Escape the GIANT KITTEN in Roblox!

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D guys oh my gosh you look like a rat yo I was doing my intro you can't just yo you're a big fat rat Crystal oh my gosh guys we have to be quiet or my the giant cat did you guys see that oh no we F to get munched on LY so you have to do this I'm talking bro C can you let me finish my sentence please that cat looks like it would chew us out and eat us up in one bite are you you didn't even okay pinch your cheeks everyone stop the yaps grab the yellow key don't make too much noise guys what everybody says it's too loud guys the cow could be anywhere and he can MCH our butts no shorty Shorty's bugging Shorty's bugging oh my gosh wait wait guys look I see a lock over here let me try and shove this key in wa everyone look what I found it's like a kitty litter bow oh I'm going to eat this whoever falls off first is a newbie bud I'm not fall excuse me crystal Pro omy poo going through oh gosh Luke did you die you didn't see anything oh no blood fell and wait come here oh oh my gosh Luke you're crazy at the parkours bro no BS no BS yes Siri I'm that guy so am I and guys everyone grab the blue key wait what do we just jump on Blue key yes s key that's how you get the shortcut all right yeah through the portal everybody are you serious right you now broh brh oh my gosh I just got camped by the cat dude oh my gosh but wait who's still doing the parkour me me oh the two girls are what's up Lil and Crystal y yeah yeah and Lily I would think that this would be your game since you are a cat this should be easy picking this is so good she eating the Kitty food cat guys oh yeah I forgot I forgot oh my God okay she's taking the role play too seriously do not do not eat the cat food but it's so good wait everyone chill with the apps Heather Crouch and start doing this before I grab your butt sh sh before I grab your butt what okay yo yo yo oh that's not okay I'm going this way I'm looking for a cat to grab my bus what Lily what just happened are you okay that doesn't sound good that does not sound good at all wow have you guys SE Lily I just heard her screaming through wall she probably just got smoked oh yeah that oh no blood is right here L why would you get out of the hole I didn't mean my boy help help help on the bright side guys I have one out of yo Lily please stop crying oh my gosh just don't be a nobt I just I thought where you put the key I just got some Dynamite guys but wait what key ly what key the blue one the blue one wao is it next to the front yeah it's right by the spawn you can actually see it from the spawn wait I found where we put the green one it's all the way in the back all right I'm heading back right now and it says break the glass here oh a hammer is needed okay guys if you guys see a hammer let me know and and over here looks like a color coordinated thingy I know these so when you click on it it's going to give you a different color and we have to figure out what color it is okay everyone we're locked in right now we need 12 of the fishy bones and I have my eyeballs peeled let's go underneath oh hi Heather did you get this one it says put out the fire AET of water Dynamite so you could grab the water bucket over here oh you mean Dynamite like this I think it's over here yeah it should be oh no shorty is leading me to the cat where are you taking me right now don't do that wait number four is blue okay remember blue four hi ly here was goody uh Heather's tried to lead me to where we get the water but I feel like she's just leading me in circles sorry wrong way oh my gosh well ly do you know where the blue key goes bro yeah cers key it's right this way okay Heather I don't trust where you're leading me I feel like you're taking me to the cat I'm going with Lucas pukas come on Lily follow me all right I'm behind you let's go and oh I see it luky I see it ke is now out hi Crystal ooh you have a red key I've seen a red door was all the way in the back but let's see what's in the blue over here wa oh Luke do not touch the milk bro this dude potato is getting oh my gosh he's not learning from his mistakes he he just keeps doing it very easy you just have to walk very carefully what if you're that guy you just start running like OHS yeah yeah but get it first move out the way really I died when I was trying to get the red oh my gosh but wait Crystal you had the red key did you complete all this yes stair key it's so hard I know especially the last jumps let's go only really bro Luke really okay we got the key now we have to head to the back over here and Heather did you find out where oh wait wait one is red one is red and four is blue remember that but Heather did you find out where the dynamite goes yeah it's like in a door with a lot of