God Will Take You Back | The Book of Hosea | Gary Hamrick

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we're gonna start into a new book study today the book of Hosea so if you'll take your Bibles and join me in the Book of Isaiah the book of Hosea and the eleven books that follow it round out the Old Testament we're looking at the last 12 books of the Old Testament and Hosea is the first of these final 12 books which are all known as the Minor Prophets so the last 12 books of your Old Testament are referred to as the Minor Prophets now they are called minor not because they are less important than the major prophets it's not like you know like the we have minor-league prophets and we have major-league prophets and the minor league prophets just quite weren't good enough to play with the major league prophets it's not like that's not like baseball it's they're called minor prophets because in general the books of the Minor Prophets are shorter and the message is more succinct that's why they're called the Minor Prophets versus some of the major prophets like Jeremiah and Isaiah so Hosea here starts the first of the twelve minor prophets which make up the the last of the Old Testament books because each of these minor prophets are shorter the books and and more succinct the messages they are more easily summarized for that reason I'm going to be taking a summary approach to all these twelve books we're gonna look at one book every Sunday and then we'll close out the Old Testament in you know roughly twelve weeks or so we have the the holidays in between so it'll probably more like 14 weeks and then we'll be right into the New Testament in the book of Matthew come come in a couple months but we'll be looking at one of these books per Sunday and today is the Book of Isaiah so a little background on Hosea himself and the book of Hosea Hosea's name in Hebrew is hacia which means salvation so the English transliteration is Hosea but in Hebrew he would have been called hacia or Hashanah meaning salvation his ministry spans a period of about 40 years from the years 755 to 715 BC roughly and and this book is not in chronological order so when you as is the case for most of the Minor Prophets when you go from the Book of Daniel to the book Jose you're not you're not in chronological order in fact Hosea's ministry preceded Daniel Daniel wasn't even born for about 130 years and so we're going backwards in time and thus the the message of Hosea his life and his ministry occurs between second Kings 14 and 20 so you know in second Kings 14 to 20 and the margin of your Bible you might want to write here's where Hosea ministered that's the time period in which he ministered we know that because at the beginning of his book here he talks about the various Kings who were raining at the time of his ministry now interestingly we don't hear him quoted anywhere between second Kings 14 and 20 we just know in terms of chronology that that's where his ministry is located his voice is only heard here in his book and then he's quoted a couple times by Paul in Romans and he's quoted by Jesus and and by Matthew Matthew makes a connection to the book Hosea in in Matthew's Gospel but otherwise he's not mentioned anywhere outside of his own book and he was a contemporary of Isaiah the prophet hosea ministered to the Northern Kingdom of Israel at the same time that Isaiah was ministering to the southern kingdom of Judah so they were contemporaries and just to kind of frame the culture at the time of Hosea's ministry two things that stand out when you look at the Book of Isaiah it was a time of spiritual apostasy because of unholy pretty priests and it was also a time of social disintegration because of unrighteous Kings that is the culture it's not too unlike our home culture where there's a spiritual apostasy because some are not really being you know true to the word and true to the Lord in terms of you know ministry and we have you know sometimes corrupt kings and people and leadership and government and and as a result sometimes it can lead to social justice and the result of which was that there was a lack of the knowledge of God in the land at the time that Hosea ministered the combination of the unholy priests and the unrighteous Kings no one was telling people about the Lord during this time and thus where there was this lack of knowledge the people were perishing that becomes one of the most famous verses in the book of Hosea Hosea 4 verse 6 said where my people are destroyed or perish for lack of knowledge now he didn't mean for a lack of education like just the accumulation of information he meant a lack of knowledge about the Lord and thus my people perish for a lack of it so the people of God were in a state of spiritual apostasy that socially there was just this moral disintegration and it was all due to the fact that God's Word was not being taught the people were not hearing about the Lord they were not being equipped in their faith they were not being told here's here's who God is and here are his righteous requirements thus God calls Hosea as this prophet I want you to minister I want you to prophesy speak to this the Northern Kingdom of Israel and to awaken the conscience of a nation God is going to call Hosea to do a very unusual thing in order to illustrate God's relationship with the Jewish people somewhat a broken relationship but nevertheless God's going to tell us that I want you to do something here and it's very unusual you'll see it as we read through the first chapter I'm going to read all of chapter 1 it's only 11 verses but follow along in your Bibles if you would verse 1 the word of the Lord that came to Hosea the son of beery in the days of