Here's Why the Bugatti Chiron Is Worth $3 Million

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this is a bugatti chiron and it is currently the fastest production car you can buy it'll do 261 miles per hour it's also the most powerful production car you can buy back here is an eight liter quad turbocharged 16 cylinder engine that makes 1,500 horsepower it's also the most expensive new production car you can buy the base price of this car is just a shade under three million dollars today I'm gonna take you on a tour of it now I've borrowed the sharone from Bugatti it was pretty much the only people crazy enough to let me drive it but this was organized by Grand Touring autos here in Toronto in Ontario Canada grand touring autos is the Bugatti dealer here in Toronto and they also have a few other exotic brands Lamborghini Bentley Rolls Royce etc and they're opening a new location and so Bugatti lent them this car to have on display for the grand opening but that's tomorrow today I Drive it and I sincerely hope I don't crash it anyway let's get to all the important stuff Bugatti as you probably know has a history of making sports cars and race cars that goes back over a century Volkswagen bought them about 20 years ago and eventually released the Veyron which was the fastest car on earth at the time but the original Veyron had only a thousand horsepower and it could only do 253 miles an hour two numbers that simply had to be bested and so there's this the Chiron has 1500 horsepower which to be clear is six Honda s2000 s the base price is two point nine nine eight million dollars before options which are surely plentiful and extravagant the turrรณn is also the fastest production car in the world available right now it'll do two hundred and sixty miles an hour although it's not quite as fast as the world record edition of the Veyron which was its predecessor that could hit almost 270 not that anyone will ever do that speed of course but you could anyway today I'm gonna take you on a tour shiron i'm gonna show you all of its interesting quirks and features which are plentiful then I'm going to get it out on the road and drive it and then I'm going to give it a dug score and for more of my thoughts on the Sheeran click the link below to visit / oversteer where I've compiled a list of the most expensive cars currently listed for sale on now I'm gonna start in front with the grill which is a very distinctive shape they call it a horseshoe shaped grill and it has been a characteristic shape on Bugattis going back to the start of time my favorite Bugatti that used it was the EB 110 which had a totally different front end that didn't really work with the grill and yet they incorporated it anyway because Bugattis must have this grill another thing I liked up front is the LEDs in the headlights the design of them the look of them is very cool with these four little squares on each side as a very nice look these are just the regular running lights if you're wondering where the lights are flickering it's due to the frame rate of the camera the lights actually look solid when you look at them in person they don't actually flicker when you see this car on the street now when you turn on the headlights they come on in the middle of the outer two running lights turn on the brights and they turn on in between the inner two running lights but my favorite is the turn signals which appear as four light strips below the LED running lights which is a really cool look we aren't done with the front of the sharone yet another interesting item with the headlights is the welcome lights when you have the key in your pocket and you approach this your own the LEDs turn on and they don't just turn on they turn on in sort of a pattern to welcome you to your Bugatti experience the welcome lights are also a little hard to see due to the camera frame rate but basically as you approach the car they first light up one at a time at half brightness from the outside going in to the grille in the center and then they let up at full brightness going the opposite direction which is really cool also cool with the headlights on the inside of the headlights you can see that there is a little duct there what if that duct do well it cools the brakes that's right there is a channel from the headlights to the brakes in this car and it keeps the brakes cool to allow them to provide maximum stopping power another cool channel you'll see in the front and this year on is down here in the bumper and you can tell this channel doesn't really go to anything it sort of starts in the front and ends right on the inside of the wheel arc it turns out that's functional that's actually designed to send air in a very specific place to minimize turbulence on the side of the car to make it just a little bit slippery er so the car can achieve better acceleration and high speeds speaking of brake cooling the front brakes in this car are 16 and 1/2 inches which is just massive that's a pretty good wheel size for most cars and this car it's the break so you can see why they would need to be cool but back to the grill for a minute next I want to discuss the bugatti emblem now as you can see the bugatti i'm limits front and center in the grill and bugatti says that this is the one part of the car that they made unnecessarily heavy when it didn't have to be it's because the bugatti emblem is made of silver but of course it is it really sort of drives home the luxury car point and next up we move on to the trunk which is up front now there are a couple of interesting things about the trunk starting with the trunk lid itself take a look at the design of this trunk lid it sort of looks like the batman logo it's a very cool piece when it's opened it's very nice look now on top of the trunk lid you can see this car is finished in this blue carbon finish and the Bugatti people told me it meets in the center in this perfect 45 degree angle and they accept nothing less that's the sort