The Theology of Responsibility | Ezekiel 01-03 | Gary Hamrick

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if you'll take your Bibles with me and go to Ezekiel chapter one and we are reading now out of the New King James Version as I mentioned a few weeks ago the NIV I've been preaching out up for thirty years is no longer in print the 2011 revision that they did I think was a terrible revision in my opinion so we're moving now to New King James we have new King James Bibles available if you see an usher nearby you raise your hand they'll give you one you can turn to page 813 in those Bibles it's Ezekiel chapter 1 page 813 in the church Bibles if you have an ESV you'll probably find very similar to New King James but that's the new version I'm gonna be teaching out of going forward I'm gonna give an intro to The Book of Ezekiel first as we typically do and then we'll read out of chapter one two and three and pray and then dig out a topic that the Lord's put on my heart for today but for you note takers warning in advance I'm probably going to go quicker than you can take notes but do your best here we go the book is named after the Prophet who wrote it Ezekiel his name in Hebrew is Yehezkel the ax has kal translates in Hebrew and into English God will strengthen that's what his name means at the age of 25 Ezekiel was deported to Babylon during the second captivity which is around 597 BC now as we're reading Ezekiel were not different from the book we just finished jeremiah the difference is that jeremiah is a prophet to the people of judah the Jews living in the homeland of Judah Ezekiel is going to be a prophet to the Jews who've been taken captive into Babylon but they're both contemporaries you have Jeremiah in Jerusalem you have Ezekiel in Babylon and there were three deportations when king nebuchadnezzar from babylon came and besieged judah he did it in three stages 606 BC 597 BC 586 BC 586 BC he also destroyed the temple and so he took captive Jews during these three different deportations Daniel the prophet after who book is named in the Bible Daniel was taken in the first deportation in 606 BC by the time Ezekiel gets to Babylon in 597 Daniel has already been there for nine years he's already well known in the palace Ezekiel mentions Daniel by name in the Book of Ezekiel three times Daniel doesn't mention Ezekiel at all by name in his book it is likely that Daniel didn't even know about Ezekiel because at least didn't meet him because Daniels responsibility was in the palace he may have known about Ezekiel but Daniels responsibility was in the palace and so Ezekiel taken to Babylon 597 BC during the second deportation like Jeremiah Ezekiel was born into a priestly family he's a Levite but also like Jeremiah he will never really serve as a priest in Jerusalem instead Ezekiel is going to be called to serve as a prophet to the Jewish exiles in Babylon again during the same time that Jeremiah serves as a prophet to the Jews in Judah and Ezekiel is going to prophesy 22 years starting six years before the temple is destroyed so again remember during the first and second deportation the temple has not yet been destroyed Ezekiel is in Babylon he's going to prophesy about the destruction of the temple that will happen about six years later the Book of Ezekiel is somewhat mystical it is an enigma in other words it baffles the mind and because of its difficulty rabbis prohibited men under the age of 30 from reading it so I just barely qualify I know why you're laughing but anyway but yeah that's the truth it is such a difficult book that the ancient rabbis prohibited men from reading it until they turned age 30 there are different prophetic elements in the Book of Ezekiel a lot of prophetic elements and he prophesized near and he prophesized far which is typical for a lot of prophets there was a near interpretation there was a distant interpretation to some of the things that they said for example in the near prophetic Ezekiel is going to talk about the destruction of Jerusalem that's chapters 1 through 24 and it'll be very similar to some of the sections in the Book of Jeremiah but from a different angle that God shows him from Babylon and then we get into some Far prophecies some distant things that Ezekiel prophesies about for example he prophesized about the re-establishment the reformation of the nation of Israel in chapter 37 about dry bones coming to life again about the Jews that have been dispersed coming back together to form a nation that will happen in 1948 so in some of your lifetime that prophecy actually took place was fulfilled and then there are some other prophecies that Ezekiel speaks about that haven't even been fulfilled yet in our lifetime he looks ahead to the time of the Battle of Armageddon that's chapters 38 and 39 he looks ahead to the Millennial age the Millennial Kingdom that's chapters 40 to 48 and he also describes the Millennial temple in chapters 40 to 48 as well so we'll get to all that you'll notice also going through Ezekiel that there are many similarities between this book and the book of Revelation Ezekiel has a vision of the throne of God in chapter 1 John has a vision of the throne of God in the book of Revelation Ezekiel talks about Gog and Magog which is a reference to Russia Revelation speaks about Gog and Magog as well Ezekiel sees the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven Revelation speaks about a New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven Ezekiel speaks about waters of life and so does John in the book of Revelation the dominant theme of The Book of