New 1 of 63 Lamborghini Sian Revealed to Owner

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[Music] [Music] hi guys it's shane from yanimes and it is collection day you may have seen me fly to italy a couple of times and geneva to spec a car with my friend enrique and we are back the car is now in london and he's taking delivery we've also got his son giovanni here as well he hasn't actually seen any of the cars have you you haven't seen it before so i've flown out with his dad he hasn't actually seen this this could be the first time you're going to see this car yeah you excited yeah yeah enrique how long we've been waiting for this two years ago we saw the two years ago we saw and now it's here we saw in geneva yep then we fly to bologna bologna then we see we spec the car but we saw like unfinished finish finish but then yeah and now i can't wait to see like a hundred percent finish finish and for people at home enrique you drive your cars so today you are going to drive this car out there yeah and you're going to use it around london yes the people at home that want to see this car he will drive his car your dad's not one of these people that keeps the car in the garage no no when he's in the u.s he will drive it so you're not going for dinner after this yeah okay so are you ready yes should we do this yes right it's your car my friend are you ready [Music] that's the reveal incredible it's got a private plate on it it looks very very different now now that you sit here in lamborghini enrique how'd you feel giovanni how did you feel how is it this is this is your are you ever going to let your son drive it come and join me come in you're 14 15. yeah which how old 14 15. he's 15 16 okay so you gonna let him drive when he's 17 yes yeah we're getting insurance yeah wow wow you know what you're good he said it here on camera he said it here on camera that is verified that i'm going to send you that on his 17th birthday when he passes his test but he said to me miami can start to drive on 16. can you really yeah maybe he can stop can i go back there controversy it's amazing for me the best view of this car is the rear section i think the rear of this car oh really so that actually stays open all the time not on a button rather than just obviously dropping down at certain speeds and i like when we put the red on the bottom as you can see here yep so you got the red underneath the spoiler you've got the red decals and the detailing it's amazing i love the design so 63 of these cars worldwide um this is valued at rue this car is valued at 2.5 million pounds um how many are in the two at the uk only two in the uk and we've got them spread over what america uae yeah majority of the cars have gone to the states yeah but yeah two in the uk and possibly soon to be three really just so you know the third one's not mine i'm waiting for ken i'm waiting for mr chu here to um to let me know when i can have one as well this is ken choo if you don't know who this man is google him trust me um the wife's here as well wife's here baby wise is here as well so it's like i feel part of it even though it's not my car and enrique's my friend i feel part of this one because obviously i'm a lambo fanboy and everything's lambo but i've ex we've gone through mira and enrique have gone through this we've flown out two three times we expect it at the same time we went to see it before it was made we went to see the private viewing and now it made perfect sense to all be here together to see it and the good thing is enrique's not a garage queen right i said that will be driven it will be driven around london and when he's abroad obviously i'm more than happy to drive it around london for him i don't it'd be unfair i'm driving out of your son we will go out together um let's open up the doors have a seat let's open this have a look inside [Music] [Music] i always love how he thanks me because i didn't buy the car he's just my friend i don't know why he hates me i never get it him and and and raw fish like uh are very close friends and advised me a lot about the cars also we tried to help you um he has listen he buys the cars we're trying to advise him in regards to colors and help him with specs and stuff but i don't know that it's his car it's his choice it's his money but he's like the most down-to-earth person you'll ever meet in your life honestly when you meet someone of this level it's it's very surreal and it's for me i aspire to be this i'll never be this level but even 50 at this level probably actually that's probably like 20 10 of this level 10 is fair i think i think timber said is that rue is that fair enough i aspire to be his low i said fifty percent i was like now twenty ten percent maybe it's ten percent one percent okay one percent and that's his son like yeah um you going out in this now aren't you yeah where are you going for dinner going for lunch obviously there's a lot of people outside obviously that are here to see the car they're going to see it on the road for the first time they're just going to park it right outside the restaurant don't worry about it we are going to the dorchester you're going to the dorchester obviously it'll be um parked very well uh are you gonna let them valley park here or you're gonna park it you punch it they can buy it they can park it he's that guy i trust the guy dude he's that guy um but listen it's the end of the the story the journey yeah it's the end what i want to know is when are we going to start another journey when are we going to jump on a plane and fly somewhere else for a new car a new toy a new journey roof we're working on something right yeah yeah yeah something's coming something's always coming um but for now i think we'll end the video here that is enrique's brand new lamborghini on one of 63 there's only two in the uk if you click about here you can actually see the video we flew out and we expect it um but incredible for me i'm inspired i feel i feel amazing when people um around me pick up cars and they're winning at life because then it makes me want to win more as well so um from myself oh yeah and also i've just someone behind the screen was like also the animals competitions guys that is now available my lamborghini invented the sv roadster is now available who knows we might put a c on one day maybe but for now if you're my sp roadster you're more than welcome to play for all the details on the screen right now and in the description but i'm going to end this video right now right here from myself giovanni enrique rupesh mr kent you're in the corner this guy you know you don't know about this guy my wife's here baby's here gus elliott bab and everyone outside we'll see you soon thank you so much watching guys take i'm over here [Music] i'm over you [Music] [Music] she's gonna have expensive faces [Music] why won't you leave me alone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah and we're here to watch the car come in to tell them they know the [Music] levels between us [Music]
Channel: Yiannimize
Views: 2,822,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini sian, hr owen lamborghini, sian, lamborghini sián fkp 37, sian collection, lamborghini sian collection, sian yiannimize, sian yianni, lamborghini yianni, henrique lamborghini, lamborghini sian fkp 37, 1 of 63 lamborghini
Id: 4LYqDVbwhkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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