Look for Butterfly's Babies | Super Panda Rescue Team | BabyBus Cartoon

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baby bus reaction training go I need something for energy huh we have an emergency take my ball [Music] [Music] [Applause] chuckles what's the emergency army and a kind of insect are small but really strong they are moving experts that work in groups but they have a problem while carrying things for miss butterfly they keep going around in circles so miss butterfly asked for your help they need you rescue T let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh No he fainted where's the rescue team [Music] here they come okay you made it don't worry we'll take care of this Oh Romeo check on the end okay [Music] the results are in he collapsed from exhaustion exhaustion he needs to recharge [Music] why did he go back oh that's weird there must be a reason I need to check more data army ads usually follow the leader so when something happens to him the rest get lost and confused like this ah that's right the leader disappeared after a strong wind blew in whit's gun let me find him scary target found he's over there tell me tell me at me oh wow he's gotten severely stuck in the boy I can't really rush butane that's right we'll save you [Music] thanks for saving me you're welcome let's go back right now didn't forward march good everybody oh no a strong wind again be careful protect again [Music] are you okay you me Parker we have another problem we need pilot almost help copy that Momo we have a support request from Kiki please move out now [Music] Here I am the helicopter box is in place mom oh look oh they're eggs on the leaves I'll tell you the location please save them no problem they flew to the right [Music] yeah [Music] waaah it's blown away go after it I got it I'm French oh no follow me is everybody ready yes it's coming [Music] you'll proceed [Music] [Music] oh thank you so much you're welcome it's all thanks to Kiki and Meuse rescue team [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] saving new meal [Applause] Oh [Music] haha [Music] Kiki MooMoo are you okay dodo I'm fine but me Leo's in the tree and can't get down oh I can't use magic when I'm wet Oh what shall we do a dude who can't use magic right now how can I save Mew meow huh I have an idea hi mushrooms I'm Kiki nunu can't get down from the tree can you help us [Music] huh this won't work we'd better make some stairs what should we do I know let's say it together baby buzz huh magic math why don't we make stairs by adding one mushroom at a time at one and then add through like this so it looks like we need to add one mushroom at a time how many mushrooms do we need to go up what are the numbers before and after it tunas the numbers are 1 and 3 the numbers we found after 3 & 2 right it's 4 we're getting closer to Mew Mew way to go oh you okay bleep our where are we hmm well I think we fell on a different floor at the tree you knew he must have fallen further up the river and the balloon is going downstream then what shall we do let's go up river and catch them of course but which way should we go [Music] let's find someone to ask mm excuse me which road should we take to go up River hmm actually you can take any road the shortest road is the one between the roads with one strawberry and three strawberries which one is between roads with one strawberry and three strawberries between one strawberry and three strawberries that's the road with two strawberries okay this is the road we should use I've heard there is a mad bull down that road both are scary I'm not afraid of bulls are we really going it could be dangerous there's no danger listen to me don't worry you see there's no danger it's true red power you're amazing but of course mad bulls aren't scary at all [Music] [Applause] we're done what's going on Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no the mushroom stairs fell down it's okay we can build the stairs again kids we need your help too let's say it together baby buzz magic math we can make stairs if the neighboring numbers have a difference of 1 Mach numbers have a difference of 1 with 2 right 1 & 3 kids what numbers have a difference of 1 with 4 3 and right it's live [Applause] [Music] great we laid the stairs again thank you everyone Gnomeo come down the mushroom stairs are you okay I'm fine by the way where are we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Merry Christmas everyone [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the vending machine is broken what are we gonna do what they do huh hmm whoa someone's coming Oh oh no it's whiskers I need a battery for my toy where can i buy it huh it's a vending machine I'll have a battery he needs battery what are we going to do I could oh I got a battery I almost got caught [Music] Rudolph please don't come here don't come here there's a vending machine I [Music] want to buy soda no there's no soda what's going on why you take so long [Music] yeah I am just too smart I want to buy something else he wants buy another one no matter what he buys I'm gonna find a way I want to get an apple Oh someone had a bite of this Apple huh what's going on oh no oh it's a new Apple oh yeah the vending machine autumn and we change it as goods oh no milk come over here look at this magical vending machine really I wanna cry oh no you meals really smart how am I not going to get caught lemon juice lemon juice Oh which one's lemon juice let me try this one no this is not grabbing - OH - see I told you okay then forget about lemon juice I'll have milk milk I got it please work this time [Music] Kiki come on I know it's you loom you I broke the vending machine baby pass vending machine it really bears Kiki hi Kiki hi hello what are you doing I'm watering oh you're watering your favorite bamboo shoots yeah Kiki what's wrong there's a hole a hole what happened [Music] did anyone take a bite out of it Kiki is anybody there it's Momo did you eat my bamboo shoot but Kiki rabbits love carrots and other vegetables instead of bamboo shoots I'm sorry it's okay I was using carrots bye-bye mama if it's not Momo then who made the hole in the bamboo shoots [Music] it's Rudolph he's a really good dancer [Music] [Music] are you calling me did you bite my bamboo shoot' Rudolph fishes your favorite isn't it wonderful how about bamboo I don't eat those he doesn't seem to eat them either let's dance together Kiki why aren't you dance if Momo eats carrots and Rudolph eats fish who ate Kiki's favorite bamboo shoots Kiki what do you see [Music] [Music] you think the hen pecked at your bamboo shoots wait you've been wrong twice already haven't you let's ask her politely you don't want to be wrong again do you miss hen did you happen to eat my bamboo shoot miss Han doesn't seem to eat them either then who ate my bamboo shoots keiki follow her she's trying to help you [Music] caterpillars made the hole this hen is really good at catching worms she'll catch them all well she ate all the caterpillars great now pinkies favorite bamboo shoot will grow healthy again do you know what this car is I do it's a taxi right but I'm going to change this car into a special taxi with my one a special taxi yeah I'm gonna be a special taxi are you ready close your eyes count to five and then we will see okay close your eyes and let's count together often your eyes wow you look really special yes I think so too [Music] let's get in mm you okay I'm a taxi driver tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu passing by streets big and small all through the city get into my taxi please tell me where you want to go ready to drive my sexy let's go ride away I'm a taxi to a labor toot-toot-toot toot-toot-toot housing back streets big and small all through the city the wheels are turning round and round i'm steering to the left turn right turning left and turning right we've safely arrived I'm a taxi driver toot toot toot toot toot toot nothing my streets big and small all through the city get into my taxi please tell me where you want to go ready to drive my taxi let's go right away the wheels are turning round on theory to the left and right turning left and turning right we've saved will rise thank you for your ride so I can bring my Christmas tree you're welcome call me whenever you need a ride okay [Music] no I came first Oh what's the matter miss Mamie I want to write the slide first I want to write this like verse too cheeky whiskers and we have only one slide here when both of you wanted at the same time what should we do you should line up and use it one at a time so everyone will have a good time whiskers okay wait your turn please go down the slide one at a time sit up straight blow ball slide London elephant's trunk everybody stand in a line hold the handrail tight one step at a time climb the stairs up to the top wait your turn please go down the slide one at a time sit up straight [Music] remember wait for your friend to leave the slide all the head rub fight one step at a time climb to the top sit up straight please and please don't go too fast [Music] when you play with your friends always remember to follow the rules so everyone can have a good time [Music] what are you doing outside my father's really harsh on me recently well actually I don't even want to go home why would he do that to such a good boy like you don't worry I'll help you Oh [Music] let's get inside first huh if there's any problems I'll handle them vegetables carrots I've been eating them for months oh I hate vegetables [Music] don't worry greens carrots give them all to me [Music] Kiki what do you like you can go ahead and help yourself hmm Rudolph eat vegetables first don't be picky mr. foo I like the carrots most [Music] Kiki's not a picky eater what a good boy the