Ezekiel is the Lord saying and they shall know that I am the Lord 62 times that phrase is found in the Book of Ezekiel sometimes it's that you may know that I am the Lord and other times it's that they may know that I am the Lord but the idea here is that God is a desperate desire for people to know him and God will go to great lengths to reveal himself to people so that they will not die in their sins and this is what God is doing through the prophet Ezekiel remember the Jewish people have been in rebellion against God they've been idolatrous they've been worshipping foreign gods and so God is allowing the Babylonians to come besieged Jerusalem and to take the Jewish people captive many of them to Babylon for a period of 70 years where God will then purge them of their idolatry and yet when he sends them off to Babylon he doesn't wash his hands of them he doesn't say well good riddance I mean you people were in rebellion against me so you just get what you deserve and I want nothing more to do with you no he sends a prophet to them so he's got a prophet working in Judah and Jerusalem among the Jewish people who were still there and he's got a prophet working in Babylon Ezekiel because God is still trying to reach them and God is still trying to speak to them because he desperately wants relationship with people and so with your place there now in Ezekiel chapter 1 I'm going to read a little bit from chapter 1 chapter 2 in chapter 3 but first here from chapter 1 verses 1 2 & 3 it says now it came to pass in the thirtieth year in the fourth month of the fifth day of the month as I was among the captives by the river khabar now pause for a moment in the 30th year probably refers to his own age the Book of Numbers says that a priest would come into priestly service at the age of 30 we know that historically rabbis would come into their ministry at the age of 30 so Ezekiel is probably referring to his own age when he was thirty years of age he's been living here now in Babylon the Lord is going to himself to him and he is situated here he's living with the other captives along the river khabar now the the river Chebar was a tributary of the Euphrates River so he's in Iraq now and he says during that time he says that the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God and there's this wonderful description in the rest of chapter one here and and in into chapter 2 about angelic creatures and chair we find out later he's talking about cherubim with four faces and and four wings and the frame of a man but yet the the feet of calves and so just very strange-looking creatures but we find out later in chapter 10 that these are cherubim these are angelic beings and and he is heaven has opened up for Ezekiel and he's able to see and he has this vision of God around the throne and he and he sees cherubim and angels it's a very spectacular scene here and then in verse two here still in chapter one verse two on the fifth day of the month which was in the fifth year of King yojoa khun's captivity the word of the lord came expressly to ezekiel the priest he's talking in the third person the son of busey in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar and the hand of the lord was upon him now Chaldeans is just another term for Babylonians go to chapter 2 so in chapter 2 verse 1 it says and he said to me this is the Lord speaking to him son of man stand on your feet and I will speak to you and then the spirit entered me when he spoke to me and he set me on my feet and I heard him who spoke to me and he said to me son of man I am sending you to the children of Israel to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me they and their fathers have transgressed against me to this very day for they are impudent and stubborn children I am sending you to them and you shall say to them thus says the Lord God as for them whether they hear or whether they refuse for they are a rebellious house yet they will know that a prophet has been among them go now to chapter three one last section will read here in chapter 3 starting in verse and now it came to pass at the end of seven days that the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel therefore hear a word from my mouth and give them warning from me when I say to the wicked you shall surely die and you give him no warning nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood I will require at your hand this is what he says to Ezekiel yet if you warn the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquity but you have delivered your soul again when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him he shall die because you did not give him warning he shall die in his sins and his righteousness which she has done shall not be remembered but his blood I will require at your hand nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin and he does not sin he shall surely live because he took warning also you will have delivered your soul we're gonna pause there I've been titled today's teaching the theology of responsibility the theology of responsibility let's first pause and pray father in heaven we thank you for this day that we can gather here together and to worship you and to also open our Bibles and to study your word together I thank you for all those who are here and those who are watching online we pray that it's all for your glory Lord and strengthen our hearts in the process we ask we love you in Jesus name and everybody said amen we are living at a time when it is easier to blame somebody than to take personal responsibility for something it's really nothing new