Looking for BEARS in the GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS !!!

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- [Mother] Where are we? - In Gatlinburg. - [Mother] Gatlinburg? - (band music plays). - [Father] Did you have fun Colin? - Hey, there everyone. Our family is out of town this week. We are still in Tennessee, but we are in the mountains. [Mother] Maya, where are we? - In Gatlinburg - [Mother] Gatlinburg. And Gatlinburg, like I said is in the middle of the mountains. You know what mountains we are in Addy? - Hm, the Smoky Mountains. - The Smoky Mountains, that's right. - (orchestral Music) - [Mother] So we kind of just wanted a change of scenery. We're down here from Monday through Friday, and we're just doing our normal days here. So we're doing schools all day in the mornings. And then in the afternoon, we're gonna have a little fun and explore the area. But before we explore the area, we went in to show you around this awesome house that we rented right in the mountains [Mother] What room are we in now kiddos? - Ah, the game room. - [Mother] The game room. This is in the basement, you gonna show us around Maya? - Yes sure, come on Colin. - [Mother] Colin's gonna show us too. - So, we're here and this the game table where you can pull out any board game and play with them And over here is really cool cause it's a video game. [Mother] Yes let's see what this is. So what games can you play over here, guys? - Donkey Kong, Frogger, Pac-Man. - Colin, what do you like to do down here in the basement? - There's... (indistinct). - [Mother] Play with those. There's a pool table down here, and a ping pong table. [Mother] Do you have ping pong skills Maya? - Yeah. - [Mother] Can I see them? - Yeah. - [Mother] Okay, let's see what Maya can do. - (ping pong ball bouncing). - So I don't have ping pong skills Do you have ping pong skills? - No. - Aww. We'll see if Colin can do better than I can. - Hmm - Wanna give it a go? - (ping pong ball bouncing). - Whoa, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, so maybe none of us have ping pong skills yet, but we have until end of the week to get better. Maybe we'll wow everybody come Friday. - (instrumental music). - And there's a whole other game over here too. What are the games do we have guys? I think it's shuffleboard, which I don't know how to play, but we're going to have to figure this one out too. - (Orchestral music) - [Mother] Whoa! You know what you're doing Addy? - Umm, No. - [Mother] No not quite. Luckily, there are rules. So we're going to have to learn this one too. There's more down in the basement though. What else do we have down here? We have two bedrooms. [Mother] Addy, do you want to show off your room? - Yes my glorious bedroom. - [Mother] Okay Addy. - Hmm, and the TV which we watched last night. - [Mother] Very nice. - I have a bathtub in my bedroom. - [Mother] You have a nice bathtub. - [Addie] Yeah - [Mother] With the fireplace. - [Addie] Yes. - Now everyone wants a bathtubs or you, there's jets me and Collin last night, we exploded with bubbles. - [Mother] With bubbles yeah. - Here's my fireplace. - [Mother] Yes. Do you want to see when it's darker? - [Mother] You can change the colors, can't you? - Yes. - [Mother] Ooh, that's so cool. Where are you and Colin sleeping. Wanna show me? - Over here. - [Mother] AIright, go show me Collin. Where is your room. Here's Maya's fireplace too. They have their own fireplace. And then here's your room. - We have a nice porch. - [Mother] Yes you have, go out... Show us outside. There are three levels on this house and every house has an amazing like porch with beautiful views. So here's the basement level porch. Here's the seating area. Oh, is this a fire pit here? We haven't used this one yet. Let's see. Ooh, it is a fire pit. - Collin. - Looking good. - [Mother] Very nice. And then she got these views out here. They're beautiful. Aren't they? - (beats slowing). [Mother] And if we go this way, what's over here Addie. - Well over here we have some seating, and then we haven't tried it out yet, but we have a hot tub. - [Mother] Whoa this is going to be fun. And all leads back to - My room. - [Mother] Your room right here, that's right? Yes we were really excited about the hot tub, but it's like 89 degrees here. So the hot tub might be more like a mini pool on this vacation if we even open it up. Do you wanna to get in the hot tub later today yeah? - Actually, no. - [Mother] No? Is it too hot for you? - I wanna go now. - You wanna to go now. - Well we actually have a super fun activity planned for a few minutes from now, but we got to show them the rest of the house first. So we're going to go up to the main floor now. Let's go. - [Maya] You lead the way Collin - [Mother] Go go Collin go. - (feet thumping) - [Mother] Hello? - Hey, hi guys. - [Mother] All right. What's on this level. - Here's the living room. - [Mother] You have a nice big living room, don't we? And the kitchen over here, Oh, and grandma's over there looking out the window. What are you looking for? - A black bear. - [Mother] Did you see one? - No. - [Mother] No. - But I am looking. I think it's going to be either here, but I think our best chance is out the dining room window - - [Mother] Over there. - We hope so - Because there are a lot of trees. - [Mother] Yes. - and the wood seems deeper back there. - So we were told that black bears are all over the place and I'm kind of dying to see one, even though I know that sounds a little bit scary, I