LOOK what I do with these NEW Dollar Tree WOOD CRATES | QUICK & EASY BEAUTIFUL DIY

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[Music] - kelly barlow creations if you're new to my channel and you're stopping by for the first time thank you for stopping by welcome to my channel stick around awhile by clicking that red button for more crafting on a budget more everything on a budget videos to come and if you click it again when the bell appears youtube should notify you every time i'm uploading a new video depending on the option you choose and the drop-down menu of the bell if you're interested in following me on social media you can find those links in the description box below what have I got going on for you for today today I am bringing to you a Dollar Tree DIY using these new wood crates that the Dollar Tree is carrying I am loving all of the wood crafting supplies that Dollar Tree has stuck in their shelves with and I tell you they have got some really great crates today I'm gonna be using this wider and taller crate I have got a DIY in store for you that is so budget-friendly and the outcome is so stinking cute and it's one of those DIYs that you can utilize daily you are not gonna want to miss this so let's not waste any more time let's jump into it and let me show you what I'm doing with these new wood crates that you can get at the Dollar Tree hopefully I'll be using one of these wall decor plaques that you can get from the Dollar Tree now these are a plaque that you can get for every season just about every holiday and this size plaque is ten and a half by ten and a half I'm gonna remove the Sun embellishment because I don't need it because I need a flat surface I'm gonna put a good amount of Mod Podge on the front of this plaque because I'm gonna be covering it with felt and I think you're by using Mod Podge this is the easiest way to do it because I really want this felt adhered to the front of this plaque now because I'm trying to get away with only using one eight-and-a-half by 11 sheet of felt I'm gonna have to do a bit of patchwork on the bottom half of this plaque so I'm gonna cut off the excess and I think that this is gonna be just about the right size to fit on the bottom of this plaque and because there is just a square missing I'm gonna go dive it into my felt scraps and I'm gonna get a color that's close to this and I'm gonna patch it up with this not to worry if the color isn't exact because this bottom half isn't gonna show I just need it to be even in the next couple of days I'm gonna be bringing to you a 99-cent store haul that I just did and it was pretty incredible that's where I found this burlap sheet this is a 36 by 18 inch sheet that is an amazing size the ones that the Dollar Tree are nowhere near that size and so the fact that you can get these for 99 cents is a great Buy I stocked up on these you're gonna have to stay tuned for that haul because I found some really amazing finds and buys I'm gonna cut a piece that's just a bit bigger than the plaque itself and I'm gonna cover it with Mod Podge because I want to adhere this burlap on to the felt now the purpose behind putting the felt first is because one I didn't want to paint it and two I like the look of the felt behind the burlap because this is a thinly woven burlap and so it kind of helps disguise the fact that it's a cheaper burlap and so that's what I'm gonna do with this once I've got it completely covered I'm gonna pop this in the oven because Mod Podge takes a bit of time to dry I don't have the time to wait so this is gonna be good and dry in about 15 or 20 minutes if you pop it in the oven at about 135 degrees you know what's really great about Mod Podge and burlap is one the Mod Podge is a great way to step in burlap so if you want to make flowers or leaves out of it you can do that easily and your burlap isn't gonna fray or unravel it makes it a lot easier to cut it so you get some nice clean edge and so once this is out of the oven and it's good and dry I'm just gonna cut off the excess burlap here then I'm gonna take my ruler and I'm gonna measure out and Mark at five and a quarter on two sides and it would be two opposite sides here because these plaques are ten and a half inches five and a quarter is the midway point on these two sides so I'm just gonna put a little dot doesn't need to be big because it's not going to show later then I'm gonna take some twine and on the back side I'm gonna put twine on all four corners and I'm gonna make the strands about 12 inches long [Music] so not to confuse you I want to explain that here I'm showing I had put three pieces of twine on each side of the plaque I had originally added that center piece that middle piece of twine it's a mistake you only need the four pieces one in each corner because you're gonna take this corner piece and you're gonna fold it over the front where that black mark is that we made and you're gonna hot glue it to the back now for whatever reason I was thinking that I needed a piece here but I didn't so this piece can either be removed or it can be added and you can remove a corner piece like I did here either way either the center piece needs to be removed or one of your corner pieces because there's two too many so you don't need six you just need the four one in each corner and I hope I'm not making that too confusing you're gonna take each of your corners and you're gonna fold them over to those black dots that we measured out at five and a quarter and you're gonna hot glue it to the back of your plaque and so if you do that you will end up with a design that looks like this on the front of your plaque for this DIY I will be using two of these adorable new wood crates that you can get at the dollar tree now hopefully I'm gonna give both crates a good coating of white acrylic paint on