The 5th Divine Beast - Breath of the Wild Theory

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[Music] this video is sponsored by me since i put a lot of time and effort into it so also if you're in any way invested in this channel stick around until the very end where i have a couple of updates regarding my schedule as well as the upcoming one-year anniversary of the channel next week [Music] ever since ocarina of time all 3d zelda games and some 2d installments as well gave link various means to make traveling around faster and less troublesome be it on horseback ships a train or a rideable bird companion all served to aid him on his quest to rid the world of evil and breath of the wild was no different aside from the paraglider which was already an amazing addition we once again had the option to ride various animals catch our own steeds name them and use their speed to our advantage and in a world as vast as this one they were definitely a welcome inclusion but you know what you can't do on a horse oh yeah after purchasing the second dlc pack the champion's ballot and overcoming its challenges link is rewarded with no less than a god damn motorcycle or as i like to call it the horse redundancy cycle zero which totally eradicates the need for a horse altogether i mean why should you can't do this on a horse or this or this those bastards won't even budge when faced with more than a 30 degree incline the master cycle 0 says nay to that and lucky for link it runs on basically anything rocks fruits and plants chicken legs goat butter freaking fairies but i gotta hit the brakes real quick as cool as the master cycle zero is this isn't what we're here to talk about well not entirely anyway instead what i want to focus on today is that which leads to this awesome reward that being the final trial link has to overcome before facing off against monk moss kosha and receiving this technological wonder there's quite a bit of mystery and confusion surrounding this place why is it here and what purpose does it serve why does its interior have so many similarities to the divine beasts pair that with the unusual reward at the end and you got yourself a subject ripe for some good old theorizing so let's talk about the so-called fifth divine beast found in breath of the wild hidden away in a cave located on a ridge atop the great plateau we find the shrine of resurrection the very first place we see after booting up the game it is here that link opens his eyes after having been in stasis for 100 years and is set on his quest to face calamity gannon the scourge of hyrule castle who torched the kingdom 100 years ago and is now on the verge of breaking free once again with princess zelda desperately trying to restrain him after starting the adventure there is very little reason to return to the shrine of resurrection other than collecting one of the 900 corox seeds hidden across hyrule that is until we boot up dlc pack 2 the champion's ballot little did we know the entire room link was recovering in doubles as a giant elevator leading us deep down into another ancient chica construction a massive underground trial consisting of cogs wheels and many more moving parts which can be manipulated using the sheikah slade the similarities this place has to the inside of the four divine beasts has led some to call it the fifth divine beast an understandable conclusion as it has almost the exact same rules and mechanics obtaining the map first manipulating its mechanics solve a few puzzles until you're finally ready to face the boss and call it a day it even has the same lazy enemy placement in the form of a few guardian robots and that's it the only real difference is that instead of one of ganon's blights the final stage of the trial instead leads to a sheikah monk just like the ones we saw in the shrines unlike the four divine beasts which were corrupted and taken over by ganon's malice this place seems to have been untouched by his influence also like the shrines so in that sense it's kind of like a hybrid between a shrine and a divine beast but unlike these this place seems to have served a different purpose the divine beasts were built to be operated by a pilot and served as a support to subdue ganon the shrines on the other hand were solely built to test the hero tasked with dealing the final bloat again and using the sword of evil's bane i.e the master sword at first glance it seems like the final trial served the latter a test for the hero after all upon defeating monk moscosia he states that link has now proven himself to be a true hero and the reward the master cycle zero seems like it was made specifically for him alone but let's back up for a moment here we actually already know that the fifth divine beast does indeed exist and it's not the final trial itself but instead as you probably have guessed the master cycle itself muskosha does indeed point this out right as you start the dlc quest inside the shrine of resurrection i now address the one who wishes to master a divine beast so yeah the bike is the fifth divine beast not exactly on the same scale as the other four but hey who are we to judge and when you really think about it the master cycle zero is very fitting for the hero to pilot rather than a giant behemoth the goal of the other four beasts as stated before was purely to provide support while the hero and princess attempted to seal ganon away they were never designed to outright defeat ganon on their own as powerful as their giant lasers are this isn't nearly enough to slay the demon king even with all 4 combined they were still only able to inflict half his life bar worth of damage and mind you this calamity ganon wasn't even at its full potential as masterworks points out out of all parties involved the task of the hero was by far the hardest and most dangerous one yes zelda did struggle to awaken her powers at first but that was mostly due to her own insecurities and mental block but once awakened we've seen what the wielder of goddess hylia's power can do she wouldn't even have to get all that close to the demon king instead she would have waited until he was weak enough to a point that she can send him into the void using a massive surge of energy the hero on the other hand is the only one involved who would have to make direct contact with ganon by striking him with the master sword in other words getting close enough to be in sword's range as such the master cycle zero would be a fine addition to his arsenal to accomplish his goal as it grants him much greater speed and mobility to close the distance and avoid the demon king's attacks not that this was hard in the actual game but let's not talk about that that was just lazy boss design another reason why it's clear that the