rocks and thingies oh oh of of course Crystal it's in a door with rocks and thingies oh my gosh I can't believe that wow why didn't you just say that oh my gosh that's so convenient yeah if you just said that earlier Heather we would have known but that that tells us nothing either really sorry I'm trying to find it myself oh wait Crystal over here here's a dynamite you should carry one just in case and I remember that the red door was over here and oh luk the green one's right over here yes cersi uh where's the red one again uh it should be this's on the other side Jo Heather do you not just see the cat blood was staring at your booty oh no bro oh your pull it up oh no wait Crystal are you alive Crystal are you alive okay w Wait Luke you said fish where I want the fish I want take out the fire first oh yeah we're stuck are you okay Crystal oh forget Crystal Red Door baby okay well I just found like a giant cat B we can check that out after we get this red door I see it Lucas come on let's go before the cat munches on her butts bro yeah cersi but the cat doesn't munch on mine cuz he knows better oh wait Heather weirdly enough The Rock description you gave is pretty accurate yeah I see it let me let me put the TNT you see I told you all right Luke watch your JB bro oh let's go and I just got the water bucket awesome sauce I know what that's for luk we all know what that's for buddy it's for the fireplace but let's open the door with it oh it must be a cat puzzle luky luckily I'm a professional puzzle puzles yeah yeah yeah yeah y y y y y y yeah let's go bro looking cute right yes sersi he's a little cutie patootie yeah and oh gosh more puzzles luckily I'm a Puzzle Master it says Escape BL cat and now we just got to lower it and then flip this one and boom now we got the Crowbar let's go ly we're actually popping off right now dude and some fish baby oh yeah yeah okay then we got to flip it and yo Alexa I have not seen you are you alive and well what's going on with you I'm still trying to do the parkour at the first part oh my gosh me too Li you're supposed to be an expert at this game you're a cat bro oh my gosh and whoa Lucas pukas the eth the purple key oh my goshes you got Focus thank you I I I was really try and wait ly wood yeah oh to the bus the Crowbar is actually popping off and then let me insert the key over here W we're in cat heaven right now oh my gosh it's like a whole play area and it's some cat parkour oh gosh ly this one's actually really really difficult wait can we touch the white stuff or no uh I think so but I wouldn't recommend it cuz that's not oh look I'm flying on it okay yeah you could touch it but it kind of Saved bro fish Luke I felt like a complete nobt bro it was actually embarrassing oh gosh yeah okay got the fish L key oh no got to go up the St you got to check out what color this key is What It's s I have a crush on a girl that's say I'm not going to say who or what and I have a little song that I can sing in like honor of that oh okay yeah sure what what song you want to say it goes like this OHS and Crystal sitting in a tree k i s s i n g all right I'm not going to lie okay okay every stop talking that was good that that like the high not was good oh okay here's two and wait I think one was red and four was blue and two was green and I see Heather over here hi Heather hey what's goody hoodies she has food in her mouth are you eating cheese you should not be eating one oh Short's dead de hungry oh no bro Heather you're dead n she's literally faster than us she's going to bot oh gosh and oh no hi did Heather just die yeah I saw her get eaten by the cat oh my gosh Lily Crystal where y'all boys is at are you guys together no I'm at the cat food Park what the are you serious Lily you can't do the park oh my gosh Luke do not get out Luke do not get out Luke do not get out oh noo right there for running for it Luke uh I recommend this oh my gosh blood's tug is right in my face yo okay he's literally camping me right now guys I peace camping I'm taking off the fire cuz I want the fishy fishy oh yeah wait where is the fire oh my gosh Luke what side is it on what side is it on you got to go towards like the main area oh oh Kitty's right here what does that Luke what do main area mean is in the room I would be careful look I know he's in the room that's like the whole G oh I found a fishy over here guys I fishy fishy fishy on me baby I'm at five and oh gosh there's a little sign that says b is on a rampage run oh no his name is cat guys B cats I think he's about to be on my cheeks oh no I'm in the front of the safe Zone and Lily you should be behind this door hurry up and beat that level bro we got to stick together cuz you have cats s oh my gosh Heather you scared me and are you leading the cat to me no yes