Lords of the Fallen - Wither is OVERPOWERED - Best Agility Umbral Build Guide - Destroy EVERY Boss!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming and a new Lords of Fallen video if you're like me and you wanted to go deep into agility for a build then I have a very cool duel Sword version of that for you this uses two short swords with their awesome moose set these are the wfe weapons that scale great with agility but also can provide some damage with wither of course we go harder with the combo though and begin buffing our weapons up with umbrell damage using the umbrell weapon spell increasing our damage even more as we smash targets with F multi-hit combos that build up that damage very quickly there's also utility in the build since we can do a bit of magic in our ability to send out maybe some umbral shots or even bombs depending on what you need I knew from the start that I wanted to do a cool dual blades weapon build and I knew that would probably involve some sort of weapon buff of some kind to help the many hits that are landing actually build up something of value in terms of damage like status or element so as soon as I saw one of these swords I knew this was going to be the theme so if you'd like to run this yourself let's explain the build so to begin with that you will want to pick your starting class of exiled stalker ideally of course you can still do this with other starting classes but that would be a good one because it begins with high agility and it gets you straight into the theme of dual wielding weapons right away from there you want a level for the gear you're using you need 13 agility so that you can actually use the left hand and also right hand version of these steel the swords and the main buff we're running is umbrell weapon so you need at least 15 in Radiance and Inferno longterm although you do get the um weapon spell a bit later in the game so you wait on that you could go harder with Radiance and Inferno if you want to use more umbrell magic once you actually have access to it but as you can see 15 in both should be the fine starting point for the early in mid game either way once you've got the base stats that you're going to need for the gear you can then push agility for damage as your main stat while leveling save vitality and endurance to the points that you're happy with it's probably a good idea to wait to level your Radiance and Inferno until towards the mid game where you're actually getting the spells to do it and push Your vitality like I did a bit higher so you have some survivability now let's talk about the actual weapons we have the right and left hand bringer of Stillness swords what's funny is that you don't necessarily need like the correct pairing of left and right you can technically like I've just done equip two right hands if that's what you want to do the difference between them is that they actually have different stats so for example the right hand one comes with a little bit of Wither damage buildup which is nice to have as an extra bit whereas the left hand is just raw damage and seems to scale better with agility because of that I like the idea of having the complete set and having a little bit of Wither damage but where it's not relevant it's not a big deal I didn't fully commit to it these are dropped in two ways one is the multi- boss fight called the Bringers a gank Squad that can drop these swords found in the sistern region in the umbrell world and that's a good way to get it because it's a guaranteed drop for the left one in the fight and there's potential one to get the right one there as well they are optional bosses you won't need to encounter those so it's entirely possible to miss them you could encounter the Skin Stealer boss fight here and then just leave up the elevator immediately so while you're he in this system make sure you go into the umbrell world and head down in the Central Area eventually see a path of makeshift cages you can drop down to and cross to the central area where you see one wraith but in reality there's three here you will have to deal with all three at once as the fight progresses so I'd really recommend you focus one down ASAP to keep the fight under control so you're never actually having to deal with three at once ideally once you win you'll get the left hand weapon at very least and maybe the right one as well however as it turned out for me you can get these swords even sooner than that the race exist in the normal game usually showing up around in the umbrell world when you've got enough thread buildup for them to spawn these versions might drop their swords and since they use both it appears they will drop either one of them with some luck which is how I got both of the swords I did so in lower Cal wrath but technically you can find these black wraiths as soon as the Fitzroy Gorge now it did take some farming of two specific wraiths but here's how I did it as you progress through lower calth you'll eventually come across the Second Prestige of that area Lydia the num one which from here you can turn around and go back to where the wfs are heading down and back across the umbrell bridge that you pulled to get here over on your right as you're Crossing this umbrell belly Bridge is a wooden platform with the first wfe just standing there and this could just be your farm Target you just need to be careful cuz there's a fire enchantress mini boss that's hanging around here too you'll probably want to kill first this is the one that dropped the right hand version for me and technically if he only drops the right you could just use two right- hand versions that would be fine to get the left hand version I actually got one just down the hill from here by dropping down carefully so I don't take too much fall damage and working my way all the way down this hill to the point where there's this wooden bridge over me I go up there and there's that other wraith this is the one that dropped the left hand one for me just be careful because obviously in this footage I'm just showing you the location so I'm running through but there's a lot of enemies here many of them dangerous it's worth going slow and clearing them out farming some Vigor at the same time as you farm these swords I will warn you though this method took me a good 40 minutes maybe even an hour to get the weapons I wanted so you could could just progress the game and go face the optional gank Squad boss that I mentioned to get a guaranteed drop now in terms of runes I only have two socketed in them right now and obviously they only take certain shapes but the main Rune that you should care about is the dexus