Lon Chaney Jr.

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very friendly and very easy I thought he was a very shy man very vulnerable I just like to pet nice things smooth things Lon Chaney jr. has one legacy and it's the universal horror films my grandfather's update loved act he was the lumbering Lennie in Of Mice and Men he was Lawrence Talbot in the Wolfman he played the mummy Frankenstein's monster and Dracula's son but Lon Chaney jr. was also a complex individual who spent most of his life living in the shadow of his father a father who just happened to be one of the greatest stars in the history of motion pictures the 1906 Lon Chaney's senior and his wife cleaver Creighton were struggling vaudevillians who were barely making a living playing the circuit it didn't help that the marriage was plagued by Long's jealousy and cleavers flirtatious nature it also didn't help that cleaver was suffering through a difficult pregnancy on a freezing winter night in a small cabin outside Oklahoma City Creighton tal sheyn II was born seriously premature and weighing only two pounds the infant barely survived when the baby was born the baby wasn't responding it was almost as if Lon Chaney jr. had been born stillborn and finally it was launched senior who stepped forward and took the baby from the doctors arms and rushed out of the door of the cottage they were living in ran down to Belle Isle lake grabbing an axe along the way and smashed through the ice on the top of the lake and took the baby's body and put it underneath the ice cold water and when he brought it back out the baby was crying as cratons health improved so did his parents careers the Chaney's began touring the United States with a company of vaudevillians it was here that the young boy would learn the rigors of life on the road if you're not talking about the proverbial baby born in a theatrical trunk you're pretty doggone close to it but he was small enough that he would sleep in dresser drawers and theatrical boarding houses and would sleep in shoeboxes on the train next to his mother and this went on all through his early childhood a string of touring engagements took the shinies to Chicago Denver and finally to San Francisco where cleaver established herself as a popular cabaret singer was a very rough childhood for Creighton because he never really was able to put down roots in any one place and these were his formative years he was constantly on the road as a result launching a junior spent a lot of his time backstage being taken care of by chorus girls those were his babysitter's but his roughest cratons childhood had been nothing could have prepared the boy for one evening in 1913 when his mother following a heated backstage argument with longs stood in the wings of the majestic theatre in los angeles and swallowed a vial of BI chloride of mercury in a dramatic suicide attempt prompt medical attention saved her life but the caustic poison permanently damaged her vocal chords and put an end to both a career and her stormy marriage granted a divorce long struggled desperately to establish himself in the early motion picture industry and proved that he could provide a suitable home for his eight-year-old son but the courts were not convinced after an emotional legal struggle lon chaney was forced to place his son in a foster home for children of divorce and disaster I think he had to spend some time there which wouldn't be good for any child really so I think his child who was quite rough growing out when long sent the boy to live with his deaf mute parents Creighton learned sign language and pantomime he also developed a profoundly sensitive and compassionate nature at the age of 10 to 12 he's already hitchhiking out of town to go up and pick apricots and fruit orchards to make money for a few cents a basket and he enjoyed doing this he was a gregarious Pleasant regular kind of fellow with the opening of Universal Studios in 1915 lon found steady employment as a character actor and for the first time financial stability he also married again this time to Hazel Hastings a former vaudeville performer finally lon chaney was able to care for Creighton himself over the next four years lon appeared in over 100 films usually in bit parts and character roles but what became increasingly apparent to universal casting directors was the actor's incredible facility with elaborate and often exotic makeups using grease paints putty wax and a variety of wigs false teeth and prosthetics he played everything from clowns and gangsters to exotic villains but none advanced his career more than a miracle man in which he painfully contorted his body to impersonate a bogus [ __ ] in a faith healing scheme before morphing there was lon SHANY at a man of a thousand faces he probably put a couple hundred actors out of work who might have played roles individually but he was able to change his face in his form in so many different ways that I think they looked in a dictionary in those days under the word unique it would have said lon Cheney launched any senior was a larger-than-life figure he was one of Hollywood's greatest actors he was probably the most famous character actor in history of Hollywood amanda was able to play ordinary people to form human beings anything but attractive human beings and remain a leading man throughout the short span of his career incredibly talented Shanee self-taught mastery of bizarre and frightening character makeup reached its pinnacle in two films for universal the Hunchback of Notre Dame and the Phantom of the Opera man of a thousand faces