Lord of The Rings Strength and Power Tier List

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the lord of the rings is one of the most beloved fictional series of all times and after multiple recommendations for me to make a tier list on it i decided it was time to impart my weeaboo knowledge onto the world of middle earth the series may have come out a while ago but a weeaboo is never late nor early he makes videos precisely when he means to in this list i will be ranking all the characters from the hobbit and the lord of the rings in terms of how strong i think they are in battle this list is going to be based off of the film universe rather than the books which is important to note as there are some differences and will include everything from the extended editions of all three hobbit and lord of the rings movies the first tier is the meme tier for characters who aren't fit for battle the goblin messenger looks like he can't even walk on his own and i thought he was funny so i just wanted him on the list [Music] alfred is the biggest coward of the entire series going as far as to stuff his chest with gold to pretend he was a woman to try and get out of battle his body's good at suffocating trolls but only at the cost of his own life grima was a backstabbing snake who was slapped by an old man he wasn't quite as pathetic as alfred and at least had the balls to stab saruman while his back was turned the fodder tier as its name suggests is filled with fodder characters are basically plowed through by most of the stronger ones goblins are basically the fodder of the fodder even when being numbered in the hundreds get taken out by the main cast of the hobbit gollum was able to bash one's brains in with a rock so i put him one spot higher frodo was able to overpower gollum but besides that he never actually defeated anyone or anything else so this is as high as i can put him bard's son bane managed to kill two orcs but one was in a surprise attack and the other got his axe stuck on a tree orcs are basically the main fodder of both trilogies being about the same level as an armed man the words they riot are right above them due to their large size and strength i don't want counts as mine gimli was able to easily break an orc's neck when he was stuck but looked like he was about to poo himself when a warg showed up the spiders from the hobbit seem to be about the same level as wargs but they can climb objects and produce webs so i put them higher the biggest and strongest spider is shelob who also has a poisonous stinger at the end of her butt she was able to prey upon orcs or anything else unlucky enough to wander into her lair she was beaten back by sam with sting which is why i put her below the hobbits mary and pippen have shown to be able to defeat plenty of fodder characters and are courageous enough to jump on the back of a troll i would put mary above pippin as he seemed to be the smarter and more competent of the two sam's right above them as he defeated chilob and plowed right through three orcs with all their focus on him at the top of the fodders bilbo baggins the barrel rider he has killed multiple orcs wargs and spiders and if he decides to put the one ring on nobody in this tier really has a chance against him due to his invisibility even without the ring he's shown to be extremely nimble and he also has the mythal chainmail he was gifted however he isn't really a warrior and without the ring i would argue sam merry and pippin could all probably outfight him the warrior tier is full of characters that can bash right through the fodder at the bottom is the goblin king he's big and strong and he was even able to force gandalf back but he was quickly killed when gandalf went on the offensive ogres could easily kill a man with a single swing of their club but could still be killed by a single well-placed arrow or sword stab king theoden was a pretty skilled fighter killing multiple orcs and wargs in battle his niece eowyn seemed even more impressive than him taking down a giant mumma kill and chopping off the head of the felt beast that killed her uncle she also beat the orc general who looks like sloth from the goonies [Music] [Applause] while she actually has some really impressive feats she isn't as seasoned of a warrior as the characters above her farmer is a good example of a top tier soldier who should still be above her eomer is another example and healthier of the elves is another the main dwarf cast of the hobbit besides thorne are next with emil being extremely skilled in seasoned soldiers with amazing reflexes and teamwork bart is just as good as them with a sword and an expert bowman he was able to create an improvised bow by slamming pieces of wood into other pieces of wood and used his sun to keep his black arrow steady so he could slay smog i almost put barred above boromir since arrows seemed to be his weakness but one does not simply meme on boromir he was able to take out large groups of auruchai which are more dangerous than the standard orcs barred in the dwarves fought he's also skilled at throwing knives and kept on fighting and killing their rooks even after being shot by multiple arrows so i would definitely give him the edge over bard unless they are extremely far apart nobody could take out fodder like bomber in a barrel though the ring wraiths aka the nazgul are a bit tricky to place they're unquestionably a tear above the hobbits and they should be a tier below aragorn and elrond since they could fight off multiple at once so that would land them in the warrior tier they're also impossible to kill though so i put them near the top arwen never really fights but the one thing she does do is a water spell that washes away the nazgul chasing her considering she's an elf who seemed to usually be superhuman and the daughter of elrond no less i think this placement's pretty fair the elite tier is for the characters who are basically at the top of the verse for their respective races dane was a dwarf king who could smash through large groups of orcs with his hammer or his head thranduil was an elf king and father of legolas and like his son is very skilled in combat either of these