it's literally okay the screen's turning red slide slide oh my gosh Heather are you Ser what bro oh my gosh guys I'm going to need some assistan I'm a little bit nervous right now now but oh wait Heather the water bucket area should be oh back over here hi luky where was the water bucket area oh I actually just came from it uh are you okay why are you making sounds bro sorry I thought I heard the cat oh my gosh okay so this the glass area and okay wait we should actually do this cuz we know all the colors basically and the first one cat's close cat's close you got to run we're it's not that close bro wait was four red or was one red I I think one was red one one was red okay thank you so that means four is blue so that means three is red three three is red what one okay so let's just see one of these should be right oh I did it right what is it what's the color combination one red two yellow three green four blue okay so whoever just told me three was red it was just capping wow all right cool sometimes you just got to guess bro just went do you see that blood just went through the screen you almost got licked through the wall my guy oh gosh okay wait Luke one red two yellow three green and four blue is that correct amundo oh oh no okay we're good we're is that what is the colors bro is that right yeah it should open it's not opening bro it's not opening one red two yellow three green four blue is that right it's different for everyone and then oh my no hey Kitty hey Kitty go to stop me go to me don't go to me bro he's not going to listen to that what is the color combination then bro maybe it's too purple oh my gosh yo I'm cooked I'm cooked bro I'm cooked bro it's not work it Luke I'm cooked bro I'm cooked I don't know what to do I'm cooked bro I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here Luke where's the place with the water bucket bro where is the place for the water bucket to your right to my to my this way this way yeah right under the hole okay under the hole slide to okay I'm inside put out the fire baby and yeah oh yeah that's fire I just got me the isy boy okay everybody we should okay do not group up with me do not look we're dead I'm dead bro I'm dead no no no no you a friendly visitor yes slide to blood thought he was him you're not him buddy you're not him Mouse is on top don't tell him like that he might lick you no I'm Tau him bro cuz cuz I'm Not Afraid okay everyone we should all meet up together Lily Crystal Alexa Heather you guys stick together and me and luk will stick together then we'll group up okay okay Pooky buns what um no no just Heather no no only I call him that you're my Pooky buns please don't say words like that and Luke I got another TNT bro we F to make places go boom boom out here dude yes s ski okay let's check over here underneath a anything light blue light blue Luke and uh three is yellow hold up hold up that means it might be different for everybody so remember three is yellow but let's go over here and let's put the key inside ly where is we at bro where's we at we're in some like water parkour oh no blood what is this thisn got some wetness to it oh gosh ly watch out what water plus lasers is crazy oh my gosh but luckily OHS plus Luke is crazier baby we got the green key yes s laser myself bab bab go to the green Green Door I have the Green Key too wait what where is the Green Door Crystal where is it it's really close to the Canan door uh okay really close to the Canan door so that must mean we're near it right Lucas yeah we I think we went the wrong way then wait are you serious okay Crystal oh my God I was trying to talk to you Crystal are you nearby hello Crystal what what are you okay Green Door thanks Crystal I don't think she's okay we're at the Green Door Crystal meet up if you want okay see you uh I don't know what just happened look we in the vents with it bro we actually secret agents ooh this is like a maze of Swords oh gosh and oh careful do not fall inside the venting ton wait did you go to the left or to the right luk I don't like being alone in dark places left and then left left left is WR I went right and then I went right I'm only doing rights right now bro right right right over here hold up yo right might actually be right yo it's just like that's saying right is always right oh yes Lucas I got that hammer bro let's go and I got a fishy I'm at 8 out of 12 easy I'm at the Green Door oh oh hi wait Crystal wait was that Heather or Crystal what of you guys went inside oh hi Crystal you went inside as we left okay Loki we got the hammer and we're oh yeah oh yeah show find the three planks that spawned across the map and place them across okay and oh no ly uh first of all I just got a pink key Lily Lily this is literally your key bro it's pink and it's a cat oh