master cycle zero was specifically designed as a fifth divine beast to be used by the hero is that it's tied to the sheikah slade this is one more thing that makes the bike stand out from the other beasts as it functions as a rune inside the slate and can be summoned or stored inside at any time although we mostly saw zelda using the slate 100 years ago because of her interest in the sheik attack it was never actually intended to be used by her we can see this in one of the cutscenes from 100 years ago where she tries to use it on one of the shrines and it doesn't respond to her the slate was indeed designed to be used by the hero as it is tied to the shrines meant to test him we also have to keep in mind that link likely wasn't the first hero to face ganon using the sheikah slate we know of at least one hero that preceded him in doing so and this hero actually succeeded on his first try since ganon wasn't aware of the sheikah weaponry at that time this makes for a strong argument that this ancient hero may have been utilizing the full potential of the sheikah slate and thus the master cycle zero as well since the ancient chica who built the technology were still alive at this point in time and would have been able to explain how it all works an advantage which our modern day heroes didn't have so with all that said let's redirect our attention to the final trial since we already established that this place isn't the fifth divine beast what is it then the shape of the facility itself has already sparked some interesting ideas as the layout shares a lot of similarities to that of a combustion engine the four cylindrical rooms protruding out on the sides are just like that of the cylinders of an engine in turn the entire structure is connected by spinning parts which all come together in one central cog and can be spun clockwise or counterclockwise simulating forward and reverse it even has a giant fan another common thing found in an engine this has brought forth some pretty wild speculation like the idea that this facility is actually inside the master cycle zero and is then magically shrunken down by moss kosha upon completing the trial i do not believe this to be the case though yes the trial is connected to the master cycle but its layout is probably just a clever foreshadowing of the reward at the end not only that but it's also based on the assumption that the final trial was designed for the hero and the hero alone and the more i looked into what this place really is the more i realized that this is probably not the case at all let's start with the first piece of evidence masterworks the final trial is barely mentioned in the book but what little it does have to say about it is quite interesting the shrine of resurrection this medical facility contains an apparatus large enough to fit a person and is designed to heal wounds underneath is a large trial used to train the champions of the divine beasts notice how it says champions as in plural the trial is described as a place where they would train probably in preparation for the confrontation with ganon meaning it wasn't built just for the hero but in fact for all five champions and the closer we look at the final trial the more obvious this becomes the facility is split into five different sections and not counting the elevator and the room where the monk resides the four cylindrical rooms on the sides and one central chamber the central room houses a guidance stone meant to be activated by the sheikah slate and the other four are each designed around a specific element fire water air and electricity the same four elements each of the pilots of the divine beast possessed in turn the door leading to moscow which is locked with four giant bolts each have a shika symbol on it corresponding with the first letter of each element and then another bolt in the center with a symbol representing the four divine beasts on it this symbol is also found all throughout the facility by the way and even the one hit obliterator which link is meant to wield at the start of the dlc is shaped just like it this symbol also perfectly illustrates the connection between the five champions the four divine beasts at the end of the fork and then the hero at the center of it all represented by the handle so with all that in mind here's what i think the facility was originally intended to do upon entering the facility the hero would use the sheikah slate to gain control of the central mechanism by manipulating the interior he would then open up the path to each of the four side rooms one by one the pilots would then enter the room corresponding to their element and solve the puzzle inside upon succeeding this would then free up the terminal in each room which could then be activated using the sheikah slate releasing the bolts on the door one by one another interesting thing that happens is that each time a bolt is released a new set of guardian based enemies spawns inside the central chamber either these were meant to be defeated by the hero alone or perhaps the champions would collectively fight these machines as a test of combat skill we do find four weapons hidden in treasure chests which are tied to the race of the four pilots and the hero would obviously be in possession of the master sword upon entering so it could be that defeating the enemies in the central room was a group effort but i can't say that for sure when all bolts are released and all enemies defeated the hero would then place the final part of the mechanism in the center using magnesius and presto the path to mascochia is finally revealed and the final fight can commence i'm quite certain that the final duel with the monk was meant to be fought by the hero alone a way for moscow to test his speed agility and accuracy in preparation to strike down the demon king as the cherry on top he would then be rewarded with his own divine beast the master cycle zero which he could then utilize during the final fight with ganon so you see not only was the final trial a way for the hero to grow even stronger and receive his own divine beast it was also a group effort a way to test and increase the synergy and cooperation skills between the five champions combining their skills and intelligence to solve one giant puzzle together and possibly even fight enemies as a team this also explains why link isn't allowed to enter or is even made aware of the final trial underneath the great plateau until he has tamed all four divine beasts and received the essence of each of the deceased pilots when link receives one of these skills he is essentially carrying a part of that champion spirit with him and since the final trial was designed to be completed by five individuals link wasn't allowed to enter until he possessed