want to see when like out the window from the safety of the house, the girls did all their schoolwork here. We had school for about four or five hours this morning. Maybe you've got through a lot of work they're missing at school. A lot of homework So this was a busy morning and now we're ready for fun, but we still have to show upstairs. - [Addie] Oh, we should do the balcony first. - [Mother] Should we do the balcony? - Yes. - [Mother] All right, let's go do this balcony. So I told you each level has a balcony. Here's the balcony for the main level, or I guess he call it the second level. So another fire pit right? And these are our favorite chairs. These, this one doesn't rock. - Yeah. - [Mother] This one is our favorite chair. We get a rock in those. - Hmm those over the top - [Mother] it's very hot. - Yes whoa. - [Mother] We come over here. we have a grill and then just past the grill is a table. We haven't gotten to eat out here because it's been so hot. And because it was rainy this morning. So luckily it's clearing up right now, and then Addy and I are looking out, and trying to spot our black bears. - Hmm. - Even the guide for the house has like directions for how to react if we see a black bear. - Yeah (chuckles). - [Mother] When we scan down there are there any black bears? I don't see any. The guide says never feed bears. Always lock your car doors because bears can open them. - Hmm. - The car doors. What do we have to do when we got here, girls? - We had to lock her car doors. - Well before we lock the car doors what do we do? - Take all the snacks out. - Take all the snacks, all the wrappers out because those bears can smell, and we don't want a bear breaking into our car. Do we? - Hmm hmm - So if we see a bear, we're not gonna approach it. And it says that bears can be aggressive if they run toward you. If they make loud noises or if they're squatting at the ground. So the key thing is, if we see a bear, we don't run. We just walk slowly away from it by-- keeping our eye on the bear. Think we can do that? - Hmm Hmm. - It's going to be hard not to run if I see a bear. I have to say that. - Hmm hmm - Do you think you can not run, Maya? I think Maya's mouth is too full of candy to comment. All right, we have to show upstairs. Let's go to upstairs guys. - (bass beats playing). - Upstairs has two more bedrooms. There are five bedrooms in this house and it has a nice little seating area over here. Maya's chilling in one of the bedrooms. It's a pretty space, isn't it Maya? - Yeah. - [Mother] Where'd you get that candy bag last night. - Um a--a candy shop called Sweet? - When we first got here last night, we walked down to downtown Gatlinburg and just walked the streets. And there is so much to do here. I thought it'd be kind of like a sleepy mountain town, but there are a lot of activities, it's gonna be hard to narrow down exactly what ones we want to squeeze in these next few days. Cross here oh we can look down, and see Jason and Collin and grandma. Say hi guys. - Hi - [Mother] And then back this way, and in the last bedroom. discovered some storage down there Addie. Now we actually have a bag of our trash that we need to take outside, put in the trash bins. But the trash is all locked up here so the bears can't get into it. So we're going to go put that out there now, because we kinda think maybe if we have trash out there might attract the bear and maybe we'll get to see one. - (dramatic music playing). - Maya is making some really good bear sounds over here. - (Maya roaring). - [Mother] Maybe you're gonna attract one. - Yeah. - [Mother] Do you see any? - Off we go. We are in a chair lift, headed up to the top of this mountain to check out something called Anakeesta They have all sorts of fun things. They have adventure rope courses. They have tree top trails. You can go through what else they have. Addie do you remember? - I think this little water thing, - Yes like splash parks. So many fun activities we're excited to check this out. Collin, Jason and grandma are in a, like a closed gondola. A little bit more safer. - Here's one. - [Mother] Oh yeah there's one coming over this way. On our trip you've seen my mom who joined us. This is my dad, say hi dad. - Hi, how is everybody. - [Mother] (chuckles). So we've got my mom and dad out with us for this special time in Gatlinburg. And now we are looking down and trying to spot some bears. We think even if we don't see any, we're going to tell Grandma and Maya that we saw a bunch of them. Is that right Addie? Yeah. We are going to tell them we saw 1,130 bears. - What that's a little bit unbelievable (chuckles). - (adventurers screaming). - (dramatic music playing). - What are we gonna do girl? - Um the tree top skywalk - Tree top skywalk first okay. Tree top skywalk. There's tree house adventure. Whoa that tower looks good too. Bear venture, so many fun things. There they come. Hey guys. - Hi. - [Mother] Did you guys see the bears? - No - No - No - We didn't see. - You didn't? - We were going to do that to you. - You were gonna do that to us? - We were gonna do that to you all. - You didn't fall for it ah. - (dramatic music playing). - [Mother] Where'd you go Maya? - Over here. - [Mother] Are you over there? - Yeah. - [Mother] Where is Collin, he there too? - Up here. - [Mother] Okay let me see. Oh, wow. How cool you are at the top of the tree house. - (dramatic music playing). - One of our first stops in here is Bear Venture. I'm not really sure what it is, but it looks like a really fun play