell down there that that's where loretta slept that makes sense and to help grandma with the babies yeah you know she was the biggest girl and i said i knew grandma wouldn't put loretta upstairs with four brothers yeah so i said that makes perfect sense i believe that that that happened that way yeah you know now i always point this picture out here you might have heard me tell the other couple some of this stuff um that's my grandma that's my grandpa and that little girl right there and that in that picture right there the baby that's crystal gale okay a lot of people do not associate crystal with butcher hollow yeah but this is her home place too you're right i think she lived here for a while didn't you she lived here she was about four or five years old when they left here okay and moved to indiana this picture shows all eight of the kids that's my grandma and that's my step grandfather my grandmother remarried after my grandpa died but that right there is my dad okay and um he was a very good looking man and a lot of people want to know if they were all musical i said the only one i've never heard seeing was matt betty yeah a little tidbit of information the movie company sent them all releases to sign yeah so they could use their names in the movie and they paid them a dollar which my dad's still waiting on this dollar but my aunt betty she says i'm not signing it yeah i'm holding that for more money yeah you know how okay guys hope you enjoyed this look at butcher holler the home of we're at atlanta and i think that went well don't you okay that's the problem hope you can see that up there in the top window yes somebody watching out okay guys it was a great little tour it wasn't we should turn a leaf yes she did a great job if you like this video give us a thumbs up share it comment and definitely subscribe hey man we'll see you guys on down the road here thank you you
Channel: Real Appalachia
Views: 116,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loretta lynns 2021, loretta lynn coal miners daughter, loretta lynn songs, loretta lynn, van lear rose loretta lynn, van lear kentucky, crystal gayle, coal miner, coal miner's daughter, johnson county, paintsville, butcher holler, butcher holler loretta lynn home, butcher holler loretta lynn, appalachia, real appalachia, you aint woman enough, you aint woman enough to take my.man, fist city, coal, holler, shane and melody, real appalachia with shane and melody, country music
Id: 8S08ms2croM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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