this has been going on since the beginning of time at least as it relates to humanity blame-shifting has been going on since the Garden edan and in case you aren't familiar with this story let me just summarize some events from Genesis chapter 3 where God places man in the center of a beautiful garden it is paradise he doesn't have a care or a concern in the world and God also takes from Adams side DNA and makes a woman Eve and there's one thing that God had instructed Adam to begin with and that was that he was free the emphasis is on freedom he was freed of any of the trees of the garden of eden except one the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the only reason why God put that one tree in the garden is so that the relationship that mankind would have with God would be based on the freedom of choice would be a love relationship and not something out of obligation or coercion and yet the one thing that God said don't eat of it for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die meaning literally the dying process will begin the human race will experience death which they weren't we weren't intended to experience the one thing that God had warned them don't don't eat of this one tree they ate and when God called them to account he started with Adam and I'm gonna paraphrase the conversation he said Adam what'd you do that for and Adam said well the woman that you gave me she's a 1 you know Lauren I'm not sure I was really I wasn't really into the whole thing anyway but you said you know let's make a woman out of your side it still hurts you know what I'm saying to you Lord and and I was kind of opposed to halt all idea but then I was just like whoa man come on and then you said okay let's name her that and so Wolfman came along and then she just messed me up you know I'm saying you lord she just messed me up by the way you gave her to me I mean that's in Genesis chapter 3 he says to God he you the one you gave to me and so he blames shifts and then God says to Eve all right what about you and she's like well the serpent that you you know the serpent guy here this serpent the Satan Satan he just tempted me and Satan is just there like I got nobody else to blame there's nobody around and so it's not like this is new blame-shifting has been going on since the Garden of Eden we're all experts at it now is that there's a story in the Hamrick household that we like to tell every so once in a while do you have one of these stories in your family where you just like to bring it up every once in a while just to laugh at somebody in your family about it you know so let friends listen if you can't laugh at yourself laugh at other people but anyway so we so there's this one story where where we get together and we laugh at Tyler what he's sitting over here in the front row and here's this story here's this story we all laugh at each other for different reasons but here's his story so this is about ten years ago when the kids were still teenagers living at home and and I had a little geotracker that I bought from a guy on the street and there's a just a fun little car around town had a soft top and so I'd pull the whole top off when summer months would come and so we all piled into the little Geo Tracker and we're on our way to the community swimming pool and so Terry was up on the front with me three kids squished in the back okay all teenagers now before we left the house Terry had given Tyler a brand new pair of flip-flops you know this story right Tyler all right he knows the story because we remind him every once in a while gave him a brand new pair of flip-flops really nice hey thanks mom love the flip-flops jump in the car off to the pool we go when we got to the pool because the top was off of the tracker he decide I'm going to just jump off the side of the car instead of you know going through the door why bother there's no top I'm gonna jump off the side and when he jumped off the side the front flap of his new flip-flop caught on the edge the rim of the side of the car and he's tumbled out and spill down and we're all looking at him and he gets up and he says thanks a lot mom and we're like what thanks a lot my good if you hadn't given me these flip-flops I would not have fallen out of the car so that's our fun story with Tyler give them a hand everybody that's not funny that's okay we're like remember when you fell out of the car and you blame mom for giving you the flip-flops but we're all experts at this this is the kind of thing that we do and if we don't blame somebody we will make excuses for ourselves and we'll talk about our parents and we'll talk about our family of heritage and we'll make excuses for ourselves well we'll say things like well you know I am the way I am because my mom never really gave me any hugs our mom was a mom wasn't around dad wasn't around dad was a drinker you know and so or we'll say things about our own heritage well the reason I drink alone too much else cuz I'm Irish you know how the Irish are yeah you know how well it's magically delicious you know and so we're we're we're drinkers cuz we're Irish or well I know I have a temper but I'm Italian that's just the way Italians are I know I'm cheap because that's the way Scots are I'm Scottish you know and so and so we say these kinds of things I know I'm irritable but that's because I got some low blood sugar I just need these some food and so on and on it goes and we love to make excuses and and we love to blame Benjamin Franklin once said quote he that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else a journalist by the