of perfection you demand when you're charging three million dollars for a vehicle next up we move on to the trunk itself now opening the trunk is done just like a lot of other sports cars you pull a little latch and the drivers footwell that brings it to this position then there's a little latch under here you pull it and it opens right up there are a couple of interesting things you'll find once you get under here the first of which is there's this big black metal divider in the trim now I asked the Bugatti people about that and they told me that the rule is in the North American market if your trunk is a certain uninterrupted volume then you are required by law to put one of those interior trunk handles inside the trunk so if someone gets stuck or locked in your trunk than you can get out who god I didn't want to add one of those interior trunk handles just for the North American market so they added this divider to split the trunk in half which decreased the total uninterrupted trunk volume just enough so they could avoid this regulation and that is why only the North American Chiron models have this divider in them now a couple of other interesting things you will find in the trunk of this car one is the overall size bugatti says it is sized to store a carry-on bag for an airplane obviously the north american version with the divider in it is a little bit hampered for size because the dividers sort of bisects the trunk but nonetheless that was the original design specification now another interesting item in the trunk you will see over on the right side of the trunk there's a little sort of piece of luggage that's trapped in their Alcantara that holds the tire inflator kit this car obviously doesn't have enough room for a full-size spare tire so instead you unzip that and you get the tire inflator kit and is designed to fit perfectly on the side of your trunk also a couple of other interesting items inside the trunk one of which is right above the tire inflator kit it's a little plaque that is printed for every Sheeran and it says Bugatti and says where it's built and it says one of five hundred which by the way is the production run of this vehicle bugatti says they're only going to build 500 of these for the entire world the other interesting label inside the trunk is the one that says warning temperature inside the trunk may exceed 122 degrees which is 50 degrees Celsius just letting you know if you put something in there it might get hot next we move on to the side of the sharone where you can see that the most visually obvious and interesting item is this silver sweeping line that sort of goes along the entire side of the car they call this the Bugatti line or the see lines and Fitts shaped like a see you know it's a very beautiful piece but it's also functional the line sort of separates the rear fender from the rest of the car in back which allows a lot of air to come in back there in order to cool the engine which is obviously important for an engine this large a couple of interesting things about the Bugatti line one is that it's this giant unbroken piece of aluminum that starts all the way down here and finishes all the way back there it is absolutely massive one other interesting item on the side of the car you can see that right behind the front window behind the door you have the fuel door you just tap it and it opens right up and then you can see well actually it isn't the fuel door at all instead that's where you put in oil into the engine the fuel door is on the other side the exact same size and shape and you open it the exact same way but that one has a picture of a little gas pump on it as opposed to the little oil lamp on the other side next we move on to the back of the shoroma there are a couple of interesting items worth mentioning I'm gonna start with the engine itself you can see that printed on the injured it says w16 on one side and 1500 on the other side representative of how many horsepower this car has also you can see the two bugatti logos printed on the engine that's kind of a cool little tough one interesting item about the engine though is it can't be accessed you cannot actually open this to get into the engine so you can't tinker on your Cherone by yourself which frankly is probably a good thing that's why the oil cap is over there on the side looking like the fuel cap so if you want to add oil you can do it through there otherwise the engine is best to be left to the professionals one other interesting item in the vicinity of the engine you can see that line that goes across the center of the engine it goes right down the middle well that line actually goes down the entire car it's carried throughout the entire vehicle including in the interior which I'll show you in just a minute next up a couple of other interesting traits back here now obviously you can see the brake lights on either side that's no surprise but there's also this red strip of light that goes down the entire middle of the back of this car the bugatti people told me that the designers refer to this as the kiss goodbye since if you ever tried to race Asheer own this light will give you a kiss goodbye as you see it pulling away mixed up you can see another important item worth mentioning back here and that would be the wing now the wing has several different positions that it can be in right now it's in kind of to normal position which it's in a lot of the time when you're driving along providing some downforce now the car has various drive modes which I'll get to in a minute and they sort of change the position of the wing for example if you're in handling mode and you're on a racetrack the wing changes to provide more downforce better for going around corners if you go into top speed mode at lowers to make the car more slippery and more aerodynamic and the wing can also make itself into an air brake so when you slam on the brakes at high speed the wing shoots up and basically provides drag to help you