uzziah jotham ahaz and hezekiah kings of judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of joash king of Israel when the Lord began to speak by Hosea the Lord said to Hosea go take yourself a wife of harlotry a wife of harlotry this is a prostitute I want you to marry a prostitute and take children of harlots for the land has committed grape harlotry by departing from the Lord so he went and took Gomer the daughter of de blame and she conceived and bore him a son and then the Lord said to him call his name the boy's name Jezreel for in a little while I will avenge the bloodshed of Jezreel on the house of Jehu and bring an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel it shall come to pass in that day that I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel and she conceived again and bore a daughter and then God said to him call her name lo-ruhamah for I will no longer have mercy on the house of Israel but I will utterly take them away yet I will have mercy on the house of Judah I'll save them by the Lord their God and will not save them by bone or by sword or battle by horses or horsemen now when she had weaned lo-ruhamah she conceived and bore a son then God said call his name lo a me for you are not my people and I will not be your God yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured or numbered and it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them you are not my people there it shall be said to them you are sons of the Living God and then the children of Judah and the children of Israel shall be gathered together and appoint for themselves one head and they shall come up out of the land for great will be the day of Jezreel let's pause there and pray father it's good to be in your house and to just begin our week by settling our hearts before you we thank you for your love we thank you for your forgiveness your patience Lord we lack the vocabulary to just express all the many words that describe you your greatness your majesty your faithfulness thank you Lord for your word and the opportunity here to meet and to worship pray that you'd use your word now to minister to our hearts draw us near to you Lord whatever difficulty we carried in here we pray that you would lighten their load the air burden bearer whatever st. a sin we came in here with we pray Lord that you would forgive us cleanse our hearts whatever anxious thought whatever thing that weighs us down we pray Lord we would leave here knowing we've been in the house of the Lord so ministered to us we're needy hungry thirsty people and we love you Lord and we thank you that you fill us up fill us up afresh today we pray in Jesus name and everybody said amen throughout the Bible both Old Testament and New Testament the covenant of marriage has always served to be an illustration of God's relationship with us and likewise our relationship with him in the Old Testament marriage primarily serves to illustrate God's relationship with the Jewish people with the nation of Israel there are many verses in the Old Testament that speak in these allegorical terms of a marriage that God has with the people of Israel I give you a few verses as examples Isaiah 54 verse 5 says for your maker is your husband the Lord of Hosts is his name in Isaiah 62 verse 5 it says and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall your God rejoice over you in jeremiah 3 verse 14 it says return o backsliding children says the Lord for I am married to you so the Old Testament paints a picture often using marriage in terms of God's relationship with Israel the Jewish people in the New Testament God also uses marriage as an illustration to communicate the relationship of Christ with the church and so you have for example in the Bible examples out of Matthew chapter 9 verses 14 and 15 it says then the disciples of John that's John the Baptist came to Jesus saying why do we and the Pharisees fast often but your disciples do not fast and Jesus said to them can the Friends of the bridegroom ORN as long as the bridegroom is with them nice talking about himself as the groom as the bridegroom he says but the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them and then they will fast so see even Jesus uses the this illustration of marriage he says I'm like a the groom and and the churches is the bride and so one day I'm gonna be taken away then then when I'm away the church will fast they will pray they will seek me you see also in Matthew's Gospel chapter 25 the whole parable of the ten virgins is a parable of Christ's coming again for his bride in Ephesians chapter 5 Paul uses similar terminology in Chapter five of Ephesians verses 31 and 32 where he says for this reason quoting from Genesis a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the church and then of course a famous verse at a revelation 19 verse 7 which says let us be glad and rejoice for and give Him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and the bride the church has made herself ready so all throughout Old Testament and New Testament God often uses the covenant of marriage as this illustration but but in regards to his relationship with us and us with him but everybody understands particularly everybody who's married understands that every marriage has its difficulties Amen that's okay to say that it's in church like can I say that can I admit that yeah you can admit every marriage has different mind but every marriage has mine included it has difficulties challenges you know people trying to understand each other different personalities different perspectives alright and and let alone the male-female dynamic and different language and stuff that you know men don't speak female E's and women