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hey guys how's it going and welcome to another video and today is one of the most exciting days of my life ah it's the one that we've all been waiting for it's the one that if you guys have been following me for a while you will realize and you'll know that my dream car has always been a bugatti it's always been my father's dream car as well and we have loved the brand ever since the veyron had come out then the shiron arrived and we fell in love and when the timing was right and when god willed the car was to be placed the order was to be placed we spec the car up about nearly two years ago and the car finally arrives today it is my dream car it's a hyper car paid three million pounds for it my most expensive car i have ever purchased it is also one of the fastest cars in the world going at 261 miles per hour and a naught 60 time of about 2.3 seconds 2.2 seconds something absurd like that i am so excited i haven't slept all night i haven't slept all week but we are hoping to see the car shortly being delivered at pet hq which is my business platinum executive travel the uk's and europe's largest luxury car hire company where we provide luxury cars and supercars for self-drive hire and chauffeur-driven vehicles now it's a very special day for my family for myself for my father there's a few people that i wish were still here to see and witness this unfortunately they cannot be here may i grant them paradise but we are here and we are awaiting the bugatti chiron it's overwhelming i still cannot believe that i'm going to be a bugatti owner i still cannot believe that i'm going to have a bugatti chiron and my mother told me she said that make sure that you share this with everyone this moment because that's the way that i've brought you up and it really hit home there i was feeling like i didn't want to share this moment with people i wanted to keep it all to myself but then again i thought that you guys are the reason why this boy who did donuts on his driveway in the snow in an audi r8 turned into a youtube channel and i'm here sharing my car content with you growing my businesses and you guys support me and i would love to gift you back with content and access to my vehicle whenever i can possibly do that we have a lot of things planned for the car but yeah that's my introduction done i don't know how much i'll be able to talk when the car rides because i'm going to be overwhelmed with emotion so this might be the last time i speak to you it might not be carry on watching on and maybe you'll see uh you'll probably get a few more words out of me but i think i'm going to be speechless later right let's go i think uh the car was meant to be delivered in daylight however there has been a few delays but inshallah we will be seeing it tonight so it might be daylight it might be night regardless we're going to have a bugatti chiron today inshallah [Music] is [Music] wake me up when it's here you know [Music] hey guys so the car has finally arrived a little bit later than predicted but it's finally behind me it's the delivery that we've all been waiting for it's the delivery that i've prayed for the one that i really really wanted and finally that boxes take bugatti chiron behind me brand new been offloaded with the registration s41 which reads my father's name and uh yeah alhamdulillah i just couldn't be any more grateful to god and this moment it's just overwhelming to say the least and there's the car i'll let you enjoy it check it out [Music] so guys the car has come off the truck it's uh being photographed upstairs we're moving around but there's a box here that looks very interesting and it has again one of my favorite uh car model makers um tape on it which is mr models so it can only be one thing let's have a look unbox this baby so what could this be ah this is one big car model let's check it out okay more packaging oh this is long oh oh i think i got a better idea [Music] oh sorry all right we go again again take a seat pops now you open it yeah oh what a baby the opening is can you cut a little bit more here so ladies and gentlemen as you can see this is the two scale model that they give you of the bugatti chiron so if the car isn't ever at the showroom you can come and look at this model it's the closest thing you're gonna get to it and it's the exact specification of my vehicle better be careful there i'll lift that off wow don't open but this is the exact this would be exciting if i didn't have the real thing but i have the real thing just over there so yeah this is the second best thing to it it's beautiful it's probably something nice to have in your man cave or in your in your garage uh something to display and it says one of 500 on it wow it's so heavy on that box look at that hold it okay so guys there we have it that is the delivery of my bugatti chiron and right now yes i am resting on the scale model of my bugatti chiron in the exact same specification as my car sitting behind me in the showroom floor over there ah i'm out of breath it's been a long 24 hours finally the cars arrive inshallah i will make lots more videos do everything that i know you guys are wanting me to do so just bear with me it's all very overwhelming such a magical time for me and i'm trying my best to capture these beautiful moments and share them with you guys also hope you've enjoyed today's video make sure you subscribe share and like for more and i'll see you soon for lots more take it easy guys god bless bye-bye
Channel: Lord Aleem
Views: 422,257
Rating: 4.872519 out of 5
Keywords: bugatti, chiron, delivery, hypercar, lord, aleem, lord aleem, bugatti chiron, veyron, fastest, birmingham, pet, platinum, s41
Id: 1iXxe1dWd2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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