slow down in addition to the regular brakes you already have one interesting quirk I like about the wing you'll notice that the wing is made of carbon fiber just like the rest of the body of this car but take a look when it's up there is even carbon fiber underneath the lane now mostly when the car is parked the wing is down so you probably won't see that but we've got a decided to put extra carbon fiber under the carbon fiber just in case someone parks it with the wing up in order to ensure that it always looks perfect that is impressive attention to detail also cool the brake light is kind of interesting it has this sort of Aero design on the top they light up when you press the brakes or you put on the turn so Nolan may blink and it's kind of a cool look that's a departure from your typical car interestingly the third brake light in this car the one in the middle is hidden you would never know that it's there but when you put the brakes on you can see it it's just a thin little strip of brake light right above the Bugatti logo in back I am on the subject of the far back of this car we have to talk about the elephant in the room or at least the elephant on the bumpers for all charan models sold in the United States Bugatti has to install these big black plastic bumpers and back in order to meet the United States federal government five mile an hour bumper Safety regulation you will not see this on any other Chiron sold anywhere else in the world only on the US cars and I suspect most US owners will remove them the moment they take delivery of course one other item we have to mention is the sound and so now we'll take a listen to the Shiro next we move on to the inside of the Shirin you start by opening the surprisingly light door it is made of carbon fiber after all the first thing you notice down on the floor next to the seat is a little keyhole well that's where the speed key goes if you want to go the cars full top speed you have to actually put a key in that keyhole in order to activate the highest speed mode so where does that key live well actually it's right next to the keyhole it's Marc Sheeran and you just take it out and you pop it open just like a regular Volkswagen or Audi folding key you stick it in there and then you access top speed mode which gets you up to 260 now interestingly you can't just stick the key in and go to 60 the car also does a check of oil cooling everything to make sure it's ready to go that fast and then you're able to go the full 260 if you don't stick the key in an inter top speed mode the highest you can get up to is 236 now beyond the top speed key you might be wondering exactly what the regular key looks like in the bugatti chiron and well it looks like this it's just a key but it's wrapped in leather and it says Bugatti on it and it's very nice and it only has lock or unlock buttons on it it's worth noting that this car it has a proximity sensor so you never really have to take the key out of your pocket which is good because there's no little hoop for you to put this on a keychain I guess Bugatti feels this doesn't belong with the keys to lesser vehicles one interesting item when you get inside the car you don't have to take the key out of your pocket but there is a little key storage area to the right of the steering wheel put the key in there and then that's a place where you can keep it while you're driving along of course when you're ready to get out of the car you'll want to make sure to take the key out of that key storage area lest someone come and steal your Bugatti now if you look over there next to the top speed keyhole you also find a few other items one of which is the parking brake you push it or pull it to turn it on or off pretty simple there's also the memory settings for the drivers Cee'd you can set various different memory positions so it goes into the position you most desire it's not particularly unusual next up moving on to the door panel over on the driver's side it has one especially cool quirk to it and that would be the way the window switches and the door locks sort of stick together it's a very cool look you get the window switches on top you push them pull them through all the windows up or down but then below that you have the lock and unlock button and when you just sort of take them in as one whole piece it's a very clean and cool look unless interesting is the mirror controls which frankly just look like regular mirror controls for a regular vehicle you put it on L you adjust the left mirror you put it on R you adjust the right mirror you can fold in the mirrors and you can turn on the mirror heaters and yes you can fold in the mirrors here's what it looks like when you fold in the mirrors on a bugatti chiron next i'm moving further inside the interior it's hard not to be truly amazed with just the physical materials in here the leather the aluminum the car but nothing is pretending to be anything else it looks like carbon it is if it looks like aluminum it is everything feels and looks so nice and when you touch everything there's just this solid feel to everything precisely as you'd expect from a three million dollar car but back to the quirks one interesting item is just how many storage cubbies are inside this car there is one storage cubby in the driver's door panel and a second storage cubby in the driver's door panel same on the passenger side two storage cubbies in the door panel there's one little storage area in the middle and a center console and then there are two other interesting ones one is the glove box in order to open the glove box you push a little button in the glove box pops open the glove box is cooled in this car so if you want to bring a drink with you in your sharone you can keep it cool in the glove box also interesting there is a little storage cubby underneath the center control stack with the switches and check this out this car has double paned glass for more quietness which can sometimes interfere with