was certainly wasn't any exaggeration I'll never forget the makeup he had for hunchback it looked like he had walnuts in his cheeks they stood out he was able to use his body in a manner that he was really The Hunchback he was so athletic he was able to do stunt work that was most remarkable he was one of a kind I don't think there's ever been anybody that to match what he could do I was a ballerina in a Phantom of the Opera and I think that was the year 1925 I was in some of those scenes where the Phantom was supposed to be loitering or coming down and we were running here and there you know being afraid his makeup was really frightening it was pretty ghastly it was mainly white ghostly and then his eyes was sort of black it was eerie creepy he really had it on all away but all these characters it seemed like they were ugly maybe and frightening but there was something pathetic about them you had a feeling they weren't evil there was something that that was good about him he was one of the greatest stars and the greatest makeup artist ever moving to MGM in 1925 lon chaney became one of America's hottest box-office attractions as the son of a world famous film star Creighton was awed by his father's talent and lifestyle secretly he harbored a desire to follow in Leung's footsteps it was only natural that he would want to go in the show business it was the only life he had ever known and he'd certainly seen the master at work but despite his own good fortune in films lon did everything he could to discourage his son from even considering a Hollywood career the senior Shanee had raised his son to be a man's man we're hunting and fishing were important and a career in business not the arts was encouraged he went to Hollywood High School and he tried to make a football team but surprisingly though he was rather tall he didn't have the bulk on him at the time didn't make the team as soon as his father finds out about an interest in acting he immediately transferred him to a business school he wanted to toughen him up who's his only Son maybe he felt that's what he would need in life you know to get by and stand on his own two feet obeying his father's orders Creighton enrolled at the commercial expert's Training Institute in Los Angeles where he became a plumbing contractor in 1926 he married Dorothy Hinkley entered her family's construction business and started a family of his own but in 1930 Creighton's comfortable middle-class life would forever be changed by news that his father was dying of throat cancer following his successful transition to talkies with the release of a sound version of the unholy three hollywood's man of a thousand faces was being heralded as the man of a thousand voices poised on the brink of even greater fame MGM was planning all talking remakes of his most famous roles and Universal Pictures planned to star him in their production of Dracula but none of this would come to pass on august 26 1930 lon chaney died in los angeles the world mourned the death of one of its greatest stars and hollywood producers scrambled to find actors who could inherit his unique roles but for Creighton tell Cheney the loss of his father came at a time when his personal fortunes were at their lowest point as the depression was sweeping the country the young man's plumbing business failed forced to pursue other work he set his sights on the one career his father had forbidden Drayton Cheney was about to become an actor in 1932 at the age of 26 Creighton Shanee gave up the plumbing trade and made his screen debut in girl-crazy the first of six pictures for RKO studios he was born to act and I think it was his destiny to go back to to acting or the theater but other than bit parts in a pictures or featured parts in see pictures the fledgling actor wasn't being taken seriously casting agents and producers showed little or no interest in the craggy faced youth unless of course he were willing to adopt his father's name for marquee value or three years Creighton Chaney toiled in near obscurity at times he could barely earn enough to feed his wife and two small children mom why'd you do this don't look like to me to keep you from doing something you would regret meaning what punish Maitland Morris is the man you want talk is cheap can you prove that I can prove it as soon as we get back into town by Maitland himself in 1935 Creighton reluctantly agreed to change his name - Lon Chaney jr. I think because of the inevitable comparison to his father he didn't want to take the name long and as he kind of writes he's he held out against that for a long time the studio's kept trying to make him change his name no I don't think he wanted to be Lon Chaney jr. he wanted to be an actor on his own he said they made me so poor I had to take it with his new name came more and at times better roles in 1936 he appeared in his first science fiction film the Republic Pictures serial undersea Kingdom playing an evil henchman in the underwater world of Atlantis professionally things were looking up but that same year Shana's marriage of eight years ended in divorce obviously a stray business and entertainment business don't mix too well and I think it caused a lot of hardships I think it was a very painful divorce I think she was very hurt by it they never talked about each other too much I think because of the pain of the divorce and split up of the family also one reason for the breakup was Shea knees affair with a young actress and model named Patricia Beck she was a starlet through the studio on this very matter of us when he went into the motion