Baby, Be Nice to Families | Good Manners | Cartoon for Kids | Stories for Kids | MeowMi Family Show

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[Music] [Laughter] yay [Music] [Applause] you need to put away your toys first no more tv today is a cleanup day you can watch tv after we finish cleaning up go away mommy [Music] sweetie sweetie even if you are angry [Music] don't say such words that hurt other people and you make mommy feel sad even if you're angry tell how you feel nice and slow nice and slow so others understand you even if you're angry tell how you feel nice and slow nice and slow so others understand you [Music] daddy [Music] even if you are angry with me daddy loves you so much don't say such words that hurt other people and you make daddy feel sad even if you're angry tell how you feel nice and slow nice and slow so others understand you even if you're angry tell how you feel nice and slow nice and slow so others understand [Music] slow is and slow i won't say such words that hurt other people i love you i love you we love you too daddy i'm so sorry i will speak nice and slow me too [Music] oh [Music] take a deep breath first and then tell others how you feel and what is making you feel angry i'm busy drawing now let's play later okay they'll understand you then others won't be hurt by your feelings anymore [Music] take medicine and get some rest he'll get better soon okay [Music] we will make you sick [Music] hey [Music] turns away oh [Music] [Music] i feel tired he's not chasing us bad germs bad we will germs you sick [Music] baby baby don't be afraid go coco take the medicine baby baby don't be afraid of coco take your medicine [Music] power up power up legally oh away dad i feel much better now great you need to take medicine when you're sick it'll help chase germs away now [Music] if you don't feel well take some medicine [Music] drink plenty of water and stay in bed the germs will soon go away [Music] [Music] [Applause] i got you two little kitties [Music] all right kids play time is over daddy needs to get to work now [Music] hey daddy can't you stay with us we didn't finish building our castle build the castle oh but i need to go now to help other people [Music] when the shorthand points here [Music] i'll be back home okay bye daddy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little butterfly why do all grown-ups have to go to work [Music] hmm [Music] huh it's daddy's car daddy daddy look at me i became a butterfly look at my wings daddy oh he can't hear me [Music] what's wrong oh oh no my car's broken daddy's face got dirty [Music] [Music] i wish my car could fly like you oh [Music] oh take it slow come on this way wow it's getting better thank you so much officer you're welcome that's what i do [Music] wow police officers do such important things oh i need to hurry wait [Music] [Music] oh [Music] daddy [Music] oh no daddy hurt his leg what should i do [Music] [Music] daddy cat what's wrong oh hello dr rabbit well i fell down and hurt my leg oh don't worry let me take a look [Music] hmm all done oh i'm feeling much better wow thank you so much dr rabbit you're welcome that's what i do take care bye wow doctors do such important things oh daddy wait [Music] hello daddy cat i was waiting for you the ride is broken [Music] daddy i want to ride it oh don't worry let me take a look [Music] i know what's wrong with it [Music] [Applause] daddy cat you're the best engineer i know thanks you're welcome that's what i do daddy's job makes many people happy wow i'm so proud of you [Music] [Music] is back [Music] daddy did you help many other people at work today of course i did now it's time to help two little kitties build a castle [Music] [Laughter] now why do our parents have to go to work everyone has their own job for example making yummy bread turning on the street lights or helping other people who got hurt and your job is to go to school [Music] people all over the world have different jobs to do [Music] [Laughter] mom look at me over here these feelings mom loves my brother [Music] what's wrong sweetie sweetie i feel jealous sometimes too but it makes us only see something that we don't [Music] can think have can think of things that you have i know you're a good girl it's not good to be jealous [Music] i hate these feelings my sister is better than me what should i do why should i feel i feel hurt and angry i want to do something bad so dad will care about me [Music] sometimes too but it makes us only see something that we don't have think i can think again each of you are different think of what you're good at you can do it very well [Music] if you feel jealous tell others about how you feel and if others seem to be in a bad mood ask