phone reception but if you put your phone in that little storage cubby and if you have it connected with bluetooth the phone will actually use the antenna in the vehicle which is hidden inside the windshield for better reception as you drive along the sim negating the problem you might have with reception and the double pane windows now another item you might find interesting when you get inside this car you look around you'll notice there's no touchscreen in here which I imagine will upset a lot of people I've paid three million dollars for a car and I don't even get a touchscreen everything has one of those well the theory here is Bugatti wanted the interior to be timeless they knew this car would be special in 10 years 20 years 50 years and they also knew any screen they put in today would look outdated and terrible in just a few years look at the navigation system from 2005 so instead they tried to keep the interior relatively clean of stuff like that that would date the car and make it look old it's the same story with the speedometer in the middle of the gauge cluster it's not an electronic screen like it is in so many other cars and so that's a traditional analog speedometer which is designed to be timeless and to still look good in 40 or 50 years when everybody laughs at the screens of today next we move on to the air vents which are rather interesting for one thing they're rather small although notice that when you turn the car and blast the AC the size of them doesn't really matter it gets a lot of air conditioning in this cabin it's a relatively small interior more interesting is the way they move you can move them from side to side pretty easily or you can move them up and down using this little dial in the middle I'm just sort of unorthodox air vent movement but that's how it works and this your own it's also worth noting one other interesting item the Bugatti people told me in this car has the first air bag in the world that shoots through carbon fiber if you get in an accident the airbag on the passenger side shoots through carbon fiber to make sure you aren't injured it's the same story with the side impact air bag in the seats the side airbag will shoot through the carbon fiber of the seats in order to protect you in an accident it's the first airbag ever to do that next we move on to the center control stack and specifically the center control stack and dials which are among the most interesting I've ever seen here's what I mean right now you can see these dials are just climate controls all four have a different function the one on top adjusts where the air comes out the next one adjust the fan speed and the amount of air then below that you have the dial that changes the climate control air temperature then the last dial turns on the heated seat and if you tap the little silver button below the seat icon it toggles between the driver and passenger heated seat but there's a hidden trick if you hold down that button that changes between the heated seats well check this out now suddenly every dial is completely different the top dial now shows how much power you're making in that given moment the next one shows your current speed the next one shows your engine rpm and the last one shows what gear you're in move a dial to change it though when it goes back to being a climate control instantly but after a few seconds it goes back to showing the other items you were displaying and here's the cool thing you can choose a lot of different items to display in the center dials there's a gauge cluster screen then I'll cover in more detail in a minute but for now if you go into that screen you can configure the dials in the to display all sorts of items for example I've selected cruise display and now they're showing trip statistics like average speed and fuel economy but if you want to turn them back just hold down that button on the bottom and they go right back to being climate controls again next up in that same area another interesting item in this car is the gear lever which operates in sort of an unusual function right now it's in park if I pull it down that puts it in Drive if I move it over to the left that puts it in neutral and if I move it over into neutral and then push it down that puts it into reverse then the gear lever sort of goes back to the middle position interestingly at any moment you can just press the top of it and then you're automatically in park two other interesting items in the gear lever one is that the top button which has press to park for some reason they've chosen a lowercase P for press in an uppercase P for Park I'm not really sure why but it's one of the mysteries of this your own the other interesting thing about the gear lever is it just Falls so perfectly into your hand it is tailored specifically to fit exactly in your hand and that is exactly what it does now next we move on to the C bar or the Bugatti line in the interior now remember that line on the outside that sort of resembled the C and I called it the Bugatti line well they have the same thing in the interior remember when I told you that this car sort of has this line going down the entire middle of it well that is also true inside and it's this Bugatti line it sort of makes a C shape in the interior and sort of bisects the interior directly in the middle carrying forward that styling cue from the outside a couple of interesting things about this little line in the middle one is that it even bisects the rear window meaning the rear window is split into two separate pieces you have a left rear window and a right rear window which you won't see in a lot of other cars but the most interesting thing about this line in the middle is that you can turn it on if you move the light switch in the ceiling to the correct position this light can turn on and you can drive around at night with this light sort of illuminating the middle of your car bugatti says this light is the longest uninterrupted interior light