picture business and they just fell in love and I'm sure that was part of the breakup also within a few days after his divorce lon and Patsy were married that same year also saw a prosperity in the form of a contract with the 20th Century Fox for the next two years Lon Chaney jr. appeared in no less than 30 films do you want their real story say we'll print it in every paper in the country all right you marry me what come on sergeant the lady's waiting for an answer what is it yes or no yes 30 grands a lot of money Nick I might get a little sore if I found out you pulled a fast one you laid the bed off didn't you you think it was his own dough he lost the way he's beefing about it I didn't have time to lay the bed off so I'm the only guy that lost it's too bad well come on feel like talking now I got nothing to talk about gonna be stepping huh take him in the next room Eric but although the parts he received provided good training few would be impressed by lungs fleeting moment sunscreen in the mid-30s he actually went to acting school to try and improve his talent and after a few sessions the acting coach said hey you're here you're good enough to teach part of the class frustrated by his Hollywood offerings lon turned to the burgeoning Los Angeles stage taking classes and learning his craft he was soon given an opportunity to audition for the role of a lifetime as the powerful yet dim-witted Lenny in the West Coast production of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men originated on Broadway by Broderick Crawford the part of Lenny seemed tailor-made for the lumbering good-natured lawn the production and lawns performance became a tremendous critical and commercial success but when veteran Hollywood producer Hal Roach purchased the screen rights it was Broderick Crawford not lon Jr who was slated by director Lewis milestone to play Lenny Cheney didn't have an agent and Cheney desperately wanted the part of Lenny in the film and he was told the part was already taken he has the audacity to go to Lewis milestone directly or implore the testing for the role of Lenny Lewis milestone says well the parts already taken but he appreciated the gumption the Cheney had shown so he allowed Cheney to portray Lenny in other tests that were given to the other members of the cast that he was screening testing so everybody is screen testing against wan Cheney by the time it came to give Cheney his own test for the role of Lenny milestone was convinced that he had his money right there already didn't needed screen test them and didn't and that's how he got the part George where are we going I forgot I tried not to forget honest I did try denied tried but it didn't do what you covering up there he's dead he was so low I was just I am with him he made like he was gonna bite me and I made like I was gonna smack him then he was dead chinese-inspired screen portrayal of lenny helped make Of Mice and Men one of the most talked-about films of 1939 all you have to do is go back and look at when Ian of mice and men and you see a Dustin Hoffman Rain Man caliber performance when he could be considered to Forrest Gump of his day and I don't know if there's anybody in Hollywood that could have brought as much to that part as Juan Chaney jr. at that time of mice and men received an Academy Award nomination as the year's Best Picture ultimately losing out to Gone with the Wind but despite the film's success Long's performance didn't recommend him for the kind of complex leading roles he craved for his next film producer Hal Roach cast the actor is a grunting Neanderthal chieftain in 1 million BC an implausible but exciting mix of cavemen and dinosaurs it was a leading role but one which led to an even greater career disappointment he created his own maker for 1 million be seen it was really good it's got some great photographs of it but because the unions were coming into effect and he wasn't allowed to do his own makeup I think he could have been a really good makeup artist in his own right had he been allowed to it's just important to know that here's the son of lon Cheney trying at a point in his career to create a character as his father would have created it and not being allowed to do so it was at this time that Universal Pictures was enjoying renewed interest in the kind of Gothic monster films they had initiated with Dracula and Frankenstein nearly a decade before often starring Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi these films were eerie and atmospheric more suggestive than literal but the popularity of Karloff and Lugosi had peaked with son of Frankenstein in 1939 when teamed the next year in Black Friday the box office results were disappointing and Universal executives searched for a new younger personality to reinvigorate its horror tradition who better to fit the bill than the son of their famed man of a thousand faces Universal had dusted off an old Karloff Lugosi script called the electric man and cast Chaney jr. in the role dynamo Dan the electrical man Lon Chaney jr. had found a home at his father's old studio but little did the 35 year old actor know that his next role would catapult him into even greater fame and place him forever in the esteemed company of Karloff Lugosi and even his own father pentagram wolfbane oh I'm sick of the whole thing I'm gonna get out of here whoever is bitten by a werewolf and lives becomes a werewolf himself oh quit handed me there you're just wasting your time as Lawrence Talbots the unfortunate victim of an ancient curse lon chaney created the most durable horror icon of