name of Sidney J Harris who died many years ago he said quote we have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice that is until we have stopped saying it got lost and say I lost it his point is well-taken he said he said you know kids talking passive tense it got lost I don't know but adults ohm it should we should say I lost it it's the difference between a childhood and adulthood the idea of taking responsibility for something see the sociology of responsibility basically says today it's not your fault blame somebody else that's just false the psychology of responsibility says if you take responsibility it empowers you if you blame others you victimize yourself well there's some truth to that but the theology of responsibility says every person is accountable to God for his or her own life period every person is accountable to God for his or her own life this is what Chapter three is about here in Ezekiel if you still have your Bibles open their to Ezekiel chapter three notice in verse 17 where God starts out by saying to Ezekiel son of man I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel therefore hear a word from my mouth and give them warning from me now notice there in verse 17 he addresses Ezekiel as son of man that is also by the way a title for Jesus more than 80 times throughout the Gospels but that is a messianic title that's why Jesus uses it about himself in the Gospels in this usage here in the Book of Ezekiel it's really God just simply saying to Ezekiel you are a man among men you are a representative of the people he refers to Ezekiel as son of man 93 times in the Book of Ezekiel you are son of man you are representative of the people to speak on my behalf to warn the people about their sins which is why God calls him there in verse 17 a watchman he says I have made you a watchman Circle that word watchman now a watchman back in the day was one who stood guard on the top of the city wall at some point in the city wall or in the tower of the city wall in order to alert people to sound a warning regarding any approaching danger from without or any problem from within and so God uses the term figuratively he this was II kill your spiritual watchman in effect what I want you to do is I want you to sound the alarm I want you to warn people that you live with and that you work with that you that you that you love that I love I want you to warn them that if they continue in their sin they're gonna be responsible they're going to be held accountable and so warned do your part and so Ezekiel was tasked with one objective to sound a warning to those who are perishing with the hope that they would listen turn and be saved and in fact God even says to Ezekiel I'm gonna hold you personally responsible for your part and your part is I want you to sound the warning and if you don't sound the warning you're gonna be accountable for your part in that he says now the people are responsible to me in regards to their relationship with me but you're gonna be responsible to me also in regards to your relationship with me and if I tell you to warn people and you don't warn them okay I'll deal with them separately but I'm also gonna hold you responsible for not obeying me either and so in here in chapter 3 verses 18 and 19 God basically says if you don't warn the wicked man of his wicked ways and he still stays in his wickedness okay he's gonna die for his wickedness but I'm gonna hold you responsible for not warning him at the same time if you do warn him and he stays in his wickedness you've done your part and I'll deal with him separately and then in verses 20 and 21 got talks about the righteous and he says listen if a righteous man forsakes his righteousness and you don't warn him you're both responsible individually you know Ezekiel was not responsible for the righteousness or the wickedness of the people Ezekiel was just responsible for his own relationship with God to do what God told him to do and God was gonna deal separately with either the wicked or the righteous because of their responsibility that they had towards him in other words the wicked man will die for his wickedness the righteous man would die I would rather live for his righteousness and an Ezekiel you better do your part to warn them that's the summary thereof chapter 3 and and basically there are three quick points I want to make about the theology of responsibility and the first one is what I've already stated that every person is accountable to God for his or her own life now if that concerns you because you know that you like everyone else in this room have said some things and done some things and thought some things that are pretty wicked well here's the good news the good news is that God wants every single one of us to take responsibility for sin for a sinful condition our sinful practices our sinful thoughts we he wants us to take responsibility to own our sin but the good news is that he has provided a way through Jesus for us not to have to suffer the consequences for our sin you see he wants us to take responsibility for it you know the idea behind the word confess your sins before the Lord the the hold literal meaning behind the word confess simply means to agree with God it's basically agreeing with God's evaluation of the condition of humanity that mankind has fallen we are all sinful none of us is perfect we fall short of the standard of God and if we would acknowledge that and agree with God and then confess in other words acknowledge our sinful condition before God agree with God and then receive from him the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ then we own our sin but we don't have to suffer the consequences for it because the penalty intended for us was placed on Jesus on the cross listen this is Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord now listen to that again the wages of sin is death the wages of sin the wages of sin what are wages wages or payments it's something that we've earned it's it's payment for something that we've earned the idea behind that verse is the wages of sin is death you have earned something as a result of your sinful life there's a pension plan for sinners it's called death that's what it means the wages of sin is death you've earned something over the course of your life and the pension plan is death but the rest of the verse but the gift of God all right a gift versus wages wages are something that you earn something you deserve a gift is something you haven't earned don't deserve it's freely given the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord so on the one hand what I deserve is death because of my sin what I get not because I deserve it or that is a free gift if I trust Christ for my sins that he is the savior who died for my sins and I confess and I agree with God yes Lord I'm a sinner forgive me I'm sorry and then I received from him the free gift of eternal life so that's the good news but every person is accountable to God for his or her own life second good news is this no one is responsible for the sins of his or her parents as some of you may say well I know that but do you because I know a lot of people who believe that they are destined to repeat the sins of their parents or the very least are defined by the sins of their parents neither is true God addresses this in chapter 18 would you turn quickly in your Bibles to Ezekiel chapter 18 the same theme is addressed in chapter 18 as well and in chapter 18 I'm gonna read verses 1 2 & 3 Ezekiel writes the word of the Lord came to me again saying this is the word from God in ezekiel 18 verse 2 what do you mean when you use this proverb concerning the land of israel saying the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge as I live says the Lord God underline as I live verse 3 says the Lord God you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel now your attention the idea of proverb here in this passage is not like the book of Proverbs in your Bibles where you have wonderful godly truisms that are given to us to help us in our life okay that's the book of Proverbs the word proverb is used here in the sense of just this is a common saying this is something that's been repeated long enough and often enough by so many people that you've begun to believe something and God is saying it isn't true and I want you to stop saying it I want you to stop saying it now by the way this whole proverb here this saying about the fathers of eating sour grapes the children's teeth are set on edge this is not the first time we read this first time we read of it is back in the Book of Jeremiah you don't need to turn but it's chapter 31 it's very interesting in Jeremiah 31 God says through the Prophet Jeremiah the same thing I want you to say to the people of Judah stop saying this what's interesting again Jeremiah's prophesying at the same time as Ezekiel just in two different locations which emphasizes the importance of this because God takes time through Jeremiah to say to the Jews in Judah and he takes time through Ezekiel to say to the Jews in Babylon who were there in captivity the same thing is I want you to say this across the board in both locations stop saying this now what is this saying and what does it mean our fathers have eaten sour grapes the children's teeth are set on edge it's a statement that basically would translate like this because our parents ate sour grapes we tasted the tartness in our mouth in other words because of the choices our parents made we're suffering for it God says I want you to stop saying that you have to be responsible for your own life you can no longer blame mom or dad and you cannot believe the lie that what mom or dad did you are destined to repeat because every person is individually accountable and responsible to God so God says as I live there in verse three NIV says as surely as I live it's an oath it's a statement of an oath God is saying I swear by my name this shall not be uttered any more in Israel because God knew the damage that it was causing that people were shirking responsibility because they were saying well I end the way I am because of mom and dad and I do the things I do because of my grandparents and my coach and my aunt and my uncle all these kind of things that happened to me Hey God's got great compassion for the things that have happened to people there's no question that some people in life have had it harder than others no doubt about it but we got to get to the place where we own our own responsibility and stop blaming our two seasons and our choices and our lives and other people we have to say I want to be responsible for my life before God and irrespective of what happened in the past I'm no longer gonna blame other people now where did the Jewish people get this from I'll tell you where they got it from it was a distortion of the second commandment in Exodus chapter 20 as part of the commandment about no idols in Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 God said to them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children to the third and fourth generations now stop right there that's where they stopped reading it and the Jewish people assumed that