conductor in the entire automobile industry and i don't doubt it more importantly it's just a really cool piece it brings in the exterior styling into the interior it it's really cool this is the only car I've ever seen with anything even similar to this also interesting when it comes to lighting is the light switch itself it's very beautiful just like everything else in this car I've never seen a light switch that looked so nice and so upscale next up it's worth noting that everything in this car can be individualized you'll notice for instance that the back of the seat says your own on them they told me you want to make him say Doug you could pay for that no problem same story with the passenger and driver's side foot well they also say Chiron stitched on to them once again you want to make it say Doug no problem or whatever you want it to do I asked them do you turn down anything what if someone wanted something crazy they said we pretty much do what our customers want we try to figure out a way to make it work and to make our customers happy a couple of other interesting items this is what the Sun Visor looks like in an Bugatti Shero notice there's no visor mirror on the driver's side that's because if you're driving one of these you don't need to see a mirror to know that you look cool but the passenger side Sun Visor does have a visor mirror which is a nice thoughtful touch one other interesting atom when you don't put a touchscreen in the center you don't have radio controls in there so you might be wondering how could you possibly turn on the stereo well go down the center control stack to the very bottom right below the gear lever and there is a simple on/off button press it and that turns on the radio press it again and that turns off the radio it is just that simple of course that isn't the only way to access the stereo there's more to it than that which I will get to momentarily first I want to talk about the steering wheel at the base of the steering wheel you see it says Chiron which is a nice touch and right above that it says LC which stands for launch control you put on launch control you put your phone the brake in the car sort of readies itself and then you have about three seconds to get your foot on the gas let off the brake and take off launching now one interesting thing about launch control bugatti says they refuse to sign off on this thing being ready to sell the customers until they could do 200 launch starts in one day and have the transmission take it and not have any problems with heat or braking or anything else like that our next interesting item on the steering wheel is the one that says engineer press engine and of course that turns the engine on press engine again and that turns the engine off now the other really interesting item on the steering wheel is to the left and that would be the dial that switches between modes well what kind of moles does a Bugatti have the standard automatic mode is EB you use that for a round town drive move it to the right and you'll see a little highway that's called Autobahn mode it sort of lowers the car a little bit and use that for the highway at the bottom there's one with a checkered flag on it which is handling mode use that if you're on a race track those are the three main modes you want to use if you're in this car then of course there's also top speed mode which you can get into and then over on the left there's one other mode and that's called lift if you want to take this car onto a flatbed or put it on a car haul or something like that you might need a little more ground clearance so you put it over in lift mode and then it tells you that it's going to lift motor you can see the car actually rise up a couple of inches to allow it to go on to a carrier the other interesting items worth mentioning in the vicinity of the stream wheel are the stocks that come off the steering wheel on the left you of the turn signal stock which operates like a regular old turn signal stock no problem except you can see this little on/off thing in the middle you can move it from on top well that turns on and off your cruise control it is unlabeled it's just sort of a hidden easter egg and that's not the coolest thing about the cruise control that comes over on the end of the stock you see a little plus minus button that allows you to change the cruise control speed if you want to increase or decrease your cruise control speed it's the same story over on the wiper stalk it looks like a normal wiper stock and you can change it one two three four that sets the speed of the intermittent wipers but there's also a little up/down arrow at the end that's your dimmer switch for your gauge cluster if you want it brighter or dimmer you just tap those arrows and it does what you want I find this especially cool because instead of sticking more buttons and dials for these functions elsewhere than the interior we've got to just sort of saw a place they could put them and kind of keep them out of the way and keep the interior decluttered it's a really cool idea now speaking of a cool idea I mentioned this car doesn't have a center touchscreen but it's worth noting that it does have an infotainment screen and it's inside the gauge cluster there are several different menus to go through so let's do that now you control the screen with buttons on the steering wheel and most of the menus are pretty typical this one shows trip details for instance like top speed and average miles per gallon next is the Bugatti tire pressure monitor which is of course fancier than a normal cars there's also a stopwatch for race track use this screen also contains a navigation system and stereo controls as you might expect something you might not expect is this an octane change feature this car is only programmed to run 1,500 horsepower on 93 octane fuels so if you put a lower octane in you're supposed to go in here and change it which limits power to 1,100 horses to prevent engine damage and