that's so adorable yeah and we have to find wood ly keep your balls open balls yeah yeah yeah not any other balls but okay everybody else we have to link up to find this wood together Alexa where are you I'm so try to D parkour say you're not at the first level bro too Lily oh my gosh Luke I found the glass babes oh yeah we already beat that do that and then get the pink key and then me and luk are already off looking for the Woodington Luke we just went in a giant Circle bro yeah I can't find anything dude found one found one right over here let's go okay easy and score three is yellow just keep that in your head cuz we're going to have to do that eventually and uh oh I'm in the vents with it okay let us out over here ly I'm not going to lie I don't see any other pieces of wood maybe they're other like vents or something oh wait well one is red so one is red three is yellow right yeah uh remember that okay okay remember um and wait I'm at level one over here where Alexa and Lily are are you guys actually still there there's no way that's like impossible stop judging us we're trying our best oh my gosh but oh over here ly in the front there's a plank in the front bro at the safe Zone I just got it I'm at two out of three planks baby let's go she you could carry both of them at the same time oh I'm dead I'm dead no I'm going to dead no no no no no Z I'm Reviving bro ain't no way did you just get smoked yeah bro I was literally camping oh Lily I see you Lily Lily oh no oh my gosh clutch master you're actually himothy bro I got two planks right now Lily I lost my pink key bro is you serious right now bro really really dude you're going to have to break the glass again oh my gosh all right Lily stick together with me please so we don't lose you again I was so scared that you would get Bo boom this place is dangerous okay follow me over here sh yo no don't do that right now okay four is blue so Luke what was the colors I think three is yellow right yeah uh maybe Heather you remember you have good oh gosh we're we're we're we're green is two and purple is three we we didn't oh Lily's dead Lily Lily why don't you go oh my gosh Lily run Lily oh no wait did you make it to the safe Zone yes Siri w look have you seen the last plank though my boy that's what we're missing bro no I'm still on the honey oh my gosh all right Lily pull up over here oh I see the water bucket area no bro I can't find it Luke I can't find it you got to keep searching my boy wait I found it it's next to the two it's next to the two and two his greed by the way guys and two his greed bring all the planks across wait luky what door was the planks at oh I forgot I forgot ly remember remember uh the farty butt no no does anybody oh Lily what was the planks at what was the last key okay Lily is not that far oh Crystal what about you what about you Crystal you remember uh what what what I'm so I'm at the pink I'm so confused I can't do this big jump yeah yeah the Pink Key where you get it what color door is that so I could pull up oh uh it's like uh I don't know I forgot yeah oh my gosh wait that purle I think okay purple SL well you're just confusing me right now L we got to meet up bro cuz I'm actually kind of nervous being all I'm by the TNT okay the TNT H I just passed the giant Big B the set I think that's where we're going to beat the cat but hello wait I see oh oh over here wait I said that blue is four right blue is four and then I said one is green or three is okay we're really bad at this Heather what did I say the colors were do you remember blue green purple white all right no it's fine just pretend like you don't know just pretend like you don't know okay and oh gosh cat hether cat oh gets get HS really bro oh my gosh Crystal hi Crystal look I made it and boom I got the plages Bro y wait are you able to walk on okay uh I don't think so wait try jump on my head jump on my head wait okay you're purposely jumping over me jump on my head my head how are you okay I'll move a little bit in the front if you need help on this but chrst are you even attemp okay more forward okay more forward right here is this possible uh you're it looks like you're purposely dropped slightly over wait come over here maybe I can maybe it's just cuz I canally walk through you okay can you no Okay jump on my head right now bro don't fold don't fold okay no it's possible bro it's possible okay wait just jump on my head oh jump on Lucas's head wait I'm going just move oh my y we broke the game that's actually cheating the system yes siry all right get the fish and we got the key what the rainbow dude it's red blue green yellow one of them has to be good three of them has to be okay it's not red uh blue all right green o all right yellow really bro really oh my gosh that means that what we