London System Masterclass || Carlsen vs Kramnik || World Blitz Championship (2019)

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hello everyone and welcome back to the coverage of the world blitz championship we are in the final day of the championship and it is around 18 it's a madness Crossland versus a former world champion Vladimir Kramnik and after his win against Daniel dubov across and drew against young shoots of Duda and now he faces flood Mitt Romney who retired from professional chess but he came out of retirement to enjoy this short blitz tournament he didn't participate in the rapid but still there are only well few people that can tackle him in Boots as he is doing extremely well in this tournament facing call across and so late in the tournament and also he's been practicing with alpha0 now with the deep mines team you know checking out all that no castling gross stuff so who knows what dirty secrets he uncovered as of late that being said let's check out the game Magnus with the white pieces again goes for his London system we have Knight to f6 Knight f3 d5 and Bishop to f4 the london system is on the board we have a c5 by Kramnik ending our e3 and this is a well it's it's a great example because the London system or usually doesn't really pose any problems for black if black is able to counter it properly and who better to test it out then against Vladimir Kramnik with night that's another night nice to see six night BT 2 by Magnus and seek actress on d4 E cap trois on d4 and now Queen to b6 attacking d4 and b2 so Knight B 3 covers both of those threats preparing a4 a5 something the cost and always goes for Bishop to f5 and then out Bishop to e2 it this is a new move in the position so as of mu8 we have a completely new game we have e 6 by Kramnik preparing to develop the dark square Bishop Magnus castles and Bishop to e7 we have a for preparing to pull the Queen further with a5 a6 by cramming and now a5 we have Queen back to d8 a7 is possible but with the bishop covering b8 it would be you would have to wait to push b5 to get the Queen away from there so Queen to d8 and Knight to e5 now an excellent square for the knight we have looked the c8 by kramnik and now c3 just strengthen in the center castles by Kramnik and now rook to e1 with Knight to e4 also an excellent square for economics Knight and Bishop to d3 now if the knight moves you can capture on f5 and double black spawns so Romney goes Knight captures on e5 Bishop characters and now brush up to g6 so the trade happens on g6 instead of an f5 the shabak the f4 magnus doesn't want to allow f6 and d5 to come with the attempt MP and the bishop so Knight back to d6 now kramnik offers a trade of lights worships Magnus captures with Bishop captures pawn captures and now this is one of those decisions that magnus carlsen can make in an instant and well for everyone else we would probably decide on what the best move here but Magnus goes for Bishop captures and e6 something that well not a lot of people would play as you give up your bishop and you go into this night versus a district game where if you trade down into an endgame most likely you will not be able to hold Vladimir Kramnik but Carlsen does not intend to go for the endgame here here Carlsen plans to attack and he starts with the g3 point is he wants to play h4 h5 open up the H file play king g2 and bring the rook over to the open H file and then use the Queen perhaps checkmate the black King so let's see how that goes we have b5 by kramnik Kramnik of course wants to play on the Queen side a capture Sun b6 Queen captures and the now rookie to assault the knight can move the b2 point is now protected rook to b8 challenging the night and not Knight back to c1 the knight is now coming to d3 from where the knight will also control the B to pawn a five by chronic chronic wants to push a 4 and a 3 and if he can break up this structure here then his position will be excellent we have Knight 2 D 3 by Magnus and Queen tab b5 now preparing to further expand with a four and now Carlsen starts with h4 now with rook F to c8 and now rook to d2 now the Queen can move as the knight is also guarded by the rook rook to e8 now preparing to push the pawn to a4 and a3 and here h5 by Magnus Kramnik doesn't want to allow H captures the weaken the the pawn chain so the chapters on h5 himself Queen captures on h5 and now g6 now we have Queen to h6 and now a fork Romney continues to play on the Queen side whereas Crossin plays on the Kings side we have King g2 and it's a really safe square for the King as the the d5 pawn is on a light square so kramnik is unable to move it to use this diagonal for attack and the dark square bishop will not be very useful here so you cannot allow rook to h1 to count while your queen is on h6 this is just instant maid so our kramnik kicks it away Bishop to f6 and now Queen to f4 now Magnus is preparing a 95 to go after the f7 pawn goes from g7 but Knight to e5 still you cannot capture it if you capture it Queen captures then there's just no stopping rock H 1 to H 8 it's completely lost so the dark square bishop is an essential part of kremlings defences so you have to guard the f7 point in Bator by rho k 7 or queen te 8 kramnik prefers queen 38 she wants to keep the rook here as an option to push a three now we have looked a d3 by Magnus now trying to get another attacker to the f7 pawn with f6 cremini has to play something to push it away and night the g4 now with a double attack on the f6 pawn queen to f8 and now rook to f3 and here kramnik was already much lower untimed and then Magnus and in a three minute blitz game that is a lot to take into account so a three by Kramnik there's no point in trying to defend the f6 pawn Magnus just captures it and now you cannot recapture if you capture it's winning for Magnus captures captures captures and now you can just capture on f6 with check there's nothing to do here you can just capture characters the thread is just capture some g6 and if you go back that doesn't really do anything just captures Queen g7 captures here you win the rook and that's just game so first f5 by chronic and now a beautiful move by Magnus Queen to g5 now not allowing captures because of captures so King to f7 that Kramnik tries to run away with the King now but rook to h1 Magnus now abandons the defense of the a3 pawn because the rook to h7 is just too great still how many characters you have to play something with rooked h7 in here Kramnik captures the other pawn as well so here feel free to pause the video and try to find the winning move for Magnus while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations because every move wins here and for those who just want to enjoy a show if you found a rook captures and c3 that's enough for a win if you found Queen to f6 check that's enough for a win since the bishop is pinned but Magnus played the quickest way to victory nights the h6 check you cannot capture as the the bishop is pinned so King te it was played and now Queen characters and g6 with check here gromek played King to d8 but it was also in this position that he resigned because like we said every every move wins here just you can capture on c3 for example real characters now you pick up the the bishop here you can just win the Queen you can try and checkmate the black king right away so everything wins here but it's just amazing this moment where well I forgot where the moment was but after all the trades I think it was around here let me just go back for a few seconds yeah it was fairly early on in the game this moment is so it's only move 18 how quickly Magnus decided to go for this captures and captures and how well he knows the London system so London system isn't dangerous in itself it's what you do with it that matters so this is one such example where you can just use these pawns on light squares as a shield to play g3 tandem of the the dark square Bishop lay King G to open up the H file really just a very instructive game so now once again I do hope you enjoyed that cost instill in so lead after beating Vladimir Kramnik who was who was trailing behind him so we'll see what happens I would like to thank Hugh quite run and Gleb cope chunk of a Joseph mottier how many mizuchi and TAS was arm passes for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot - really appreciate it as usual you can check - on my previous video Sarah thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing the coverage of the world blitz championship until it ends so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 382,142
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, WORLD RAPID CHESS, WORLD BLITZ CHESS, AGADMATOR RAPID, AGADMATOR BLITZ, AGADMATOR CARLSEN, MAGNUS CARLSEN AGADMATOR, WORLD CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP, WORLD CHESS AGADMATOR, MOSCOW AGADMATOR, aronian vs amin, aronian agadmator, CARLSEN VS MVL, carlsen vs kramnik
Id: lAhP3rwaT6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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