don't necessarily speak manis you know and so there's always this kind of difficulty and challenges every once in a while and and so it is in in this relationship here in the Book of Isaiah there's a marriage illustration here that God wants to use to communicate his relationship with the Jewish people but there are challenges in the relationship the marriage is broken and it's not because God's done anything wrong God hasn't done anything wrong it's because the people have been unfaithful to him they have in a sense committed adultery against God because they've had other loves instead of God in their lives and so God says to Hosea basically this I want to use marriage as an illustration to communicate to the people about my love for them despite their unfaithfulness towards me so he asks Hosea to do a very unusual thing God says Hosea listen in order to illustrate this point about my loyal love to the people but their constant unfaithfulness towards me here's what I want you to do is it here's what I want you to do this what God says does that I want you to marry a prostitute now Hosea is a single guy you know and he's like and God's instant here and let me introduce you to your wife the town hooker I want you to marry her and Hosea psych I'm not sure this is the kind of girl I wanted to bring home to meet mom and dad and gods like trust me on this I want to introduce you to a fine woman that everybody knows in town and I want you to marry her and so he marries one he marries a prostitute and you know what's worse than marrying a prostitute is marrying a prostitute whose name is Gomer she's from Mayberry some of you were too young to understand that joke but here she is her name is Gomer that's her name and God says Josiah I want you to take her home I want you to love her on what I want you to have her as your wife now in any culture I don't care what country you're from in any culture a prostitute has a reputation for being an immoral woman you know sex for pay is is not really the most honorable profession I mean it might be the oldest profession but it's not necessarily the most honorable profession so don't you know of course when God says it obviously God knows what he's doing here so he's like I want you to marry Gomer I want you to take her home as your wife of course when he does that everybody in town their heads are turning they're like what their thumb their thumbs are working like did you just see who Hosea had and they're basically aghast they're like this this holy man of God this prophet of God I can't believe this this prophet of God this holy man of God has taken an adulterous immoral prostitute this woman I can't believe this how in the world could this happen that such a holy man of God could take such an immoral adulterous woman and God's basically saying in the same way that I've taken you that's the illustration you see in the same way that I've loved you and taken you God wanted this marriage between Hosea and Gomer to illustrate his loyal love despite their spiritual adultery that despite their unfaithfulness to God God would be faithful to them and he would love them and he would take them to be his own Hosea and Gomer marry they have three children the text tells us there in chapter one two boys and a girl and with each child's birth God says I want to give you the name so that this becomes a whole family illustration I want the names of your kids to also illustrate this relationship that I have with the Jewish people so look in your Bibles there at chapter 1 verse 4 you can circle into your Bibles Jezreel that's the first child that's born it's a son his name in Hebrew Jezreel means God scatters that's what the word means in Hebrew God scatters and it's because he goes on to say there because I'm gonna scatter the people now God ends up doing this 721 BC the Assyrian Empire comes remember the book of Hosea precedes the Book of Daniel chronologically again Hosea ministers about a hundred and thirty years before Daniels even born so when we were last week finishing out the Book of Daniel though the prominent power was the Babylonian Empire but before the Babylonians were the Assyrians and God will use the Assyrians in 722 beseech the northern Kingdom of Israel and so God says to tell say I want you to name your first child Jezreel meaning God scatters because this is exactly what I'm gonna do their unfaithfulness Warren said I'm gonna scatter the people child number two comes in verse six it's a it's a girl God says I want you to name her lo-ruhamah low true amma low in hebrew is no so when used as a prefix here it's it's just the negative and rue Alma means mercy so he's saying no mercy that's what I want you to name child number two now by the way you know weren't you very careful when you pick names for your kids right when you had your babies and you were very careful to you know go through those baby book lists and just we want to pick the perfect name for our child and what do you instantly do you eliminate names of people you never got along with in life right because you're like I can't stand that guy I worked with that child's never gonna get that guy's name right you go through that whole boyfriends and girlfriends off the list former ones right off the list and you're very careful about names that you want to choose for your kids because names say a lot and I really appreciate how some of you have chosen beautiful biblical names for your kids your very spiritual and I'm just telling you it's wonder I've seen families here at Cornerstone you have like a walk in gospel you have Matthew Mark Luke and John you know just that's wonderful Terry and I weren't so spiritual when we put that and pick the names for our