LONGARM MACHINE QUILTING How to Baste Using the All Over Meander Quilt Basting Method

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hi everyone it's michael today um i'm showing you my basting method um this is what i do um when i want to baste the whole quilt prior to doing any quilting on it and i might do this for several reasons one is that i may want to be using my baptist fan set which if you've watched me enough by now you know i like to do those from the bottom to the top so it just helps to baste the whole quilt to start with and then i can quilt from bottom to top and not worry about it the other thing is um what if i only have one long arm frame what if i need to do a quick project in between a longer project and like this project is um a medium to heavy custom quilting project so you know it may be necessary for me to do a quick project in between so therefore if i base the whole thing i can take it off and then put it back again and have it still be stabilized so here's the setup um i'm about in the middle but i'm going to show you some footage from the beginning because i did film it i just didn't talk while i filmed it um and um okay i'm using the line minder this is the long arm line minder and i use this when i load my backings and when i do my all over basting and sometimes when i'm quilting just in general as well so it has it has toggles and i mark the sides both sides with the toggle so i can keep track as i'm advancing the quilt to make sure i'm lined up correctly this is what the long arm line minder looks like um when it's in use some people like it up here some people like it down here toggles do you just squeeze them and line it up where you want and then i can adjust um these other ones where i want so on this one i have it on the sashing here i have this middle one it lines up with the center of the star um this one is on the sashing on the other side and this one is on the edge so anyway um it can be very helpful and this i can take on and remove whenever i want okay so that's the long arm line binder then i do attach my side leaders but what's happened now is i've just quilted this pass so i'm showing you how i advance um so i'm going to advance it and while i'm advancing remember i float my tops that's why we're doing a video this way so you can see what i do with them while i'm advancing i advance until i can see my basting stitch and i know how far up my machine can go so i'm going to stop right about here okay i'm going to get good tension on my back now what excuse me what i do with my tops if i'm floating them is i like to fold them up after each advance to make sure i'm square and then i also like to see this is a great thing to do uh to check your batting to make sure that you don't have like i had there was a line in there um i lift up my top i look at my batting so i'm folding the top up just to see where it's square and see this part of my batting i need to pull over so i smooth out my batting batting is smooth okay and the top i have folded up to be square and it looks like we're going to be fine and then i bring my top back down okay then i'm going to attach my side leaders if you do this system i usually like to use five pins [Applause] and there we go okay so i already know with this quilt and with many others um i've got a little bit of waviness in the borders um on the side so i'll show you how i always handle those everything else i'm smoothing out okay so what i'm gonna do whenever i um baste the sides i like to go from bottom to top and i never want to push the fullness down i'm more about containing the fullness within where it is so there's there's a couple things that you can do sometimes when i base the sides i'll do a zigzag base and in between the zigzags you you can get the the fullness there um but more often than not and i make sure i take my ruler base off so i don't have a extended base paint on right now i do have my roller foot just because i always do all right so i go down to wherever the furthest i can bring my machine and start a stitch here now i have my machine set on two for the length and i've loosened my tension so that's the basting stitch that i like on the anova i don't you do whatever kind of basics that you like but the idea is that this is nice and loose tension is loose these are big stitches you want to be able to take these out really fast um and not spend any time on it okay so you don't need it to squish the sandwich together you're just trying to hold the pieces together okay so here we go and i'm going to use my fingers and i'm going to push down on the fabric in front so that as i go backwards i am easing in any fullness until i get up to the top there we go okay so now and i may run into trouble with this with this border who knows now i'm gonna start my meander so i'm doing a very loose meander and try to think of diagonals instead of up and down so i'm doing its diagonal now i'm going up this way i know you can't see a lot of it when we're on the light colored fabric because i've got the slight thread in it i'm using now this is very just very loose and easy i'm using a 40 weight thread in the top for this and you could also in bobbin if you want a nice uh you know thicker thread that's easy to pull out is fine you don't want to use your best finest thread because this is all coming out i still use a nice high quality thread but [Applause] it's going in the trash when we're done okay so i'm just doing this meander and when i see um from the previous row up there i'm getting close to it i just don't cross over it because there's no need to um so again it's not everywhere you know i'm just doing a really light basting all over when i get to the side i like to go leave space so that i can go up and then i can go down and i can make my last part go up remember because i'm at the very edge