two kings could be interchangeable but the rindwheel is older and elves impressed me more overall than dwarves so i put him above dane either of them could be higher than where i put them but due to their limited feats this is where they ended up tario is an extremely skilled elf and captain of the elven guard of the woodland realm she's a master with a bow and arrow even being able to shoot other arrows out of the air mid-flight she dealt with the spider and orc fodder much easier than the dwarves did and did better against bulg than kylie lertz is the uruk high commander of the first lord of the rings movie and the first thing he did when he was born was choking orc to death he's the one who killed boromir and he was able to give aragorn a decent fight bolg is bigger and managed to beat both kylie and tario as well as give legless a pretty good fight so i put him higher his father azog was the orc leader of the time and was able to send multiple doors flying with the swing of his weapon as well as toss another orc a pretty good distance with one arm thorne is right above him as he was able to cut off his arm in their first fight get the better of him once in the battle of the five armies and then in their final confrontation they killed each other but thorne lasted longer so overall he edges his zog out gimli versus thorne would probably be an extremely close fight but i'm giving it to gimli as he was actually able to score more kills than legolas in the battle of helm's deep and legloss was easily scoring more kills than thorin throughout the hobbit movies elirand was a member of the white council and fought alongside saruman against the nine ring rates that dulgul dur that feat alone is not for me to believe that he would defeat anyone below him however aragorn was able to fight off 5 nazgul by himself which is a bit more impressive he also beat lurtz pretty quickly though he definitely did have some trouble i just don't see anyone in this tear out dueling him besides maybe elrond the beast here is full of well beasts both literally and metaphorically first on this tier are trolls trolls come in a few different variations with varying sizes but they would all pretty much land somewhere on this tier the three stone trolls in the hobbit were able to take on all the dwarves at once without getting killed by them and the sun was needed to finally put them down the cave troll in the first lord of the rings got the better of aragorn and a group effort was needed to take it down another troll got the better of aragorn during the final battle at the gates of mordor which consistently puts aragorn below trolls even gandalf was about to lose to a troll when his staff wasn't working fell beasts are able to decimate enemy forces by swooping down on them and ripping them right off the ground the great eagles are able to do similar air raids to enemy forces and were able to fight off the fel beasts so i put them higher bjorn was a skin changer able to transform into a massive bear azog feared going after the dwarves while he was around and even gandalf was nervous around him all of the dwarves had to run for their lives from him and he was able to take out a large amount of orc forces in the battle of the five armies the eagles and fell beasts might have aerial superiority and can take out large numbers of forces at a quicker pace but i think if they got in close bjorn would be able to rip them apart when on the ground has shown that even someone like eowyn can chop off the head of a fel beast in a few strokes so i can only imagine what bjorn can do to them the watcher in the water is a massive water creature with long tentacles that was able to force the entire fellowship including gandalf to retreat into the minds of moria i think it has the size and strength to drag anyone below it to their watery grave tree beard along with all of the other ants are able to literally stomp orcs and toss giant stones hundreds of feet with that kind of strength they should be able to beat the watcher in the water either by ripping its tentacles off or by throwing large boulders at it from a safe distance moo mckill aka olifons are basically just giant elephants but their size alone gives them this spot they're able to bash aside armies with their tusks and take large amounts of aero fire without going down however there is one man or should i say elf who could take them down the man the myth the legend legolas is at the top of the tear peter jackson made him one of the most overpowered characters in the entire series easily having the highest kill count of anybody he has superhuman strength speed agility and reactions that still only counts as one defeating on two different occasions one of which bulge had help from other orcs in a pure sword fight he's probably around aragorn or elrond's level possibly lower but where he really shines is his bow and arrow it gives him a massive range advantage against most characters and he's easily the best shot in the series he was the one who killed the cave troll with a well-placed arrow shot and he killed another even larger troll in the battle of the five armies his superhuman agility and precision gives him the tools others don't have to take on these giant beasts like trolls and mumma kill by themselves coming in at the bottom of the wizard tier is the usually high right against the brown he doesn't really show off his powers too much but as one of the five wizards in amaya he should be extremely powerful and he did manage to fight off and disarm the witch king of angmar the balrog was stated to be beyond any of the fellowship by gandalf which would include legolas and it was clearly a level above the troll they fought so it belongs in this tier it has both a fire sword and a fire whip which can be used to slaughter its enemies gandalf the grey was able to defeat it in one-on-one combat after a long fight and died right afterwards so he would go just barely above it while he doesn't use his magical power offensively very often he can blast back large amounts of enemies with large shock waves telekinetically knock people around and he seems to like to break rocks a lot defensively he can create