them first what's the matter oh i want to play with it too okay then you feel much better finally the monster packed up his things and started a new journey maybe the monster is coming for you don't worry i'm here [Music] [Music] [Music] don't be afraid i'm here it's okay it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on do [Music] let's play a game [Music] [Music] good night [Music] see you in the morning oh [Music] big monsters [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's clean up the toys under the bed okay and don't leave your toys lying around okay when you think there's a monster in the dark don't be afraid draw a picture of the monster that is making you feel scared and add some funny decorations and shout at the monster bye go away [Music] the monster is gone now wow you look beautiful mom nice kids mom will be back soon [Music] [Music] are you really going to do that [Music] be [Music] make quiet look pretty many many colors to draw and what shall i choose [Music] [Music] uh oh he looks really beautiful let's make daddy look pretty many many colors to draw and paint [Music] oh no mimi tini you made your daddy's face look so colorful [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no mommy comes back [Music] daddy don't open the door just look at your face [Music] honey your face [Music] daddy looks pretty daddy looks pretty what are we going to do with you little kid now what color is this red yummy watermelon is red what color is this green a frog is green [Music] red green and what other colors can you see [Music] yay we're going to eat some ice cream huh the shop is closed it's closed [Music] don't cry let's come back tomorrow huh look it's an ice cream vending machine huh ice cream mommy i want some ice cream okay put in a coin and you can get your ice cream [Music] welcome which ice cream would you like cream cream [Music] strawberry vanilla and chocolate which flavor shall i choose i like vanilla ice cream cream cream oh ice cream cream cream oh ice cream candy cookies choose your favorite topping please i like rainbow colored candy [Music] cream cream oh ice cream [Music] a robot crack beep [Music] which flavor shall i choose baby bop i like all flavors [Music] green cream oh ice cream cream cream oh ice cream nuts cookies [Music] ice cream wow my ice cream is mom i like the ice cream vending machine so much so do i and it's so much fun huh look at your face it's so colorful [Music] now [Music] ice cream is yummy but don't eat too much just one [Music] and rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after eating it [Music] mosquito pilots vomit count off one two three great everybody move let's go [Music] [Music] mosquito pilots searching for their food where is it mosquito pilots searching don't worry [Music] oh [Music] [Music] searching for their food i found it mosquito pilots mosquito pilots [Music] the mosquitoes are so annoying no no i'm gonna bite you [Music] don't worry we have the mosquito repellent now what should we do when we get a mosquito bite [Music] it's so itchy [Music] don't scratch your mosquito bite the medicine will keep it from itching aha i won't scratch it [Music] sorry kid i didn't play are you okay yes i'm okay [Music] emergency emergency it's an earthquake it's an an earthquake cover your head stay calm stay calm let's stay close to a column don't run around sit and wait turn your basket over cover your head with it turn your basket over you can keep your head [Music] safe shaking up and down it's an earthquake shaky side to side thumping thumping falling down thumping thumping broken be careful be careful cover your head and watch your step please stay calm don't run and follow our staff's directions [Music] it's a blackout dark everywhere it's a blackout dark everywhere make sure to use the stairs don't use elevators lining up lining up let's all go out safely please [Music] when you get lost ask for help when you get lost ask for help please wait in a safe place you're great in the safe place don't be afraid don't be afraid your mom will be here soon [Music] mommy's here you're okay now [Music] my mom is here kid you should hold mom's hand when there are many people i'll remember it thank you now what should we do if an earthquake happens in a public place one stay calm and protect yourself two find safety exit signs three carefully get out of there and make sure to follow the staff's directions you're safe now good job [Music] yes but you should be careful okay yes baby [Music] baby baby it's okay mommy will help you feel better let's clean your booboo and here's a bandage [Music] yes baby [Music] baby baby it's okay daddy will help you feel better let's clean your boo-boo and here's some green