area. - (beats playing). - Oh I'm kind of stuck in the slide whoa. I see you Collin. - Collin skips everything and just goes on the net. - [Mother] He just walks on the net yeah. That doesn't surprise me. - (music whistling). - Ready to climb? - 1, 2, 3, 4. - It's a hot day for a lot of stair climbing. - 1,111. - But the view's going to be worth it at the end - 1,112. - 1,113. - [Mother] Whoa what a work out. Is there a pretty view Maya? Yeah, North East East Southeast South Southwest. - [Mother] Know your directions, girl. - What? - you have a test on your directions. Don't you next week? - Aah. - (Guitar playing). - [Mother] Look at how hot your face is. Are you hot? Are you a little bit hot? - I am so hot. - [Mother] So hot. (Mother chuckles) Does that feel better? - (Grandmother laughs). - It is beautiful and fun here, but it is really hot. We probably should have come in the fall. - Yes - We are like a month or two too early for this. - Yeah. - But we'll still embrace it and have fun right? - Yes. - (drums beating). - (orchestral music plays). - [Mother] Now we're doing the tree top walk, which is one of the things I was most excited for to be up here amongst all these trees. And I bet this is beautiful at night, but these are lit and so pretty. Look the lights are starting to come on guys. - [Grandfather] Ooh how pretty. - [Mother] They are, this is so pretty. - And standing in shade right now is making all the difference. It's like 30 degrees cooler right now. - (Children screaming). - [Mother] This is so pretty. - Yes. - (Rock Music plays). - You were a little bit scared, but did you have a good time in the end? - Yes. - (Mother laughing) Me too. - [Grandfather] How was it Addie? - That was awesome. - (Grandmother screaming). - [Grandfather] You are fine Collin? - Oh my gosh. - Wow. - [Grandfather] Did you have fun, Maya? - It was so fun. - [Grandfather] So fun. - We're just did the Rail Runner, which is one of the rides they have here. Addie went by herself. How was it? Going by yourself? - It was actually pretty fun. - Was it? - Yeah. - Were you scared at all? - I mean, I got creeped out on the 15 foot drop. - [Mother] Did you? - Yeah. Otherwise that was really fun. - And Maya, we had a good time didn't we? - Yes. - Maya was so nervous beforehand, weren't you? - Yeah. - She was what were you saying? - Ah, What did I get myself into? - What did I get myself into? But we had fun. - Yeah and now I wanna go again. - Did you have fun? - Yeah. - Oh well that doesn't look like a happy face. - [Addie] How was it? - [Mother] Why are we sad? - [Addie] I think he wanted to go again. - [Mother] Why are you sad? You want to go again? - Yeah - [Mother] Is that why you're sad? - I saw Colin's face on the picture we took and he was smiling. He had a really big smile. Did he have a good time? - He had so much from we both had a blast. - - [Mother] And Grandma had a good time. - We had a wonderful time just to see him that happy. And he was extremely excited. - [Mother] Ooh. - (Guitar plays)> - Well we're heading back down. This time I'm gonna ride with Colin and Maya, in the little closed in gondola. - [Father] Buckle up. Big step. - [Mother] Well we made it in. - Yeah. - This feels a little bit safer, and a little bit more relaxing than the ride up in the open chair lifts for sure. What's outside the windows? - Everybody is flying. - Everybody is flying? (mother laughing) - Well we still haven't seen a bear though. - No. - I'm kind of bummed about this. I'm hoping we see one by the end of the day. I'm counting on it. I thought we'd see one on the chairlift up here, that we see went around our home, and we haven't seen one yet. Where do you think the bears are hiding? - Ah. - [Maya] In their dens. I think the bear's got a super speed to go, to go this fast. - [Mother] And they've got super speed to go fast? - Yes. - [Mother] Wow. So they're so fast we can't see them. - Yes. - Me and Grandma when we were going up, we saw, we saw a bears' den. - [Mother] You did? - Yeah. - [Mother] Daddy looks nervous over here. - We're rocking a little too much for my comfort. - Oh, that's lost. - [Mother] Where did my phone go. Oh that was scary my phone. Whoa okay. I grew up skiing and I go to chairlifts all the time. So they don't freak me out as much as they do Jason. Jason didn't ski as a kid so. You getting a little scared, don't you Jason? - Yeah I'm a little vulnerable up here. - (Mother laughing). - Hanging by wire. - [Mother] Not your thing? - No. Not on my top 10 list of things to do. - (Guitar playing). - Well - I can't believe you got in a full day of homeschool, and a whole lot of new adventures checking out Gatlinburg today. We're chilling for the evening, hanging in the hot tub. And then what else are we doing Kiddos? Are we making brownies? - Yes. - [Mother] And having a game night. - Yes. - [Mother] Yes I think we should. Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook at Tic Tac Toy Family, and check out our merch store at www.TicTacToyStore.com. Bye. - XOXO bye.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 2,276,226
Rating: 4.8524628 out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, vlogging family, Addy and Maya, Jason, Lucy, Addy, Maya, Colin, parents, moms, mom vlog, parents vlog, Gatlinburg, Great Smoky Mountains, Smoky Mountains, bears, cabin, Anakeesta, gatlinburg vlog, things to do in tn, tennessee, travel
Id: wLxp1ZpwfwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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