force fields that can block the balrog strikes and temporarily hold back sauron zaruman was the most powerful of the five wizards and defeated gandalf in single combat he was able to create avalanches from miles away with his magical chance to shoot fireballs from his staff however after he came back as gandalf the white gandalf was able to tank saruman's fireball and destroy his staff he was also able to push his influence out of king theoden that clearly puts gandalf to white above saramon and he was also able to easily defeat aragorn legolas and gimli when they mistakenly attacked him thinking he was saruman the witch king of angmar at the height of his power was able to destroy gandalf the white staff which is why i have him higher he's the strongest of the nazgul but in the past we know he's been fought off by aragorn radagast elrond and saruman so during those points in time he should definitely be lower and much closer to the spot of the other nazgul but from what i could gather from my research the nazgul's power grows at their masters so it's possible that he got stronger due to sauron growing in power or got powered up another way it's also worth pointing out how hard it is for the witch king to be killed saruman and elrond failed to kill the ringwraiths even though they were stronger and gandalf would similarly have a hard time finishing off the witch king the prophecy says he can't be killed by a man though gandalf being a maya may exempt him from this it's not exactly clear how the witch king died either from what i read apparently it was because mary stabbed him with a special dagger that broke his spell allowing eowyn to slay him which would make sense considering the ringwraiths have been stabbed by swords before and haven't been killed on the other hand gandalf can be killed of stabbed and without a staff has been shown to be vulnerable to physically more powerful enemies and the witch king is extremely strong being able to swing around a massive mace that can shatter shields with a single blow it's also been shown that gandalf can die from over-exerting himself in long fights so considering how the witch king of angmar destroyed his staff which gandalf needs to fight physically stronger enemies which the witch king is and has limited stamina overall i have to give it to the witch king of angmar at least going by the movies the calamity tier houses characters strong enough to bring on calamity to the world the stone giants are the biggest creatures we see on screen and none of the characters in the tears below really have a way to match their size maybe some of the characters in the wizard tier can manage to kill one by blowing their head off especially if it's the witch king on his fell beast or gandalf on a great eagle to give them aerial superiority but if the stone giant sees them and is serious about killing them they'll have a real tough time not getting crushed like a bug smog isn't as big but he can fly which gives him a huge advantage his fire is strong enough to blow apart buildings his wings create huge gusts of wind and moving his body around caused earthquakes that could be felt miles away in lake town so i think he could manage taking down a stone giant he would still need to be careful though as even though his scales are like shields and impenetrable to most weapons i don't think they would save him from a direct hit from a stone giant galadriel didn't get to show off her power much but what she did show was insane with the wave of her hand she completely decimated an orc and created a huge shock wave that went on for miles with that kind of power i assume she can blast the part of stone giant or kill smog there's also the fact that she drove off sauron who gandalf stated was far more powerful than smog before even knowing that it was sauron himself she also implied that she could basically be the next tsar on a frodo gave her the ring so this spot makes sense finally at the top of the list just like he's at the top of his tower in the s-tier is sauron at the height of his power with the one ring even while not at full power he was able to completely overpower gandalf the gray and destroy his staff and like i said gandalf thought he was far more powerful than smog with the ring he's able to maintain his physical body and send groups of people flying with the shock wave from the swing of his mace he may not have shown he could produce the same kind of large-scale destruction as smog but when the ring was cut from his finger a massive shock wave came from his body that knocked over the surrounding armies and when the ring was finally destroyed and he died for good and even stronger shockwave was created and massive destruction to mordor was caused he's also pretty much unkillable unless you drop his ring into mount doom so none of the characters on the list would be able to permanently kill him in battle unless they took his ring from him and took it all the way to mordor and dropped it into the fiery pits of mount doom not to mention he's a necromancer who can summon the nazgul to aid him if he so chooses as the lord of the rings i think zarin deserves a spot at the top of this list do you agree this is the one tier list to rule them all or do you think i've fallen to sauron's corruption and created something only someone who's gotten mad from the ring could concoct let me know in the comment section below and don't forget to subscribe as the eye of sauron is watching you
Channel: Weeaboo Warrior
Views: 386,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lord of the rings, the lord of the rings, tlotr, hobbit, the hobbit, tier list, power levels, strength and power, gandalf, sauron, legolas, aragorn, bilbo, frodo, baggins, smaug, strength, power, Saruman, Gollum, Peter Jackson, Tolkien, Amazon, show, movies, elves, hobbits, dwarves, Game of thrones, Strongest, top 10, characters, ranking, nazgul, witch king of angmar, samwise gamgee, thorin, azog, gimli, saruman, gandalf the grey, gandalf the white, how strong is, character strength, character, game, reaction
Id: G3ml3fUrFkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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