you will be all right [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] you need to take care of your boo-boo don't scratch it sweetie change your bandage regularly and keep it clean you get better soon [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] they look fine let's pray with them [Music] superheroes let's fight the big monster big monster we're not afraid [Music] [Music] these are tools they're dangerous don't play with them let's put them back [Music] [Music] really yeah it's not a toy no [Music] this is bug killer it's dangerous don't play with it we only use it to kill [Music] bugs let's take a look [Music] us [Music] [Music] don't put plastic bags on your head it's so dangerous [Music] they are not toys don't play with them your toys are right here don't do that okay let's separate your toys from dangerous things to play with screwdrivers power strips and screws are all tools so you shouldn't play with them crayons toy stethoscopes and blocks are all toys so you can play with them do you understand [Music] [Music] all right ice cream ice cream [Applause] [Music] oh timmy look whoa it's a toy shop which one should i so choose toys here's your ice cream oh mimi timmy mimi timmy it's a big dinosaur [Music] okay did you see the toy shop over there daddy [Music] where did daddy go daddy [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] kids i'm not your daddy [Music] let's just go back and wait for daddy [Music] hey little kids are you looking for your daddy [Music] [Applause] that's too bad [Music] well i know where your daddy is i'll take you to him really thanks mimi are we there yet we're almost there okay he's behind this door oh it's so dark where's daddy [Music] he's inside come on let's go i'm scared we we don't want to go come on your daddy's waiting for you [Music] um [Music] this [Music] [Music] you can't run away from me [Music] stop right there [Music] excuse me did you see two little kids around here mimi timmy they're my kids are you okay daddy [Music] [Music] thank you so much you're welcome i'm just happy that your kids are safe promise me that you won't run around i'm sorry daddy we won't run around hmm kids if you ever get lost at the mall ask security guards or staff for help don't talk to strangers or go anywhere with them okay we got it never let bad guys take advantage of you if we ever get lost what should we do stay where you are and wait for your parents to come or if you have a card with your parents phone numbers find someone you can trust and ask for help mommy daddy kids talk with your mom and dad about who you can trust and ask for help [Music] [Music] yay it's all done [Music] [Music] wow smells great yummy fish pancakes are all ready who wants some hi guys [Music] they look really yummy didn't you forget something important oh what is it before you eat you should wash your hands wash hands [Music] i'm so hungry huh let's just eat the pancakes [Music] daddy's not around follow me wow [Music] the tv program will start soon let's go watch it [Music] [Music] [Music] are you all right daddy my tummy hurts so much gummy hurts too don't worry i'll take you to the hospital [Music] hey there kids let me take a look [Music] look at your hands you didn't wash them did you you didn't if you don't wash your hands before eating the germs on your hands will get into your tummy [Music] that's why your tummy hurts [Music] [Applause] don't worry i'll take care of you thank you doctor now i'll show you how to wash your hands [Music] wash your hands wash your hands rub rub your little palms rub rub rub wash your hands chase the germs away rub the back side of your hands they're all clean [Applause] [Music] look at my hands they're so clean now mine are two wow they really are oh mimi timmy huh look what i brought for you sweeties [Music] we need to wash our hands [Music] [Laughter] now besides before eating when do we have to wash our hands after going out sneezing and after going to the bathroom don't forget to wash your hands did you wash your hands today yes we did
Channel: MeowMi Family Show
Views: 2,895,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moewmi, baby kitten, mimi, timi, nursery rhymes, kids songs, children songs, baby songs, kid songs, for kids, cartoons, stories, kids videos, kids cartoon, songs for kids, preschool, toddler, baby, kindergarten songs, toddler songs, kids song, song for children, play and learn, sing-along, learn colors, toddler song, jobs song, occupation song, jobs and career song, kids at home, MeowMi Family Show, good habits song, play safe song, ice cream song, scared of the dark
Id: SIa57xL5rAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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