the 1940s The Wolfman was always most proud of the Wolfman he would always refer to the Wolfman as that's my baby because he had in a sense created that particular monster the role of the Wolfman clicked along with the pantheon of roles like Frankenstein and Dracula and Invisible Man the mummy and so on because built into it was humanity here was a man who really didn't want to kill his beyond his control adding greatly to the film's success was a distinguished ensemble cast that included Claude Rains Ralph Bellamy Evelyn anchors Maria Oh Spence kiyah and Bela Lugosi the Wolfman startling appearance was the creation of universals makeup magician Jack Pierce Pierce who had created the makeups of Frankenstein's monster the mummy and other classic monsters spent more than four hours each day applying rubber putty and yak hair to lungs face hands and feet he said he was itching all the time the face makeup was you know horrible for him really and in the hair he said he was always hitch and always wanting to scratch but he had to keep perfect pose you know so they could apply and shoot in sequence to come out like it did in a film released shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor The Wolfman struck a responsive chord with wartime audiences providing a kind of ritual catharsis in the face of real-world Horrors the monster characters left just an indelible impression on the public at that time he was fortunate to be there when he was and he made the most of it the Wolfman made lunch Chaney jr. a star and universal management rushed to put the actor in every kind of horror sequel and remake they could sink his teeth into Shanee was asked to become the first actor to fill Boris Karloff's boots as the Frankenstein monster as a curse on our village the curse of Frankenstein the ghost of Frankenstein was a surprise blockbuster proving to Universal that their classic monsters were virtually indestructible and that the Cheney name meant guaranteed box-office they wasted no time in casting lawn in another role created by Karloff and it's brought death with it we've got to run it down as much as he loved his portrayal of Lenny and of Larry Talbot and the Wolfman he equally despised the mummy because he was wrapped from head to toe in gauze bandage and he had one eye covered and the only thing that was really showing was was one eye on this entire person took 8 hours to put him into the makeup and so Jack Pierce and the directors and producers who would do the film's had devised a system where they would put maybe his hands into makeup for one day his feet into magnet for one day for close-ups his head in shoulders and they would only do the full body wrap whenever they were going to do medium or long shots and in fact Jack Pierce even built a rubber mask for long shots so he wouldn't have to go through the eight-hour makeup or deal in one monster in a movie could be profitable why not try to as they did by teaming long with Bela Lugosi and Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman in son of Dracula cheney's stepped into Lugosi's trademark Cape has count Alucard and ventured from Transylvania to the Louisiana bayou country dry queue is a stretch for Chaney because Chaney the regular gregarious happy-go-lucky compassionate fellow is thrust into a part where all of those particular character elements are totally missing they're devoid he has to portray in essence a bela lugosi aristocrat of evil and he does it effectively will in 1943 LAN received a reprieve from his monster roles when he was cast as a doctor wrongly accused of killing his wife I made a film with him Universal called calling dr. death which was about a doctor whose wife was brutally murdered I played his nurse and I was actually the murderer that you don't know it through most of the film and he hypnotizes me with a gold watch and I tell the story and it was a lovely experience he was a wonderful actor I mean he never forgot a line you know what interests me about actors like lon chaney and and Boris Karloff and Vincent Price but you don't have today in the so-called horror movies they all had a vulnerability about them but there's always that little touch of pathos and I rather liked that I remember when the film was over and we had the rat he came over and he astonished me put his arm around me you know and said thank you so much you know it was lovely working with you and I was very touched in just two years Lon Chaney jr. was so well known that he could forever drop the junior from his name but that wouldn't stop the inevitable and not always favorable comparisons with his late father I suspect the Chaney jr. was such an unhappy man because he was being forced into a mold which perhaps he really didn't want to take them anta love his father and be the second man of a thousand faces long's career frustrations were offset by a happy domestic life unpretentious and good-natured the 38 year old father of two enjoyed hunting fishing and camping he was very affectionate with us I always remember him hugging us and pictures we have I was seen to be in his lap all the time and he had big smile on his face and I think he was very big and warm-hearted person he was such a kind man that family members have said there was never a time around lons house when there weren't other actors around and we're talking about not stars but struggling actors people who wanted to be in the movies and LAN would give them a hand he would put a roof over their head he would feed them he'd known hunger as a child he watched out for his fellow performers of course Long's