means that God's going to visit the iniquity of my father upon me third and fourth generation so I'm destined to repeat what daddy did ok now first of all they stopped reading it because he said I will visit the iniquity of the father's upon the children the third and fourth generations for those who hate me that's the rest of the verse not for people who love God for people who hate God the spillover effect of iniquity in a household will happen and will affect a singular household by the way this has been translated in modern terms to something that you also ought to rid from your vocabulary generational curses get rid of that it's the same philosophy it's the same bad wrong philosophy why the third and fourth generation in Hebrew times lived under one roof God is not saying this is something that's perpetually handed down from generation to generation he's saying the residual effect within one household when one father is wicked before God will be there's going to be a nurturing effect within that household but the rest of the verse says but he will give mercy to a thousand generations that's verse six of Exodus chapter 20 but he will give mercy to a thousand generations for them that love him and so that that is a round number basically saying the greater impact of a life that loves God will be felt in successive gen rations more so than the family that hates gone so stop thinking to yourself or believing this lie that what your parents did you're destined to repeat that what was done to you will now be done by you it's the whole victim becomes the victimizer and the abused becomes the abuser mentality that you are bound to your past that you are a product of your environment listen friends in Christ you are a new creation stop saying that proverb in its various modern forms you are a new creature in Christ now I get it I'm not denying that environment shapes a person who raised you and how you were raised can play either a positive or a negative role in your development and some people get a better head start than others and some people have more to overcome than others all I'm saying is this that if you believe in the power of God to raise Jesus from the dead then why should you think anything less concerning the power of God to transform a life God transforms live second Corinthians 5:17 therefore if anyone is in Christ he or she is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new the second birth is greater than the first the spiritual birth is more dominant than the physical birth in Christ the power of your spiritual heritage is greater than the influence of your natural parentage we're gonna close by quickly giving you point number 3 I've already gone over time I think New King James Version just a longer Bible I don't know what is going on God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but once all to turn from sin and turn to him this is important to understand because in relation to the whole idea of responsibility we're responsible to God were accountable to God know his heart she doesn't want any perish go to Ezekiel chapter xxxiii one last verse quickly in your Bibles Ezekiel 33 verse 11 or you can just listen as I read it but God specifically emphasizes this point Ezekiel 33 verse 11 say to them he says to Ezekiel say to them as long as I live again he's starting with an oath I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turned from his way and live turn turn from your evil ways for why should you die o house of Israel that's Ezekiel 33 11 do you hear the heart of God there he's pleading turn please turn please please please but we have to take responsibility we have to do the turning see the heart of God is for all people to turn to him this is why Peter said in 2nd Peter 3:9 that the Lord is patient with us not willing that any should perish but all to come to repentance that's God's heart for us but repentance takes responsibility it is owning my sin my mistakes not blaming others or making excuses and then turning to God at some point you have to stop the blame game you have to stop the victim game you have to stop all the games and you have to begin to realize I am responsible for my life before God as the language suggests in the word itself responsibility response ability it is the ability to choose a response that no longer blames others or makes excuses for my actions or my life and then to respond to God's mercy with humility and repentance amen let's pause and pray thank you Lord for your word and the reminder to us especially in this generation that we are all accountable personally before you help us to stop blaming people circumstances our family of origin whatever it might be and may we take personal responsibility the ability to respond properly no longer blaming others are making excuses for our lives or for our actions but owning those things and then presenting those things to you whether for forgiveness or for healing or whatever it might be Lord turning to you turning from sin being made righteous through Christ through faith in Jesus Christ who makes all things new there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus and we thank you for new lives Lord through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray these things in his matchless name and everybody said amen amen god bless you
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 16,674
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Responsibility, accountability, blame, excuses
Id: mdLHvlJoQcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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