the inside and outside of both the bins now this again is one of the DIYs that can easily be made to suit any decor style just by switching up the paint color for this part of the DIY I will be using some good old a 6000 not a glue that I've used a lot lately but still one of my favorites because I'm gonna be gluing these crates together side by side now this is a piece that I intend on using on a daily basis so I really want to make sure that it's put together good so it holds up once I've got these pieces together I'm gonna hold them together just a bit better with some blue painters tape while the e6000 cures I'll also be using three of dollar trees wood rulers you're gonna want to remove the plastic measuring label that comes on each side of these rulers it comes off fairly easily I'm using the tip of a razor because in all honesty I'm trying to save my manicure because is this day one with my nails just getting painted and I don't want my polish to chip once you've got the labels removed again I'm gonna go over these with a nice coat of white acrylic paint now that everything is good and dry it is time to put this piece together taking two of the three rulers on the side where the hole is using just a bit of hot glue I'm gonna place some hot glue right here at the bottom but I'm not gonna go up past the hole using that kind of as a measuring point I'm gonna place one ruler on each side of these bins here in the back the last ruler is gonna go across the top but you can see that it's a bit too big so using a pencil I'm just gonna make a line across where I need to cut it using a straight edge razor and a metal ruler I'm gonna score the wood ruler using the metal ruler as a guide if you just score the wood ruler just a few times you can very easily take some needle nose pliers and it'll break apart make sure you have a piece of sandpaper on the end so that way you can smooth out these edges a bit and with some hot glue I'm just gonna glue this into place here at the top for this burlap and twine piece I'm gonna use the strong glue and again I'm gonna go with the e6000 I think it's gonna be just a bit too hard to get the amount of hot glue on this that I need all at once without it drying so I think II 6000 is just the way to go I'm gonna place a bit of this along the outside edges of this plaque then I'm just gonna take my ruler and crate contraption piece here and I'm gonna set it right down on top because I want this to really adhere to the back of this I'm gonna place some of Ali's heavy schoolbooks right on top I'm gonna let this a 6-thousand cure for about 4 hours and it's been about 4 or 5 hours I removed the books and it is really adhered on to the back of these rulers and the crates so I am happy with how sturdy this piece is so far it looks great I kept the blue painters tape on the whole time just to really make sure these crates stuck together so I'm going to go ahead I'm gonna remove the painters tape and now it is time to actually add some embellishments to this the embellishments that I'm going to be using today is this burlap ribbon that I got from targets dollar spot this is a pretty good quality ribbon for a dollar I figured I take a piece of this and just kind of run it along the front of these crepes and hot glue them to the back I also had some of these lamb ears in my stash that I thought that I would use just to add a bit of color there's something about the green and these lamb ears that always goes so nicely with a farmhouse DIY it gives it such a subtle pop of color so I cut up the leaves and I'm gonna add just three leaves to the front of this and I figured the perfect finishing touch to this would be to add one a dollar trees cotton balls from their cotton stems have these in my stash as well and I think one is gonna work perfectly for the center of these leaves wait a minute I am not done because I have not incorporated one of my twine bows into this and so I figure the perfect finishing touch then would be this twine bow here up at the top this is one of those DIYs that is so quick and easy its budget-friendly and the outcome is so stinkin cute I can hardly stand it what I love about this DIY is it as a very functional DIY and it's a piece that can be used for so many different things this is one of those DIYs that I really like to create because it's something that you can use on a daily basis to either put remotes in or your keys you can use it for makeup the top part you can put pictures on it with little clothes pins there are endless possibilities for this DIY and those are the kind that I really like to bring to you guys and most of all this is a really budget friendly one too I hope you all enjoy today's DIY using the new wood crates that you can get from the Dollar Tree please make sure to give this video a thumbs up and let's get this video to 5,000 likes because like I always say each and every one of your thumbs up and the comments that you leave down below they really do help my channel to grow and it helps YouTube to notice me just a bit more until next time everybody I hope you have a fantastic day happy crafting on a budget and bye for now everybody [Music]
Channel: Kelly Barlow Creations
Views: 617,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Barlow, KB Creations, Stinkin Cute Productions, Kelly Barlow Creations, dollar tree diy, dollar tree, dollar tree diys, farmhouse decor, look what i do with these, diy dollar tree, easy dollar tree diy, easy diy, quick and easy dollar tree diy, diy farmhouse decor, dollar tree farmhouse decor, crafting on a budget, quick and easy diy, dollar tree farmhouse diy, farmhouse diy dollar tree, look what i do, easy farmhouse diys, crafters square at dollar tree
Id: cFMnWwozOaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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