yes even in a bugatti chiron you can set a speed warning that beeps at you if you're going over a certain speed of your choosing now that's the screen to the right of the speedometer which is the one you'll primarily use for most vehicle functions as you can probably tell but there's also a screen to the left of the speedometer which is just as much worth noting because it has some important characteristics you can see the outer edge shows your rpm as I rev the engine you can see the tech ometer climb the inner edge shows your PS which is basically a European equivalent of horsepower shows exactly how much horsepower you're using at any given time or you can switch that screen to show your precise engine rpm at any given moment right down to the singles digit so if you want to know precisely whether the engine is turning at 1246 rpms well I guess you can find that out the other interesting thing I like in the left screen is if you open a door it shows a top-down image of a Bugatti with the door open and that is a pretty cool image it isn't just a generic car like most other vehicles it is unmistakably yes your own one last item opened the door at night and you can see this car projects Sheeran onto the ground below which is a cool little touch and so that's the bugatti chiron now for the scary part I'm gonna get out on the road in a car that costs more than my house and my neighborhood but first I had to get gas yes I took the bugatti chiron to a petrol canada gas station and i filled it up next to a mitsubishi outlander and a Dodge Journey if you've ever wondered how a Bugatti stirone looks when it's just sitting in a gas station well here it is next I drove the car and I spent about an hour at it mostly at high speeds I didn't get a chance to film many exterior shots of the car driving though so I'm gonna loop in some shots I did take at the car at lower speeds even though they don't really match up to my driving experience just you can see what the sharone looks like on the move and I'm a little nervous wouldn't wouldn't like to pretend that I'm not that's sort of the reality of this the first impression you get when you're in one of these is just you're like oh my god I didn't want it easily that's that's the first thing you're thinking it looked I'm too steering wheel and you got the Bugatti logo there and you're like what has my life come to that I'm driving this car it's almost hard to sit behind the wheel here and not think to yourself this is absolutely an incredible thing you think about it I'm behind it Tahoe this thing is worth you know a hundred times that and so you're that's the thing that we can't not be on your mind unless you are just so rich that you don't care and even just tapping the throttle you can hear the engines start to do its thing and you just know that there is so much more there if you want it that was just a little tap at the base of the throttle Florida for just a brief second it is tremendously incredibly fast absolutely unbelievably fast I try that again Wow Wow yeah I mean the thing about it is there is some trouble like if you sort of ease into it but if you drop your hammer the core knows what you want to do and it absolutely does it and it does it incredibly fast and it does it with so much force one thing that I find interesting this car is a little bit quicker than the 918 which I also drove but it feels the 918 felt tremendously stable but this feels more luxurious isn't the right word but it just it doesn't the 19 felt more like a crazy go-kart and it was loud and nuts and you're going whatever you want this feels like you could just cruise it about 300 miles an hour doing whatever you wanted to do it's amazing to me that I'm just I can just then drive it along on like a nice smooth Road and it just feels like a car I really do feel like you could kind of take this on a road trip if you want there's a ton of room here I've got I mean I'm six-three I've got at least three inches between you know my head and the ceiling I got room in the footwell everything and I can put my seat back further in thinking it's a comfortable seat it's not one of those crazy gt3 sport seats where you want to die you could be lulled into forgetting that you're driving a Bugatti you could just think to yourself yeah I'm gonna car just kind of cruise along but then you tap the throttle and you remember everything to get a stop not stoplight stop sign feels it feels nice you hear the motor obviously it's a giant engine it's right behind you but other than that it sort of feels like a car that you don't hear much outside noise the double pane windows kind of take care of all that and so you really it ends up being almost sort of a luxury car experience when you're stopped or when you're going low speed the transmission is really quick the shifts are the shifts are immediate when you're in just regular drive mode and sort of going at a normal pace you don't feel them at all there it's a dual clutch and obviously it's a very very smooth one and it feels just fantastic it's actually quite surprising it's you're in you're in lose your driver's license territory before you even realize it it is unbelievable how fast this thing is and it does it drama-free and that's probably the most unbelievable thing about it it's just absolutely you floor it and of course it's going 100 bill let's speed that I shouldn't say kilometers hundred kilometers of course it's going that fast that's that's what it does and the funny thing is you're not gonna reach even close to the cars capabilities driving in any sort of regular traffic or normal scenario way to handling it grips and grips and grips you feel like you could go a lot faster than this tailing mode that it does tighten up the steering boy just grips like crazy I mean I shouldn't be going that fat and there's no body roll and you really feel like you can kind of do just about anything there's absolutely no feeling at any point of you know loss of control or