so here we go using my fingers any fullness i am taken care of by doing it that way and i've gotten to the top okay okay so here is about a minute and a half of sped up footage from what i had filmed of my quilting prior to starting the youtube video if you want to skip over it skip for about a minute and you should be caught up and then we'll talk about what to do at the bottom of the quilt all right enjoy [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] when i can see the bottom of the quilt near the front bar or just a little bit past the front bar then i like to go ahead and go ahead and advance all the way so that i have access to the bottom and then i know that i've got oh like seven or eight inches further up that i didn't base yet but i take care of this first and that's just because sometimes when you are basting and quilting and pushing everything down that very bottom edge can be the most roughly wavy border that you get and i would rather like i said i'd rather contain it and kind of distribute it within the quilt instead of making one side um having the excess okay so so i'm at the middle and the bottom and i start here and i'm i'm going to go one direction to the side and up and then i'm going to go back and start here again and go the other way okay so i'm going to go to the right on this path so here we go and i'm walking my fingers just like we did on the sides that's taking care of all the fullness and now i'm gonna walk my fingers and keep them down below as i go up just like we always do okay so now we're back where we started and i'm just gonna go the other direction using my fingers on this other side trying to catch up okay and using my fingers at the bottom okay so now i'm going to go ahead and bring the quilt down so that i have access to that part that i missed and i will be a good quilter and put my side leaders on okay um we'll do the other side and at this point i can take off my line minder because i've got that all done okay okay we're good i think so okay i'm gonna finish going up this side oops okay and now it's meander time really just it's just like doing stippling you know when you're quilting little puzzle pieces and um it doesn't really matter how you do it i just try to think of diagonal wavy lines going across the whole width but i see lots of threads i'm gonna have to take care of not too bad though sorry carrie this is my this is my client carries quilts she's been waiting for it forever but she gave me a long a long lead time okay so i'm gonna go ahead and take care of this side part that i missed and then i'm gonna come back and basically the whole perimeter is basted now so i i feel good about that i'm going to advance and uh oh gotta take off the side this goes so fast it feels like just a second ago i was pinning these on so really you can tell this process is a quick one and there's no need for perfection there is a need though to get it basted without big tucks in the back and a big wad of batting somewhere that you weren't expecting you know so you do have to watch out for that but if you look at the if you look at the back of the quilt like i can see some of the stitches from the underneath uh it's you can tell the tension's horrible and that's fine that's what you want for this we are not quilting we're basting okay so i will keep up with good habits and go ahead and pin this back on those of you with side leaders i'm sure you could tell me how fast it is to put your ready edge on or your side grips and i know it is fast but that doesn't bother me okay okay so i'm back there we've got good tension everywhere and now i'm just gonna fill in and go back yeah i can see some fullness here that i'll be quilting out but it's it will all be manageable okay it's basted the entire quilt is basted so yeah if i were doing baptist fans here we go i'd start from the bottom and go up okay for this one though i'm going to start in the center because i have some ideas for it and i want to get there first so now that i've basted the whole quilt it's not going to shift from the backing and the batting okay so that's that's done within this i told you there's some fullness and i i knew that there was some fullness i will have to take care of that when i get to these areas and some of it i could i can see some of it here and i saw some earlier but really um it's not going to be a problem so just this all over meander and then paying attention to keep the sides to where they're not wavy it's really all that you need okay so that is how i do my overall quick baste and if i have clients that say they just want me to baste their quilt they don't like to do the basting but they want to quilt it themselves at home on their on their sewing machines this is what i'll do for them uh the outsides are done and a nice based on the inside with thread and they don't have to worry about pins or spray base or anything so and it's fast as you saw okay the next video up should be some of the custom quilting that i do on this quilt because i plan to start that right now okay so i hope everyone is doing well and i will see you next time bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Michael Davison
Views: 1,959
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Longarm Quilting, Machine Quilting, Long Arm Quilting, Quilting with Rulers, Ruler Work, Michael Davison, Michael Quilts, Crosshatching, Quilts, Quilting Machine, Custom Quilting, Innova Longarm, Longarm Quilting with, Rulers, Quilt Co, Free Motion Quilting, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, Longarm Tutorial, Longarm Class, Quilting Class, Online Quilting Class, How to Baste, Longarm Quilt Basting, Machine Basting, quilt Basting, Meander Basting, Baste a Quilt
Id: toAhVyufcJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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