regard for his fellow performers did not preclude him from pulling more than a few pranks Cheney would go on to Evelyn tankers dressing room along with Broderick Crawford and they'd mess everything up that they thought that was a joke or they'd leave some sort of a small snake or something in her under undergarments she didn't find that funny in 1944 Universal pulled out all the stops by pooling their most famous monsters in a creepy Jamboree entitled house of Frankenstein we knew the breakfast the beginning this said darling this is a million dollar picture they're putting a lot of money into this last night I killed a man who didn't know what you were doing what I did I wanted to kill I don't think we ever walked a scene he just came out and we did it I think that's something the director wanted probably was to scare me they had said don't worry whether or not don't if you're frightened we can't scream don't worry about it because we have a professional screamer on the set and then she'll take care of it well he came at me with that thing on his head and I said let out a screech didn't have to use any professional screamer he did a transformation as many actors do once I get into wardrobe I remembered feeling what he was going through and he really felt and believed what he was doing between 1941 and 1946 Chaney made more than 30 films for universal including two more stints as The Mummy another appearances The Wolfman in house of Dracula and several atmospheric crime melodramas as part of universals popular inner sanctum series Count Dracula sleeps in this coffin but rises every night at sunset chick is right this is awful silly stuff but by 1948 Universal Monsters had passed their peak in popularity instead of frightening post-war audiences the Wolfman Dracula and Frankenstein monster were now seen as objects of fun Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein marked the official end of what has become known as universals horror cycle changing audience tastes demanded newer more sophisticated Horrors and lon chaney found himself largely out of work as an actor he had survived fire and swamps wooden stakes and of course silver bullets yet even survived Abbott and Costello but now an even greater question remained but long Chaney jr. survived himself the 1950s were a boom decade of post-war prosperity suburbs shopping plazas and freeways spread like weeds across the landscape but in sharp contrast were the declining fortunes of many Hollywood studios the infant medium of television was rewriting the rules of popular entertainment and forced a sharp reduction in the number of motion pictures produced each year with film roles in short supply lon chaney returned to the stage scoring a hit in the touring production of Garson Kanaan's born yesterday here the affable actor could demonstrate his long-neglected flair for comedy but offstage long found it more and more difficult to mask his chronic depression and alcoholism nowhere was this problem more embarrassingly demonstrated than on a live television version of Frankenstein in 1951 and he was doing a live television show where he took all of his liquor and put it in spirit gum jars all around make studio and as the shooting would progress he would slip into the makeup room and he would take a drink out of the spirit gum charts and a little kids song dude he said what are you drinking and LAN said that's a new spirit gum kid it works from the inside you know he thinks that the live performance is a rehearsal and goes through the live performance as if it were a rehearsal and when he is supposed to break furniture doesn't break the furniture but blase ease it down very carefully it just goes to the motions and was completely unaware that he was going out on live television in later years he was known to have said get everything you can on me before noon because after that I'm not going to be any good whether it was noon or 1:00 or 2:00 or whatever hour it was during the day wine Cheney knew his limits as an actor it wasn't about to stop drinking just because he was making a movie this public display of lungs very personal problem caused casting agents and producers to brand him as unreliable although he continued to find work his film roles were now largely limited to be pictures as he had in the 1930s lon was again playing dozens of cowboys gangsters and heavies in many ways lon Cheney was back where he started only rarely was the actor given a chance to rehabilitate himself as he did in 1952 giving a brief but memorable performance as the reluctant ex-sheriff opposite Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly in High Noon in 1957 Universal Pictures released the man of a thousand faces a big-budget cinematic tribute to Lon Chaney's senior starring James Cagney by recreating lawns most memorable makeups by dramatizing the actors seemingly selfless efforts on behalf of his son the largely fictional story canonized the silent star for audiences barely old enough to have seen one of his pictures nearly three decades after his death Lon Chaney's senior was still a star and his son could not outshine him making matters worse what starring roles he was offered were usually in low-budget horror films and shockers inside the strange forbidding plantation on the edge of the death Laden bios there is a horror beyond belief Beverly garland as the unwelcome visitor haunted by the fear that the man she loves has become one of them long Cheney as the hook harmed hate maddened cajon just like I'd kill any four-legged Gator I was so fascinated that I was gonna work