anything like that in this car which is almost hard to imagine something 1500 horsepower when you drive the demon and you floor it in that thing you're like hang on this thing it's more like it's just very stable just do what you the thing you think about I think when you're driving this car is engineering that's the thing that I really am thinking about is just they've engineered out all that the scariness and everything and only left you with the good stuff and so that's the Bugatti shirome even though this car is absolutely amazing incredible in every way some car enthusiasts aren't all positive about it some people say it's too heavy there's too much engineering it's too expensive there's not enough emotion in it but I think people mostly say that because they know they'll never have the chance to own one they'll never have the chance to drive one to sit in one to even see one perhaps let's say something I've driven one and it's amazing so you can cut that crap out right now anyway now it's time to give it a dug score starting with the weekend categories and styling the sharona's beautiful but there's a lot of controversy about the styling it falls just short of perfect and it gets a 9 out of 10 acceleration there is no argument it easily gets a 10 out of 10 handling is excellent among the best but the Sharona is a bit heavy and the steering is just a bit light and it gets a 9 out of 10 fun factor is obvious it of course earns a 10 out of and the same is true for cool factor an easy 10 out of 10 for a total weekend score of 48 out of 50 that ties the very best meaning the daily score is make-or-break so we start with the daily categories and features the sharona's loaded but it's low on modern high-tech equipment and part that's by design but this car has no radar cruise no blind spot monitor even it gets a 6 out of 10 comfort is impressive especially considering what it is it gets a 5 out of 10 which is a great score for a car like this quality is top-notch this is one of the nicest interiors I've ever seen but I'd seriously feel long-term reliability and ownership costs so I can't give it more than a 7 out of 10 practicality is next and it's surprisingly drivable and usable but it attracts massive amounts of attention the cargo room is hilariously small and it gets a 1 out of 10 finally there's a value this one will start some arguments but here's the thing there's nothing else like it nothing that combines the best supercar performance with the best luxury car materials and craftsmanship there will be depreciation if the Veyron is anything to go by but if you have the money and you want the ultimate car this is that still three million dollars is an insane amount of money and it gets a six out of 10 for a daily score of 25 out of 50 add it up in the dug score is 73 out of 100 which makes it the new dug score champion by a mere single point over the 918 spyder in the AMG Wagon here's a comparison with a few other modern supercars I've tested and you can see that your own is simply the best then again it had better be given the price tag but even when you floor it even when you vote god kepp what are the odds of that he's time he doesn't have his radar cut up that would have been a story
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 11,651,275
Rating: 4.8003521 out of 5
Keywords: bugatti chiron, chiron, bugatti, bugatti veyron, bugatti chiron review, chiron review, bugatti chiron tour, bugatti chiron deep dive, bugatti chiron info, bugatti chiron interior, veyron review, most expensive car, most expensive cars, most powerful car, new bugatti, new bugatti review, doug demuro, demuro
Id: kcmWknKtJkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
Reddit Comments

"press to Park"


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 252 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GrapeCloud ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Even this 35 minute video ends up showing $86,000 worth of car per minute! It's perfect!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1217 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/showersareevil ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You know the car is fire when Doug drops the f bomb.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 577 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cezarvrabie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 223 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/xllents ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm so happy they let you drive this, unlike the Enzo

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 215 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Skytoucher ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I apologize in advance about the length of this one. I am actively trying to restrict my videos to 20-24 minutes after some complaints about length. But for some cars ... it's worth it.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1918 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Doug-DeMuro ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I wonder what was scarier to drive, this or the F40?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 456 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

10155 Miles.. Not bad.

Has anyone noticed the second point written on the warning label on sun visor? It says "The back seat is the safest place for children". But this car doesn't have any back seat..

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 87 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/t51r ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is amazing. From strapping a flat screen tv to the roof of an old Ferrari to now reviewing the Bugatti Chiron.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 550 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KingPetunia ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
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