bitter gourd is for you here you go Rudolph YUM [Music] [Music] I'm done can I go play with Kiki outside [Music] hmm Rudolph what should you do after meals [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] good job know that all the dishes are clean can I go up play with Kiki no you can't first you have to read three characters blessing rent due to sink been shunned sings young teen poor Rudolph you don't have time to play oh I've an idea hey Dori machine riddle let's play Chinese checkers huh I have to read the book who the story machine boom read it for us oh listen to Aunt Grace sees youngji's she's showing us yeah Ozzy or woody let me show you what I got [Music] omelet for breakfast that's Rudolph's favorite and bread and milk for snacks Rudolf will be so happy hmm I should leave a note for Rudolf Oh Kiki what are you doing over here look at this no dear Rudolf I'm leaving for three days business trip in the fridge you'll find your breakfast omelette for the first day tuna vegetable salad for the second day and the third day I hope you develop good habits and grow up to be a good man am I too harsh on Rudolf what if he hates me for that Rudolf your dad loves you so much dad are you all right I'm fine dad is all right I hope you good good and I won't let you down Oh [Music] what's taking you so long your homework feed yourself Rudolph whiskers why don't you eat come on this is really yummy my dad always feeds me our home oh I don't eat by myself either I'm full me too Oh Rudolph whiskers you guys didn't eat anything go ahead and eat now we've got to go here we just took a nap and you guys aren't finished yet Rudolph and I can't eat by ourselves and there's no one to feed us please help us how can we hope you huh um yo can see that but I can only feed myself whoa maybe I can try no Kiki they have to learn to eat by themselves don't feed them whiskers Rudolph you shouldn't eat by yourself oh boo boo I just don't want to eat by myself well why don't we ask dudu for help great idea [Music] hello my friends what's going on do do whiskers a Rudolf can't eat by themselves what should we do are we supposed to feed them mm-hmm don't do that Rudolf whiskers you're old enough to feed yourself that's right whiskers Rudolph's do to his right it's really easy I have an idea since there's no one here to feed us why don't we feed each other Oh sounds great now it's my turn [Music] [Music] there's no way really starving give it to me hey dumb ones yours [Music] don't worry Rudolph and whiskers keep themselves now but I think they have to learn some table manners table matters sit up straight with one hand on another Jew slowly you can eat by yourself what a good boy yes [Music] when the donuts in the oven are done I'll decorate them with chocolate let's play somewhere else let's go [Music] roll over roll over [Music] chocolate donut you a chocolate pie [Music] roll over roll over [Music] [Music] [Music] cool [Music] the donuts are already decorated who did this [Music] you guys decorated them for me didn't you this is our little secret Oh mommy bird calm down let me see what I can do firestation may I help you okay we'll go right away I'm a firefighter turning the siren on I'm a firefighter driving my fire truck I'm a firefighter racing to save others [Music] [Music] I'm a firefighter moving along hose I'm a firefighter riding on a ladder I'm a firefighter okay right away I'm a firefighter turning the siren on I'm a firefighter driving my fire truck I'm a firefighter racing to save others on my way [Music] I'm a firefighter holding a long hose I'm a firefighter riding on a ladder I'm a firefighter putting out the fire [Music] firefighter fire fire fire [Music] you're welcome it's good to see you safe now we should go now take good care of baby shark grandpa you should help too I certainly will don't worry look baby shark is having fun with TWiki in your view [Music] [Music] [Music] baby cradle 1999 [Music] lovely baby my [Music] we are home [Music] thank you for taking care of my baby [Music] it's an apple how about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kicki itself sweetie thanks to our vehicle friends we can enjoy tasty apples thank you you
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 9,460,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Look for Butterfly's Babies, moving company, ants, Super Panda, Super Panda Rescue Team, BabyBus Cartoon, kids cartoon, kids animation, babybus, baby bus, original cartoon, official, official animation, official Channel, cartoon for kids, cartoon for children, animation for kids, official collection, panda, baby panda, animation collection, baby, little panda, kids, education, babies, children, BabyBus cartoon, babybus animation, math kingdom advanture, fire truck, hero, get lost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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