kids we just we just picked names that we liked and and we gave them Bible middle names but all three of our kids just Tyler Austin and Lindsey that's just we just like those names when we had them as kids now since then I found out right I mean I already knew Austin was but I didn't realize the other one they're all towns in Texas had I known in advance I would never have wanted to send the message that somehow we're cowboy fans so probably I would have I would have gone with Matthew Mark Luke and John but anyway you know how it is you're very careful by the way if we ever had a fourth kid we were we were gonna name him or her Waco didn't happen didn't happen but you know how that works like you're very careful we want to so can you imagine this little girl going around hi what's your name sweetheart no mercy that's my name no mercy don't mess with me I got no mercy so that's how God God says I want you to call her no mercy because God says I will no longer add mercy on the house of Israel so I want your kids to present you know the message hear the song going message child number three comes along verse nine it's a boy you are to name him low on me and low on me means not my people that poor boy you know it's just roll calls being called in class like not my people you hear yeah right here not my people now I heard this story few years ago but for those of you weren't here this this whole name reminds me of this of this thing that happened between me and Terry because as many of you know I mean it's no secret I've I've made this known clearly over the years that I've been here at Cornerstone I'm not a country music fan all right that's just me I'm not a country music fan I know a lot of you have tried to convert me over the years has it happened not gonna happen I'm just not a country music fan it's just me okay but my wife she kind of likes country music not you know not a die-hard country music fan but every once in a while I'll get in her car and start it up and wmz cues like yeah that would and so you know years ago like this about like seven eight years ago I decided you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the the manly thing I'm gonna man up and I'm gonna take my wife for her birthday to a country music concert that's what I yeah thank you very much say there's some lady there that's really nice do you listen to him listen to him are you listening to him he did that for his wife isn't that sweet anyway so I took her to a Keith Urban concert now Keith Urban was good because he's not twenty see the tiny thing really gets on my nerves you know you know so he was actually really good but when we first got there this is over at Merriweather Post Pavilion so when we got there I'm looking around at the people I'm like man every guy's got on either a John Deere baseball cap or cowboy hat and everybody's got on cowboy boots and ladies are walking around with sleeveless flannel shirts unbuttoned a little bit in both directions and tied at the mid-drift they're got long neck ice-cold beer that never broke anybody's heart that's they're carrying around in their hands they got they got straw between their teeth I looked around the crowd I said Terry Terry I said to my wife Terry these are not my people though I me look low on me these are not my people she looked straight at me she says what are you talking about all of your relatives are from West Virginia these are your people she was true it's true she was right it's true I can't deny it well back to our story here the illustration here gets even more poignant because here's what happens hosea marries Gomer a prostitute they have three kids and then his wife she decides to abandon her husband and her kids and to go back into prostitution chapter 2 if you look in your Bibles in chapter 2 verses 5 through 7 verse 5 for their mother has played the harlot she who conceived them as behaved shamefully for she said I will go after my lovers who give me my bread and my water my wool and my linen my oil and my drink therefore behold God says now I will hedge up your way with thorns and wall her in so that she cannot find her paths she will chase her lover's but not overtake them yes she will seek them but not find them then she will say I will go and return to my first husband to my first love for then it was better for me than now so she returns to her life of prostitution but God makes it hard for her there in verse 6 he says I'll I'll hedge up your way with thorns I'm gonna make it difficult for you now at some point any man or any woman if the illustration were reversed would say enough is enough I mean you God you've asked me to marry this prostitute ok I've done that we've had kids now she's left me and the kids and gone back into prostitution I'm done with her I'm done that would be a normal reaction that anybody would have if this were that were their lives but God says to Hosea I want you to go after I want you to buy her out of prostitution I want you to take her home forgive her and love her go on once you go after chapter 3 look at chapter 3 in your Bibles then the Lord said to me go again love a woman who was loved by a lover and is committing adultery just like the love of the Lord for the children of Israel who looked to other gods and loved the raisin cakes of the pagans hosea says in verse 2 so I bought her for myself for 15 shekels of silver and 1 and 1/2 OMERS of barley and I said to her you shall stay with me many days you shall not play the harlot nor shall you have a man so too will i be toward you in other words he's saying be faithful to me I'll be faithful to you don't go living this life again I bought you back you're mine I love you I forgive you and he takes her