one it increases your physical damage while dual wielding which is obviously what we're doing so I think this is the most important Rune that at least I've been able to find that I could recommend to you I was able to slot one of those runes in both of my weapons so that's really nice and then you're just looking for other things of utility like hey more posture damage from the rug Rune here it's whatever you can fit in that's relevant for the build now obviously what we're doing is weapon buffing up with the umbrell weapon spell and this is going to greatly improve our damage especially against those that are weaker to umbrell damage type which is a lot of enemies in the game now to cast umbrell spells you're going to need the Catalyst that can do it unfortunately we can get one very easily from The skybridge Hub location so if we come around here there's of course the vendor that's found in the umbrell world so we swap to that and here he is M who who will actually sell you varieties of umbrell spells and items he will sell you your first Catalyst which is required to actually cast these umbrell spells this is the charm of Fortune sight and it'll cost you 650 Vier so not too expensive at that point you could buy some early spells and get casting some umbrell spells early in your play for if you want to but then obviously we have the spell itself the umbrell weapon this is also sold by molu here but you have to make enough progress in the game before he begins selling it that progress Sims 2B successfully make your way to the sister region and then after I defeated the Skin Stealer boss there his stock and also others in the hub it all upgraded and he began selling more things this is where he starts selling the pendant that we want the faceless carving as well as the weapon buff so that brings us to our jewelry starting with the pendant so I just said that I can buy that from mhu now the faceless carving it increases you wither damage on wither defense which is nice cuz we are doing wither damage with one of our swords then we have the more complicated one in the ring there are three options that I'm looking at and a fourth that I would love to be using but I don't have so here's the accessible ones the early game my owners ring is great it increases your stamina and stamina regen which is important when you're swinging so much with a build like this the other ring I've got equipped is the curse worm ring which found in the swamp area increases your strength and Agility by one each which is not major but nice there's also the defaced ring which we find in the pilgrim area improving our health or we could buy the Ring of the duty ring here in the hub which will increase our vitality and endurance if that helps you more all of these are up to you they're all relevant and useful for the build the ring that we actually care about and actually one is the one that I don't have it's called the Grayson's ring it offers more damage while you're dual wielding which is obviously ideal for this build the problem is that I have no idea where you get it we know it exists based on the wiki and certain data mins of the game but from where it's dropped we currently don't know I can't find any information about it only people discussing the ring and no idea where they find it so if you know where it is tell us in the comments that'd be great then we have your armor which I'm just wearing the full Peta set just because I like the way it looks it's ultimately coming down to personal preference and fashion technically you could wear some of the actual Stillness set these black robes for the theme but I don't think they look very good in this game you can see my encumbrance meter and I'm in the medium roll basically you want to wear the heaviest most protective armor without heavy rolling and staying in the medium alternative to that is just fashion and personal preference so do what you will with that when it comes to gameplay for the build then it's a pretty simple combat Loop you just buff up the weapons with umbrell and go to town with whatever you're fighting unless it's like hyper resistant to umbrell and then there's no point doing that and you just use the raw weapon attacks as you attack you'll deal physical damage you'll get some wither buildup which is nice and you'll also deal lots of umbrell damage if you buffed up against the target for the attack types obviously you've got running Heavies which can be great or even running lights but I find them a bit slow the light attack combo Works a charm if you've got to do short punishes but if you can I'd recommend the the multi-hit attacks which is done on a controller by pressing L1 and R2 together at the same time with these two swords it's this clever three hit combo you hit once with each weapon at a time and then double swipe with both at once which deals fantastic damage it is a brutal punish and one that I rely on in boss fights or against mini bosses whenever I have the window to Do It ultimately multiple hits in short succession to build up wither and stack your umbrell damage from the weapon buff that's going to be a great way to do it obviously you can rely on your various umbrell spell for those that you're using maybe a ranged poke all the bombs that deal a bit more damage but a bit more Awkward to use there are a variety of um spells in the game and I'm only using the basic ones so it's up to you whether you want to use more than that but there you have it that is my umbrell based dual wielding build that works in the Raw damage of duel attacks with a damage buildup omil Buffs and spells becoming that Dark Assassin that really fits in this horrible World hopefully this inspires you to try Jew wielding if not this specific build it is very good in this game and the combo attacks like I've said they feel incredible whatever weapon and build you're using anyway this has been my first lws of the Fallen build video hope you've enjoyed it until next time then I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 67,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen best build, best build, lords of the fallen wither, lords of the fallen wither build, wither build, wither weapon, lords of the fallen agility build, right-hand bringer of stillness sword, umbral build, lords of the fallen umbral magic, umbral, umbral weapon, lords of the fallen best weapon, best weapon, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen guide, lords of the fallen build, guide, gameplay, build guide, lotf, ragegamingvideos
Id: Pjc2aUcX8kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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