with him because first of all he looked like the wrath of God and it scared me to death I don't know why he scared me he just did you know and of course I'd heard so much about his father and him and everything and all the things that you know his dad had done and so and so I was really he was kind of like my star had this pan and the other a hook on it because he plays this crazed man that lives in this swamp he's a mess and he's scary as hell and he looks scary as hell grabs me and wants to wake me and takes me to his tavern and then I'd sit down to talk to him and I realized what a sweet guy he was wasn't scary as hell I don't think he ever I don't think monetary journey ever got to play what it really hard to play or became what he wanted to become you know he was always kind of the second banana and I think he wanted to be more than that but by the end of the decade audiences began rediscovering LAN juniors classic screen roles on television magazines like Famous Monsters of Filmland paid tribute to Karloff Lugosi and Chaney in feature stories interviews and pictorials the classic monsters were back in style and Lon Chaney jr. would have one more chance to howl at the moon long oh hi Peter in 1962 televisions route 66 featured a special tribute to three of Hollywood's grandmasters of menace and a Halloween episode entitled lizards leg and owlets wing but as gratifying as it was for audiences to witness the teaming of Boris Karloff Peter Lorre and lon Cheney and even greater thrill was provided by the sight of Boris and LAN in their most famous makeups in 1963 Cheney teamed with Vincent Price in the Haunted palace one in a series of popular Edgar Allan Poe adaptations directed by Roger Corman in witchcraft released by 20th Century Fox in 1964 Lange played the first warlock role of his career in an atmospheric tale of the resurrected dead the Whitlock's have used that cemetery for 800 years what right does enough start like you have to run sewers through their coffins put buildings over their graves he has led you away from the old religion you have disobeyed our priestess we shall be ready for the next several years long continued to find work in films and television but years of heavy drinking had taken their toll deteriorating health limited his appearances to occasional guest roles and bit parts by now he was more of a personality sought for his name that an actor hired for his performance a less courageous man might have retired but lon chaney refused to give up it surprised me as how many movies he actually was in I remember him being very ill and then I look at his filmography in his career and just amazes me he was working the whole time I thought he was laying in bed sick or sitting in his chair that he was still up working and quite active they meet in a fight of fright Dracula versus Frankenstein I did a little cameo in the film called Dracula versus Frankenstein and jr. played a part in it it was kind of pathetic to see on the screen because now his face showed the ravages of alcoholism he was very ill you know his drinking caused a lot of problems with his health and he was always such a big man but as I was growing older he didn't seem so big and at the end he was very thin I don't think he wanted too many people to see him we were down there visiting and he started telling me different stories he couldn't run the nursing and he kind of fell asleep I guess that's the last time I really saw him on July 12th 1973 Creighton tell Chaney the man who began his life as a helpless infant fighting for breath in a frozen lake died of pneumonia but Lon Chaney jr. the actor whose films continue to delight millions all over the world enjoys the kind of immortality reserved for an elite few with Chaney jr. it seems to be pretty much the role of the Wolfman that is so attractive to all of his fans the Wolfman will live again and again and again more than two decades after his death the image of Lon Chaney jr. continues to adorn everything from t-shirts and caps to posters and dolls his films and videos are among the most watched of all time even eclipsing those of his father and at theme parks like Universal Studios Florida the Chaney tradition is kept alive and well helping to maintain this tradition is the actors grandson who along with Sarah Karloff and Bela Lugosi jr. actively supervise the interests of their famous families the three of us are involved with a petition to the postal service for a stamp set series honoring Bela Lugosi Lon Chaney jr. and and my father Boris Karloff being from acting family especially the horror genre we had a lot in common and we just thought what a great thing it would be to have stamps issued in all their behalf just gives me a great sense of pride and I just try to do the best so people don't forget him I really must say that I remember him with warmth a charming man he was honest he was good he was good he was fun I liked him he had his own magic I thought he was a charming actor I think his career speaks for itself and I don't think he had any regrets I think he loved every minute of it when he passed away it kind of rang through my head you know Marie Ouspenskaya is lying over Larry Talbots body in the Wolfman the way you walked was told me so I'm not fault of your own but less terrain enters the soil variable enters the scene 30s run to a predestined end the suffering is over now you will find peace for eternity you
Channel: Movie Documentary
Views: 58,533
Rating: 4.8848 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2013
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