back now as a side note this is completely a side note to the points I'm about to make from this story but it is a side note that I felt like in the in the course of preparing for today's teaching that the Lord wanted me to mention I don't know who it might be for just pray about it take it or leave it God might be speaking to someone here today about taking back a cheating spouse rather than divorcing him or her adultery is a biblical grounds for divorce it is but God does not necessarily encourage people to exercise that clause as the first option sometimes God calls us to do the more difficult thing to forgive and to take back now depending on the circumstances and I say this very gently because some circumstances just make it plainly too difficult to take someone back perhaps because this is multi multiple times and so it's like when is this ever ending perhaps the person is not really repentant or humble about it and so how can you really restore a relationship with someone who's not sorry there could be a variety of factors and I and I understand that and I want to you know clearly state that but I've also seen in relationships where God's grace has allowed people to have a deeper marriage on the other side of it because there was grace and forgiveness so again it doesn't always work that way sometimes betrayal is just simply too painful but it's it's obviously a a point in this whole story of how God took back the adulterous people in the same way that he says to hosea go after your adulterous wife forgive her and take her home it may not be for anybody just pray about it but it is something I felt like was worth mentioning that the Lord just had burdened my heart to say now moving on that's just as an aside as much as the book of Hosea in its context illustrates the relationship of God with the Jewish people the parallel is too broad to be missed even for us and I want to share quickly three points from this story that is important for us to take home as as the take away from the book jose a' the first is this like gomer we are guilty of unfaithfulness to god we're all like like her every one of us has been unfaithful to God at some point and I don't mean at some point in our lives I mean at some point in our day at some point in every day we're being unfaithful to God because sometimes we love ourselves more than we love God sometimes we serve ourselves more than we serve God sometimes we value ourselves and other people and our stuff more than we value God we commit a spiritual adultery all the time that's why in that hem of our faith come thou fount of every blessing which we sing in a while there's that line and there may be been troubled by it there's a line in there where the writer that him says prone to wander lord I feel it prone to leave the god I love because there's a little bit in all of us like Gomer that wants to please south and flesh and our own desires and wishes and aspirations and not really value God and esteem God and adore God the way that we should but in that same hymn we are also reminded with these words that Jesus sought me when a stranger wandering from the fold of God he to rescue me from danger interposed his precious blood how his kindness yet pursues me mortal tongue can never tell the hymn writer was saying I can't even tell you I don't know the words to express to you how much God has gone after me even though in my flesh I'm prone to wander God nevertheless in his love has pursued me which is point number two from this story that God never stops loving us he takes an active role in pursuing us in chapter 3 verse 1 it says then the Lord said to me go again love a woman who was loved by a lover and is committing adultery just like the love of the Lord for the children of Israel who look to other gods let me make it clear God never condoned condones our sin in fact he hates our sin but he never stops loving us jeremiah 31:3 God says I have loved you with an ever lasting love I have drawn you or LED you with cords of kindness his love for us is not conditional on how we behave he loves us despite sometimes our bad behavior you know think of it this way if you're a parent you understand you may not like the behavior of your kids from time to time but you don't stop loving them for misbehaving you may be grieved as they get older you may be grieved about the decisions that they make you can't always make every decision for them and you might be brokenhearted over the bad and sinful choices that they make but you don't stop loving them there may be consequences that your kids experienced because of their bad decisions their poor choices and loving parents give loving discipline to a child but you don't stop loving them in fact careful discipline is an expression of love and the same is true with us in God God is brokenhearted and grieved when we make bad in sinful decisions he's grieved over our rebellion against him over our unfaithfulness but he doesn't stop loving us there may of course be natural consequences for our sins things that happen as a result of our poor choices and sinful decisions God in fact in addition to that may even impose discipline on us because Hebrews chapter 12 verse 6 says that God disciplines those whom he loves if you're being disciplined by God considered a badge of honor because it means that God loves you enough to not allow you to be as you are God is a disciplinarian a loving father correcting us admonishing us because He loves us too much to allow us to remain as we are and if we oppose God he will oppose us just as he did with Gomer there back in chapter 2 verse 6 where it says when she returns to this life of prostitution it says that he hedged her up he hedged her way around