just did we have to do the backwards so blue I was thinking oh yeah blue oh how is that backwards at all ly what like Skip One Jump two oh okay Skip One Jump oh it's red oh yeah and we got the orange key what's this key for I think it's for right here we could go through Lava and yo it's a a trip wire go guys bro are you serious you just have to go straight dude it's bad wobbly bro oh wait Luke the B is jumping the B is jumping hi Crystal you made it to the fishy fishy fishy and five theic fish scattered around the maze there's one left guys there's one left jump in the lava yes s SK find it and wait that means the last one has to be the color one which is bro conveniently right over here Loki oh no bro oh we're you might just have to do some guessing bro get you know the statistical probability of this is literally one in a bajillion how am I supposed to guess this right you got this my boy what okay well oh my gosh I'm nervous Crystal we know that four is blue H uh follow me crystal we got to find the other colors dude and this time we actually have to remember what's the colors what do you mean you got it green red blue yellow green okay yeah it's different for everybody green red blue yellow bro unless it's still in a pattern so you said green red blue yellow so maybe maybe try yellow blue green I know what it is wait wait just don't talk wait green red blue yellow green hold up red H okay I'm just a bozo I thought I I was coming up with something swag but I'm not okay ly look around I need to find where the colors is at we already know that four is blue we just need to know what one two and three is yeah if you find one color you should be good no Luke I need more than one color I need three more and the comments are probably cooking us right now cuz we're big noob in all these colors yeah you'll be fine though just believe all right I'm believing I'm believing I'm having good positive energies oh yeah the energies are so positive oh what's up Chris what's your question where's the water bucket uh Heather where's the water bucket two is green two is green it's up your butt and around the corner it's actually behind the rock oh yeah behind the rock oh yeah yeah yeah right over there Crystal nice and okay okay two is green Luke what is two what is two you remember right two is green all right oh yeah 2G 2G 2G so let's go back over here before the cat pulls up on my block and eats my butt and two wait what I already had two as green W whoa whoa whoa whoa hold up hold up hold up look you this is Weir I can get the last fish uh yo yo I I'm about to get boomed guys what is this last color bro try white maybe you just guess I guessed it yo it was red green yellow blue and now I just got the last fishies place them on the pedestal to beat the cat guys the pedestal is where that ginor Miss cat pool was right yeah yeah it's by the fire okay okay everyone link up with me to the dry cat pool okay Alexa Lily that means you too yes I'mma put one fish down I'm cooked BR I'm cooked the cat's going to eat me oh oh that was a close one okay he can't reach me and bro leave me alone dude you're not getting me dude okay I'm ready Crystal why are you making D sads where are you I'm at the pedestal oh I'm here too hi Heather hi Crystal the milk okay oh wait I have to place all the fishes around everyone place any fishes you got yeah yeah yeah Lily Luke Alexa pull up quickly it's about to happen the Cabot is about to start yes cersi I just placed all my fishies okay Alexa Lily pull up we're all the way in the back hurry up before the cat FES us yes I'm coming all right we're here oh nice and final pedestal the almighty milk is being poured wo Luke it looks like it's peeing down bro this is actually awesome and guys we just unlocked the white key n this is dope bro everyone grab the white key Crystal we can now open the white door Ry there move I'm going to get it first move move what you are okay how did you actually get there so fast move L hey I'm hey move move I won first waa guys we're not cats anymore let's go we did it and there's butterflies everywhere we officially beat that crazy cat on oh yeah look at me writing in the cut scene ly do I look swag do I look swag oh yo chill watch your JB bro wait wait hold up he's not attacking oh no yo I I just a fish out of my yeah me to he's doing an oo face now we're friends with the cat yay and he's going on about his day and now we're free guys but okay but we did it yay and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: OmzBlox
Views: 242,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, Omz, Crystal, Roxy, Luke, Lily, Johnny, Aphmau, Escape the GIANT KITTEN in Roblox!
Id: Z1rWFweAD4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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