the spirits of all four champions plus his own so that they would still be alongside him even if only in spirit god damn camera is never doing what i'm hey there it's me so i wanted to give a few updates on the channel and something for next week because some things have changed bear with me i'm terrible on camera and i don't like doing this at all so some of you may have caught wind on the fact that i was working on a big project and some of you may have been wondering where is it some things have changed in my life right now i already posted it on discord so some of those people are already aware of it and the main gist of it is that i bought a house which is really cool but it's also very stressful and there's a lot of stuff involved a lot of paperwork a lot of stress not to mention i also have to sell this apartment to go with it so i'm both selling a house and i'm buying a house at the same time as a result i will have to completely reschedule this whole big project for now because it's just not doable it's it's too much i might take some of the ideas from the script and make separate videos out of it because i do feel like the script is all already a bit too convoluted right now i think i can take some of it out or simplify it and maybe turn it into a separate little smaller theory basically i also quickly want to give a big thanks to brick colby who's been kind enough to review my script basically he's been taking a look at it giving some feedback and suggestions and although i'm not going to be able to utilize it as of right now it's going to take a while but you know once i do come back to this and you know i start working on it refining the script i mean very helpful thank you to rick colby for that thank you man ah my eyes twitching like the muscle muscles spasm in my eye me and my fiancee we already kind of set our goals of wanting to move this year because as nice as this place is this apartment that we're living in right now it's it's just too small it's too small for two people especially with the stuff that i'm doing like recording like even right now my fiance is locked into the bedroom as you can see this is my desk sorry about all the wires never been able to clean those up properly but yeah this is where i work right now and this is where my fiance works so yeah we're pretty much back to back so anytime i want to record something i got to make sure that she is either not working or doing something else because you know if she's doing the this on the keyboard the microphone will pick that up it is a very good microphone but it's not completely uh immune to background sounds so yeah because of this it's kind of hard for me to just sporadically record or produce something uh be like oh i'm just gonna do a midweek video all of a sudden why not like it's just not doable because of the footage i just showed you a new house basically means that i finally have a proper office to work from you know i'll be able to record anything i want whenever i want work on anything also i have a place to retreat for a while for myself so yeah that it's uh it is the the right step to take for me in my life right now that being said next week is the one year anniversary of my channel i mean yeah it's pretty crazy how far we've gotten in just a year's time so thank you all so much for your support on that by the way just like i did with my 1k subscribers special last year i want to get you guys the the viewers involved again so um initially i thought maybe it's a fun idea if you guys post your theories either on discord or somewhere in the comments or anything like that and i would cover those and put them all together in one video but then i realized that's not really the best way to go about it because theories require a lot of attention to get the full potential out of them you know you have to provide evidence you have to cover all the options that's just how theories work you know there's a reason why many zelda theorists only use like a top five or even a top three for for those kinds of videos because theories require a lot of time if i choose to go that route we'd probably only be able to cover about 10 of them max and that's already a pretty long video that's probably going to be like 30 minutes already so if you want to participate i would ask you to post your unique idea about a zelda dungeon it can be about draftable 2 or a dungeon for a future title like far into the future whatever you want um just something unique maybe something that hasn't been done before or with a new twist to it or something like that now before you start frantically typing in your ideas into the comment section below i want to set some rules here first so bear with me first i'd like to ask that you keep it to one single idea you know i know some of you might have lots of ideas and that's awesome but you know i gotta keep it organized for myself and i want to choose let's say 30 maybe 20 unique ones from different people next please do not put your idea in the comment section on this video or any video because it's gonna get lost in between all the other comments out there you know it's going to get overlooked it said i want to make a community post so i can just have all the ideas in one place so i can just easily skim through the list and choose a couple of them lastly if your idea doesn't make it to the list for whatever reason please do not feel bad about it i will do more videos like this in the future like for another milestone don't take it personally i have to make decisions here i have to choose a couple of ones that you know speak to me personally doesn't mean your idea is bad or i don't like you so keep an eye out for that community post which will probably go up around the same time as this video so hopefully i'll see you there and that is pretty much all i wanted to say thank you for watching thank you to all my patreons and members i think we have a new member who joined a couple of days ago um thank you to maximilian smith for joining you are awesome and that is pretty much all for now thank you for watching and until next time
Channel: Monster Maze
Views: 223,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breath of the Wild 2 Trailer, Breath of the Wild Sequel trailer, Zelda Breath of the Wild 2, Zelda Breath of the Wild Sequel, Breath of the Wild 2 Theory, Zelda Theory, Breath of the Wild 2, Breath of the Wild 2 analysis, Breath of the Wild 2 news, Nintendo Switch, Breath of the Wild Theory, Legend of Zelda Theory, Breath of the Wild 2 Release, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, Legend of Zelda, Zelda Breath of the Wild, Zelda Switch, Breath of the Wild Sequel 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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