her with thorns it's just it's it's metaphorical language it's basically saying you go ahead and you do this but you're gonna find that this is a thorny journey you're gonna be miserable and indeed she was she got to the place where she got to the bottom of herself and she ended up admitting that she needed to return to her husband to her first love because she had it better off with him than this miserable life that she had gone back to and God says in chapter 2 verse 14 therefore behold I will allure her I will bring her into the wilderness and speak comfort to her that word allure means to persuade God goes after the people and he says to hosea go after your wife and it's the same thing that God does with us but sometimes number three sometimes the wilderness is the only place we can really hear him because he said there there for behold I will allure her chapter 2 verse 14 I will into the wilderness and speak comfort to her see sometimes we have to get to the bottom of ourselves before we will look up to God we have to be in the wilderness we have to really be in a mess before we realize our need for God and come full circle and surrender to God when Gomer left her husband and kids to return to a life of prostitution it was miserable for her she got to the bottom of herself and she finally realized I need to get back to my first love and that's what God says to Hosea go get her go get her go buy her out of prostitution forgive her take her home and love her and this is exactly what God the Father has done for every single one of us he saw us in our sin in our unfaithfulness and he says to his only begotten son go get her go get him spill your blood dying across for their forgiveness love them and take them back and some of you just simply need to hear loudly and clearly because you have been weighed down by a load of shame and guilt because of your unfaithfulness and sin against God you just need to hear loudly and clearly that God loves you and he will take you back in a minute he will take you back in a minute [Music] God sent his son to pursue us in our unfaithfulness we're all like Gomer unfaithful to our first love and God says despite your unfaithfulness I'm gonna love you I'm gonna pursue you I'm gonna send my son to die for you because such is the love of our Father and so in closing this verse I'll put up on the screen from chapter 1 the end of verse 10 and it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them you are not my people there it shall be said to them you are sons of the Living God because God will take you back he will forgive you he will love you even as John said in 1st John 3:1 behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God amen let's pray father we thank you for your word we thank you for Hosea doing a very difficult thing but what an illustration to us a man who loved a wayward woman a prostitute someone who was unfaithful but he went after her he bought her out of slave out of the slavery of prostitution and he took her back and he forgave her and he loved her in a similar way Lord you did the same thing for us you bought us out of the slavery of sin with the precious blood of Jesus the purchase price was the blood of Jesus you saw us in our unfaithfulness you saw us as wayward men and women in rebellion against you and you pursued us thank you that you never stopped pursuing us lord I pray for someone here or several people here today who have felt under such a weight of shame they just need to hear you love us and you forgive us and you will take them back I'm just gonna pause in my prayer and I want to invite you with your heads bowed if you if you have felt really distant from God not because God has left you but because you have left your first love and the shame and the guilt of your sin or your past or whatever it might be has created this distance between you and the Lord I just want to encourage you run to him right now because he's been pursuing you and he loves you and he wants to forgive you and take you back and so I just want to lead you in a prayer if that if that's you if that speaks to you I just want to lead you in this prayer just pray this with me just say Lord Jesus thank you for running after me I feel so ashamed but I thank you Jesus that you died for all of my shame and guilt and sin forgive me Lord take me back that I might have relationship and fellowship with you once again and I trust you by faith based on this story from Hosea then you were the one who goes after us forgives us and loves us and takes us back Lord received me even as I have by faith received you as Lord and Savior take me back Lord never for me to leave again and Lord for all of us we just thank you and praise you that you were so patient with us and loving that no matter what we've ever done though you might hate our sin you love us and you will never leave us nor forsake us thank you for being our loving father who sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins we give you praise and glory and honor in Jesus name and everybody said amen amen
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 56,719
Rating: 4.8420382 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg Va, Bible, Sermons, Faith, Christian, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Biblical sermons, knowing God, salvation, Leesburg, Pastor Gary Hamrick, the book of hosea explained, hosea 1-14 explained, An overview of the book of hosea, hosea and gomer, biblical unfaithfulness, biblical definition of adultery, unfaithfulness in the bible, an unfaithful wife, why should i forgive after an affair
Id: 9nfta2olSO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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